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DICTIONARY OF SPEECH ACT VERBS 1. mgonoee,cxoue one, When Morcton fey proved unstable a @ convict element. Governor ‘Brisbane was oe 10 recep) Norfolk sand. (Clk 198058) Th ii cases the Supreme Court could oer rl By Jury oth parties requred (Cate 198071) ‘bu the king, fearing a ri. exer al newborn roel children done to death and ria a therefore secretly srangered by dine hand {othe family of a loy herman in pace of sown infant dr (sete 1519) Mecnng |onume you understand! hat you have todo what say !want You todo’ says went you to cause Xo happen como ‘soy hisbecouol wont tocoue 0319.0 (Umea do soca chat [Wand expects fo cause him to 80 it athe speech at. He presumes that the ares Das ree comme etry a cn ae SSeS ratte ete me Se ea pee eee a Cae ict es pent ja ee ane aa Pct Pec ae at Lac ate tn ip t Se ae Me a rs met 15 pct extn of mand sin ee a pty oe wk cere men ge ie ate has Seat ct Se ete Aue ni aa oe ao Sepa erento Seer atte tanta gn min a roo renner oe Ti, net raeaieaa to Srcttcartocinessemsee mer ope ies pce ery ee SSS ose an Oe ry ed rsa eae ee te eX na ce Sean eh om tr ata reese ry ai Sr rece rt mame See el Seats thurman cme PEE Sete ears ocean ee Seen eee tate tonne pret Sacre eres amy meter es ems como You must Reep sil” End commanded her. ‘Do as 1 19), do you andertand? (Styron 1980579) "Dont tals so much fd sport’; commanded Gatshy. “Play! (teal 1926102) "Hush, Sophie! I commands, ‘You know you weren a collaborator! (siyran 198060) THe rove one snp osuands Chop off thr head. And hey chopped them afm me watching. (Micnece 198519) eoieg assume that lean cause you te do what | wont you Yo So {ay wont youte do |oizume that can cause you to dot by soying hsm this way "ey thin fis way, bacouse I want fo couse you To doit eae reemperen tamer win re cote here hamrere bene heey eo ea hgh gar wean th oe (Wists Wea romeo or: Commea os re“ Seis enmey anata Spcoae oeenare ma Seren: SEmNnand en ope omen am pe ‘Sey win tao re Pasion oe oe Non ae ce teem ym Tess serene coteeceeate SEES Satie oe ow ecg of ent mc a Sepa Ey Sree orae et ‘Stoner ory angioma tec Se S SE sapere tavern temegem teres = ee aan Late ‘Gea na et te ptoeed yh rene ml Fr th eso, oe Seer pee eee ‘Speci hee ie) tad rye rare Beet Seer dee renee 2 ee ees ioe eee ems ee a Seo ‘ed coe pe me Ly ore ‘than odes 4 amma, We cao, ae Se aun, Whats the meaning of hi rotors? Idem aint explanation (Grace 109) oe swe, Bornstein sorted through them (ome fies] until he found one ised to Southern Bl the Toc telephone company. demanding the return of Grrstond of tg ditance cal Bild to Bernard L Barker or Barker socttes,hsroaestate em. (Bernstein and Woodard 197438) ‘Fike roport calls for an end tothe rel elowed 0 mortgapebolders a tote that ts mal ott of £45 Billon shouldbe switched t0 Tp tnchometes improve bod housing, and bl more houses (Ovarian Weekly 812/883) ecg Ia want x tohoppen | want Y Yo cousoit To happen | hine¥ ry not wont fe happen [hwentVf0 ink tha he Ros fo cause i fe happen ['aeume eveyone would soy that Met isa. good reason wh Y “oul eause fo happen I say hs bocouteLwant fo cause X to happen. cin pa nding ha mt a spate he i in te dementia aay "Seance mh oid ee ne ‘ Sr Rigi i tee CRT Tague Ts fre ny be moral bo ay lo be pal he trance ay (Eo Att pes ty wn Sn sven tpi aos) ene eS ‘erage thes we tn fat sau yr oy eh ye, poe never men narreneete Sage maton agenme eres Speer enna seen Sree ovens eeariee come Se certo hr pet om rca te sent of Crow ‘They [the Nass) were the fist who ‘were able 0 ture human Beings to irsruments boy repontive to ther wil even when tld 10 le dow” Uther own groves and be sot. (Styron 1980316) Ths reminded me that Thad forgoten 1 tell m) Fim [Finnish howe- espero come back [afer my hokey} 90 I arove nto West Eee Vilage to snarch for her. Pitgerlé 192630) ‘Do ae Fel yu, you coward! (Gardet 196051) ‘hat time diy tel hom te guests] 0 come? (Raphael 19768126) acing Ise want you to do x assume that lean sy tis you | his bacauie | want fo cause you to know what you should do Toatume thot yu wll do because of hat cine Tal) oak a rpc i xpi ser ag stot fat rp eae ry uo tm tg Soto at wae pene nor ons weg at od or > th enn, ok ia gy nda cepa emt) pte fo) comput ee ‘Son ie pace bate een een te pea Sit rs eigen ce {Soyo Ver nop the you dQ ess as {Een peg ch Ae nei, howee te pene et ‘ea by sce mpi dh oe ea of nti in ig ce oe a ‘ac dtr ahh belo Te onl pve rs Sed tim ri ae ok at ‘poee wah pon fr She ature i fom fn htt ling 1 .bitaday futcam noses sera baw) Trea aeons ca cr ae ‘pan Moticy rm eal tee tre For ee ote ESSENSE re meee Sn nab oe SEE Tets tose se grea roe (Si. ell aye TREE) the aed et err pan by sei apiece y's ft) ane amu to ee Xo ore toorp ly shel be ed ot ht oh ony cee Tas uy en tg nt bow te Aes SESS G0 supa th ps ai ar e y il da 0 tg tun oan an a ht sting a ota > {Saya sp a os on tal vor a he er create nt nl oa Porno enbo ta Sms mg we eno Ca oe ‘Shores an al oh tet ment hve ae parry sre they (SSeS aR ee tr) br eed ay a Set a ao eb em mig ot “He [Rudolf Hoess, the Commandant of Aushwit=]ntracted her 19 write ‘samemarendn SS Starmbahnftnrer Frits Harjensteln, commanding (fter of th SS gars, directing that search be made forthe candlesticks he ened barracks. Styron 1980308) ‘Pa them there” be [98 Major Konrad Krampf] commanded and when ‘hey were Place onthe grou he etd the soir o smash the stones lind low the Bones into a ple that was obviously going 10 be burned (icone 1983-08) Meonng assume that lam someone who should say what people here ‘hous 30 - owech 3s assume that people ne thin thot they have od tings (ofa ‘Saran Kn) ht swan em too assume they wont fo know what ey should do [sap want poopie nee fo do thos tings O) {ty this becouse | want fo cause people here these things |exsure that poeple here il do those things because of that culo: Den i ina emt) i. iy aig. wee veneer sl erga he stg pono hase SE cin Sig Sly pw we ‘i dn ves mht pss ms ee wi ing {22 Tae pnt expe comple tM sete On oe “ants uy al wa) “nd man cu iinet, nl cones he al racer SS'Salate a sen ne tng Sco oper ton wats {stn Frese he ron wh ds oantodo ominous ‘Slow Soy ace escenario aon he Sat perme oth ty Sree tmet oe you to eel es a mt oe eb ‘Dupre «ang eri nih, ee ds at Ta, a2 eis ts ome Co oa eer el ene Stier a beeps pene wry ty poy pe Lice etisiin noe Suspend meray SE Seog eae rae ‘invention, ut thin i » ditleent seme af vec, aot a spench ct sense) This sages Davinwiratnonpeinwaomecn se Singers so pate, ‘The Deparment of Supply directed sto the Bureau of Mineral Resources torchouse to draw supp for the carvan Dr Laade had lft behind (Dixoa198k:15) Maori eo) |ossume that you want o new what you should dof nd x now that you want me fo cause you fo know "ea you should do thse Things one cer another | ay this because want fo cause you to know whet you shoul [sume that you wil co these things Decuria atl ge dco ep hs doe etme ong tine vost pre wh omen o + Pe ype erat, Insta eer {ora «pce, ows Koow how co nd, and want th peer to case Rta Know chica areae anemone: ‘enitain sgh akwar, aad the eron who of he dictions may ook puried totieachesaceassuinatt Stag pact eae eee ny cho nope tees aroma ce cere sehen ae oeeiemerme rece Ecstatic eee ete ree eeme ne SS Mesnna ort) assume thot you want fo be abie fo find |essume thot you want re fe cous YoU fo know what you shoul , imagine that am soreane who shoud soy what you should do "imagine that | want you fo do sorratning because of which yOu wil ina say want you to do these things (0) smc 6s | tis because | wont fo cause you to do these things |esume that you wil do These things (F) becouse of that Deus Te sila es of nin (be pee Ter tn ke ce) sre ad een cr ne ne ae ot ‘Sly Rn tates oi de ccs ec be bom oh ten TST Gt rs atest tse taps tee We ae (vote aps pop army be ene ep ect, Mayer thon made his final propos a fieyear contract, shee pictres aia of $100.00 pce. "Take i, Joan issued er agent. (THOM seo) Ave we all present, Mademotele? Good. Well youre ladies, we are indead fortunate nthe weather for our pene to Hanging Rook. F have Itseucted Mademoiselle tha a the dat key to be War, you may ‘remove your gloves (Lindsay 196713) "Germe Miss ONells London fla heisracte [the elephone operator} (MeCallough 1972470) "They istraced his houskerper to feed hi [Toad undress Rr and ‘put i to bed (Grahame 198341) ecg Josue that because of who lam an who you ar you wont fo do things hat soy want you todo |ossume that you want fo know what things you should do Isaye want you te do X |say this becaure want fo cause you to do | oatume th you wll do because of hat Discusion: frat cn Se wd ino See hug te, mening urs ‘ron yah tp Cet ne tr he st SSCS Tila omeng Otero Y how do ZX tere Yio. {he pen eh yale oti at ane ae DeEit t'k fe eh tO ath arcane ee pe vn ay tsb sry tela oto Sie ei) lat oe at SSUES be acy te de ine he ope he al ‘SEES se lone omc ole ce pens ts oo aya od nae ey ow aro [SPSEREST fone wees ere ne gears wae, br bea ‘hats ey lcm nd SSSEPIINI As ecu on weet Go hing tf ay Iwo oo Te ae cy te loo ety 1 met ape "edo age f'n thar ym fo “ae spon at adept ea ysl oan ou hye ne we ei a) Some mr ee ‘Ad then, st se had insted Mr Spears nthe concocting of a pink {in so now dam bean 1 intrat Tom inthe concocting of a stable leer for he magaine 3 1981-130) ‘ls we ste, he steucted (Ly 1980197) Meaning assume you want to know what hings you should do | assume that lam someone who sous cause you fo know t Isa: you should do these things. one fier anather |1ay fisbocause | want fo couse you fo know what you shou do [oatume tho you wll went fo do what say you should do mcr, fey yr enh te in ‘Eapena Clay: you id do ese ap tan mere dea hn Sv Sr etre datum of raya step tn Sima Seg Sap aes Oh eae rr ar {honour 5 me i sda te oe fa Ly ee | "Toes ra tay inp ha he hrs oat st ry ning that ares pst mod {eo pers ia Comp rons re a re ‘Crt Caos sh le ow hay SS ieruiin eae St meet Sissy eu aon gre os wen yo al oh. ‘Svelana ran i he evening to sey that a messenger had tied 10 deliver {summon fom the pube prosecutor’ ofc reautig Solhemisyn 10 report to hs offi oS pam. that day. (Seal 1984836) "You are requted to atend this Court on Mondey, December 9, 198, 1 9 aim, for ary sere (ffcal notice frm the Supreme Court of the Auseaan Capital Teitory) Meaning | want something 00 tehappen [mow it connet happen fyou dont cause to appen say want you fo cause itte happen legume you Rave todo [2a this becaute | want fo cause you todo [gure that you wil do it (cu In some ny ut a es be af meen ed, a ‘Rem oan ewe oar and out coe ea of ion es (Shum ht se day ht woe sound. Fre ed (Stan eer arom uo ef col ee ge ‘Sy a St sey cn Ct que at ao) (SEL Tite coe wn pan toner ta fo Prema ‘earn cosy pu tama reread oan ‘Sate pte nos of rao aero’ np wh ‘Plo yet oe ad eof emo oop eit th toon Souder ant go ie at SUMDON) “he couse Sou aed wi dps rene om eu kt with ‘ou as nt ot es pt sos Taare twa ee sa Con be oS ing Twat you {SS afte Su gy a i sds he ese at 3 Ta ac a rl cone par so ot hen ‘Itt orth tpn my wt te see Fe a $n are ire Wi pr ee pe a ee ins er yn Whe a nr pom vues anh one mtn So foc vd” Ta {SSEted ora a ths asa pesppen nape By est eau Saat cy Seo met nr ops repre wow es SS rihanna our pe sua fou For ampere tens "on eu oe ‘ntact eae lic ts "You we eect ten Canvey Sameer nd mas) ens ste see efecto ‘icin nue arse sce bey mq en rca Pty ect se the enc “Tey oer wa Pe” aly sme see oad et oe haa se deer ents tan pred Tony at ape ‘she oct gu mp ects ha he ee i ay tn sopra sca oro Generally the daily ration of food was made contingent upon ffiment ofthe preted work norm. (Reicher 197-127) ‘The Bookshop, stated in Union Court, stocks books prsrbe, recom ————— ‘mended for reference or preliminary reading in connection with courses {aught in dhe Paces. (A guide othe ANU. 198642) ‘One of the bestow quacs afore rly worker, Vuly Karas who publthed an indergound book of his ewe He prescbes dit Consisting of 00 on thro tine of toodporsder ov crushed eeeshell 10 ‘which added separated mak and fat ues. (Bing 198354) Meng Iasume that pacpla wal undentond that Ihave to cause people of ‘Goats Kind (0 to knew wht each of them shoul do aime poopie wil undetsond at havo fo say things of kind ‘hat people may not be able fo say elorwords | Gon say them inwting | sayro pation of nl (about whorn Y can be said) shoule do 2 {osume that pens ofkind X would want fo know what say they erould do, 1 say hs Bocause want fo cause people of kind X to know what ‘hey should eee meee nt sehen la ase scents ope aad eo te an soa SSD! Pact ar po en br emp Sedna av! drow wee soe nea fr nl “aco fpr phe ps i pore ooving compote: 41 thane at pop il ted ht Vet te ope os ea) {ohn en en hal Obi oh ra toe peo, ott hn tis rnc sr peti» peur ene or xo Sour hes ws te poe A elt oie Mor gs en {evan rec ec a Rg en The en sme th eb pin ind wt rt to wa he sme Sn ec t fneheun nbn tp te sw cing. a ay pene SS ne cs ep ue a oh {Screw Raps baste enone ih np ae ‘hw ay un aoa mt haar a oe ome fy nerve oe wig aa Tb cgel hu oc gt ppl ow wht hey shal de hey wo sul ny a yt deat ak te aan po ‘hetmaning ope Foca Sao tne" efor (orp jt cs you yor mate 9 Jo Oe SnEs wes ey er command ms oy pany eae ‘SESS’ dna supe a he aye pense pe heh SSieiie mane oe uu ay ape er ark ar ee nd Sm ait One er hn it pe se he re [sao dons tw ane pre pcb Yo 2) th her ‘Sheer cman ease Atay, cay sanyo een ‘the pogo caps pcre 2. THEASK, GROUP ase, When she came out she sad ohe had setter to cur mother and Aunt Alle, asking for mone. (Facey 19818) 1 904 ples, Iwan oak oe favour. (Grahame 19828) Mand ever since tha he later went on Ina mourn foe, he won doe thing ask" (Cardnes 196099) “A clergyman went down on his Res 10 ask the forgtener of God forall of them (Cate 198025) Mocing soy. | want you todo [nik of a8 something that wil be good forme Tessie that you con have fo dit |corit know whether you wl do [Soy tis Because want fo cause you te doit Bera re i oe eat sta at eee Sa ‘ere tata the me re ak wed repr aoa aking Ervin Ci ee pe aan (Sate ture ent toe tr Yl eo 8 I wn etamd gerne dese cecome of speck ct ings eng or se ai 0 th tea Tops aah ‘ele yoo am dors aus eins peri mode, pli, noma eh aes forget ening aba et een eae ESSN ST Tie Tey sec compl pha sh ST Zt ou a eg ein Sica rmng mes ee a ae oa a er as i ap ma wea her hme "eptember dnt nie ea et {Blots ene Inco cng wy fr yet of rah pen, SLOP eeTr tonne queer cont or ame ees ce a ee ese me eva opr es cee eee yin ferent s iene ee SCORE DEER nin he bry ps re epi SEASELUG esd SNe peat te eo pt epee Oe ak yor hav) bt a se Ct toer Ton mar te ee see se tin ce bn eet ming ne toy See nts Se ‘Thane ocoarayeng | When the judge clled on them 0349 why sentence of death should nor [epronouneed upon tem, they requested permission 10 exhibit the a Peed backs the court fo sho what forures they had ended. (Clark 1900-88) jor eving El esd tate be lied accompany into Brn ey sant wold fo Ta her 195610). if odd bebe yo sold oe im home fay he er su The gues at ply pled. ut apa ht ey ely edn cht ite mae (ken 319). Nonna Te wont tonoppen {ew ot can happen it amaane 0) oss do someting coum ttonappen | oy sbecave| wont fo couse X10 couse fo hoppen {Gent wort ty tht hte ce {Geure tatunsomons tht nove areas fo sath weontYtohancen Jost hot oso ¥fohoppen er eg gt“ a a SES ty ns its comer’ Sep Seema et Seeing se ‘ome sa he so ta oy ge "Sts wes Sees Ss eee eM i, To en early tam nay ee oe do Seat ia pr Sen" ed OTC Se Sr asa een een we Tr pone vit epe nth lr ns pate So SoS acta tamara en st mec ih wes tS wig own Sere ‘Sree se hc a taps ot he ety Som. et ‘poh pelt a est tn aay nents ay on rnaSaty fo chop {iptaf be qeehart Cavey he wlevacon nwronena “hres hi oa a ee wy in ert wu ober pepe Repent either sr “th age bat ew td int ay mt ape, ‘ie emer ig ne "he pnd ot a, qe my pt hs my be pay asd oy sec a et on Scena sly ry The tbo tes ‘Sc ee ow that pnp i ‘SEG cece tee em aah qual Snt wate ta hs ‘Sis nctrliceanpotn one bach ump cme re Seo tt ee pct oe aa ee Tee ag a elas ene ans hove bbs or tet Shere EE t-te rl oft ofp orn vere ei Rep prt ny heb SELEY pedis edn stn tmpeson Norma en see on ft mes ey weal Aan wera at i de smetig frm re thn ewe at ete eo nny wa, sus wel ewe ie thn tb swe 6 “ti ental cara rec py ud yt embnin {fae rt poo so tae TIER Tae sso tated, wa een ol need Suet ee ni fava ts soups lhe a beeps a crate tna bs Women ce te eb mn np Tea ca at ci ya ‘Verb wach som tne eo muning wih the vu of power ‘kc gl pel spe epee fer) who (elem neta pie thr ol psa in ist Paps re ems ee ran et (A few years ago a spc fc train toamasors wat opened in — ‘falluniely places the National University of them the Exon ital Talon and wes promeny inundated with appleaions. Local fc ‘over egged the nvr enrol thr candidates who could tonofiate tne factory banqueting hall (Binyon 198372) ‘The voter begaedegan 0 g0.'Blesz, Tom! can stand this any more (iagerals 1925518) Teg of You to do thi for me, Nott release me, Just so release my lute bey Bese dois forme. Pease. Past (Styr00 1980-81) Md earnestly beg you a eat fo conde i.1 know my difetes rcofnoimportaneia yon. bur oucouldont gveaglance.-(Sye0n io10365) sacs Mcring | want something (0 to hapeen that willbe good forme Iinow coe cause oappen IHgel someting because of that now that you can couse io appen |cssure tnat you dont want fo dit Hae want you todo | Vino tat you rt have todo what sy want you te do cenit want fo stop saying that | wont histo happen Isa this n this way, because want fo couse you To doit |Hhink of you as someone who can cause me fo feel something ‘mere than good or something more than bod Diecuon. The pen no wn ‘is hinge ews omting ‘Spe na hi isms sl et ‘gt ia san rg oan uo oa fret art pt en uy eee oe a “Fem, My anc Peep a ul gd “Toe wns sant wi ape 1S het Ee be ri tee AS seep a tlnpene (1k Hf yo ef mene eat fi nig re tn fds oti mean ta) T hese, ae vt sins ayo ano the pon gh epi, ove he see's wel sci ding ere tol [ings ssouy" Wha peer mats at 0 mute haem oon [in cr sce of at ow an mud a nebo ‘Shounen are ca oe ammo eS tome Tsu plo twee Sp ne eae he on (erin asi fn roca sigh ect meng om sw nie ‘cepa rs ue men co eo This part of me fasted and prayed and beseshed the Lord eamety for revaion. glance. farther sgn(Stsron 1967322) "Then when he ashes had cooled Il amid thera and made afl ray, essching God for i protection nthe coming srg: The Lord ‘Sim hehe and my station whom hall ea? (Steon 1967376) Mecing Isa want you todo | want you 18 uncetand that ft move than Important forme that "you shove dot Ian 2 now important Yeo! sometting because of that Hknew hat you Sort have to do what soy | want you todo eno that you mar nt wont fo do |e ths because want fo cause you to doit | tia that ifyou now how impartant is ferme you may want fo oor hen: hs ony wd np Th ingen ‘SSS. Sal lr aor oom kf ‘Bea scm, Heng dre tee po be nese yi ‘OS atop ose hel by ranging nee om Sere sop say dt me app), te dae ag SUES Te a oc fe edo Cong pens ne a bet ACE Sagi yng et sa en or ee Mig thee cal tras of use a he aie ona dm the gn hia ssn ii epee or {Ea muy en ung are o manne Hi, nd oa iE ‘Sgpeu Sn es a replant reat gu SORES realist ar omer atrtee eke ow an tg tron ‘Serer pero sh ‘Nathan, don’ go” she implored hi desperately and reached out Ki ‘wh Bot hands ‘need you, Naan "(Syron 198087) tha Tet me espln’ ahe implored. him. Hor componue was fas dssobing, and her vote cracked (Styron 1980.25) have receved ltr. imploring me and other poliial partes to pass hs egiation without delay. (HS: 6121853136) Moming "say. want you to do x [want you undertond that Hwlbe ve than bad for maf you ‘cont doit how tht you dent ave to do wht say | want you to do |.asume that you dont wan! toot Hoel something bad because of hat want youte imagine how fot "nk you imagine how o8 you wi fee something because of ‘hat end wil do what |say Iwan youto do | soy tis because |wont o cause you todo ‘out: Theprn sho per wns ie dosent We (rath tee tt secs i pay Scie ett eed Sion a np enc ee sme fo ‘oo Ase epg rene ae oben Yo ‘neue wan odode pene, boi he mops wl ob (as pg oats th gy bade ee Sgt ‘ue ley tar aes wt hee i sb ah ‘ly alot in set debe fa ape te aoe eo ‘iNSou pons lad apenas ane pea Ringe sop, ple ‘estar win se and smanh ca gt ene eng [SS smunywmeningPe spn ately ing holy (tr ‘eteneno nept ce) een anemia et ‘Sig ar nn. mh “isan acto grin i i oar tre wis tage 1 fom guts nar, semeting po The ose te a te fo ta ew Pp an ‘Comte rap rie We was ‘apse epson ce. “He appealed to the members present to re above the narrow concerns (of party and site and see thts leaders whether the course of ‘world history wil tendo raged oro salvation. (Scammell 184318) “nun. Rhodorovch reveled iam iteriew thet the campaign apa supporter of he fand vas wnprecdented and tha he wat appealing 10 ‘President Carter io save te fund from “aniaion(Scamel 1984958) ecring hin that you dont do something () something more than bad wil Rapper Heel someting thinking cout t |S hink you should do something that would couse that boc ‘hing not to happen want youte doit ano tat you dent have to doit | think that when you hoot ths you wil fee something because ott ‘ond you wi want 0 doit | ine a iyou Tink a60UT Ht you wl understand tht you soul oor |inink att people hear about It they wl fink that you shouts do ® | soy thi because | want fo couse you fo think about tend te dot then ws men we ni t,t ney an acon sore pel oth bette vege [jpn tees nn ae tar end ne er ue eb may ‘SAPP Some cae mt by ey ba foe a a) A vt en ar A evan omg rea gto et 2 ee ‘neues ht pony wa moe an Sod fer nba em of “pate ay nl espe oso) tars al ew be oh a tou nya ce prny ene ener mu wasn ita ten htt i et et ‘Thcgeg eran fa sat rigs eno tng ‘he Mato dete patra asemagt ral spe te sda oat ret ‘lone, me ne ston rey ‘hn kha you in apr = youl nse th oe (2°00 sty re sarene (a hat oe ‘Sux att arta war oo eh bet be oper at ean son ee ‘Semcon ie hin bw be sae nee at Shien ahs we etm "i a pa ae te emp cnt ab htc, ‘iat pent nis decree ngs om mae ee Sorte pee rn sh ware appne oop Yume Yoo Panag at 2 appa oY) at 2 "tui esr cand spe a ete sens pee wh ater me oot opeles tw 3 ngpee ae {ee oars te a pet in yw pl va {itm oon ey, hae tao eo ‘ony Tae youts i Ferree nf pda bP ‘hn Toa ot ott mend "or es ht ppc sei completo opr X peat Yn fo 28 pe for tae cpa wa eh oe pen ib st op at pena smc o happen a ae be cates tere Avge psn a gs i pra on os gy et nv pao nome Reon new saa arg tng ‘Saipan ing, trp wae wae cg ane irom mamma os fe ac so Toaig a oa ie pole enon Woy ce ‘Sting nr em nesta pene ft peo apni henna tr enon cmon i te ole ye ‘ht ssl eT ping eta os pn a alo tat i epi Fr spe ot Teagite te ppt ode etn aa Itong pening, as ha pp ape Faced Ute areees Siecle mae ee ‘eimai alae Satheewis eee eee opt yo mn ec aes“ pas Sarai eae Soret ees Sh aoe rene tac ees ate Sertich man plage hha “Ta Sa md ge ay in wn ‘no tee 10 appeal nor to petition Present Park oe sian ca iv thao ot ean nc dan, “Please stp, Ray” pleaded the poor Mote, in aneuish of heart. (Grahame isis) When Francs Plemore was indicted in London in 1788 for stealing ‘wo pas of plated soe buckles, he pleaded that he was ery much in liquor atthe time. He was sronsported for seen pears. Some pended ddesitaion as tht exci. (Chick 19802425) Poland's dijense might have been more efestive had not France and ‘sere “England ll har nome, pleaded ith her not 10 mobile, fering dat “ler might be antagonced (Michene 1983401) Mering Ie want you todo | Shum you uncertand that til be ba forme yeu dont dot Heal something inking about [Yfink tt you dont want to dit Hoo that you dor have fo do what sy wont you fo. do [wort you fo undertane tat you shoul ot [ine fe ore good! easons why you shoul dot [Sy tis because wont fo cause you te dot Seca et et remorse am ak te adr lng eo To ato oe pec pag et on a a ay fring oe ae io and a SE, ics ominplomcmirenpeamcn een er ha cnmgasion ‘ume Bo mana ni see ean se oi, ‘Shafer nai oe, Tey SIRE edt of ta frm we of ew), a 8 mt Sarin bey a ce et oping cn en en) Bt eg 0 sees SSOSDHE SLASECT, Rat rw tn unseen not engany. Momo ei ie accompany panne sm my at ire oe Se asec al Seas oper ne “hae aning tom df pr ae tnd he ea ae aa and ng mae mee EEE SLT ah oe tert ome 2CRLSSPES IESE Sues rc tre wah vee ee Fa ceca mh ap conan ees veal an Ad SRE Ti rere ck se oso ante ar reso eso scmetne eo nT ng ‘en So nln hes et Sms Sonica nea rca Ronropovch and Vishnevskeya wee grant ermision 1 leave he Soviet Thuowaper Senor Edward Kennedy personaly intercede wih Breshnee rong ato Moscow. (Seael 1984908) May may he [Ch enable fo Share he inberiance of your sate i Mary. the virin Mother of God withthe poste, the mars and al our sins on whote const intercession we rel for help (Hol dat for help olings ering Lino hat A wants yu to do somthing tha woud be good Iinow net AGame cawsyouTocone OO Hinew hat you ean Sowher you wont Yo do Vet ht You Rave reason nto wane do what A wants you to “30 Iitink thot say to you that want want ns you todo you may want todo | want youto do {tay isbedsuee| want cous that good ting to happen oA {ita you dont hove odo wht oy war you xara 99.) 0 a sm el ap ‘Singuran yo ohh tay ae po te Sn se a at Saimin es teu al pow Se ati i anaes a ar peop ‘SS pred npn tre th ping asa ye fo Ecosyst Cae gi ea one dostachng as wold be got rece e Kibo sin, ‘yu ul ct ae ts wht wat no ef For ni whoa ahl oe tanh hare Pe ‘pet mp tn 8 ea ‘pee tne mr i yaa te my cher ama ne at at avisd Keaaedysironsioe oo behalf of Rossopovich Soe toneeceenee em ette ce ora ah, pt tio wut so aoa ean Sear est ese has rp og se Sa oem tobe mcm onto), Home te uate ss ie (bce consid odo eae pwnd tm, (he at ef OS aes gro nro tn aI ao a ce, hte nuded eee (9 ene Moblarat ne tgvo supe 8) amy ‘Siudents requiring ecommodation should apply f0 the Registrar by 16 ecb of he year pir to enrolment. (A guide to the AN.U. 18640) “Sane fering a lege! bate with ousted Tatan dato fean-Claude ‘Dir who has thwarted French demands tat he leave the cury by Sppiving Jor lea refuge staas. (Caner Times 15/2/86) TWh he Public Serie, sehen T ave applied for other positions i ie pat have always been ranted an imtesew, becouse T apply for Jats am qualified todo, (Nason Times 14-29/2/8611) eceing | tink of you 0 someone/people who can say things to peoHie ot ‘you wer iretftuton Y speaking fo people \cxsume tat you would wont fo couse for some people ore ‘things tha some people would want you fo couse forthe Isat want you to cause Kor me [nin woue be good f you caused forme because ofthe Things which ean be fy said about me | soy his way in ving), 2cau%e | want you te think about it ‘ond to say whether you wan! fo cous forme Calon: ie ma tr sider ropes ngs Enh pil el Pc tees ned anno tome ex re onc ae Tr peh pe ntion i oan ee Ar re Sa eit Sonn aig ean atin oo SEEDS ttl he por met na pe tei The ee Son sing conan poh ‘peti ot "los era cnc oma So shnera gn apatnv e eues sane ete a te onan ate oe er ‘So tens a ads red ye ea a at on hr onnnton royce acerain sandr sion hai ee tS acta compo ha ow an cr te pe evil mat you tc or et Te ao ae et acne cane wha 8 rs tga Ss ot et ‘oe at ha cep oti Sa ve ih ehh ak ow th oe a bea opel a) mw apy ha ope wt (Som, et nrc ce apn Tosa ee nh at ‘See ae es eo i i ye ‘Pe i pt ate pce hu ee i ater Sin Sc py a he ce ‘Spee oo sou me as Xp oa pin ape or sult ¥ter Sie bea oY rz ‘het ht he ane eo a for 0b te Sueeieecincis ee nea emt roped comet Y 02 2d pope commend 0 Kupiele er Seen mem cr, a tn sebuhipecatamtam avai tr ric: wnvation a icin cpm = ot erty ged fel Son eta tt mae to Sela rupny Se tnt for the Labor Party. (H-S: 21/3/82:1413) oa ISepmasn EE sienna Snir eS waco aqtnat You Rave fo do ee aisha team navncam yest (henner se re eee" a eneemee ppseezee eras ‘eee tacos lat te ee ag ct hl et rt eccentric STEEL PN cet ee ra Se eceethter a erate sone ae SESE SETS Schaar es cme es Gf at SSS ecg tite Tot ee to) Sa a tc apa ESSERE Ape tm atmos St tr tt pine to oe, ad enema Somer enn oan ae TERRES ciowo cerca emo abel re cae eu ering ses See a sia rere nop oe cE ea Paes man te i te ce yr reno o aan tte oy rie mse mT mn eae ee re tana ee ase os i areca ma a fase se naa Seca ears a meseelrr ie qcapbiop tar ma been od st Fs ad ws pete peer ee re hl i age a rr, a TRISD SS ake ume theft ht arg in as eg (SRD Atm heen pment mae he er Jeet resunot, 2 this tome Vagon wasn even lower apis, having completed his work th the Sovct Union’ energy resources, Bakhtin persuade, him o write piece to commemorate the anniversary of Pushin’ death (lek and Holgist 1984200) Tha lucky stoke, the daughter of Andropor, the head of the KGB, uate Turbines seman, She peesuaded er Jor 0 se up Bath ad Ife inthe press Kremlin hosp revevedfor highly paced peopl, In Aoscow. (tank and Holgust 1984336) Aman who would woo afar maid Should ‘prenticehimsel tothe trade, And study al dy, method a. How tote, cole and persuade. nd sty a ee Yeventa of ihe Guard) rink that you should do x Hnow that you den want fo dot Hh lean sy tinge whic wl cous yout think about itn ‘ateront way | want you 0 Come fo think about itn a ferent way Iwant fo sy why ink ot you should co it lor.) |t9y inthis way, because | want fo cause you to cameo think nat you should do X and dot ‘fade, supine Se) ands et oe The anon mde Son ‘ips ie sate sping cue fore her hae eae Th en Ser ae Pe es i ‘i pong Sin, wee aco png mh tid lS pr ‘ncaa wved pura cong saa ent ng ‘ortega ithe seis expe ke New fa the ade hu do soathlng (yt youn 0) a oad ed top ‘er mu nls, he sur tag ne (oes pode Bt SoMa mie Howe, Sou ge deoece bene er se yy ns a ‘Sette ners Talay sb ce of pg eri end ‘ey tint vr pnd rn ga Ta te ene ‘Pettit wo tren ys es peed Ye doe pre Fash me mie foe ame ew Seine Yi ig?" tel Pu nse ma veuor om. Tt ober, salt eet meg pose ‘Stoney ining tps stan (Tao at Jo dnt wat 8, bat Be sma tht a we opt ae hinges a beg es ‘Fie as Se Foo la ow ie pore Begun of pen res to ene it prorat ens wo is ESET rh pa pa coi rig ‘Moshe emf pees “am go sao henry pena he ere fh ees nena Acs Hats (905) oper ts eee ope soo ep own ew Br he soe a eed {yep Sto ee prt or pom he nagar Iw on ant ‘Friaig te mtraen nated pi a ae ase “Pe aged ape te ares cr wi seme abe prema. Dow th Oe et a pas nm mn a pot Iara eat ox rp et pene Te spre py (RE "ot co moo gaged. Nene, So hk a he gt to et do Xs mod cosy rade wpe Pre ‘ven ome mae pn soe eat be Spc a twat you est nak aou ina er) tan "Aas eh i eed yt i, at eo that you want to do X | thik you shout ot Henew hat you cont want nt to dott [irc con aay tinge which all couse you fo think about i in a tore way | wont you fo come fo think about Min @ ferent way |hwant fo soy why thi that you shout doit eae (3 1 Say Uh in th way, becouse | want To cause you to think thot "you shouldnt dot ane not do toh on ay rt rg re ih sot, |thek you should think thot Howth you de" wor oti tis [hin Icon soy Pings that wal couse you to think about IF n ‘deren wy | want fo soy why think thot you should think that Hea.) | Say thi inthis woy, because I want fo cause you to come fo thik ‘pat you shoud thnk that and think hat connor “And ike Francis he was equally sure that men can Be convince af nosing Anlst the word ofthe man who reasons with thom are theft of ‘deleted We (Govdge 1961-160) “ay did nor convins the Cardinal ha they were right bar he could sot convince theme ha the was ight he had old for dhe moment and lerehem go. (Goudge 1961162) ecng assume that you ar thinking ef sorneone saying XY Fassume tht you ore nt sua you should ithe I say you shoul think tis [think ean couse you to be sue ofthis | want fo dofsay something that woul couse you tobe sue of his {ay this becouse | want 9 couse you think ths Dacuslon: Asad to Jon BS) snc kB emi 4 tt ‘Sateen cet pe upy te A come oe ht ey eA npn ra tr Oa ‘Sigatertabes gow rm aban coul ay me ca eer ‘ete wer cme wou ube nent nine Ee at ‘Seam ot ombig doe ate a tinge ae come i ht hese aeny ng era (Yume Fou ‘ig ef come yng Xz) anda ba ebro Bond ‘Sela er he tne nae Sle eat cnet hg ann te etnias hn doc. Fr eam enc ch an stan ad oy we ‘Sacra meg thesyua sf ees ces parse pst sel os nc soon of mage ented oo at Sear nes ar he eb dof soc jing meng ee Tallady ths gnc ns freon ch ees a at ta Sa ine dang des At aX ped oa at ‘at semi» popmion (hth ning ad one eet ithe al he Rais a oh hsb wet {ain prop ne te ee nel hanes set Rui rt of penn no “Ine dic of cone ube ex te sew he etm pradesh “tine hn tad X pad ¥ tht Zl yous ta ak 2 Retna re fe ce ee ie case cmepug persone eee anen “cps Rock not re eee nem rmaee eercrooat Seren geet Satna apse es are teen ae om er a, ms fe Geiser te dens tu Xa deems of rch ora ny ee oi eaieeaeaee ta eg batpaate rh snr Tekncienneataiemereremuruaras Seheeeee Sane SO ace aa i ra ce ig ening reesieeeceeaee oS oes Enreseee ones ‘3. THEASK, OROUP ast, “How do you get to West Beg village” he asked pes. (Fitzgerald 1826.10) ‘Subsequently someone asked Gandhi whether he had had enoush o- thing) on "The Kings he replied, had enough on for both of (cher 198403) Meaning soy: want youto soy something that coud cause someone fo nuk | this bacoute | want fo couse you to dot | o2tuma tat you wil say something because ofthat [ert now what you wil say caso: tnt eomen ein eet mate TET ear ant faba daconio sa opel formal wee be rc itp ene pots mt ml eo so fe wat ora Sats tenor Egil San cor he nib ak ae oul gos we eee in sonnet once ee by te SRSLSS Sit cts innou ora spat nae tena ators can no Sub ht ho eh ty ltd One at it ee pune ye we nro lee equ en poral eae, by mane of he se eosin wih aes wt in rrr ein ee ee ops Se (Sr eee agro est mayne cere oper tb aos {Grau 5-2. Coe ae ewe fc he fawn sn 7 he ‘recs ass Ao gl tie woo egg ne (Sieg » uo sea be onl he eof osm Se Se ten pa a a {he ord pe of ning on he op nd Sh anc ae” Di the ai min mpm eno athe etn o's eat ey wes om O ymca rng bdr ie "SS semen 9S stn tener eens sin asempn bt he ests ws bene, nr cre ‘Sheng os ee frig pn imp met oe oe i opted ec ihr ei ri Cake on hn naps rani omen pee ‘Spe wens ase Ts it yet rte ony Poste ‘uno aig anne of oti epee 2 eGo stent nye ne hs eg on ants pone aera ‘peice, a tn ee se a tee b ced {Sin ommnoonde ange tn Sate Pos) cna Sst ost de somtng tha be fore Ba the oe aig 1 gow dae tn tat Een rtaiopse peesan o {eit us tthe empires au foe Sat Sa e's ro eel i a meee "pt c,h sa FS i in he ns ribo em mere "ew oo Waa 9 nd 58), open frm Hone aldlowing tne Gouin on mae enn of me ta ser cater rea ate Se Et awy Ge te tet bh el pone ed yh pen i be ec nt ona gon Ts em hou UU T lag fess thee te fri» iba ins aurpeagce, een) sere ase neurone nee shee parte ofen"ingsod Jordan of the gel bee a pce Pine Minister Brace hal ove orth ap Tn orn spasm dy eon ual of ve ordre of evry mae Wil You - _—_mauesmiount_o wed me le ad? Wil you share my cota shady (Gilbert aa Sallan, “Te Sorcerer) mecnng sy. want fo ow some things about x |astume that | con cause mse fo know thee things by causing ‘someone ole fo say things about x I nek somoene here may bs 2b f9 say somthing tha wll couse ‘me tre thees tinge | want somecne here ts it | his because | wan! fo couse someone hereto say somthing "nat wl couse mo fo kro Those tings Dacuoregeten Ss yaya fi ee wing “Sieg none, star ain git ots oor eet ‘sty baer aera ct on Fr eam on ome uct me nt np ot a ae Cen aan Aen Sn ese wc oer Eve mao‘ tins sg snd pqs Fea fr ee oan aut ‘Easing hei yh ci ot a ce irae nasa ne Se puro a te of a ‘Sree nae eet inet rides aoa ln lng Ge pnt “Re wetinnantin cee oie led i i enn wishin rl pnts own ef i sig the ‘regan cee er npn ene Tees mi les ite ram he noun nguyen ae Pian te pe Bot 29_tognse _ = cine stoop nami [Sis es a ros sn erin ofa (a on i seo ao i Sa Soca spe oarona den it hy he Gee] sree hdd and stny-seven pss eons by he Gere Sine any Unter te Cok one eon it) dha thee 509) Sec exMensel an eB inf elh et et ccna wre ho hed ben asked esCeatbhe om ond ajc to eas, bu hema they ie oop cael 181380) Mone [sume you understand that | am someone who con cause peorte "Tod things thal hey dort wont fo do Ise went you fo sy 0 things thot you know | Safume thot you wil ot wart f say al ofthese things 10 me [ani ean eauve you To soy tings that you dont want fo Say [Sesame you uncentand that tean say ond Go tings 0 youre ang hme 1 couse you to say thos things say the bosause wantt0 couse you To soy everthing that | want ‘youtosoy ecient san rng ieee cpr nme ey te oie eh PURE, br nk cael Bf ingie ator perp stun. (ches county hy woe eae ma creping he a ae fini eae tugs de ety he Se SS ee (Sloe Set St ant nn ae {Sagy “Dong ting oe sen cs at er, ban Sn ay SS ETRSASES Sat tl i oe i ina tn ih wo a “ay atm mie hetero clay se pec a el co hae yess te {5 mm te ent meaty haa rh eects by ‘ereetg fen incepta be oth enya ee STC lr yn oe cg ‘uemnon, ‘wo Britons wanted fr questioning by British police in connection with ‘no robberies in London tvolving atl of 32 milion oe beng expeled from Span. (Guardian Weety 8 12/857) "A imes you are not sure wha he) are aking, but youheve confidence that they know. Therefore you do not qusion o ee them. (Fine 197810) The bel that children ae tobe sso, not baad unfortunaily el accepted by many parents. In tha sytem the paren: ves the isrutions, land he childs supposed to obediently respond and not ution the parent (Fine 197.105) Moning | want fo know many things about x hin ere may be something bod about X tht dont know want fo know |assume that you con say éme things about X that could cause Te fo row thowo tings that! want f know | oy. want you to say these tino: say tis couse | wont o couse you to dot esume you uncantana tht you should dt "ssume that have he ght fo know hese things nine that yeu may want fo say ls han you can IWant you fo Undentond that lant you te soya you can ns un ce aay 8) Baume Cea) ap at Be QUES, evs nn tg mani oie sent a SOS a ee eee ee Fan esos fem no 8, BEE SEpa eaten! Tn may om sd he ren "snc hy onan er eee, FO Fe eng gion, wes uti ed To Sn gn ater ani rin nn dnt ae ron ee a te pt ote reat he net The eae ao cus my wa ows ethane can, andbe Ce peak eer Sree a,b ei, paca tere be yg et permed ncaa 10 40m pes of ee mete sow sats of SSRIT SAT ee eee a eo le Far cknp i en usin ws ae Ne a gu espns tt igh oh — and te tie so Biles bin ors tr Ahn te ae ee eaten sch a Terai Ba arate SESS Ss Sk Sat ae se he ss gue eg a thet Soe pains one, oP nice petra esr 16 or wl tH esa aan, mete ts ih vrs ht he ate ht En 6 ae de Nii poner hence Orbos oa resumed ae Ks UETOn ing of Sweden: Are you questioning oor eto? - Von Bs srt seom great mom, amos anoppssb, ‘cant roma ta eyo log ihe 965130) =—= ussnonn 7 Prices were fled. and whon a baker named Farey in Glnferie asuburb ‘of Melbourne, questioned the power ofthe Conomonsealth Yo fix prices, ‘he High Court 1918 raed eons him. (Crk 1980208) “ld question she President structions (Barat and Woodward 1934130) Mecning "kr that omecn (2) sayeX "knw that think hat people wil sume thot sight ond that hey wil do something because ofthat Isa ove reesons to think hol there may be something not ght ‘about x | want fo say something about Xo cause people think that there ‘may be something no ight about | want poopie fo think about X to cause themeoles fo know Xs ‘ot | fhistbecause | dort want people to do anything because of X Ifsomeone ces cause thom fo krow that X srg Lassume that Ihave the ight fo row why one should Tink that Xs ‘ight Deoutdor Quen my rete ett gunn Ox pon Monat tow soning Hy rae ibd a oh a thee = tom avne wh wht he en sn a scm fen tnd Goad ‘Stacy ur hoe rca gua hates pal pope Oop mt sno he rn wk te a i re op So i le Soa “Teco oe of guns inks it wth genni. The peo wh gestion i nares Te po te gon wn ‘Sc nee en nar a co ao, SS Ice ac Sra hoe at a Ber en ‘py dopa vey oe Wh utr ETON [vents in 19657 cused many ofthe iar member ofthe comment fo question the wisdom ofeach poly (Crk 1980-266) non nat some poole ase tsi goed can be at people wil: that this inert exec ht oer onn vt cur thal i “cnt rR ese fuosat so metng boca a seve resco rk nl ae mr berating ba, erasing tel oad Veen et went tay samy auto cose poop fori a Canttesoabory wehbe thnk abut cue nomsvertonow Xk on \dotton peo ogo ong bac thay astume ea Tobe soot ca on Sy hc tan ey cc rt ‘ooosheys poston, Ceca sprang, een ai gusiony god ng, ot a Eee Sapa ceed ocee SEGeaaSermnecie ey ve ae cinerea Drayton arse seo ep) bath Bes SRE TRIS TST eet a's meme, pty a STE oT grime ay oa tng eh a ar {flys ms atl on qu tha ae wc emi ton Se ON hn tne shld es, peal a apes * sig at ry ed ent i ga nt ‘Brel af mp peuany me ur ep oot bon tor ‘Stonington ornate acho Ti ike to qsery pol B ofthis propose. (Heard at meeting of the docation Commie ofthe Facltyof Ars, ANU, 1985) Tauppose soft comes off said te Duele. 1p ered the reporter. noice tha se something between 2 P| and a seeam. (Sak 1958308) "A es public meting thee weoks ago, artistic dtr Richard Cote vered whether the Board could condemn a program which did net even (vbr yes (National Tes 1319/12/883) know that person 2 has sid something (Y eboutX lie hat 2 sears that eornaone shoud do something (W) ‘because of hal || don know a the pots of ¥ aright Itfnk hot some pass of may not be rah tink that the can Z should say something me cbout x that ould cause people fo know IY sight |29y tis because wont fo hear more things about that could ‘cause ane fo know I eight ication, Tomer iomntngt asig seating nab mee, Egon ey en ra he Sars a a ee {Sone wn Gri este bosses mth Soe 'y sete pom ted psy ots yaar ea, a Had Sian ud gy mmc oi ct ‘Sasori ene ate it nea ons en! (Geeqre of werme)sascnlbegico ng treet trace ‘erase yan om tne Tate er mpl ha {Sb sar ort sds expend ood Wy ern om SS Me wn tad pone opi eh ee ‘ie mar my natb pe ma esha She dob spre ye gringo ry lad eae Th peer et aris pig rt i et, on ‘low oe mange nt ie xp eo ttc nc ‘Sts te an say pve dace, ing ae rt if iape ine tye fran forte, hee pre sp ‘Sans dpe Heke ysl orig te lo ey gH weg» ng en a Teast ne cat gy 4 oe an keno nore ce spline ictal encore, antes shh adc tng tn cg, et ies fi ad oa et cnet, oe bth ac Fam (cn cg ie ae “at Stein a ream roe Hee PO ‘ens th rts expend by he gine gens come oy "Teale ypc eo SE GE ANT gy Sng te ore ee he ieee SCE Wp ety bowen he overt nt tn Sones oan a pon ramon noun wt res oe ae ca tthe erg te nc aan SENSIS A tay tan met, wah ape oe sa ton o sre 28 Tete ante a sanyo deh aan Gow oe ‘Pol fa aa cen ioe nag moyen mht neem hat guy Cd so dr, a aa ts vin rec era Eve heh on (pu Ce ei wen by pon (2h a res oa oe ce om eo, ay easing a oe Sp SES ae fg pte nd ot in bs 4. THE CALL GROUP att, "Good nighclled Mis Bake from the sais. (nga 192625) nthe Mowe ho seemed ro Be a person of some authority amon neon cae ous 'S down ll of yous ond Hsten to me? (Gases 196085- » | want fo say semeting fo you ‘say | Bee you oe in place where you may Not hear me sy i inthe way pecela say Things fo one another when they arn the some place |axsume you wi hear ma if sy itn this wo. s people say things “eons ancthor when fey ore notin the sare place lay thin ns way, because | wont To cause you To knew what ‘wart 10 soy SSE ig rc ma oye rn (etry omg tops) alo ap anes, or {i'r pia ym opt al Co ree et ‘te plan, shu omy no pt nao Bk ‘jawed oeiibor sr aos oun btw alco hm it eae Tiara he dae 6 wm ne ng someting int sf ay fon ar For ea he sap an Gace ated oe be Mae ae hee a a efi Ne ra blast Some wav tng ot os foam wb na gh acto, ea ut wt yl i oe pa Ap ice {pets efoto nr a Th lors mr she so ling eed at hat ne ol 08 Atung Gr sean hg rs) fst i cao tied She a oy nn pt cme a $y moe ei bn tao lig Tie vt mom a or pe nal mone ‘emmy aetna re ol se pea to {Rw mms hin By on pring och nao ca tepced Sine om et fn) ne pela a ae SAC a pin ee a yg ea tn a ee a oy mei 2 al ‘SS'iay os epeno wo tea, When Sener toy and an SS Sane fe sen, ey wh we {0 ey mmeing your utah co cting We ene Sore. We dont cat SS ESE ne smn fen here ee ey, at cr i ha, Pi, enh uh ee ‘eh. Bur hace ue at al spn a eb imply his compen part of th ca (Gatsby had been cle tothe phone. (itzgerala 1926113) ‘Rath al the Mole 0 come and help him. (Grab 1983:8) Heong rent 29) smthirg 1 ee eaten ray te See grtoone och wee he Sones 1 or necr meso tn thi wy ce poopy ngs sae citar eye nse Isa es you score neve |r en ue to norren Sc ese tee a Secs can tec onenarneurnoen art ans cee came ccna tha SSEa A ream arti pn Reon ered Ee Ma emirates Rt Sr aceon ‘ring, ov by mente of ater subyues for oman voce (tekgram, telephone, pete, PALIN Tr ne we soot ca ate emote formula the comgonst 1 want wr Se ne ure tt uy ong You. Naw, + ENE Ch ‘S'itanys moter eed hin home” wih rele complemen: om; dos ily ‘rb creamed we meet Te (SrMOeP2 ec ns ponies nm ot cman a8 78 "Oeth oerod fhe fo cand Ym py a x oats Pon owe sor un sering Tle Yo eft cay» Sig ys ftw et wt ou coe es on (Come om and 2 mn nan of nba Stoney pupa ‘Sorpetima at fat oy The bird nthe bird-coge [was] sobbing pl and ealing tobe let ou (Grahame 1985:38) “He hse ise, ron upatsins, erected Ms wf, Kotaryna, and elles fora bath (Michener 965251), Mooring | want fo say something to someone [say want someon fe come here now anc to do something (X) | say this becaute Iwano cause fo happen assume poopie who cous dot ee foo faraway fern her fo her ‘me if sc this inthe way peopl sy ings to one another when thoy aro the same place | his hin this way, ox people sy things o one another “hen they at Ao Inthe someplace, someone may hea me ‘rs coma ners and doit ‘eal tal nt gest sey aed SS le ing ‘Seiecue fay ane pr para tea al ‘camer ina wars apnea sect ae pror al apatns eee a ate a nn 2a ae at ceo pte ‘ui ves eh om Wi epee Sal ‘ati eater nda tosh may ate seen wa ‘atonal 1 em nn ome Sa wy oy mt ng ‘Spy we pa cf rang tt so Ton ar wed nag sy i ht ‘2 pene man arson opp he cal om maple at aa nat fin Wa _samon, rs nm fom Rk nd eo Es ame A ale Prine fama aconveton 0 Se 18 de fee cone Ga ei i in emma pe bot spa oe Ba) i et ce hw) no sion Soa moo "Sy eunom cnet tie See re ere aot nate rte 7 boo it to happer ison gegen deer Rn econ eco Sroiahe ton oe ce haat es fhe dongenatrg ne lehen arama tousssrg rsa et losseeneaenn net ise oasaat nae reonie saya elses Hacettepe maa ocean ae ems ome ‘the stn envsc wb ilg ecm Noseato break eae Te amen aso imple ne poe xi of wh mY See a cea wim ue psn wenn veo ‘Sopupancos yous bn bane ong ce, oa Watts be sca {wan yo to ewe bs a,b ln om TE Scie vom ise be dae Perma wel er 08 fr ‘tte tine tance rpenne mt yp oe hin ove a ei sal oben mn he ose, peas EGER ns yt oe i ey — 1 wo ay ‘See oh eonnipbeweheseoty H hin te fh moet fase i pe as em 5 Sin i an ono ch tn Se ote shin Wer (3) meen ea eh ner a eee ‘eee hte wo st oe ie SS Se SS cm po SSS ie oom es demon roa ‘Sg soe te pce eon te yout top an eae Tha ‘he peat oe a ene sn nee led he many oer fiioending wet mon omc we tt pope br, he owing mp "Pee a ge ‘cu ak nar ret ns ume fr whe nae ak {ihe hed pa of enor chr ESM) Meteo amen ced ‘i mph ti me, oe ea py ae aps ‘Fetorphts ene ny aes About a month after the Colorado tp Linda cle Bll Mari and tes him o escort her tow pat. (Esichan 197621) “Lot of people came who haven been invited? she said suddenly. Fite pel 1926115) z “Mr Thropmorton di novia Lucas tos, she stood (Aken 1982127) ‘Afr ts peck ested questions. (Fier 1984181) ecring |ossume thot pease cant do Xt! don’ say tha woud want hem to coit | tink it would be good for you tobe abe te dit | sy, | would wan! you fod if you wanted fo dot | say tis because wont fo cours you odo tf you want to doit | don't naw if you wi do [assume trot you dont have todo it [ossume that you would wan fo do crete someon: osm sp nt tes cts gun ed Serene SRS eivawec te Sie tea Sexe te enferoting at nce 0 a eee han in tet Sea Shins ne cura Gobet sal tee cu aman tenga ope ne on Sia Cn chee ay commande oy Bas ‘Staton be ssmpon Ca te spn Be ome hs sri ‘tu feast tony tows tame ilo tr cme icin Sia, core, an prt ont ie cong tan me 98 ia won pene Sa ere tty or brn pe a he ate, 0, SPS SESREAM labor Fem mr per doef in eacay fk ab Joe ‘st doh Ba i cea neste Oma st they ise hei he ate cn a gy ey ot ‘Solzhntyn calle 0 the onto contider sown cae and defend him spans the erections to whic hehadbean subjected (Searmel 984587) hen the Judge called om them #0 say wh sonore of doth should rot be pronounced upon Dem, the requtsted permission 10 exhibit tr Utceraed boc othe cout io show what ores they had endured. (Cask 1980388) ecg | want fo say someting to you ay you shoud couse Ta happen ay ths because want 0 cause you fo cause X te happen | hink that faci hin the way people usual say tings toon ‘nother | ight not be able fe cause you fe cause I Te happen | went fo say fin such @ way that many people wil know what am saving |i hat say ti inthis way may couse you to couse Xto happen |ossume tht lam someone who can ay this o youn this woy "resume tha you knew that people know that say histo yOu it ‘Wilbe mote ifcut or you nal to couse te happen Daou Calin or omnes ae ct ie in ‘ng for ott hat ei hs ar wo hea ‘hep cps wl sce Fam he “The ‘a Co ee mhe o onan “Ps ed ne fo oat {ide pe ay te se So, ex a a pt et oo ce, hf mete st Ty Ty de Br a oa Mi Soe eau ep seg at ey eed sre ‘Tommie bren ean, obs a etn i'n ps ee th Porm op woo ance ape ed ‘sae toe SSE io lm at ns any. i s_oouroe apa eo i a cing fa rin ae ia mine cE Mt ame pe i of en ema oe er ‘SSR ett torn cre omen ae a ead at santo campy woul rome ow 0 7 iar opr ee at Sak sere, a Soe a ig be a Tose (ins ncn ee oe a oe ance tat poopie know hat Tsay this it wi be moe tical Some So te cera tga Tonnes eae opener ata Career oaman ent ng at mrs ‘Reni ponen wb lr fs eon ar omy 0 ihe yobs tow ire tee SASS si eft the ie Ht of te eof Th 2 chs ont polee fom he fowndhi ad re a al pli pons and dee Oa elyarans 58/1/82 sadarovs 198 memoranda eae fr ein cere a ethan bene Sel ian ate United ‘States and cavased the ida of convergence oftheir two soil ystems (Gcarel 1984535) esnng | want fo say sometning Important | people who can cause X To happen should cous Ito happen | say tis because want fo cause those people fo cause Xto ‘happen "hin hat said hin the way people usualy say things to one ‘onothe| righ no be able couse those poopie to doit | wont fo say tis in ch a way that many people wil know what ‘om saying hls that say ths In ths way may couse those people who con (Cause Xto happen to cause lo happen | oimume that iam someene who con say th to those pene ia this |ssume tnt if peop who can cause X to happen know that ‘people know tht Isa the, willbe rare feu or hom not Fedo anything becouse of hat Docu: To cl fr omen ens iy sn al wt op on ‘gps pea sh cae Xt pe ine sal fone tg fo ‘dow, taal sj ct eer’ plate eps eX pe pee pa ig oe) ‘Stecamen oo on er lp nent “Pde dbcspeed nem f ou' aera wa upped yee ot yn see “he ae fo aT (2ulfo pone sions ess alot dn ee ny sone shld ‘ea rho hte santa oer esa Car of ease da may dae ml Bt wen ote seh, stake xg a ea i (1 me out ome hh et ‘ti aig or soma bo and Yet boing whe mane od ‘Seta seo cat Eng ema a n'y ey a mt ove ae an ote stn thy Cg omega bd n+ pera ee ‘tne pase the eget be gg ah a ey weep nme tn on fon ae ewe esr ‘at cay pop nrmay ya oe me, ny ns hea my ‘25 wouter, Yo ac ns ne open a cal wy aed se hia ote il en a Ths ona sp wh roma, dt apa pos, ES ge cy an pay em a ay sous do A wm recat hope is Aa ew ne seaing Pb, we SLE Se Ta aaa fe ep et Soe See Se ar fa ee sith eet, can ape owe ab pr ah Fe aspera i ith aii ae en i eee re pron eee eal (ae TE atone thw plein m7 on Mr rn ena rere i a mune goed atl ie, et pS Foe i tte ise a a ey ougeinco cam ropa eg = mera es saree ertocpt lotr ete ino coss roe sok \Seeratt ete carte — leer atc eta tas a cane sleet tan cam oharen 1 a Sea amr ‘hea toa oy Te ay oho mn Saisie fone atau (uO cee een eon (gm ee On ian panto tea et enh comer 2 a 6 se et ne et peta cg cm ae si oan (an pene that ry ae eed ot of ry, bw pa om ideas it ply i, by cmt pare ae pasa ‘Fe etSie dein sneered weiss SOR SA ee ei i soe ‘Torun pac sa ors ar of nc emp conc 00K “As the Opera} Pacis Madame Burl | Premiere Thursday | Book ows th Auralan Oper Adrien, Sey Moria Head Toreiset8) |oizura you people have some things ofa cera ins (x) for poopie fo uso |osture that there may be mere people who wont fo we these ‘ings 09 then there ore of x | say want f be able fo us sore of hee tings 00) |esture that say this To you people now you wil do something ‘ou that will awe you fo know fer now that Lave sat and You wll couse me 12 be Gols fo use some ofthese ings. Decause of hat | say this becsuta | Wwant fo couse hat wl be able to us some ot ‘nae tinge ‘en: re yi mri cri rari, a cn ‘roe muy wt home no ome fac ad tf one wet ee ot ‘lca mnie onc hate tne sen Fi ae Tact afdetey nae nase eno learn okie arin te dn ning oi sie, Faerun ey om {Sow ey sca ot es Nh tb Sone Son he Sucre pe saosin op sae fr sey = ‘ots ype, hs) a ep osname eddy Startsida Se ey nay er ‘Sava pupectie nr bare oa iso whee yay be ekg os sae ae eps mer tte son ona eatedy ner an te pect papi ose Rtg, a eon eine svat who mas Be wee ce ee one pan ring. erin he RSI ter Sto nyse tee spall wo ene ‘Seca etttewy umeon yeu Bog oo ia ochre eos adie pcmmpen ay wl mes e fo gon ors mc ren mt ss tne spa mS och af ema “ies o te ve wen ard emo en ve mae bsnl tome ‘opens ncn ayo ig mens 2 a INGJRe nde'ne bodkng ent abe foe vist of ria memory nd pet pute cnert oki here ening contin ea eT oa Wane orp bee a ‘Soran eto scar, Albright veered (Coptih formula) eons assume many people may want fo do something Y) wit is {yor want anyone othr han me (Z) 0 so F | Saturss evoyene wi uncartand that have the igh sy this [Say ths bacauee | want fo couse poops oer than me (Z) Netto ‘so eso, “Oppo the poplars andthe summerhouse were the doors ofthe cafeteria Fre tered workshop, wat called. eee for partamentry staf and I pres glle. (Dowse 1983:232) Was heeven teetved for Christians? (Fischer 1956130) eon Taxsure many people may want fo use this {soy nebody other than Zan doit Cd |asume eveyone wil understand that | have the ght Yo soy tis | 39yfls becouse want to couse poopie oer than Z not We tt ‘ond 1 ease 2 fo be abi o use when thay went cao: Afr ele ie, ou ey wae oe sha spe aml wind rte Fo tai cog gmt dak a sgh ‘Sey nl erly, vendo git sere! Temi Stomp om by yg he aero ere nc and peo Po ‘cmd them gr we ey an et ort ea pre Far cap et Se yeare Fae e l p e e k fled pn pon aso a wt, wr sal tt [cela tobsnn pon wn {ere ci hn hy ra eae i aout wah ‘Theda of ompryS'ae 2 npd oe f e ng oan sears orp of snr gap rss est pa a iron wt ee scare I rm Geta of ary se ss wag ‘Sin feng al po atc tomes ee ec Fay hn ones i df enn Stren —————D SOAS see ee Siglo ewer ect eral hierar nt pti ay aes Wiis omer pope bani ‘5._THE FoRsID GROUP The Fabian ade se flat Roe fe, alfa 185129) rise tent meron admin a eps ed oy fol othe pros hand (Scan Te athe whale camp on panier rene, ing the prion ne hao undying thm of 0 0 ice are Summa 904399) wore "teen yoscart coms matin “eee staan atte isproeet at cee |Spatbecefnd Senwe ours aot (Ste Ranma dada |S ey Franc oot nara os ‘roams eee Pe eso ran pen nem Ste Ms eh aeeesawaeamrcewemne tea FLSA SA pene ne on oe Te oe td Sue siti anmpicuon a ene meen am ree in rm ees ely i ef hl ori a yon st ETpevnt dt erwhce pro enema Joe at abe npr es pre edo rang aut Spc at en eng ROM, toot ind Raced Yt mye wea ye tea he ‘ener vray ame upon fst 1 me Jou and at ona ig hay a ‘Shin re sn nero ny rn ‘eral het (3 oe ¥ to 7) ors fom ete wi sos ‘nme or ion oi are oe 0, To owt a ‘lea pred wn ri ‘rs be ome nm eating ming ae apo rs hgh by the meng fhe ae rng ‘Tine pes eit prone sx) be wos ee ne tne a ee tap Toss oe fad Te Fre apn tae eon This wish 0 presen a predeminanly Bropean society in Australie by [rohibting ie moraion of Asati and Paclanders. had along Ison. (Clack 198196) Sn, Win rform church prohibits the Kling of any Bing vee are. (Facer 98612) eon |ossume that people understand that they arin place (or gue) thoy have fo kon what things they can do and what tings they cannot do assume that some people Who a in Y wil want fo do x Isay- dont want Xo happen in |10y hs becouse | want fo cause Knot fe happen in Y |oxtume that peoeie wil understond nat lave feasans not fo want XtohoppeninY | dont want people fo think of me saying this ase one person soyng something fe another poson en ac fig mT ah on

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