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ores a te fc ech Wor So gu a) mcd ft tye samp te hav stmt sow Xow mi py ‘Bah, Sot te canna pay ln so ‘Ske yb eter Pp rare pa pr ao aa Seri fe he i ee ea 1S) Momo he patra oe oct a see ae ‘Siete py of Ths eo nc Sak tee eta kay Bo ‘See hey Gtr ne ng at ah pen as pons ost Servos te pom mapa on Reh Sy yr aig eee Ea Se pte a ce pv yu a dod rt Print em Sky tn 9) i ee ac one fan se tc Stag Ee See oe teen Sate Ie nse tenth ne reuse Bees SRC ct SSE iene ane eae ‘oni be med to expres a welcomed opi, to wich the ypeaker i Sept commited. science rere Foe Seror aaeioeeteen ere SSS ane woe sotalol cone ts we ig ‘Bone aon acto imu pi mo om ow) SSG ai ra eon tr “eat be ade howe we st au Tmt enone sch an Foor of Th ee SERS tae tt Fr a he br Lagi” ne an pig ed dee Harem ‘he i hr Ho compen i ee ae ssc ne pnts pst pre eh a) ec int te ae eb pitts rea oe pn nr {ex te panei ane mene T msn foam oa i ero), hh (Shel mpyene sneer Sapp) “to orig) “Un comrarto hKine ampoetir oes ath tt 6 ‘svi has de sat vig at bebop t,o fetes cnge gobo icant, oh soma spp at ‘rene te pepo lta compe oe ‘tc oe cesying sat the ds aces ee sh be now ‘Suc tn vag abst be pombe ths ee ee be his CN ney ce nwo eb then ee) a pe ‘iat santa, mp ps ct at prom eopie i te Str een hy ay "eres av hig ae soe tr ere man vey ‘oun, penne myth eo hab digs (om th pan of women Cent ar ew mening es pm e al ‘ie a mana Sepa Se ee nyse ih pa ha pe spc at et ee etn tsa pe ng he feng ae br Lapse 1 roe pean o ‘Battin fc: ose) Bren mee mesure ‘Goorn)component, shes hese reame dnt doe (wn i 8 phe ch ‘She was delighted thatthe German wero wore tasting defeat, but as The daughter ofan eminent imertea capitalist shesspeted that Com Imani vers would prove alos! a0 icious ar the Nars (Michenet Test "But when Mile Sopot ennounced tht she would conclude with he two ‘mazurka she prtcary ke, he suspected tha these might be something {evil (Micenee1983:298) Monee . za thik come fo ew thot Ion wart to say that Ihnow [Sort know fi rae would went to know it ste "paw though! about soy tis bacoute [wont 0 Say what thnk cud Sap ne tet a ty ed i Fah fh ‘se nny oped ceca um cme, Spe fon serum othe un upon a np snag a a he pon pen Citeents esp nar athe ae ety oa eon rpms a pes ar on ple og toe hg [Stes ns ce itwpoptoaoao Spec! h pr ee ‘edn nrsertn ot ep net ep ay Sen ct npn so aaron rea wo meg ee Soh ‘pa of norm 2 yaya tes Spe! ee ‘Sl hat mp ofa ler mann th me at ev te ad cn ime oh my a i nt “ho supe ape hb pee ins athe wl ce ae st omen (tee Sn nn ny a aor hh a, ‘uti tt oe bir noi es mae ‘ira wat oko tren abot He tog ste mae be ae ‘Siliton tte nme bese at tne he te somone 1 nt tow el wet oon ad hate hae show a npc weer a per et ae eae et re 2 ea cmon mete ce rs han ree (ite nape mew mjc «es io, ee eae a ‘Gepume conene igoere he eae mpi ath eo ‘asd eee 1 eu ag Bat este ep ott a a {Pee Ins mpc pene ue ome oe ta at. Maron, ‘ube aie a cacao tn) Fee ‘Std mae mpd tne We 3, wh fp tn eS Sep eesti, amps onset a oe nite ine etn nig neat ‘Soke seer eps ade pte ts ea et ‘low of pence ptear tne enn aegis eta doe ‘Scr ei na po, ‘Sst anand yt dona boston Keowee) surrose You dont heppen to have te cheque stubs with you, De, I suppose? (aphact 197689) Til me about we, Mre Dent Air al, oure supposed to be French! (apiact 976215) eon Icy think hat X may be tu ont soy: X's tue Inst nar re imagine that ow it | this because | want fo say what tin Dou: Sang Fagan eine sig J ko chon. The eae tren huh yin oe. Sr ‘Thad reson ea en guns ee Ee rteaeg mine men at eS ae era a Feel ta tet alan Fee a on of gn tn Soci Se aes ho cite cman Pe trecleoeeer pr ore Sees mrtoaie tis rdome Sean oy Sop at fae ae eee eae Sema Pose tas eas enee, weeeree Teen ea meena ees eee eae aera hese er aero ene een ceaureianecameee eter area Le ‘Straps nl pepe oe ail eon Tse ou wil nd ESoost Socrates wondered he was part a reatonable Bing and part a monster, Wargenten aid tht he wondered thi about his (Res 1984175) Towards the end ofthe 1999-49 war we wondered hom peopl ofthe ferent courrier of Europe could finda nora ife again (Rees 1984208) anes Reson inthe same newspaper, wontered whether Solzhety’ cealtation of Rustin spray at beng for in advance ofthe Wet aid tot inicte the wanderings of'a mind pl par dept he many brant assageseewhere is speech, (Seaoal 984969) eon Isayetm thinking about x would want 0 know something (¥) about it don't now 1) Iwan fink oot t ‘know that !cannot couse myset to new ¥by thinking about it (1307 ns because | wont to say what lam thinking abou) ‘One cam cnly speculate abou the reson for thi extraordinary outburst, (Scammell 1984915) ‘Bu is nights were wake, for he tormented himself wit speclating ‘arto whar was going 1 happen ohssteamber beads, which Graf Rewer had dels taken from hima the tine o is ares. (Mien 1985.70) Moning lam tinding about x | would wart fo know something (¥) about x Icon now I wet fo hk bout sore more ‘know thot lcannot couse myse to krow't(¥) by thinking about it | dort wont not fo think abeut # because ot That |hink can couse mse know effere’ tings that V couse be, by thinking about | say. thinset coud be one of tert things |y this bocoute | want fo say how Lam thinking about it Deca Ria p.m eta che oun sha the ako kona (at nt eit a (1 wel wa SIERRAS, tae Sct nar tng pe SSATALE tonnage meshes ey "Rese esas chanson a oie ttm n.d = cope ota Sei ess pes oan uh ae Ue popes ese mat ac ol we pwn nbn wad tt ou smerny ee awe ‘hguvatit Peta Sinn pn ae el ig se ‘2Ei Cites eh cow ong ph le pier ink an ue ‘Beatin at by ug bo see ey ance Tae poo cnn iy sec yes cea, herr ea By a J Rpm ang: ing cnet oo in, He ‘et pat fae awn vo we “He kg pig” me et ee a pen hu psn ep os oe) SOE Gout eet io pene are pie ‘SS aw on fet me ty lg iT STE Sica nh re eS ann Sas ng es Eermhgeteasieatertemean sa Sawt ty cws fwa toy bow Ta tik ht Ty Read epee te sony pps wih Yes pd ‘ogee pats mre net to a ah, ot ‘ay ns bre Tvs oy nat a ee et Aas ca SSUES Be tem prs snr net ny vB king ‘Lint einige bow md en. ero le

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