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agen Yon v2 re oa) alii, at tae, thn abe mie te see lax ln he xo peed re ae ‘Since a ve und tpn inte, oS a say Sse en ooh id “he mn pp of ane sae 1 weep whe he eer srt ad indent we tb sg es nd © ‘owaiby nce epee thio eins nerp teres ory ie where deve fr enna et hae ‘eps al soos One en etme, eal ome tte mo ly ie omen, sg gma For am ‘along eu nt ih al ies been mae tye oe sO our be ia ea real wera ev ‘Sesptr det eae ii nwa, woe ppl bo earphones cian poche ey citer sry Wop ‘They label Princesa Margaret ‘prostate and ebareete’for her alge ‘elaonship with Roddy Llewellyn, buat the same time advise hs sexual Inert confined to Haan waiter. I they are inte om ising the princes they cou teat be constnt.. dm aopring tons Princess ‘Margret the ‘Canadian Press suceeded only insuing Canada (osetia) \Getuir refused. “We must adore God, the Som of God, who $s King of Kings and whore all mut obey. We mst obey Hin rather than some anmrbreeding moral “ering sins agaist he majesty and diy ofthe emperor, Creal asked Gets what he meant. Retin 198570) eon | hin sometting bad about you feel someting bos towerds you (/pencn X) I want fo say something bad about you (/petson X) | want fo way: something bad about yeu (%)) [assume you wl fel something bad becoute of that |ossume people would understand that say thisnot because ‘wont 0 say whats We say isn ths wey, becouse | want fo couse you (/X) 10 fe! Something bod Mock 1 cut: ecm a moe nnn, aaah cect ato ee ‘Stn Th mm rr ay Sn spc wh es fees Syne ec ng pee ey et re ‘Spon tags angie fd) emt st neo ft te i htt ‘Nn msn se pertain ech Tey do ny an scene step nn bigeye ae {hve on cy ates won yo bane eet mie, ‘herent Absa esa arene oy pears itor ecu eve “roe ng pe oat tug pn cn eon eid he ak sate tem re es eed oom 30 er Sm te samp Pace Mare sess ois fe ihe ed pon ne Samay nha be son prove Cen se Yen Ie tom aon ae tbe Nou pene ms he ate srl a ews cn tow hb nd i “rr ior nny a pel ete To sayin s pomwnn non anepolacr ebor fo t 2 d (ale bl yt boon mes heen ate an en bing (Sitter Yours awh aay on ae Arson na a ena edo ea seething ae Mone er in Saab me te taps bt ow thst eg fre ita noe ch Sy on ardent het epi omen ud ow hi Fert on ‘he The pred ae hs sd ae omponca ink omen a Sony pn a ake pk THE Mock GROUP. The wits London mocked atthe dea ofa colony of thieves. Members ofthe government, he argued, had grown gy by being cared 10.0 [et elevation and had concived the mad scheme of land of thieves (Gane 19802) | ‘So they mocked the religion tn private axa fale mythology, wile ‘mpublc they supported forts sca ity (Cate 198023) Gandhi lomelonhs, shawl, towels and bedSheets were of homespun ‘or Bhad More and more Indians were erinng to wear i But some [mere ft Monotonous white shrouds’ they mocked. The ery of our foo’ Jamabarel Nr replied. (Packer 19842) 19 eons ering {rm thinking about X | think something baad about X | want to say (do) something that would cause people fo think of ‘something ess (Y) and to perceive that Xis similar to Y think people would want fo laugh because of that, and would ‘think something bos about X | soy: (something about x) | say ths because | wont to show what | think about X cao: he ica, pes mag of wane on Seyi pc fxs dane eee oh Desi Jen ie th pl ee ce tt Moin ve {© syd or do) ating that mol ate ppl ough thy wre pee, Sine em fl tie ming a ed ee parpoeof rai ake pope uh hiking of vmonel the epove mack egos oe td Gren (a en) ttt fees Sse e Spear bung meat thee en Lees whch wold to 98 Stent home them hi ometing ba asthe of meters etn, pee tne tot coy, boo me ae oR "Gay, macing artes stain — oo sea, iia teh ene tet ado exe voting abt th tt pen {ie ofthe ord mod in enero owas chm ck ee mack rng rms i gg the revit af ts mp of mocking a eh aot ‘ss camo te eed fo one mesg, Mek ecw i ragon 2 f Only the day before, he [Sotchnlym had iia the director of Coban bias Russon Isic, Marsal Shulman by namein his New Yorkspeech, ‘and had let i be known privately that he regarded the Columbia faculy 1h fis and feloiavclers, ou of touch wth Soviet reat (Scam f9e915) ‘Bat vohen Cook retuned to London in 177 the coffechouse wis and ‘the mocker scaled Mis ena for the noble savage (Car 19802) "Many ofthe clergy had Become corrupt and ballads cling them were sung al over Europe. Gove 196119). Meaning Fmthinking about penton (penons) x hin x thinks ood things about himself and wns other peop to ‘rink tha same Iihink bad things bout x because ot ¥ [hin hot Inking about Xone frou laugh nt tink good things ‘abou him Icy comatting about x) | ray these hinge becouse | went fo cause peep to laugh thinking ‘of eond nat To think good tings about cure Rong ea oe pono le i tat psn, The Srvoar cps tb md “hs Joon te ema nd ere “nang ob ie, nd te spent ods the at ob dmg ad eng. (Oe ‘Seraph ins ne of ge min, tt nt of sie) ney “he pes 0 who rid anor ene tng a Fo hing ‘al irs Re an ue op ohh go Yb ta [tow sane pit he mmo plete b's om proven» IEShE aint so nce pens tm ng od gw he we se ‘Mev i tj mary ng tbe mt ne hea teisotin poh ins mae oar prema meine torn he a {icv td Soe ptr psig Smeg ger He on tee FE ‘Maat sm so sewer he corms se i one pte i hi, inl rad ‘timemct voce shows ort And Ye alogh Its probly wuce Yo be il han iT vrs ys mn in ne ‘is susanryan ‘Sewepennin posh posse tdin er hc tei ie SS lo canbe Sse bade natn Nc ede ot ‘hea ning "arr ing do’ pr he tap ange pe oat e hehe beesee psn tip in heed n ‘Sitch ki st vu ae ev pre oe nena at {Sete np pomp rnp iio ans od ne ae” ‘SES nt pop iwi ten x wetoce nha ima 2 eh ‘SES sain for se mages pir ar ow wo ‘Susman snd peed sr ope kets soe ‘The eat Jane Austen joke about charging Henry one hundred gneas for Lely Cas tsa key ta be the rel of ftvoous convertion over the cner table she night before as to she motive Tauris ro her (Weldon 1964857) ‘he mission [to rence hostages frome Ian} wat to include Ranger bat talon and mah heavier fepower than the fs ater t would have Been World Wor I, joked one general who helped plan i (Guardian Weekly 8/12/88.) ecg | say | want the poopie here to imagine tht wont o say %° assure they wil understang that Gant want fo voy |S tis because | want fo Cause the people here Fo want 1 laugh ‘ond fo fea something good {So peed rast rope rub sc pay {Seema ag or mcg note ar a in ig ‘Rejoin hr rr oto pupne ond tof malig pois Igy ‘Stine etme ope go ere snchig Fagen ear ee a a ‘of My erie an eed Nghe en ek itp aug ep a he ope aly weno rus sent SS es ‘mado so sce eng or tng. he seman er wae ae ole ‘hopes Fer nomp oe SIS SES hy ga Thee SESS pt cn ee {ray awe sto opt tea, abe an ay reo en fc lathe prema of ange pay Nan sot Seat uy ea sin ti ct ng airy ety iS jew ay, out menue a tng ict Com lg ad ‘8b te sg th ane Fe sa sn ‘pra pecan to soting Sot ea tae og ‘eco pou met to tn he mag he we on he nan, he lle pared om 1 Dba nd Mane Hey Kase fr Shane dal toga deta ha onthe toffee ee ae Sh "hrm or a he met ot dla wl who sr Sta he aig en a a a a ‘ety {eT oc Meo AS fl pep eating, Asa 7 more "ase thal ven wut wht hes hase) ‘bad for me (/us) cs | sur we woul wont know fy # hopped 13 Tk Repose ec Rares fr bacoue X 0 think something bad about ¥ (or: X) because ofthat |soy is because | want 0 say what nk about may Z happened. cur: As Fite 971) jt pate, he fen, hugh i mein a, ohh serine bed Yn ta ae urine ime Xtal Zs encom wid mig oan ee ‘be apuncy fr 4 aon. Demsy uy Spey ike my eee {eT noni Hon, oe, stig hse aon ot Sn Se {Sono ape pn fas net ea Ae Fino (971) i at, nina, ae om tie, Ge Tat pre slag ss wae an eee at ‘ir eh a Sta tem Fmt mae a foneho’ me bt aon tee Sewetag a nies ee a ‘ul ta tot a Samay fr Wn ano eae semen (gk pv sw es "ih balan ones sue apres mange ng erect nce Eee ee res ‘ete ha oy ht a an en be i re {245 pt ronan the ene th ee (ch ener [eee isa eet eos SSveeeces it seem ae ene, Ov soy (cmc en at ee See Sere, us, 11s an oblique and tortuous mind which wes oblase a rot upon the police when fo! the world knows tha some 30 7405 people asembled There to demons, not because the poe were here. The police came because thre wat an organised demonstration and ot. (HS: 1982) Meena assume that everyone woud say that what has happened (2) ‘bad tormet/us) astm we woud want fo know why t happened {say think happened because V happened (Or because X did Y ) thin something bad about ¥ (0%) because of that [tay hs becouse | want fo say what Ink about why Zhappened ‘ond because | wan! fo couse people nat f think that it appened because aid something Pec yrs here Te cena one ‘eprops ear meg Teo ming may Be ‘Sine ae aif gf he Meme > (pettiness he (Mcp bt i goat membros). Site scan ef ly ren roo, me ode scan may eh rec rnp Sina tong ae Xian 200 Fn bce an cme pope vio hac hyped none mah ue, Somedey Ii ust be old and ual and yout sill be quite young nd 1 ‘won’ Base you if you go chasing fer all the young and prety made motels (S908 1980512) You only vant money for your own pleasure. I don’ even Wlame you for tat. (Boyd 1946121) ‘Meaning sume that what has happened fs bod fr someone |essume that hapsened because Xa | hine hat someone could ink something bod about Xeecause otthot Isa rit want o think something bo about X because of hat | say this becouse want fo say what Ithirk about X because ofY (cui: sons (nic craps ma Fimo amu ore ied ins tan Say Some arp by Fimo, me (se Hom, 1 sey a haan ape et eon nt poo. ‘Seco any Samy in Smet ae soma no pray Wey een trae pe cae Tv myst | et 2 sete 2 Fes oe ee eno nie een ae rtd ‘beh nu la dan ating aoe bene ah In about 1960, the Autralon Governmont joined with others cing ‘South Afra acin pelies. (Dixon 19841) “cannot deny mje the pleasure of publ thanking L-Col H.G. Le Mesuren, CLE, who not only read and eee n deal the whole MS. of this book, bur devised. at my request, a Scheme for considerably ‘reducing ts bulk (Fowler 19689) Tint Solcentsym cited the two branches for ther mua hostility land jor hi inability 0 unt with he Ulranian Orthod deh, (Sat ‘nal 984520), eons Tm thinking about Xs ¥ aye fis fat something bad can be sald obout it hin that ave good reasons to say this nin that someting bad con be sald bacouse of hat about ‘emething that ponon Xela | tay this bacauae wont fo cause people to know what think of imagine that someone coulc do something better because of ‘wet s3y Sacco carb ame hn nipae o n pae ‘Ow tase op rt tr, a at he nan ‘Sr erp ame ta al he oie eel Fr mah, SESE Se Spe ofthe hen yl ‘See wn ny ec ha an ome aed oan ‘Stans hth ea ce aes nape ung ‘est api ne is tr font nea ty a ae oie Sty wg oe cn ee omne Prue ypnne fe ra, ‘otc orton ana once oar ere to wk Peroni auto eet ren iv opera ean aly [a uynoy bast yo ge Nats (WN same ‘Sita cm tse fr nl oma oro hea aa ce ‘haem ming pesos tie (che ig “tency Sot one aye mm he ‘eet aan snie serena rere ai hs ‘Sau sepsis ng hth ano and ncn St alot ater Simiy catgut (22 Slp mucking we ead wre tapas an “Sng cage oie enh nyo tonya ot part wn ee pan ous spt ete Whom eutad deice sp (Srtalgess, fee on, igo poen ae ngewe in ang sores er soaring th ar xg + pos pn, Ae ‘th wo fe eaaly med Sol cot te oun se cu hy SG ne nly Std» parmesan fr ig Sano? ‘te Ooty ad econ b condo opal tend thrmr ace se prema ur nach repel ye sgh Ray to ed sn or at Spe sro i tet A oy be rly ry eit: arn ates bccn ae Pate known and we moe ny wrnane stow known ht be mad ep eat We na me i a is pny of ering intr Ca ne pops at ‘ean sou ge tet coon, Tat yo the Vatican's Congregation for the Dowie of the Fath on epee rr logy. Gate Wen 12887) ‘nes lam aed ros Wns nanng the More ot seontemn Hinds or sha oy had done Pacer 18) ‘Senor Chi Sear Waters mater acto get me syngas my pce mate eee for Reimers hanson 1 Dk ta foe reads my peck spi hel nd sion on whch Ieondcmne ihe Toss fort acon At mo ‘te ld [mate oy ext or he mons con of the Ran 8S ne eng tom inking otout someting (tx Ion twos bod hinge c0 | Sent wnt poopie to eh thas | Saume a arnsomeone we con sy ie Iinbodingr obout panon osc ht [toy misbeoase want ecoue poopie okhow wh hn ‘oot |r tbo for thats hi [Stet eclomt Yo inp per rc wt Sigs oan leateantn renin cit tase aed sn he pe pte Feu to pred eon tt cob td eB be ‘Sos n a nywa e sn un, ee in a Moon se RS Stn etc bay ers orm. Conn ie ‘Spa in imran nym poe Te proeng poem to eg te ‘SSS Suma tpl Se ac an fee my ote eon oan rent ny pi hg hae mal (cist i hs aie yin ie my a ieee aD ree erin ete btmtr tid reenter rane en Tees eran spices Sst fof ie ag Seca eons ca te area mares cranes ocean ae SSE eae Cheesy aca Pe Daihen oo ents Te Soe LSS ose ‘ote che i ae sequel ed ms ha = eal compaeat nl na 1 ‘Sg Sang to Howe camp a he cone en ‘Seo ep thst Whe ar afta) amen nboeseog ‘Sine be i! amet Ben eal Bods ean hae ings ‘SS el dpe stam wad ety sn conn, Trotsky and Wis son Lev Sedov had been deprived of Sovies ctizenstip ‘on 20 February 1932, They had not. i rometine ad, been conderned {e death By the cours. (Miche 198344) Why does God condemn Donald to dle and allow me to Hive? (Repel 11636) The Ctholegrived atthe Protstanfr.. sting toon apotion Set en perpen potion oferty maa Cathe pmowee, 9 ‘The youth who winked a roving ee| Or breathed anon-onnbil ih,/ ‘Was thereupon conderne fo de. (Gilet and Sula, The Mikado) eon ‘.astume thot bad things can be sic about x "ink bod things about x say. want something bad (¥) to happen to x | oatume fam somoane who con say ths Isay is bocouse | wont fe cause lo happen [sume that by saying ts wll cause Ifo happen Vossume tibarsterx that so is ‘cae lps ing Sse, tee ad unre, aes ee om, ‘Yip acc darts Teo on eee teh Te ater eee ean ‘ich do et cr court ad ep roeeings, Fr stamp someone as nt God Son es oa iy Ot mar ap a tng ow {henna ced in he ean expen posted in the present a evouner, _Bven the citron and relives ofthe arested gor wp to denounce their evens (Congues 1973379) "During the ar ith Germany hs [N. Tolar was one ofthe loudest cond anaret voles denouncing Nasi opgresion and bratty. (Tolstoy tena) ‘Su Arabia’ normally plaid King Khalid anriy denounced Gadde ar Mish outcast who deserved God’ wrath and as 0 spearhead of ‘rat gaia are’ (Austin 1982) Meceing think wo all have fo say of seme things that people co that they oebod o_vovownes, want fo say tof IX is mare than bad Iii weal ul ay the [el someining bas thinking about t |say this n this wey, because | wart fo cause people to percelve ‘hats this ond o say the same route Denna be in Ey il ny an tei no ‘ten toga pc eT Bresbawes r aiad ‘eprint hc ply fe nae dct Yio 2 nice Ee SERN olen Pe kamal ae ‘Shae strat oo enna oo Da mfr ape “Tooy dence if a at on merge my md ren aay EL, nk Sec tS wy ht Tay Sed wal ep ‘nyo deme ming me ctype ht meh ‘stot inn oto ue entation (ad peas ‘ing oa oe yo ade) "Te ae ot nny tol it pica an ey 3 ade pews user ge dee. Wa ts db vee ‘og pre t's Saf thn ae ba ethos a Be ‘te seb tote tht ee yl ome oe wet {nie the eer pea so a tae ad ump in ee mee nk nel ee ep some ag hat ge “yh des deer yb br ‘peers ni fe oe eas dewey wet) “tes one moe rr th ie cpt ls cna with peters me sees pwn sce eT ft ae tn ‘Revion hae pc my mel Eom nd pene no yg ace ‘te Senet abe oa ou an rene Ton npc a fr che Sesame se mi ee py eae ‘Stes Cie cami ce pent (lwo esos pate a 12 ‘ato mse tc yo pi nh ala ar ‘= bata ty av bs aw inc te pop odo Mabe: Rah, Be pr {cei ono yf cna aay aC than a) ‘LISI Ser somone es ing ft unas ge elas omower, “Stil, a oe peopel oe eT sun ath me {hep Speca pss mt oom) ah evince, ‘She was overard and denounced to Licnus, who had her arrested and ommanded her to sacrifice When she refed, she to was tortured to ‘death (Rn 1985857) 1 recent Soviet artele ele "The dossier ofa provocaew’ describes shoe's Party member in Aserbton made it career during he Pures ty denouning prominent Party collegucr to the NKVD. (Conquest 1973245) think of you as people whe have power her, and who cause bad ‘rings fe hoppen to poopie wha do ings of@ carton kin | mink we a have to 30 of ings of cotain Kind that people do, tat they are bod | say parson hos done something ofthat kind (¥) Hin snout say this fo cause you to know hin you shou lew about [2a this bacoute | want fo couse you fo know about ond to ‘cause someting bad lohappen to Xtbecouse of that outlon Dam ty mi ein np wt my aon pan ad ema wt ote en fe ap te St ae Sets Una (ar Cognos 97D. Ie ot i ae fa, Hk ‘Sn ere i's runing tt soon Engh ph ver dv cn ‘hy apne wh ae ine neti, oe prpencomaron ‘etwas ir pe tO 0 wih fron my eee ce a acu ot ae ‘Sats gent app ‘hn, an aie, an neo ey ple sat at ae Goap! he RROD oe ov a ns sar For ray Pt Srp gt ar re a) ee na ‘Pomerat ase bd hing happen people whe do ngs crn id! "ism cm of a par y ey he ale (eo sera Se tg ot a yo ‘Sete norte ier of wings ohm pn spent dew, Siti or els oro Soy mgs sare 6 ee of ‘Shay Coes te peed ore ss ote a Comet, dna SENtcet tory Arnos spear onan noe ee es Sas oy cienreimarearcseersomes Sissies en = See aeer ore: aes emia Serie Spy aeesee scree Sane a caets poner erent Sia eamerairee tocar eae Rome tere eee teeta alee eee eee eens sno eases eee See Seer eee "Ther bstwven the Goseramant and the Church of England ely to ideas ares of weight report published his week, which deplores the state ofthe inner cites, eres pois which help the Bter-off a ‘he expense ofthe poor, an complains of dcriminaion in hosing sit minor groups sch as immigrants and single people (Guardian Weekly B)i3833) A tolegram depoving the rests was sent 10 the chairman ofthe UN Commission om Haman Rights (Power 198115) “He deplored the fact thatthe guar, iter conduct, had cose 10 Behave like’ Soviet solders” that hey had coped plfering ond bling ‘and ben responsible for prisoner deaths (Scasel 198430) Moonee tam thinking of what happoned (x) feel something bad because of hat [se the tht fis boa ing |iank tht something bod should be sald cbout the people who ‘causes fo happen | assume that em someone who ean say this 159) this because |want 1 couse pep To know what tink ‘250Ut ond what fea fing about it imagine hat by saying tis could couse Someone not to couse ‘things ofthis kind to happen at some other time Decione Dupri aa mening pie eatin uso asd Frnt oe paternal ea aoe "Reman wen aroun to cee ear el eesti Te ‘ut eng sd ey 2a ang Ti SESE mate etn of he sun, nt cp pes, Siteproat oo me oh ten of oe pope pce et he espe new nb beth Ste anda be a "ac nt ie comma, a anes rer pe hon tea he rns The pon eo piece oder rina SSIS pen soe whe orn a at tecnica Spt {eSouedelponoor an ai snyene tare Hat as ese wa ‘hor tt fing ld Snort oe ope Frama, apg He ‘Stans ye by eg a ep my ene ‘ipet tloowinereCYing they cg coud cme sent oS ig aan se nh, ate evnse ‘He cared hima becae he could not re ove his despa (Donaldson 198132) ‘One man song song enoter oat ofthe carly daysin he colony. others rapped about or cused ser bucks. (Clark 198038) ‘in November, whon bales of non-union wool were carted trough the arcs of Spey by non-nin labourer armed eco, the mab hoot, [roamed and cared a he 'scab worker (Cath 1805171) isa drow, declares the referee. The crow uses. (National Times Mt 29/2/8643) ine something bod about x Heel something bad becouse of hot gel someting bod towards x |e want something mor than bad te happen to X {imagine ity soyng tise cates zonehing bo Yo happen to | say ths bocoute | won! 1 how what Ife thinking of oun: Cig ch tic expan tlh cde ne ‘han mgr pore pn cin en ong as ahi a ecm ie re spo eine imaginypp ot ia nt pen ‘Steading, at a tern he nr ely a fn at oe (Sear tangh sta t= np el po cre a) et ‘apps ssw eats oooh Tae Se sal a oo ny Se tenn git mm eat, Wt SENS Lee ei td deg dl i ‘ringette eal ke es ea eat Eee ie cig al i ae So iso ued et te eo ae a ho ben seer try o dnte ute ee ne the tn of re» ta a ey ta ‘Sthtomy mpfr he war bo a ha he fer mh cee ‘hrc ne mot han pr ce (ong 6) th (inst pene te Sowing us toa Soman ooh pe ran cng lo apen to Monee ce br mo nse tenes SSA ne wa Sow i ii 0, ‘14._THE accuse oRoUP, cease Soleo secant Kisinger of being ignorant of Soviet psychology, Of presiding over a policy of ‘unending concesons of Bringing about the eats wort diplomatic defeain diy years (Seammel 1984933) ‘willnot be sessed of reason my own house Raph! 197651) ‘The Presidents Order! Senator Grimes has ssed an expen that i rot parliamentary. He knows that. He has sccsed Senator Wallers of ‘engi (HS 772)80352) Maing | say patson X oi | ume that everyone wouls say hat Going Vs bos sume that something bad should be sald cbout person x ‘pecouse of that Hee! something bas thinkng about it | want somaone to show that this pot tue hey can [asume ne one could 59 fis because wont to cause something to happen because of ‘Yihat wil be boa Tor cuter Waen we ace pepe w ml hi ey meting We aa ‘Sows pan bong sao beg oa ing ety uate se ce Pe ‘Sy ealg sthyenbbrpmte Weca se pop tte ‘meg trans canon eB tsa ence ‘eiceshwteoetagtnc ore mete ae Fr {ov et wey, btw enor sce fbn omg ip mother at of Woy. Te ony Inoue on he eat np ang snc oat ‘FEenchemmy ey adm of eae oom Howe ‘Satin hegae sen omen tt pe ul co ume Sot Sohn (You kom mo lt Woes moc an St “Tine see ec huhu of a0 ovine 98 moe; sa Sten cu ere Kiger of gig wee way me ‘Sovwtareiopr ttn one md oesntng h te aal [Sv Swoe hr ee ta tow hi cat Keng bl meee Seat ‘Sing tne ey" ig tno ee oe foe seat date mp ewe pooner fue nc ou (0 {SE lower tne thous ed cy et he sen, cto te am Themed age ae eat eo Pe ‘Steed oon hus eee ee ate cut es ‘GcSRta fhe ced md ste ated 2 mcd soe ene An sto cmt te ep fn chee = ges ot re ‘pao cag fa aro ata et i a 0 ‘Space aes ayant a fr sen. nce soi a one {Reet dne bso te oees ef pee snow lagen eat for Avast et be ann enn part op ne head Sg kay ae ounce He stood erect and almost defiant asthe so-called eal proceedings wild Ground him. He vas charged with having led the opposition in Labln {othe new rue of the Third Reich and wth having eed fens escape ‘souward into Ravin areas. (Michener 1983129) ‘Union leaders were arrested, charged with conspiracy, and sentenced 10 Jong terms gaol (Clark 980172) “Aut endemie poverty remained, and cic charge his admiration wi ced mismanagement. (Canberra Ties 1982) ering | say parson xh | essure that everyone would soy that doing Vis boc Ihwant to sow that this not Fue fhe can (Plasma hat he coos wil be bas orn) "say ths because |wart fo couse people fo think about i anc to do {ome things that would cause thor fo know this ve | exume that lem someone uno con cauxe people 0.50 these things by saying this | assume that wll have fo do something because ofthat essure ft wile bad for I people come to think that thi ue Duden Can ee uber of fet way nd nena of ret ‘Sos ead ing alte pa Forno oui ae ‘Sana esto nee neem [Solinenet an tee sage smc ns pny, uy, do ‘Sistine eae“ prams rane reo Sing of eb ‘uteri sh by es be ar te ey of fing feed ‘Shoo es by Ox cares rs mem oon tig oe ‘Stent ttre snow arg snd 100 for erm” atid Sines isa) fryer ening chaecan a aio es (hte fhe By smd se” Mehometue‘eBne ‘Sond tr cy ov fr somnston doom te mont ee [Sihen Fach uy nan chesomenr oh ig doing Sond weg wba ng eb doce br ed ntl ‘taps wer “href str Sci) nt ace mig + ea nor (cing ad in mt ha hs sar a en Fi esa 6 ‘SSciaipeietn rcs amen tom scrofa cwuovee, 16 fae mater epee an st a eet i hg oe all nsec tn ino, stare th ig 5h Sytnt an sey hw sete uaa mae oe weer tome a te Echt nw ey th py rer sme eh nts ‘eos mr or a wns ai (htt cee a eee ol a er be re "hays anor pp of nay wo act ca sedyne in aceros)ry nay corr aa, et pie tree ha ton png ml Fore seers hap sn eh mene (Sib tees tvs eset aca comport be pa Eh ‘Sewn ce veo hr tong ee aie © ‘emp os pono sa alba ae to hg ae a tect inthis yay cea emai hy ie om nape ser Nowy tne too ssw tml dh at hat Sg oe SS sac le meg males fre sean ons ‘Shas tan sn pada nc be bre po et sn tsa cayes moc wh crag ean i i) Te eae ns meting sre enone eae ty ae sry fer sid ea i Ti ‘cd ht psp kt be de wb a oi "Th Sine spe naror wh en mine wha oad Sppn i be Sats pneu nes had bv po Sin ‘tine au tren be tigre apt a aes (reat shee cnanin Mee Msn (97) loader oso ‘SRipeticneo ass sacra 1am uit prepared to repeat ouside the chamber every word of what have std tonight. Leblenge Rewing, Hawke and Harford 1 sue me, (bem 21/8/88170) Uf he aid 10 bow, I publi challenge the Treasurer to Bring into this Paramene the material upom which bat ble was formed. (UA: 2iysyss:17) In some case, executes rho wert supposed to collet the huge payments seid or less when challenge inthe courte (National Ties 716)2) 563) "Some ofthe bes tating thing are the most poonous.” ‘Name one he ellen "Treacle! he sai rump (MeCallough 1977368) ean assume that you woul s0y that you can do x Isa. you thnk that you can 0X want you To dot [ifn thot tl be etfout for you to ao |astume you understand that you dan do something bod wil have fo be said about you | want fo see who you wil ot [say tis because | wont fo cause yout ry fo it orto say that you are not abi fo cot ane stay 1 4 some cee i he yon undo twat yu to 0 Te at ote ‘iene il eure dees 2k ae Set ae the de nt ao tr +s) wt ns al Th pesos ne ae owe he eer sb SIVESIG ata Snhy acesy e seaerle ‘Scuconenlon tng ne ionic en no ome ‘Scheie neces se cha et te ‘besarte ca angi one os pene mes 1 de awn a ig at a ee ces Doe ou pay wet uo aon te ne hale eal loo wh a sen aes a ea wh iow Eady ‘ge Ceo eo hain Canes eat at pa ‘Stairs hss ieee deer Ta cunmpaay g oy r r emetng sh aed ‘ncn ata naa hinges es cre ee a ‘esnore day oy ry hte qt tg cates a aad heat cy eS Spr ety on noi nt “ri tat sem mre cme rte cag 6 wit he are fd, sae ar ee nt Bar htt ey say Om pag a ‘Sauget oniog th sae shh eae A oe ea ging dotcom ro ofan sake epee ep ‘Sow the sere oni th th ree sony Sap eh SA ey ostomy w ow ts cans thostingy, the semen ote chine ¥ to do 2) a ww ‘stn ds Engh, ign open ete om mead ae ae “tg ing ib dah rt nic hls seine ermine ob Teiuimt nn quant ort" dey er ney comune, 16 tes cht wih pr a or tea, Ta, a seg teas cheney ine ciigs amnion teen a ‘Senin ung cea ure o mp meting a abot hn Wee neh OnE ia ech hy Th mt wan ng on ad ‘Se titteceuto of ont esto tS wn Te wan ees ab erases ah nlwing "On mri mgs nea) soc one npn Ho pt oe oe gn tar as ping eg a soak SEs Spel aaa Cire nna leg es “ht (Scere we mtaengaeMny me er aleve 1. shar tla on poe poster aged ie ‘Kelman ante cna sgl ht ih shown te bad ad i the oral ‘etree out whoansl yap en veo eed Sel ee ut ie pi ol nats Fk =o soe hag lo = sob aber de nd pose rr ton 2" erage inate ef Sains Core Spe eng ee EERE Shc Cane scents “Kenedy leaped Cero be ‘erp wold ‘et to ahr somchng gh tht Yerba echngs aad A dow {foyfia' nad be des rt ace wht ere toe Beal rt (ORIDE Sa tee hb ed sh bi abo Go Gt ae he ay een cmos, ‘Both the President and hs brother changed Lskers account, Billy tn tonipomat trms on national lvision (Tis 11/8/3028) _cwuver, cing now that someone says X wanting fo cause people to have to do ‘somathing (¥) because of hat ‘tink that Xs. @ bod thing To say say those who say I fink that they con show thats @ goon thing fo ay wont them fo do | think tho wt be ficult orth fo dot assume it wil be understood that they cant cot they wll have to ‘ay thal Xba bo thing 10 #07 | say this Because want 1o-cause people not to have todo becouse of ‘cms, ecg Xscaificut thing todo Cone wouls want fo know if one could doit ‘ene assumes hati one doss It something good wal have to be sald ‘do0ut one ‘one fees something good imaging enesst doing it [Madeleine absolutely sre of href ashe hm one of hr tril lots. “Teel youta deny this. Andis spi Beneath contr llow 195661) “Tety any right inded person fo read this Book and conclude beyond reasonable doubt that Lindy Chamberlain kled her eid’ (D.. Oat, ‘Aastra; quoted on te cover of Bryson 1986) Heong lieagine that you think you ean doX | say want you fo do you Tink you con dot lossume that you couldnt dot "eal boca wane cae youte hae 10:0 thot youcont tin ir pt hn ir te Poopemey pennb ntact npmmpanpenored {Sp a Seeley aoc eh tec et cer Bg oe aa oi ae SEaToAe Sete cms sat ene SSRIS Tata Syoccenamer ees ‘Seathemetenentimaernicaryassosy ee aN nngegureeemme rman no ‘Sho tense nes to eof wa a fare nee Eee oenentas PRSTISEES Paneer in eee aeons te reed Mandela vows to defy new court ban. (Headline, Australian 24 12788) Invade ress tes and aa frm the Wet, Ina fers he West and enjoy eying and condemning. (Fischer 185486) ra ee 1a 1 ea mika youcen co eto dot a ae Somnpoomeniooon (ereesiou sat ao cause youre haves yout hat neon nmin mi yin i ty ios in mh te reat see me eo abe aco egress fo eee eee eae eer i esse eee ene se eee ae toteneccee a st tg cca or hoe nee era enrent mes Te Steet sec alae aloe tee Sees eee ene oe -—h—— ELE eS ov comeaoeer oa ISS ey ate nce wns ran oo ry eg Snes Rca tence nent “La te oo hat you can Bt af df thing Wh “ner tpg ano oe forse fae aeons Cr ce td acon an ce “Ds nye ot ny te onary ff) bt a oats inn ho ct ed sn Ta i sf et a nach moan a a read or ah a eg et ie ng St {Syn eme a aeoe pt fe pos Cry ef a Sc Mearotes nen af chet ue ent orc pon (Supe roam a puget peroming so They feasinos that don adit women may wel ook out fr me om ther Abort ene ofthese nights I might pay th avis and dae Hem not tole me ou (HES:21/4)82:1619) ‘Go ahead, Scarlet. Go drag one of thase young studs on his macho trip out imo the woods with you! [dare you to! You'l come ering back to me in mites! Go on!(Althe 1977288) “Kil we yo fuckin’ Bastard” he led into the wind, hanching over to decrease is vind resiotance, Tate you" (Alber 1977142) Isa. want you todo if you are not too ata fo. | ottume tna someting thot peopie Ike you ad me would BS ‘ofaid to. | say tes bacouee IWant 0 $90 whether you wil ot or not | Sure tnatyou understand that if you dont dot after have sale ‘his hs wy, something rare han bad wil have tobe sla ‘db6U you which would couse people To feel something mare fan bad towards you srs me lee pe ees be sett rt nl oe ang hg et Sie Mae RG Tanah is song te bret oh ea, ene epee i ap stato Png 35 St a ima et eae ‘eben dn eet ta bat nthe pes anges sso ven edhe repose re meat ‘al uy ein ace om sai eae pen oe ened} Sheabetimers ine ibionmcicintonh yy, ‘prs cues me a's cma ns aoe oS oat be ‘pon et diy ca "not at i Ansa ty Ta hes the smn mao ome ined» pr eee aaa es ha do tee Boe The ton of Manour sem o be nina vid inthe concept of dering, a4 it rite nad it hd ened oe ope seman rman eno Eis ny meh ge em ol eo am el ny at ee 42,_ TH artack cRouP {By nw there were confident ofthe required attude and again tacked the playwright for having toredhisory (Tasoy 983340) “ihe Empre Plot[®. Toto s ply] was vey attacked by Tolstoy: opponents investi ond other organs but Tolstoy continued unrepentant. (Tokay 19835336) | want fo say bad things about x nine people would expect re to say this Heel something bod thinking of ate) |ogume that semana wat want 10 s0y that ts batt say these things about x | tink that lean say things about x that wi cause people to ‘perce tha I's not bof say these things | ea tis couse |want 1 couse pedpie fo think bad things cout x | would want fo cause someting bad to happen 0X Diu: acing eo ely mn gy ig a ig aaa enon ‘re a om aya te pe Sc coupnat el ig ig ian ak ‘Sowm ota oma orem Wea a ‘hs tain ppnow acts pst ha eo ‘Popnow bd hing om i rb rod fg pt onan tes (Cena ornonefac pane resume an 1 kt age fetes nao pr sma What ying tse Cony ty mt ee i ‘ee swipe ma ate pogo a hap sha 3) sad a taper of wad wn oon omen ao apne farms nena apron fr Lf wel ce apd ‘sca aac ogy they ened i ae fet opin tr fy ano eek nino tee poy he sae eafmar nso en So od ptr Sa an ee Te rms or tc Sonehing todo ten o Xm atin gal el ‘nls sc np on epn of taanie b ‘ene, oer a Sea econ Wn er {tee sdenur, bt we tee re ce a beep ly “earning ‘Sst cg, pute somone ame snene ty hh she on oe i wand eae sn mig i tym sem ey pub ar ep ae du 0 ‘Pi car vr eo noe ena ep sano ‘rst eo nasi cen nce to etme Toe {ina in os schog os ar apn, sang oman Tee ll ot snd ingen eos Sat yo nd cect do hing bse a, ae me ob mate fed soathg belo sande somes at 908 ‘esp eto foc "rscjny apna eo opr ul inp cin cet at opt ings Xo Tet nto ‘Scape ne mapper aa prot ‘Sie ec Bl al rt come blo ou Hh Yo Daniel defended the right of att 0 emigrate, saing thet while such couse might offer the supreme spiritual test tue arts was ehways linked vo" his homeland by am unbreakable umbial cord (Scammell 198690 1 passed, and he began to alk excedly 10 Das. denying everthing. ening is ame apa acusarions tha had ot been made. (Pagel 1p26:61) Meoning | peteetve tht somone says ba things abut x | essure tis peson wants te cause peop o think bad things ‘about : | ort want people to thnk bad things about x hin en say tings that wl cause Doobie to percive that iis 'bad fo sy hove things about Isa.) | sa this because | dort wont peopl to oy these bod things cbout x cn: anda et ren atk lnc sen apne ‘So nents rpc he epi fd ok ke ie ae tte xeon rack. Ara gsi Nad hg bea nd od gen ‘pep tt mone bat gsc par gn ain a eet fern fy we geht Xp nt 6 peak Sa ‘Bic ato Ws nd ene pean wo pl i tedthing shot X~lanet nam psp hat a gr sh Xt et ‘Stuy gst ly a ot nice ‘igre’ ap eer tog eno ew ee, ny, bo were cs eal bn og nro ek py setom ab ponap tert oa lp i 2 St rene y mes ay a Fir acta ne (et oan a tng sb whee cope. Sn (it inp ane ranugec hk ple es ye), ‘tr Send ae osname Thor tags ae tar "rt pat queso cos spr fen ot car hia Scho ce; bowre nes secon sc ado es ‘me fi aque moro dnt ow ca ip mpbine'Sot vat the pnpi (rwac) ee ae a o pe {other eign rhe oho tne ‘Senay ud ape "opr ca soe vic oui t ai Seay we pe Dun) wo ‘haan eas papto an ha npr Xi that as thao ‘tn wat oe) Jota prio sy meh ed ng et WA ee ‘cupecn de at ts pops tbing nd 0 pest om eb ‘sea and tacroray a ese er Scion at a go ed fr den. One sal fren, Duel eh "Sib nt" ce he ito wo oe Oe si em oe et tale iss asa ede ‘era and nt est uy ah rp mn pi ae pets ypc me a “Ender cope cn hme ood eco hit hing ste ptr mayo ey shoe tg oat aay ice ae bd ‘nc oon meng fen ey seg te po ng Sheet seta td he sau, hoes ew pln tt expen o end eae st opel eign lg Sot be my, Fa oe {Senn pon tata tp his repos oy ng Po Iai or pra aan ae the ny Ps ua aay alae “Bed am wena guatng fack san oe am sotonm fre a, Su Baa ete gene ‘Sor arn yes ual cng nt cht tae ee {tap en wala sa sry sont, Be ay he pin ‘end ea ayo echt as obey ad ‘Spec dite tome fats oa im rca, 13,_THewaRN GROUP Mn onion 0 root erat ase ease ours in ii th ee he Ve ich rem anna nc path a earn, re jour doting wakicae mento sess teri 12 ibacaselcn pease yn ttn ei ocoe tone tg saichasan ya goney epermety eget nt moet ca tude eas wag env pec sean at Sie SEE Se eee ea eer onus yt pene sae pect oust ofa uu hou Se Ssh hips em ay nny nal wo bad ‘oprocrita ure e meig ote an wl opr ‘eSpace ae an {2 ar ppc nemo a at nyt pe um don) wat you {ite ab tpn emoay perpen yh tc a You a ‘ppt eee te aie ch Wagon Erie ccna iis cen Te tind ct oa pe ‘Th nou rae waa ngs pus ug ma loa a ‘Ei taut sa you pasting dm hain oP ‘Sas eacng sup ofr on (oun Jour raed) sa oc marge ter Brea you mg nme 0 |e i einer {2 rm ome hsb thn ore fn roping ward {een hws pn ne se tegen to be ite oe "toma: by een demain Howe ne happen baiosy rp tor pec te ai nn pegs, Warns nt ae ‘ity sy iene. Een twats Thr nee pd ‘ener tenes odd weed Thea ioy “Thave vid ease erestened Philip, “and I will how you 0 theme ‘you don’ change your ate) (Ral 198574) ‘Through ther speaker, Thera, they theatned 10 hill he captive unless ‘he itches of Ea taught them with (Lyn 1980205) "The most serious harraument occured hen several people mestng the eget were openly heatened by lanlohes policemen and two women ‘tere detained (Pomer 19818) The hostages had ben eatened with execution, (Power 19:11) Isa. wal do someting that wil be bad fer you if you dont do eomthing |ossume that you woulda’ want me todo thot | this because | want fo couse you to Go something that you ‘dont want f6.d0 Deus Ta el tn wan to erm eh a ch beep ‘Pie rene pen bono re pe he er omg uo be a of, Yu a EXE Se iat cr fms ch pmo Sy ap ape aca wt ea sun ec st we So Steet 5 ns i roy Se Fe ‘Shaper Thar Und rar harass of whe prt and hal tren hve hr han (Serna Wana 432, See ‘ada ee queen wore onsinos soso ou oan eee ‘Sonat Hut You tose tn you dnt at de) mae et one tplienstdanen sta hen fr goes nding ee oop ite ety eer pens TaN yon tye nk “ny sine! myc Ro {he ome oC fh ce eas scm {Snel te mol ost phate fn hi en bed ‘rman omc hoe, omc rer ee ecm Ekin ltl te tony pps sn spoont tor Wem a ‘a lsnary pve (int) he dium om be we Speen uprag “You want money, don you? Yo come hee 1 black” fhe expected her words 10 shock, they di not nacned. The Rowse ewcrne shugeed. “Al came for wes 10 help people oa [se] place ‘Bur gor ive 00's 98:13) "She could have Bout the shopper of as he expected, but Me Leigh Perot st ‘No, Iwill ever submtt lacktnalof this kind’ (Weldon ee13) His aeoholam made him o tare or varios Kinds of explotaion by ‘he Soviets, eluding Back. Blake 19838) ecg | want you todo x |osume you undentand that fl be good forme you do it "how that you con" want fo dit think tht ean say something that wil cause you to dot | so7 know something bad dbout you that other peape dont know | say | wil cause other pope fo know it it you dont do x | cetuma that would be mare than bad foryou Hote people ‘come fo know know hat people would say thot Ms aad thing to soy ths | say this because |wont to cause you todo x Discuon: Aetmatne wi ot ea, nr pee a ee ES ttt eS tine Schltr tn nr aa 1 pay sce scm oa ae rp Ta pch conte emo {i rnin eet er comin he pes xn | Resi i brs Sk en nn ee ne ‘ens tres osm etd oc eran. ‘ushers’ bed ih st sk er ic ta pet Seoetny mn gee dt pts sen os toy eg isi ino tor noes of oe a ng wage ot {Seow reer ton wold set aed Baa hgh ado Soi Seamer ei Farber ra by ents heya ps adie aon ‘someon, Msn es oe isp pe ‘ute wy nome se ton eth aan he vr ad 44,_THE ADwise GROUP sows, ‘he debate rambled on forthe rest of he mont, ding which emerged ‘har Henry Risinger wes the person responsible for having vised the ‘Presdom agin the meting (Scrnel 198431 "Sane. Tabie yout leave the cour oon, becouse the white people ore goin tobe destroyed (Styron 1967319) “Thun advise witing to Rev Love replied Capen what I came to recognise as hi characterise lcont speeded several yeas a0." (Dixon 19847) "n 1823 Bathurst asked Thomas Hobbes Scot rave him onthe fture uct nthe school (Clark 198079) Neorg | sume you would want fe know what think you shouts do Isa. tink you should x [sume you undeetond that have geod reasons to say in wee you would do that |S his booauze Iwan! fo couse you fo know what you sul 30 [imagine hat by saving tis ican couse you Todor | nine wil be @ good ting if you do ios tis sat haar rn sa ay ed or Sera act ec penny ma af tare mp Cand ite nthe ae age nm ph ek “Sic th seater nt ath ge ta Srey nln sen op ag ee ‘aig peek yt btn the ce a te pop ene a ein Serpe teil et ep Tao Sine eo 2 ams, etme oe ans pomp man The peters pond fr xen at ‘uy eh ne psn snp wir oh esc. oe ered at SETUPS My fete te toate at i at eaten wt ‘uty mijn poo mca of erases bee ay ‘ome fhe pes vn ob wl pr ars "er pi ei wth xenon sl hued wa is yn Tig oe the'Sn aye in rr ‘SSR oat ne epost xo ae ese Saas Eton acc nd tet bet ctoe eo Seti hah eae We ge oe pons, The W.V.U. coordinator advised me tht the above goods had been at the Mascon Anpor for approximately four weeks (HS. 21/4/8250) "The Univer of Qucnsand sis tha Ws adverisig for a Deputy ie Chancllor (Academe) (ANU Reporte 27/9/85) ‘have nvacd my king tht Sweden sil rath Poland widhin a mater of months (Mizhene IBS 122) ean Ice X | his becouse |want to couse you to know t |essume that # willbe good fr you to know it |ossume tna soul cause you To know | eazuma that you wal want fo do something because cf that cu: Adi a i eh en porn nrg nitions ‘hig sacha pn nde tos ep, Seely mc cha a at itera ence yf gs any pen te rman ee Yee a Jou nwa oo nti ene ASD brn ee ony, spre at eae sal indeeefaen riee n p apin ama veh ne a at ait pre OX abd, Vt do 2, ne hi, Bionic Oxoid a2 coms. Fhe Cong Cn prion ei el ed tn Sr eer ani erected mec an ek "ee rd may mig eg nd cog pons dein teen warpath fer alae Ten an aie de nd de tn Soule i on he Se sa ee ‘noe Leta aad ts ee ton he i et ie "mare at yur hence (Se RY IIR coer wos sae cere neg wart oa vet hikyu Bo dobeonee ‘one as oe sop TRS ace (Satin rca ne geod mono |Serneceae eee cue yur nary |Slavernaros wma Seces r Pony ea cenit tenants ly, Seat Sota aren a remorse Sa iiewar ese oes Sec tilt onan dteescnc near ok ‘Sprott et pon de Pn le he mag raed re pe hee wea tall oe th ve fe set righ td or de ey Fertnoml nt ten ann" rou a pa on al Scere nmr Fase a ce tn Satna ogi at sa na ay cconsu 1s the Deparment constng with them, or tying to Involve them in any ‘tay nthe production? Tunertand that these groupe eve had some success le there going 10 be any consation or volvement? (HECG 5), You'e enirely your own maser and you dont have 1 const anybody or mind what the ay (Grahare 19837) The electorate war not dicty conaated on the development of the Spite, Ronald raha set. (Raphael 1976189) orto days she sly const with he layer. (Alber 197887) Mocs Iori know what should co | want fo know what you would say about [hwant you ane me fo say some ings about Ife one cncther [Say went you fo say what you fink about it [Say this because wort fo couse youTo soy |esture that you wl want fo say noe ave hr bod sdb vs op to srr pn, {ty se tre cr tare mt en oan ec gd ‘eee shat coum fer re be throw otc ang Sint ao pont om may who wt sel ty epee on Enrearaps perme non some pp cme th ‘Seaham ee sang he Wher sae Sod See med peo eh wan oon ery tb pew cn ar ree wl ek he ae inion ser tel de ae econ Satie be a a Fenhror coming pie ced eh eng cn conning 4. Snpe tet lags set sree Pooh ee he ee wo {Sel sominly or soeaing welts soming nh or cnt ok SSS ee Rather ten smi eh i de se ini foo ting Thyra esos Twn eo a sa td's The at oem ol th ua ih a ah (extn ihe ere mp com ot oe sacha ent sone) (tt sone o ra ome ‘sme tno french te erm are (ah Tos onan ama sd mea tee ie rei {Eimear pene ae ne en an a ne SRL Seta aloe ar ns ane “Pefasoura ones roren deeming cuss (usa h eaeo og nko achne he bo a Sea a como fecan adr of iba in ee teaming oe jndint cona (Pe ene stl an tear pyre font sn ties oh at ptr Pr ow meee EEE re mee pa gel fhe Ihe a Some em oe ee e's ab ge) ‘SE 'om to sow a pale poe sho co some) an tobe ‘Shoes yes pny ing + Uso be ea pec tna Sit ted ar ie on of ac pe For ran he roles [igenin ite bein ors prion cop snare cco tot pt ‘coma aarp okt int el a Re ab a ec te, ee eh ‘Asa ren, certain corrective action was recommended 10 the Coun u.tca 2750) ‘Dr Gore recommends early artendance ro ensure geting a good set (ANU Reporte 21/9/852), ‘There nas to Mr Clarkson who had ben recomended to Mrs Good man by the Parrots slo. Pati White 1574102) Mecring |essure that you would want io know what would be @ good thing Teryou todo : |oxsuma that you would wont 18 ing what think would.be good Tor you bocause now much about ese things | sy. Think it would be good for you you ci | c2tuma you wil undetsfand that have good reasors to ay ths | say thi Bocuse | want fo couse you fo know what |hink would be '2.g00d thing fr you to do Iori now you wi Go cant name Ie ain, ie i at Be i e_sece “Siren re ta ne ee whe ie SMe dg oe we a gu ae aor onto {F'n a's lye, nemo sactng tb po tes *'Posiermore dg tim eng wht adres halo, whe recommend sec ta ny wit Be forthe ener mn are no (ld apt earn sb en od pty ees! eed hina seagate stood Tam ew Rc crm fed sch ten Gaonic en king unm hos ett ee i ‘Se arcane do ht i Pap orl fo ‘Svan th commend oe, nay a be SE Tt Sat a about dang meat pro Foy, os mont cj (ke mr bay pcs ce) ch one ve ‘ib ao igi reat T on ont aj (ot tn) EES er a "Sime as ae, ‘Sj tr Ste avaed emp "Fee dotr aval point ae "te wae "x ry im ee bw crn nd i oa he en ‘toca net pno otc wu eino : bnO ncomtnd tng SLES RETU act eer eademernecn t ‘Street gee yo at cs nan no SOUS Ss Seneca ee) he ‘i hsp commana Te fc hee wi (8) see, SERPS SS et etc "Wel hen saposing we 0 and alton hi wepged the Mole. (Grabame roan) ‘Sirabot testimony, the edence of lavish grave goods buried withthe seal, nd the Wenfcation ofthe Boyne bil mounds asthe deli soos ur place ofthe Side al suggest thatthe Irish dd ele tn a We afer death (Game 198517) “mina had ben glad hen Grahame sugested a drink othe pub. (Pym oats) When a young man atthe ofc sages tht we take a house together ina comming tow sounded like a grate. Fitgsald 19369) Moning | sy. | hk it would be @ good thing you aid |say ths because | want fe cours you think about it Ident knew f you wa dot {dort went t sy that Ion you too it ‘Sica ines asinine {ESS han om pion st hr os, nl ie ot at {ao The er er non wb San meme chs ‘coal flee ia eos epee oe tea et ‘ion, aris af ep frm fi pe eae No Satan ipdor oh ‘hay ev ain geo tb ee se sgt ih bre ose ow vt to, ds ooh ik tae lion napa te oes he tery. Ba eh ‘Smosh, or mae! aig ioe inne mie how tw gor we ket ig ‘St it ay (ea att nt) Tey ‘Boe wont mans 4 mathe ps poe ws ptt eae ‘opt Eases “t's wy ope tm ing ‘ten wing ten onsite mp ta ers Seca enc ru a SS trae ge ce a a ‘lon gpd Maro di he woe be nun pru edeg tthearoe ‘Seat pt ie os pon, Owen ner sting Sng © ‘Stopes oe mm socig Wr ocar = etu sh ot a (Chenery re dy The pin tae pe re he acon aig X) o tp then Example cheba mba wot eget mt {coms caren oth peopnt ba tea lt Syn Sse are in ery eb i at ese Pris iso ea Inthe second weok of June, only seven doe before the arminice was to end the Polsh ores were surprised by the arval of three Teonle {Knights nfl armor and bright toppings. They unfurled a flag of ace land sought 10 speak vith King Japelos"The Grand Mast? proposes that ‘teestond the armistice for ce weeks (Michene 198330) ‘he funeral ofthe dead detective two dys later i surprisingly discreet, gm that he wa killed nthe courn of he de: mors nase 10 Fe propose, rls wut, forthe Legion d Monnenr (National Ties 1 2/2)362) cong I hing it wou be good if we caused X to happen [now that tcann cause Ife happen tor people dont want t ‘ohappan say. you people want It fo happen. want fo happen [ty thts bacouto | want Yo cause other people fo think about and tovey they wan’ ohappen |xsume tna you wil soy you want tohoppen. Dlecumlon The pon ws proponent aii we etn SP hn aon sles eon koe hah sot ee ‘yen hey ean Sater Sch ! ‘ce te oe Soe cone eee iy jou wt tape’ reps wh fer td wi ee Mla to fete eee "Bere she pp oe Ek propre with may ee vote neu win fo tee poaspote prowance poe pa Not ‘Soseven pa paler ee ae, rs ent ut; inching ey nda per ada iain ee, Le oe ‘rove pip oma nd poe aac abn fr erp om he ly ‘Sissy tS osm i a eon Tape ho ae pope nnn Vm peg steal oy sb expan doy weer thy hy ‘rd wm ncn funn hart pee em ge on "nul pod ny new wep, Taonga ean ue ep oar ee dont war shee ‘They preached the nearest of the end of the world and they avocstd remunclton of marrage (Flethe 197115) “view of he mminence ofthe Second Coming of Chris, they advocated sir ascetic without an contact whatoer withthe sarounding world of olive farmers. (Fletcher 197.116) Meoning say think it wil be good if people do things of@ cetan kind x) want ether poop fo think he same [know hat some people wil sa that hey don want fo thik his |hasy things whlen | tink should cause other people to nk th [have ought about any ines |sy this becouse | want fo Coute people fo think hand to do X ‘because ofthat lossume that | wi havo fo say this many times ‘ecusion Wien sore omthig we ht hk te hig gute fo Toth tue e's mints rane Rote tery {heey ee psn Powe eee apo a et 186m ety oe bem sw Gel ek pp 0). a ‘pas sar dv men ttt rene eg eel {pratima be pon yu 80 Yoh see # de Fo 1a ile put poi eX) Maar, mn cand he et nei al poor igo oN) whens aoe ape» dd ab pd ip 030. "hime er pl cone mn ort oe hg tht eps st Hee ate nt Se Te mda oa Ye on atest ce te we pp ‘ease int er pp ng an nh at ne eee sui rms Bo in he eo poe patra aid pre sre, StS ea are crema ean cn et notin he nese pra dose ou oa he ke a yup vb wily os i i em, a he pot mata ye ts erm arm re wwe os sod ane EEEShe ate ta or me oi of oe aah aoe an si fps in ah with ok in nt i in Patent te pot tom br tence pt EEE ts ip sl a pss et hors nd ete o smegma spt bo fot pepe scr ne meer eng Mee ‘Ses tee an pene eof hing ace et oa head Sot peop och pi fw Let pe, oc ates oa ‘sung a ne Sorted os age pce aon yom ore ig tee vray eo my pe ace ~ nd at Sr pe ‘Sct an nag wa ong ay vate and a oe arma afer ‘ate ge aon te ue abn cay oi, bed ow tin ap ‘linger tr tn add ee ed rand ed ‘ister an ang he rain o wine ay Msg ab One ‘Stoo uer ha afta fe one ete ‘pauper ‘SES i a aa tf, rth og a nope he at “Htve some wine’ the March Hare sid an encouraging tone "Alice looked all round the table, but there was nothing oni But 0a “Lon sce any wine she remorked. “There ion en sad the March Hore “Then waa ery cof yout lle sad Alice angrily (Gaedoee 196033-38) “Tread aloud o yo; he oleredawhwardy. (Aiken 1982102) “Let me come with yout Megee llr, to filed wil er own happness she couldn bear ose her mother duapponted: she sensed tha is meeting ‘ould’ be pure joy for Fe. "Nor epee, I Beall ight(MeCallogh 1977391) "hiker something that cous be good foxes Iw caus 0 Rooper ye) Ju wou ante to doit {fark hk yu toy wort fohoseer {Gort knew you wort Ho hose [soy thsbecase| wont fa caus yout krew ha wus coset happen fyu sc hat yu worted Yohanan tossue he you wi sy Fy wa ffoRapen esto oo ting rm a an i Seam 9 dharani ote poplar ene ween Si ppd wa onl etn es SSGILE O'raleend tard A OG eyo Sito come oe tows ow Numero ee es ‘Sei a nfo imps ge ats ‘noc Stace ene yee sn PESION Wit ie apt ot ae a ‘tan my ny py i fe tap o mune ye sae tet une ec Serie ant “mses ace dy te ae ei bl sot Spee regrets tate i ace imine Sete srs See ep pt prs ng Se ming te bo in to Sie te sly tse ied farsa Slane ‘trp othe bdo a vig oo at as a ces pny SET Ey e iccgee neeer e SLOTS wc ite ng ae ae SST a el a Se ee Sciatic a SETS SS LS ate at ioe SUS ECORASS Sera nace ei ah oe ey a snag pet 8 rome om eg fled a a rte ng el oar tay be hero pe he ee ome ‘ponte me an here Seng ant bn tin ya af O8 ‘rarest unten eto ‘asst rane “san Smee tn, a ey aay embody 2 deo mei Se Seat eg ay ht en aa crash nun yup ay Bae ‘rls ofr tthe tanpann scr espa ane ‘let (any te et, a 1 Ptomopeadig count of miner rae oe me fm ig tJ ‘Shenae na comming mts pode ou na wns eae” tov ta arb encom! wh angola sae ong natn he end eed ar ofr ee pon ot theft ha hn of pps pee ace DH, than nat cans nd bo ey Hse ‘ant ore oo gue crea He ne ‘Sed te na eps pc eet ck pene ‘Sui rao not ay comming Mosel nthe can ppd ‘errant ag ot Allis ife he volantcze fo serve where needed. (Micener 1985147) ‘The only Americen afer thatthe Kremlin accepted wat conveyed by us old fiend, Armand Hanmer, ehalrman of Ocldonal Polen, who sent a cable recy to Soviet leader Mia! Gorbache volunteering the {traces ofa special in bonemartom transplant, which oe used teat radarion vie, (Buen 13586137) Ut of ema na are nd oa it es some Itt et moral a ee aon (Rochettant ae oa | VRS Gaerne ownae sont former carne Se sont nererire ook RASH Te ee SoS ee pete eoeey ernest scomromenais maracas noratier Some Soseei asia erate et: Secicencere seers ‘Sri td ity eran)” le smtn hn Sh hr eben, Ae ii ap ‘bs wy ed ny exes hs wane edo hh nace t ext ati te coped teen eet on nt penn oy ‘same nin oe en tee ot ‘eeagrar ora ‘ih th ere alo stn vm ta he ene "Mary sesame ae gen va bes tiny et ‘Sch voh te maciay tice as moro fang pcre ee ‘vata vom upton” pth ry ae pon wn bing ‘en mand oJ Nay eo et ut ere i a "inno ot a ews ne he ‘ere wt pr ph pc ing Wh Salty tn pn ttan ene aap rig prem. olen ease ‘Siena Su sod of ene odo hve he ae x no Gn emcee te od tse er 1 aa pre og pany wt {et erp The one spon lay ape nan ea hae Scotia te wos msn et wu pp tnd as “He had granted land 1 one excomvic, J. Ruse, wh by hard abou and the Rnowledge of farming he ad lar England as able to support mst and fly fce fom the public stores within a year of taking up ‘grant (Cla 1980.25) "Ihe government could ato gran condiiona or absolae pardons (Clack 1930-38) "To bein with sid he Cat, ‘a dogs not mad, You grant shai” (Gardnet 196088) The founding ofthe University of Cracow came exactly ele months Laer It came athe en of long neotaion in Avignon where Pope Urban ‘had ben euctan 10 want Casimir’ peation. (Das 198198) vooneg |ossume you understand that leon do good things for you hat you ‘cant do for me assume you want me fo cause Xe happen fo you |arsume you tndertond that lean cause te happen by eying ‘that want fe happen ‘say want fio happen |s0y this because wont to cause Ito happen [nik that here ae good reasons why should cause to happen lossume you undentand tht dont have todo |ossume you understand hat IJ boca. | want to do what you ‘wont me to-do, Decor, Tazo ma cums to gee tn Sine tr rar eye se tr a) Sena tease ha ue elope sd hh pt ‘Stet apen sap ying the nat pp "te asd he ona fo pea 0 he nen dans te spar gout month le’ ten es of pes {tne othe pe manny One pene oe 29 es estes rt amar Tab: say cree nome ins trea. Nonna aw age pene ety nn ay hire a ape a os sm eight ‘eters nse eel gy th oh a Tee pet pag he pid cmgone an th tu e ed an y T ‘Asi tec tpn (hrs sae ren wa grow «ae ce ‘piten pao an xeon pe) “The rethip pe! ty om meme Th en ho ran msching tem eg ab Or nal nto oy Tay pad ‘hep apa ames ed a So og ‘ein tr nal a ite i Om i ae po abe nus ch porte Smo, ‘See nthsnka iag Tn ert no ‘toni cn nd chang bre aes compe oa coe ie Sh feos the et ct ay teehee ak ‘Eas ena lb nt er we re tet “he ae alee been rd rt eat X°0 it 08 MCE nemo ne pow ont em = ‘Sel nm hs ue sem ney phe web erat ra abd rt On the er nt my bond pl i a rr a prt ‘Se si wrest p ted yep me ‘Sr tha paneti cian ped raed yoda nape SSisrie lien coe rd yee SRSSeTS mie ban by rn pec ed ie mat ‘ttm for rca sed song one compose hl hee Sie i ac hes aia 1 the person making the Wil desires to give all (or her) property 10 1s (or her wife (or husband) oF 10 some other person a5 the eae may be the form af Wil shouldbe filed in up 10 the words 'T gve devise ‘and bequeath ll my proper whasoevr both ral and personal 0. ‘bso: (Wil form, ANCOL 1986) Isa want X not fo be mine ater now, anc to be yous tay this because wart fo cause to appen |ostume that lean cause fe happen by saying this [know hat count caute Ifo happen fou sale you dnt want iRlohappen | Lssure that you wal ot sat irs hve bay itn enya at ee et {heme et Ca eee Of ocr. a hme sy LOTSA ar cet prueml ty or cap sete ig ar ot ge ys ts perm ee i a Toi eae men ita ang Hlhe et a ha i ching a iru wa para ‘Soup by worse gin ad ht words of ging emcompanie by 2 pho ‘Soave Som ue og someting mec yo“ re {Soe Th tna pny mn nly pale ok cB oe {iSeries ean sig yg sk oro bo Wg ‘Srl nose uh a, Se ae an ak sen Big“ he ‘Greely compari yy ear dn eo Ener, ‘conten rogaine ee ‘pecan ao tr op tas han eeu tl ew own or pee ‘ih per mac te wr oi oe ese pio wees age a aoe ptr et op eae (99) ert ‘Srasue Rome Runhr (9 cos i tO aay ae i capt fo ter oy Stan ers oa ‘etn mop, hago toy ie te tinh epee ff a pe in ant apn eet Stat om ee, by rr ai swe Reto oe fr wing a ko bet Wil bre sn {45 me hot fil One corer afer tnt eens somone “Tan now you wat Bette poo he sme ent a ‘Fc ss at yt bene ogee noes ee ‘ny ethene mpi eed cay 1 te ot eS a eS pt te ‘hewn aright on combate ff a eps, Be al cette ante ng pe str, uh mt man ye oa ‘eect ho rm rsa on err fe and apo cus pe ‘br army no ae) iy ome apr mor ae at ‘fer pn ap Thar nt te ny aig prep ah, be Sm cp ping a asst a he ‘one Tapas wo gesagt spenen sof fog Ste moss sticy Sma sn eo ta et ‘ae, han anon he hig a a nce pee Inte the keepin fe eke pene te fo [ee nds ey ae eg see fn ay oe a [ssi le fm i, oo sg. "Sl rm he of a ea ie see oe nt pteming bony cin be ad Eicher itt ate pen Smee 16,_THEPRaiss GROUP come to bury Caesar, not to pra him. (Shakespeare, Jus Caesar, ae) Wherever they went hey wert prise God and exhort men 1 reverence (Goaege 19619) ‘uher representa n the Security Counc praise his [Gandhi's devor sion to peace and hs pra quale. (Pict 19548) Neorg Im thinking about ¥ hin something gooc about eel something good thinking of ¥ |sa1.¥ good | ine have good reasons to ay this | thine something good hat fo be sald about someone (Z) because ‘lthot | say this Because |wonto say that tink something good aboutV Decadent en ed ast thence (Ti example SES ca a i a oer eo tin ire Tuts ay pas ou pa cn be ery ee "pad sil mb oh haa ase ert at wi He ‘Sioa or ig) ue ena cea bn re a “Shing ot mr a plas on he an an or ee poms, ie ety ap pa he pin Sieg ima" Sa ‘Scan pat ore ennai ul wich at bin dr spn cual Free sin past ete inp og ‘Se Sito once gin sty One hh, he er band oe ifr ar ary ors tigen Pg oso ope sn ne che pw pone Pig wos fo! canbe rc or ee ‘Sesame ha oe cou eye panerts apee wc pste eon eb eh eon nnd ont tsps clon wah ties nee Ts gtr ae ‘contre The pr srg ni boa he se oP re Een en on pres rine tt ch wt no ae ‘Se Spee sss Oo bl re ig ‘Srlapnn th pene is ned xed ods "he lioy pps fe een ence srs pe jog. se sper mayo yt a oper sabe Say my ‘ote pop now wr ct butt ny arn pup es oat ‘Sepa hat Nn ht at ae oe ‘eo nthe pr a pangs pie gen pet ‘au gen tr tt ope (ach po pout). at ar Ree a ya a lio Nara fostvhep iascnniy drama a we eta pent at {o'er Ta ave cn 2 mind ab nou at ee ‘Peay Sit mpage gate ce amen oe Jaden nw wipe not oerpcse, tae enw [PR par our gun of pan ego ome ncn pope pr Cd SI Sc oper stn tc pl a Ha [Ben after there were in, the Unie States, adhering to policy, com ‘mended Fypt for taking ation. Never mind that mor han 30 pasengers ‘had ben hie. (Guardian Weekly 8/12/8515) The jurors wor fo be commended for Hr sence. Tir evolve could only be srengthened once more hes were reminded ofthe oath which Id bound tei deliberations sacred and sere Bers and Woodward ore) Meanie Im thinking about something (¥) that poron X io | rink ot twos 900d ting foo | want fo say something good about peron X because of that |x. Kel somating good | oatume that fam someone who can ay thie |ty this because | want fe cause people fo know what hink of ‘what ke |ossume tht X would fel something good because of hat | think hat by saying this could cause someone fo do smnetting ‘Good hisiind at some cherie coma, _ ‘uae commande ern nh oy al ming nn lon ‘fe anne ono Gammmting epi. ges pega itera cing, ‘stim aban tte inte mm bene eee re at a oe {er aco bt nthe rose hme, ne oe a ommend oe Serie rer oko pina en og. tear cred yn) i {nts sen’ cmnndng xr te atone by ‘Ge 2 teed: Wire ane sowed avy ape“ commen, Toe toe" Sort ston eg "We common het oa ero he Oe {5c inet tee omen ne mag poten at ‘Scherer see in tk ser enn Tn on lr eo ‘tc eae pene a poplte tm wee an once hepsi tne ney as tee poy chr eee ‘Semen a hwo pops eng eae Pape at rm ewe mea hat pr br ap on vc urn pile (ements a coma, ‘eammend the port othe Sonate. (HS: 6/12/8322) To thy fraternal cre Thy ster commen From every barking onare) ‘Thy lovey charge defend (Gilbert a Sulivas, “The Yeomea othe Oued) ering | want good things te happen tox |cseume you can coute good things to hoppen 1oX hin you would do i you tought that good things can be said ‘about x | say good things canbe sac about x | o2tume you wil undortond Fat have good reasons to sy hi | say this becouse want fo couse you fo rink good things about x ‘ond fo couse good things 1 happen fo K because ofthat "erhrmors astronomy st apa ob tpt prs sl wo nae on ng tape ‘Settle otmentnoe Tr par nt emmy eon at ‘Bot tae sone nar larcnwing poe pee moe seu ha (com ey te oe) The Nae lg fcmmen (her y bn mand my pe Le lg ae “esi sen moe hn ol a of candi a {elt the comp god ng on shone dade None ‘escent aon ect “He was not suprised that when they sat down to ett shouldbe Adam whe compiented roma, rather to futomel 1 wemed or sch a deal ontheengulte thine of the slced cacumber wk iwhichshehad decorated ‘he rne move. (yn 198186) ‘ihink he Government, and paiulry the Atomey-Geneal oe 10 ‘becomplimestd on is excel pleco llvion (HMR: 22 12/8518) "Atherton wo cleer anf expetencedwestr end he could a opie. Hesaid a ow kind words abou Linda Martin ly completed Bll ‘on the ret fob he was dong... (Phlchman 197639) | perceive something good about your” | want to soy something good cbout you becouse of hat ‘say (someting good about Xand Xs) fee! something good thinking dbout say tis because want to cause you fo know that lam thinking ‘something good obout you | exsume that you wel something good becouse of hat ‘culo Comping sprang, gue Pe nga a ey fet mnt ron nt opt twee he ps gen hat (Spree om wn pr, a am conn see no thn “he ne ule Sonn ef ces ay ato or an 115 conn bese hr reper Benn = Pose pat Isc bo bemoan ae coop cones bt er ie mre ot nae Tones ois ue pase Gaping har omy har sed a be ‘puberty oy tt ya compte Om eran yh te of pene et ar apo iit at ly mie id ‘sider “ye » pen for sumthing ty hae dnc” or oe an simp “pa at ‘Sgn ey eo (pal ng 2) st compen ca a et oe ‘Sse comptes Yon 2 ‘sro ue oo pre tp red etic pee ‘ite pte i ee, ule en to pp ne wel et ‘ron See he pie tnaton ite Re pe ene ‘Son jut tga sad ao “hades ne comple cng at dha sng) pte ‘och ou a en eal es pads ‘nc ly dtu, nmap or oo ast el mph ‘ie omen er i or pcan Png the tan ogo es er tan fot aes hn ery ote deve Sa et ‘Saree nds ne way ttn cone can “Tea se ses ‘Serb ot ner be era Poa 19) a oly 12a han eth a hat ot ut ota epee ley ond met be te acetone ‘Sanaa onthe aso he mpc’ Te ac fer tin an peo ‘pn ave pore ogee meng od ng sot ‘Sma s np canes ona conbanen poate oped ‘wong tp aad ae ee fe Abandoned by his own bodyguards, Nero commited suicide om Jane 8, ("What am ats the word is loxing" he bose ashe prepared io drive {sword ino hs throat. (Rolf 198551) {Pied Kelly] boasted that hs mon had never harmed a woman nor robbed «poor man (Clark 1980.12) ‘Gondh ikewise seve jackets for hs wife wich, he boasted she atually wore (Fischer 195442) “ame wes native-born. and pen to boating of hl achievements ax 4 ative youth or “crencyIad whe Hove was on tomran and {enteman by birth (Car 19862) Meares | say. something good (¥) can be said about me Tosume that his cannot be sald about some afer people veo, 3 Yee! something good becouse ofthat [want people fel something becaite of thot | aay tis cause want fo coute poopie To tink me os someon ‘Goout whom good ings canbe sald hat connat bo sald ‘Sb0Ut some cher people and To fel something becouse ot that eulogy i igs ing bon a wih he pp inpetog ee pap To tap hems own yg et oe a Sey tay go mt sing pode ‘hut sou sae pope tbe ae compere et hosing ‘Siemon ns ar pear ho my ped nh Hew ‘Saar pny on enti mu caper ng tw hao ‘weal vomeine ‘ae ing vp lane nt tel et ng {hc wr, ns eh og ncn ene ‘inst ces sees to oe mg tna Th gan i ce ‘Rd dw pes engine ace wi ed ‘Starrs hus nc eal teste te poe) Tee hr sors st sn aoe vt ae na Sos oma feet har) atts he ato Se “Wathen oy st inl i ae oe enema ae el soar nie vice ar snd gu Tsar ot mem ‘Seamen's tn mp po mcrae of iat, bad ‘ad ol ng nck nd sat pert al cy ape i et orth sta aero ‘urge rt satu en case oa “Cae ‘elim eo) ‘lic has Boon wronehy eet wi heving some integrity. (Canberra Times) 1H would be inaccurate to eet these ave noes with any coherence, ‘rte la for them much dtinetion Beyond the bare reuemens of popular jouraton (Garcia Weekly 9/2/8621) ooneg . |esume thot think that something good can be said about etsonthing XI shout say it Ig think that ¥ can be said about X [assume that everyone woul soy That Vs something good says because want 0 say what think some of he good things “oe hat con be sad bout X Decuesore Fiore (97) poms ta ym wth Hon at wh ot (7S tie tne sama he ato ever ee

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