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Total questions: 25
Worksheet time: 13mins
Instructor name: Sandeep Shom

1. The credit of EL for the half year will be ------ days for each completed calendar month

a) 2.5 b) 3.5

c) 3 d) 2

2. A female govt servant can take upto maximum of --- days of commuted leave in continuation of maternity leave

a) 90 b) 60

c) 75 d) 180

3. Paternity leave for eligible male govt servants is granted for a period of upto ----- days

a) 15 b) 5

c) 10 d) 20

4. In cases of resignation, the no. of days of HPL encashable is

a) 300 b) 0

c) 100 d) 150

5. LTC can not be availed by the govt official for himself when he is availing

a) CL b) EOL

c) CCL d) Commuted leave on medical grounds

6. If an employee has encashed 10 EL along with LTC and if he has 300 days EL balance as on date of retirement, the admissibility for EL
encashment on retirement will be ---- days

a) 310 b) 300

c) 280 d) 290

7. Except with the approval of President of India, no govt servant can be granted leave for a continuous period exceeding ---- years

a) 3 b) 6

c) 5 d) 4

8. Subject to conditions, the maximum no. of days of unavailed joining time that can be credited to EL account is ---- days

a) 9 b) 15

c) 10 d) 12
9. Which leave is a matter of right of the employee ?

a) CCL b) None of these

c) EL d) EOL

10. The formula for calculating EL (for X days) encashment is

a) (Pay+DA) x X/30 b) (Pay+DA) x X/60

c) (Pay+DA) x X/45 d) None of these.

11. An employee who had donated blood to a recognised blood bank, will be entitled for one day Special Casual leave for

a) The day before donation b) The next day

c) The same day d) Next two days

12. If a permanent govt servant resigns from service, he will be entitled to encashment of only ---- of EL balance at credit

a) 50% b) 60%

c) 25% d) 100%

13. The date on which CCS (Leave) Rules, 1972 came into effect is

a) 1st January, 1972 b) 1st June, 1972

c) 2nd April, 1972 d) 15th August, 1972

14. When a Government servant applies for a specific kind of leave, the Leave Sanctioning Authority does not have the power to

a) Revoke b) Refuse

c) Sanction d) Alter

15. EL can be combined with

a) Sick Leave, Half Pay Leave, Maternity Leave b) Casual Leave, Half Pay Leave, Maternity Leave

c) Casual Leave, Paternity Leave, Maternity Leave d) Study Leave, Casual Leave, Maternity Leave

16. What is the maximum number of days of EL that can be granted to a Government servant at a time in one spell?

a) 300 days b) 90 days

c) 120 days d) 180 days

17. The maximum period of CCL that can be availed by a woman Government servant during her entire service is

a) 700 days b) 365 days

c) 630 days d) 730 days

18. CCL may not be granted for less than ________ days

a) 30 days b) 20 days

c) No Limitation. d) 15 days
19. Child care leave is admissible if the child is below _______.

a) 23 Years b) 16 Years

c) 18 Years d) 17 Years

20. Government servants are not entitled to leave salary while availing

a) Half pay leave b) Child care leave

c) Extraordinary Leave d) Commuted leave

21. Encashment of earned leave of up to 10 days at the time of availing LTC is permitted, provided a balance of ........ days of EL is available at
the credit of a Government servant.

a) 45 days b) 300 days

c) 180 days d) 30 days

22. What is the maximum number of days of EL that can be granted to a Government servant at a time in one spell?

a) 90 days b) 120 days

c) 300 days d) 180 days

23. Absence by a Government servant after expiry of leave shall be debited to his leave account as .................. to the extent such leave is due.

a) None of the above b) Earned leave

c) Half Pay Leave d) Leave not due

24. The Leave sanctioning authority can waive the production of Medical Certificate in case of an application for leave on medical grounds, if the
period of leave applied for is less than

a) 30 days b) 10 days

c) 3 days d) 7 days

25. A Gazetted Government servant who is a CGHS beneficiary is required to submit a Medical Certificate for grant of leave on medical grounds
issued by a

a) Doctor working in a Private Nursing Home b) Doctor in a CGHS Dispensary

c) RMP d) AMA
Answer Keys

1. a) 2.5 2. b) 60 3. a) 15

4. b) 0 5. d) Commuted leave on medical grounds 6. a) 310

7. c) 5 8. b) 15 9. b) None of these

10. a) (Pay+DA) x X/30 11. c) The same day 12. a) 50%

13. b) 1st June, 1972 14. d) Alter 15. a) Sick Leave, Half Pay Leave,
Maternity Leave

16. d) 180 days 17. d) 730 days 18. d) 15 days

19. c) 18 Years 20. c) Extraordinary Leave 21. d) 30 days

22. d) 180 days 23. c) Half Pay Leave 24. c) 3 days

25. b) Doctor in a CGHS Dispensary

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