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Worksheets Name

CCS Leave Rules

Total questions: 20
Worksheet time: 10mins
Instructor name: MOHD ASIF HUSSAIN

1. The date on which CCS (Leave) Rules, 1972 came into effect is

a) 1st June, 1972 b) 1st January, 1972

c) 2nd April, 1972 d) 15th August, 197

2. CCS (Leave) Rules, 1972 is not applicable to

a) Persons appointed to the Civil services b) Government servants appointed in subordinate of Central

c) Persons paid from contingencies d) Employees of non-statutory departmental canteens

3. Which of the Leave Rules would apply, if a Government servant is temporarily deputed to foreign service in India?

a) CCS (Leave) Rules and Foreign Service Leave Rules b) Leave Rules of Foreign Service

c) None of the above d) CCS (Leave) Rules, 1972

4. When a Government servant applies for a specific kind of leave, the Leave Sanctioning Authority does not have the power to

a) Alter b) Revoke

c) Refuse d) Sanction

5. A Government servant ceases to have any claim for leave to his credit, if he has

a) Resigned to take up another appointment in Government service b) Retired

c) Been reinstated d) Been dismissed

6. If a Government servant claims for commutation of one kind of leave into another, he should apply for commutation, within a period of

a) 90 days b) 30 days

c) 45 days d) 15 days

7. EL can be combined with

a) Casual Leave, Paternity Leave, Maternity Leave b) Sick Leave, Half Pay Leave, Maternity Leave

c) Study Leave, Casual Leave, Maternity Leave d) Casual Leave, Half Pay Leave, Maternity Leave

8. Casual Leave can be combined with

a) Earned Leave b) None of the above

c) Half Pay Leave d) Special Casual Leave

9. The maximum period of continuous leave of any kind which can be allowed to a permanent Government servant

a) 365 days b) 5 years

c) 2 years d) 90 days

10. Leave Account of a Gazetted Government servant shall be maintained by

a) Audit Office b) Head of Office

c) Pay and Accounts Office d) Himself

11. No leave shall be granted to Government servant if he is

a) On leave preparatory to retirement b) Under suspension

c) To work as an Examiner d) To visit abroad with proper permission

12. The Leave sanctioning authority can waive the production of Medical Certificate in case of an application for leave on medical grounds, if the
period of leave applied for is less than

a) 3 days b) 10 days

c) 7 days d) 30 days

13. Mention the maximum number of months of leave that can be sanctioned by the Medical Authority if he is unable to say with certainty that
the Government servant will never again be fit for service

a) 12 months b) 1 month

c) 8 months d) 6 months

14. Absence by a Government servant after expiry of leave shall be debited to his leave account as .................. to the extent such leave is due.

a) Earned leave b) None of the above

c) Half pay leave d) Leave not due

15. What is the maximum number of days of EL that can be granted to a Government servant at a time in one spell

a) 120 days b) 90 days

c) 180 days d) 300 days

16. EOL is granted to Government servants only

a) When no other leave is admissible or on request b) Before superannuation

c) When Government servant is on notice period of VRS d) None of the above

17. In a calendar year, CCL cannot be granted for more than

a) 4 times b) 6 times

c) 2 times d) 3 times

18. CCL may not be granted for less than ________ days.

a) No limitation b) 15 days

c) 20 days d) 05 days
19. What is the maximum amount of study leave which can be availed by a Government servant, other than CHS Officers in his entire service

a) 15 months b) 10 months

c) 24 months d) 12 months

20. Combination of Study Leave with earned leave shall not generally involve a total absence of more than

a) 28 months b) 36 months

c) 24 months d) 16 months
Answer Keys

1. a) 1st June, 1972 2. c) Persons paid from contingencies 3. d) CCS (Leave) Rules, 1972

4. a) Alter 5. d) Been dismissed 6. b) 30 days

7. b) Sick Leave, Half Pay Leave, Maternity 8. d) Special Casual Leave 9. b) 5 years

10. b) Head of Office 11. b) Under suspension 12. a) 3 days

13. a) 12 months 14. c) Half pay leave 15. c) 180 days

16. a) When no other leave is admissible or 17. d) 3 times 18. d) 05 days

on request

19. c) 24 months 20. a) 28 months

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