Ajay Gautam Vs Deepa Sharma

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Date: 06.12.

2023 Civ Suit 8014/2016

Ajay Gautam Vs. Deepa Sharma

Statement of Shri Ajay Gautam son of Late Shri Kishan Chand Gautam, aged
about 47 years resident of House No. 26/127-A, Siddharth Gali No. 10, Vishwas
Nagar, Shahdara, Delhi-110032.

XXXXXXXXXXX by Shri Pranav Kanti, Ld. Counsel for the defendant.

Deepa Sharma who is running a gang of honey trap filed number of complaints
against me in various states and all are closed and no investigation is pending
against me.

Q. That Deepa Sharma has filed a physical molestation complaint at PS-Baitul,

Madhya Pradesh is it correct?

Ans. It is not in my knowledge about the nature of the complaint.

It is wrong to suggest that abovementioned complaint is pending investigation

and despite notices and warrants by MP Police. I am not presenting myself
before the concerned IO for investigation.

Q. What was the incident or mischief committed by you for which Deepa

Ans. I have not done anything wrong with Deepa Sharma. She threatened me
because of extortion and blackmailing as she is running a gang of honey trap.
Q. Have you made any complaint against the alleged extortion and honey trap
committed by Deepa Sharma.

Ans. Yes, I have made a complaint. (Vol. The relevant documents are already
on judicial record).

It is wrong to suggest that the allegation made in para No. 9a and 9b of my

evidence by way of affidavit dated 30.10.2018 (filed on 09.01.2020) or all false
and fabricated.

Q. Are you aware who had made the calls on your landline number on 011-
22301180 on 04.08.2015, 06.08.2015 and 08.08.2015 as deposed in evidence by
way of affidavit?

Ans. Few calls were made by Gang Member of Defendant i.e. Dolly Bindra and
some unknown persons and the same complaint exhibited PW-1/C.

Q. How did you come to know that abovementioned calls were made by Dolly

Ans. The caller introduced herself by calling Dolly Bindra.

Q. Have you produced any documentary proof to show that your landline
number on 011-22301180 is registered in your name?

Ans. No, I have not produced any document related to my landline number.
Although I am ready to produce the same.
It is wrong to suggest that the abovementioned land line number is not
registered in my name and is a fabricated landline number.

It is wrong to suggest that No defamation has been caused by Deepa Sharma

against me and my claim is false and baseless and has been filed with malafide
intention to extort money from the defendant as I did with several other well
known persons and extorted money from them. It is further wrong to suggest
that I also demanded money from defendant to settle the present case but she
refused to accede the demand of the plaintiff. It is further wrong to suggest that
I am habitual of filing frivolous cases against well known persons and demand
money from them to settle the matter. It is further wrong to suggest that I have
received huge amount of money from Swami Charkrapani, Hari Singh Rawat,
Dolly Bindra and others and settled cases filed against them earlier.

Q. How do you calculate the amount of Rs. 1,00,000/- as damages in the present

Ans. I demanded/claimed as a general damages and general damages cannot be


It is wrong to suggest that I am habitual of filing false police complaints and

defamatory complaints in police against various people. It is further wrong to
suggest that I have also filed various defamatory statements with police and
other authorities against the defendant.

It is wrong to suggest that my claim is bogus and I am deposing falsely.


Date: 06.12.2023 Civ Suit 8014/2016
Ajay Gautam Vs. Deepa Sharma

Present: Shri Ajay Gautam, Plaintiff in person

Shri Pranav Kanti, Ld. Counsel for the defendant.

PW-1 is cross examined and then discharged.

The Plaintiff in person requested to move an appropriate application for

summoning of witness i.e. PW-2.

Both the parties will fix any date through WhatsApp Group for recording of
evidence after getting allowed the above said application of the plaintiff from
the Hon’ble Court.

Date: 02.12.2023 Civ Suit 8014/2016
Ajay Gautam Vs. Deepa Sharma

Present: Shri Ajay Gautam, Plaintiff in person

Shri Pranav Kanti, Ld. Counsel for the defendant.

Ld. Counsel for the defendant requires the judicial file for cross examination of
PW-1. Ld. LC intimates Ld. Counsel for the defendant that the judicial file
cannot be brought up as there is no instruction on the order dated 03.11.2023.

Ld. Counsel for the defendant seeks adjournment to bring his own file for cross
examination of PW-1 on the next date of hearing.

Put up the matter for recording of evidence of PW-1 on 06.12.2023 at 02:00



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