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Architectural splendour of the Mughals ( only for the students who had gone for Delhi –
Agra excursion)


A survey of Lok Sabha Election 2024 ( for rhe students who had not gone for the excursion)
.The project should not mention any political inclination.

Project layout for writing in the project file:

❖ The entire project should be within 12 to 15 pages (1200 words)

❖ Page 1- Name, Class, Section, Roll number ❖ Page 2- Project


❖ Page 3- Index (content and page number)

❖ Page 4 to 12- Introduction and main project matter

❖ Page 13- Conclusion

❖ Page 14 – Acknowledgement.

❖ Page 15- Bibliography

➢ Guidelines to be followed for writing in the Project


❖ File must be covered with brown paper and only ‘ HISTORY PROJECT “ must be written
on the top

❖ All white pages must have margins drawn on all four sides with black pen or

black pencil.

❖ All pictures must have a border around it, drawn with black pen or pencil.
❖ All pictures must be labeled with capital block letters.

❖ All headings and subheadings must be written in the same colour throughout and in
capital block letters.

Donot use RED or GREEN pen for highlighting

Use only black pen for writing the project

➢ Project layout for making a PowerPoint Presentation:/ movie making ( only for the
students who had gone for excursion)

❖ Maximum slides for PPT should be within 35 to 40 slides.

❖ Slides must start with Name, Class, Section, Roll number and project


❖ The slides must end with the conclusion, and acknowledgement,

If done in the form of a movie,it must be of 3-5 minutes.

You may use voiceover, music in PPT and MOVIE

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