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Mathematics Project Class X

TOPIC: 1 BANKING: To find the matured value on a fixed principal amount with different rate of
interest and different tenure in a recurring account.

1. Personal details:

2. Contents:

Sl. No. Heading Page no.

3. My aims and objectives:

4. Introduction:

5. Formula:

6. Calculation of matured value:

Principal (in ₹) Rate of interest Tennure

2000 6% 1 year

2000 7% 1 year 6 months

2000 8% 2 years

TOPIC: 2 STATISTICS: Application of statistics in comparative study of performance of the class in
half yearly and annual examination of class 9.

1. Introduction:

a) Practical application of statistics.

b) Important terms in statistics.

c) Methods used for statistical analysis.

2. Procedure:

a) Collect the marks scored in Mathematics by all the students in both half yearly and annual

Sl. No. Students’ name Marks in Half Yearly Marks in Final

2. etc.

b) Representation of the data in the tabular form.

c) Make two tables for two terms and find their cumulative frequencies separately.

Class interval Frequency Cumulative frequency

10-20 etc.

d) Represent and compare the data with the help of an ogive. [Two different ogives in two different
graphs should be done ]

e) Mark the following information in the ogive.

i) Median

ii) Number of students scoring less than 40% marks.

iii) Number of students scoring more than 80% marks.

3. Observation:

4. Conclusion:

5. Acknowledgement:

6. Bibliography:

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