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Artificial Intelligence vs.

Intelligence: Top 7 Differences

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Artificial Intelligence vs. Human Intelligence: Top 7


A 02 Nov, 2023 • 6 min read


Artificial intelligence has come a long way

from the fictional AI character JARVIS to

real-life ChatGPT. However, human

intelligence is an attribute that supports

individuals in learning, comprehending, and

coming up with innovative solutions to

challenges, versus artificial intelligence,

which imitates humans based on provided

data. Since AI has become so prevalent

today, a new discussion, artificial

intelligence vs. human intelligence, has

emerged comparing the two rival


Table of contents

What is Artificial Intelligence?

A subfield of data science called artificial

intelligence is associated with creating

intelligent computers that can carry out

various tasks that often call for human

intelligence and perception. These

sophisticated machines can learn from

previous errors and historical data, analyze

the surrounding circumstances, and decide

on the necessary measures.

AI is an integrated field that draws on ideas

and methods from many other disciplines,

including computational science, cognitive

sciences, language studies, neuroscience,

psychology, and mathematics.

The machine is capable of self-learning,

self-analysis, and self-improvement, and

while processing, it requires minimal or

almost no human effort.

It is utilized in practically every business,

including the media industry, the healthcare

industry, graphics and animation, and more,

to help technologies replicate human action

based on their behavior.

What is Human Intelligence?

Human intelligence refers to a person’s

intellectual capacity, which enables them to

reason, understand a variety of

expressions, comprehend challenging

concepts, solve mathematical problems,

adapt to changing circumstances, use

knowledge to control their environment and

communicate with others.

Source: Clickworker

It may offer information on matters about a

specific skill set and body of knowledge,

which may relate to a different human being

or, in the particular instance of intelligence

agents and locators, diplomatic information

they had to access. Additionally, it might

offer details about social networks and

personal connections.

Human intelligence and behavior have their

roots in a person’s distinctive admixture of

genetics, childhood development, and

experience with diverse events and

surroundings. Furthermore, it entirely relies

on the individual’s ability to use their newly

acquired knowledge to transform their


Artificial Intelligence vs. Human


Here is an elaborated difference between

human intelligence and artificial


Human Artificial
Intelligence Intelligence
AI is an innovation
created by human
Humans are born
insights; Norbert
with the
Wiener is
capacity to
associated with
Origin reason, think,
helping to progress
assess, and
the field by
perform other
theorizing about
cognitive tasks.
the mechanisms of
Using statistical
Human models and
intelligence can algorithms, AI can
pick up new learn from
information via enormous amounts
Learning observations, of data. They
Capabilities experience, and cannot build a
educating uniquely human
oneself and put analytical style;
it into novel they can only learn
scenarios. through data and
regular training.
Using innovative
thinking and AI can create novel
creativity, human approaches using
intelligence can existing trends and
generate fresh data but lacks
concepts, inherent innovation
literature, music, and originality.
and art.
AI interprets
Human decisions
according to
can be subject
Decision to subjective
collected data,
Making factors not
which makes it
based solely on
strongly objective
in decision-making.
Human Artificial
Nature intelligence is intelligence uses
analogous. digital machines.
The human brain
Energy computers use
uses around 25
Use around 2 watts of
watts of energy.
The capacity to
concepts, the
intelligence is still
degree of self-
developing the
awareness, and
Social capability to read
sensitivity to the
Skills and recognize
sentiments of
interpersonal and
passionate signals.
humans from
other social

What AI Cannot Do without –

The “Human” Factor

The artificial intelligence vs. human

intelligence debate is incomplete without

considering the human factor. While AI is

intended to replace laborious processes

with a more efficient and convenient

method of accomplishing the job, it cannot

replace the requirement for human

involvement in the workplace. However,

without human assistance, technology

cannot advance. Engineers must create and

test artificial intelligence systems as a

prerequisite for their application to

advance. AI wouldn’t work without humans,

so humans and AI cannot be substituted.

People show their emotions and have the

ability to interpret the facial expressions

and moods of others, but artificially

intelligent machines are not trained to do

that. Although AI-enabled machines can

mimic human speech, they lack human

touch since they cannot express empathy

and other emotions.

AI is based on codes that restrict it from

finding creative answers to new challenges.

They operate as intended, which limits their

capacity to understand the context and

devise sophisticated solutions.

While AI can learn extremely fast, it lacks

logical thinking and is, therefore, unable to

reason and challenge the facts to the same

extent humans can.

In-demand Machine Learning


There are certain machine learning skills

that are currently in demand for the

artificial intelligence industry:

Programming languages such as

Python, C++, R, etc.

Applied mathematics

Natural language processing

Data Science

Communication and data visualization


Statistics and probability

Artificial Intelligence vs. Human

Intelligence: What Future Holds?

Digital existence is enhancing human

abilities while challenging long-standing

human activity. Code-driven technologies

have reached more than half of the world’s

population regarding ambient data and

connection, providing previously

unthinkable potential and significant risks.

Artificial intelligence is transforming the

employment landscape by automating

earlier labor-intensive processes. The rapid

advancement in technology has brought

about the rise of new disciplines of study

and employment. AI can automate many

repetitive activities, but it also opens up

new career paths for those who need

human abilities like innovative thinking,

critical thinking, and behavioral


AI can provide incredible advantages to

organizations that implement it effectively,

increasing efficiency and cooperation.

Businesses can explore new possibilities for

growth and creativity by using AI. This can

increase demand for products and services,

promoting economic expansion and

enhancing living standards.

When the discussion of AI vs. humans

comes into action, we look at a bright

coexisting future. The next generation will

be raised in an era where human beings and

humanoids coexist, with humanoids

functioning to assist humans.

Also Read: This is How Experts Predict the

Future of AI

Best Machine Learning and AI

Courses Online

Here are the top 5 online courses that can

help individuals intrigued about artificial

intelligence progress in the field:

Getting Started with Decision Trees

Before starting with machine learning, every

individual should learn about the most

widely used ML algorithms and decision

trees. This course has an intrinsic

curriculum that helps students learn to use

decision trees from the basics to the

advanced levels. The course has interesting

real-life projects and lessons explaining the

decision trees implementation in Python.

Checkout the course here!

Machine Learning Certification for


This free certification course is the perfect

start for the machine learning journey. The

course comprises basics of ML, the

introduction of Python to data science,

using tools like NumPy, sci-kit- learn and

more, real-life, hands-on projects, concepts

of feature engineering and more. It is a

short course that requires only 8-10 hours

per week.

Checkout the course here!

Loan Prediction Practice Problem

Using Python

A short and interesting free course

designed for people who want to learn how

to implement machine learning and data

science in their real-life monotonous

problems. The course majorly focuses on

the use of classification. It includes a

practical problem that will be solved using

classification and other approaches that

can be implemented in machine learning.

Checkout the course here!

Support Vector Machine (SVM) in

Python and R

If an individual wants to learn about what is

SVM? How to use SVM in machine learning?

Applications of SVM and more, this free

course will answer many other questions.

The course design includes the basics of

SVM and an understanding of how to

implement SVM in Python and R.

Checkout the course here!

Evaluation Metrics for Machine

Learning Models

Evaluation metrics form the core of various

ML models. This course will perfectly guide

you on how to use evaluation metrics in

machine learning, the ways to enhance your

models and several other concepts that

would help you build interesting models.

The course also elaborates on the types of

evaluation metrics and evaluation using

classification and other methods.

Checkout the course here!


Artificial intelligence has transformed from

an aspect of science fiction to reality, and

there is little doubt that it is reshaping

every sector and advancing humanity.

Scientists and experimenters are still

baffled by how humans think. As a result,

the logical premise in the rising discussion

of AI vs. human intelligence continues to be

that AI will complement rather than

substitute human intelligence. Stay tuned to

Analytics Vidhya blogs to keep up with the

latest advancements in the world of AI!

AI vs HI Artificial Intelligence

Generative AI Human Intelligence

A 02 Nov 2023

Artificial Intelligence Beginner

Data Science Generative AI

Machine Learning

Frequently Asked Questions


A. Human intelligence and artificial

intelligence go hand-in-hand. AI can handle
repetitive, data-driven tasks and give data-
based results. Human intelligence can work
on creative, emotional and critically complex




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