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Examination malpractice is any form of deliberate cheating on examinations which provides
one or more candidates with an unfair advantage or disadvantage. It is illegal and can be
perpetrated by a single individual or groups. It can occur outside or inside the classroom.

Though people usually say that examination is not a true test of knowledge, but it is still the
best test of knowledge capacity and skill in any field. It is used for the purpose of selection,
placement, certification and promotion. Examination helps to find out what they know, test
their knowledge and understanding. It also helps the teachers/instructors to know the weak
and strong points of his students as they respond to questions asked as feedback. It also
assists the teachers to modify their methods, content and strategies of instruction.
Examination helps the students to discover their weaknesses, their hidden talents and
knowledge, learn more and create the spirit of healthy competition among them.


First on the list here is laziness and inadequate preparation for examination. This confirms the
saying, “he who fails to prepare, prepares to fail”, and since many who failed in preparation
are bent on passing at all cost, cheating becomes that is their only option. Another factor
contributing to examination malpractice is craved for paper qualifications without the
willingness to acquire the relevant knowledge and skills.


1. Makes one unable to defend his/her result/certificate.
2. Discredits academic institutions and academia.
3. Degrades intellectual integrity.
4. Affects academic performance, and improvement.
5. Facilitates the enthronement of incompetent and corrupt workforce.
6. Leads to high educational wastage as those who cheat to pass examinations at a lower
level, achieve very poorly at higher levels.
7. Reduces the value of the certificate.
8. Rubbishes the standard and quality of educational standard in our country and one’s
life and integrity level.
1. What is the importance of examination?
2. What is examination malpractice?
3. What are the consequences of examination malpractice in later years?



A gentleman once visited a temple under construction where he saw a sculptor making an
idol of God. Suddenly he noticed a similar idol lying nearby. Surprised, he asked the sculptor,
“Do you need two statues of the same idol?”
“No,” said the sculptor without looking up, “We need only one, but the first one got damaged
at the last stage.”
The gentleman examined the idol and found no apparent damage. “Where is the damage?”
he asked.
“There is a scratch on the nose of the idol.” said the sculptor, still busy with his work.
“Where are you going to install the idol?”
The sculptor replied that it would be installed on a pillar twenty feet high.
“If the idol is that far, who is going to know that there is a scratch on the nose?” the
gentleman asked.
The sculptor stopped his work, looked up at the gentleman, smiled and said,
“I know it and God knows it!”
Integrity means doing the right thing in a reliable way without the consideration of getting
appreciation or anyone watching you. A man of integrity is a man having wholeness of
character in all ramifications and all times.
Many people today do things for obvious, but not limited reasons like applaud, selfishness,
pressure, gratification, appreciation, satisfaction. While some at the same time do things
because it’s a drive from the inside, not outside, they do the right thing, whether someone
notices and appreciates them or not.
We should be inwardly driven and determined to do the right thing always irrespective of
anyone appreciating or noticing us.
In one of our family meetings, we discussed obeying rules and regulations; this must be done
even when people are not noticing you. Some people do the right thing only when they see
others. Do you keep quiet, read your books, and do your home work only when you see
someone? Then you don’t have integrity.

1. What is integrity?
2. What price have you paid to maintain integrity?
3. A child/students of integrity is a child/student having -------- of --------j
How do teachers/parents know a child/student with integrity?
The Casualties by J.P. Clark
The casualties are not only those who are dead.
They are well out of it.
The casualties are not only those who are wounded
Though they await burial by instalment.
The casualties are not only those who have lost
Persons or property, hard as it is
To grope for a touch that some
May not know is not there.
The casualties are not only those led away by night

The cell is a cruel place, sometimes a haven.

The casualties are not only those who started
A fire and now cannot put it out. Thousands
Are burning that have no say in the matter.
The casualties are not only those who are escaping
The shattered shell become prisoners in
A fortress of falling walls
The casualties are many, and a good member as well
Outside the scenes of ravage and wreck;
They are the emissaries of rift,
So smug in smoke-rooms they haunt abroad,
They do not see the funeral piles
At home eating up the forests.
They are wandering minstrels who, beating on
The drums of the human heart, draw the world
Into a dance with rites it does not know.
The drums overwhelm the guns°°°
Caught in the clash of counter claims and charges
When not in the niche others left,
We fall. All casualties of the war
Because we cannot hear each other speak.
Because eyes have ceased to see the face from the crowd.
Because whether we know or
Do not the extent of wrongs on all sides,
We are characters now other than before
The war began, the stay-at-home unsettled
By taxes and rumours, the looters for office
And wares, fearful every day the owners may return
We are all casualties, All sagging as are
The cases celebrated for kwashiorkor,
The unforeseen camp-follower of not just our war.
1. Education
the light of our life
A gift of academic rife

2. Education
the key to a bright and rewarding future
A glue that joins our dreams like a suture

3. Education
A path to divine success
A smooth drive to our greatness

4. Education
gives our thinking a different appearance
And helps drive away all our ignorance

5. Education
It leads us to the path of prosperity
And gives our tomorrow a sounding security

6. Education
the process of teaching and learning
Which will help us in our future earning

7. Education
shaping our true character is the motto
Leading to a successful life it is the major factor

8. Education
The progressive discovery of our true self
And exploitation of the potentials of oneself

9. Education
a better safeguard of liberty than a standing army
A life boat that see us through our days of stormy

10. Education
A torch of academic brilliance
And backbone of inner resilience

11. Education
the key to unlock the golden door of freedom
And stage our rise to stardom
12. Education
A life sustaining material
Without it we can’t lead a life which is congenial

13. Education
not all about bookish knowledge
But it is also about practical knowledge

13. Education
makes a person stand up on his own toes
And helps a person to fight with all his foes

14. Education
A fundamental foundation
For any country state or nation

15. Education
A thick line between right and wrong
A ladder that takes us to the height where we belong

16. Education
Mother of all profession
That helps acquires all our possession
Education Is our right
For in it our future is bright.

1. Do you know of tomorrow? YEAR 9

I don’t know tomorrow
But one thing I do know
Tomorrow will surely come
Because today is pregnant with tomorrow

2. I am a child of Today
A child of destiny
An apostle of a new social order
Trained to believe
Hard work breaks no bones
And diligence is excellence
All, tools to mid-wife tomorrow
Because tomorrow is news

3. The stars, the twinkle little stars

Shinning like diamonds in the sky
At the right time they come
Adults delight
And children rejoice
So it is with tomorrow
It comes juicy with news
Abundant news of tomorrow.

4. I am an adult but of tomorrow

Today, I am making history
In Shalom International School
Because “Vini, Vidi, Vici”
I came, I saw, I conquered
I have won the war
But the battle is not ended
And tomorrow is the D-Day
A conqueror I must be YEAR 9 cont…..
Because tomorrow is news

5. Shalom International School

Nursery and Primary
Here I come
You’re my newsmaker
Inscribing into the granite surface
of tomorrow’s news highlights:
My destiny, hopes, aspirations
and Inspiration
Tomorrow you’re great
Because you’re news’

6. Let’s all rejoice

For tomorrow is news:
News of prosperity and plenty
News of longevity and vitality
News of the Knowledge of the
Goodness of God
To proclaim the greatness and fame
of my Alma Mater
Shalom International School
All because tomorrow is news
of great things to come.

7. Think of tomorrow
Think of the expectations
Think of the hopes.
And work for its success, today.
1. Life is beautiful YEAR 8
Lets celebrate it, lets toast
To its uniqueness and sublime beauty
Especially the beauty
Of human inter-relationship
2. I can see friends shaking hands
Hugging and smiling and backslapping
I can hear the whispering lovers
In the shadows of the quiet and radiant moon
I can enjoy the beauty of a family eating together
Oh! I can see the power of love leading couples
Walking down the aisle blissfully
That is celebration of life; for life is beautiful
3. I can see teachers imparting and updating
Their knowledge with passion and commitment
And pupils yearning attentively for knowledge
I can see the man of the people
Who sees the masses as the down trodden
And not the asses
I can see the man of God keeping sleepless nights
Fasting and praying for the people
I can see the man of justice giving voice to the voiceless
Giving hope to the hopeless
Yes, life is beautiful
4. We have all it takes
To make life beautiful
Let’s live in love and unity
Let’s work hard with happiness
Sharing with one another
The have’s and have nots
Let the sound of laughter
Dancing, merry making
Get the better part of us
To make life beautiful
Yes, life, you’re beautiful indeed!
Is Life Really Beautiful?

1. Life is beautiful but short

Life is pain, suffering and agony YEAR 7
I can see wars, deaths, anguish.
I can see friends betray each other
I can see leaders embezzling money,
And I can see husbands beating wives
Life is short, brutish, sad.

2. I can see mothers burying their children

Yes, I can see young handsome
And promising young men asking for euthanasia
I can see a beautify lady
Crippled on her wheel chair
I can see the pains in her eyes.

3. There is injustice instead of equity

I can see sufferings in the midst of abundance
And I can see tears in the eyes of the oppressed
I can see greed and corruption
In high and low places
I can see wickedness and brutality
I can see man stooping low
To make life ugly and baleful

4. Life can still be beautiful

If you have what it takes to smile
Through your pains, suffering, disappointment
Just believe in God

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