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What ls Scanning?
Scanning is very fast reading. \Mhen you scan, you look for information as quickly as
you can.
Scanning can help you improve your reading. Many students try to read every
word in a passage, so they read very slowly. When you scan, you can't read every
word. You have to skip many words. Practice with scanning helps you learn how
to skip over words. You can learn to read faster and understand better.
You may already scan many things in English or in another language.
You can scan: You usually don't scan:
a table of contents in a magazine a mystery story
or a book a textbook for an important course
an index in a textbook important papers from a lawyer
a timetable a map for finding your way home
the ads in a newspaper a question on a test
a list of movies in the newspaper a poem
a telephone book
the pages of a dictionary


Your friend made a list of things you need to buy for school. Did he remember
to include a dictionary?

How many words did you read? You didn't need to read all the words to find
dictionary. The other words were not important to you.
In this unit, you will practice scanning. Don't try to read every word. Scan to
find the answers to the questions. Work fast.

Scanning a Table of Contents
The table of contents is always at the front of a magazine or a book. It tells you what
you can find in each chapter or part. On the next page is the table of contents for
Sanctuary magazine.

ExERclsE l
Read each question and then scan the table of contents to frnd the answerc. Work fasu
1. How many features are there in the magazine?

2. Who is the author of the article about canaries?

3. What kind of paper is this magazine printed on?

4. How many departments are there in the magazine?

5. Does this magazine have information about beavers?

6. On what page can you read about a swamp?

7. Does this magazine have an editor? What is his or her name?

8. On what page is the Habitat Department?

9. What is the title of the article by Wendall Waters?

10. Who is the designer of the magazine?

Wrfte two more questions about thls table of contents.



Ask other students to scan the table of contents for the answers to your questions.

Comprehension Skills
SPRING The Breakup
Volume 42 Number 3 by lohn H. Mitchell

Stnrr Where the Water Is

by Thomas Conuel
John H. Mitchell Slictng the Swamp
by Gayle Goddard-Taylor
Associate Editor:
Ann Prince Hecker The New England Desert
by Christine F. Ridout
Managing Editor:
Rose M. Murphy Canarles of the Waters 11
by Michael l. Caduto
Field Editor:
Thomas Conuel No Rain No Galn? 15
by Wendall Waters
Poetry Editor:
Gene Zeiger

Valerie Bessette Habitat 19

Cover: Sping Freshet, Tributary Notes From the ReaI World 20

of the Swift River, Petersham, by Chris Leahy
Massachusetts @ 1998 by Paul
Rezendes The Political I^andscape 23
by Christopher Hardy

Familles Afteld 28
by Ann Prince Hecker
Curious Naturalist 29

Sanctuary is a quarterly journal dealing with natural history and the environ-
ment and is open to diverse points of view. Opinions expressed herein are those
Printed on recycled paper with
of the authors and not necessarily those of the Massachusetts Audubon Society.
soy-based ink. To respond to stories in this issue, e-mail us at

fufi0r6 Ff0\10f0 r[ PAm 8Y Sdrctwry ISSN 0272-8966), South creat Rd., Lincoln, MA 01773. Pubtished quarterly. Memberships are $50
(family); $40 (individuat); $20 (student) ofwhich $7.5O is applied toward a subscription to Sancfrary. Post-
master: send address chmSes to Sdrcfiary, Massachusetts Audubon Smiety, Lincoln,MAOU73,787-259-

M,$srcHosrm Clrxuu[Ce|lr]L
9500. Periodicals postage paid at Lincoln, MA, md at additional offices. Reprints of this issue are available.
Write or call the publications office at Massachusetts Audubon, Lincoln, MA 01 773, 781-259-2767. Ptifted
in the U.S.A.


Scanning an lndex
An index is usually at the back of a book. It lists all the topics in the book in
alphabetical order. You can use an index to find information quickly. The index on the
next page is from a book tttled The Theater Arts and the Tbaching of Second Lan&Mge*

ffiExERcrsE 2
Scan the index to find the page numbers for the topics below. (lf many page numbers are
listed, write down the first two or three page numbers and then write "and many more.")
Work fast!

Topic Page(s)
2. taste
3. vocabulary
4. writing
5. sound
6. stereotype
7. Time magazine
8. University of Illinois
9. Andrew Wright
10. Garry Trudeau

Write three more topics from this index.




Ask other students to scan the index for the topics you wrote.

Comprehension Skills
The Theater Arts and the Teachlng of Second ranguages

sound, 75,76, 1.31, 135, Teachers of Englishto A Unicom in the Garden,

752,'1,56 Speakers of Other 30, 126, 158
space (for rehearsal and Languages, 3L University of Illinois, L27,
performance), 130, teaching style, vi 728, 132
133, 134, 139, 156 technical,
speech community, 31 demands of the play, 131 values, 17, 35
speeches, 99, 100 effects, 148 variety show, 127
Spolin, Yiola,24, 49, l5l, see also set, props, lighting, Via, Richard A., 159
157,159,160 sound video,70,71.,147,153
spontaneity, Ll,27,88 tempo, 5,7,29,40,46,79, vocabulary v,12,28,29,
spontaneous,23-24,'1,,39 86, 138, 145,'147,148 33,37,61,75,92, 1O7, ,jii€
Squeeze PIay,85,86, 140 tension, 11,83,84 126 , ::+ta:il

stage fright, 151 TESOL, 31 emotional, 5,32, 138,

stage manager, 151, Test of English as a t44
152 Foreignlanguage, lexical,5,3l,32 ++*E
stage speech,4l 132 physical,5,36,82, 138,
Stanislavski, Constantin, textbooks, see Recommended L44 ,.t;:

L3,14,157, 158, 160 Reading vocal production,72,73,

Station Theater, 7 Thatcher, Mark, 6L 76,77,80-84, 145 '\+t€H*E
Steffensen, James, 158 Theater in Englischer
:. -t1
warn-ups, see warm-ups;
stereotype, 9,14, 53 Sprache, 129 see alsovoice
stop-and-go rehearsals; Thurber Carnival, L26,"L58, vowel sounds,39,74,75,
see rehearsal 160 80,81,147
Stoppard, Tom, iii Thurber, James, 30, 126, voice,2,3,'1,4, l7-2O,25,
strategies, 2, 15, 22, 23, 32, L58, 160 70, 71, 76, 80,82-84,
41, 50, 51, 80, 8l; see tickets, 152, 153, 156 88, 138, l4O,144; see
also coping strategies TIES, 129 alsovocal production
streamers, 3, 160 time, Volkshochschule, 129
stress and intonation, 12, commitment to the play, volume, 40
L7,3840, 48,77,76, L30, 132, L56
78,84-82,84, 144, sense of, 35 wann-ups, 7, 17, t8,25,
L46, L47; see also teacher's preparation, 49 40, 41, 46,71-73,76,
intonation Time magazine, 118 139, L40, t4l, 144,
structure, 10, 13, 28; see TOEFL, 132 1,45,'1,47, lsl, 152
also grammar tonal memory; see Weller, Michael, 3, 160
substitution, 32,33, 61, 62, memory Widdowson, H. G,21,22,
145 touch,53,54 160
subtext, 5,38, 122; see also trivia contests, 7 Wilder, Thomton, 36,729,
deep character Trudeau, Garry,66 L30, L34, 145, 153,
surface, trust, 155, 158, 160
behavior, 43 I. Pass the Body Wright, Andrew, L59
character, 14 ' (exercise), 86 Wright, William Aldis, 160
meaning, 78 II. Catch (exercise), 87 writing, 63
Suter, Richard, 20, L60
syllabus, vi, 22 underlying meaning, t22; Young, J. W., 158
see also deep character
taichi,4Z and subtext
taste, 53

Scanning AR*
Scanning a List
A traveler can find lots of important information on the Internet. On the next page is
a list of useful websites for someone visiting Canada.

-m"mExsnose 3
Read each question and then scan the list to find the answer. Work falst!
1. What is the name of a Canadian newspaper (paper)?

2. Where can you find out about sports?

3. Does the Greyhound Bus site give ticket prices?

4. Where can you find out about camping?

5. If you want to read some stories about Canada, where can you look?

6. If you need a map of Toronto, where can you find it?

7. Which sites give you information about air travel?

8. What can you find on the site of the Royal Canadian Mounted Police?

9. If you want informdtion about bicycling in Quebec, where can you look?

10. Where can you look for tickets to a rock concert (gig) in Vancouver?

Wrfte three more questlons about this llst of websites.




kk other students to scan the list for the answers to your questions.

W Comprehension Skills
Alr Canqda Infospace
www. infospace. com/canada/index_ylw_ca.
Details of flight times, fares, and reservations. htm
Exhaustive yellow-pagesJike listingi. If you
want to find a vet in Labrador or a body
Bed qnd Breqkf,asts
piercer in Toronto, this will have it.
An extensive online source, with over 1,900 Mqcleanls
color listings of B&Bs across the country.
Top stories and the editors,picks from past
Canada,s MostWanted issues of Canada,s premier ,r"*, *ugurir".
www.rcmp-grc.gc.calhtrnl/wanted/wanted e.htm
A few people to avoid on your trip. A site Maps on the Net
reserved by the Royal Canadian Mounted police
for their favorite villains. Maps from all over the world, including all
maior Canadian cities and towns. .+
www. canadaairlines. ca Skttng
Schedule, fares, and reservations.
Latest ski conditions, weather, prices,
Cqnqdlqn Pqrks facts, and figures from Canada,s ski resorts.
A good site by Canadian Heritage Tlckets
detailing opening times, camping
facilities, and how to get to all major Ticket booking service for shows, gigs,
Canadian parks. and sporting events across Canada.

C qnadiqn Tourlsn C ommls slon Slqm! Sport

Excellent site answering almost any query A very thorough Canadian site on all
you care to think of concerning travel matters of sporting.
within Canada.
The Globe qndMall
www. theglobeandmail. com VIA Rail's page with times and
Canada's premier paper online. tickets for Canada,s train services.

Greyhound Buses Yahoo! Canadq
Provides schedules and prices for a The Canuck section of the useful Web
ream of destinations. " directory provides good avenues of

Scanning Classified Ads
Newspapers usually have a part called "classified ads.,, In this part of the
newspaper, people can find things to buy, sell, or rent. The ads on the next page
are for apartments (apts.) in towns near Boston. The names of the towns are in
alphabetical order.

iEffiExERClsE 4
Read each question and then scan the ads for the answer. Work fastl Try to answer all of
the questions ln thrce minutes.
1. How many apartments are for rent in Malden?

2. How much is the cheapest apartment in Brockton?

3. Whom would you call about an apartment in Canton?

4. Is there an apartment in Brighton that is near transportation?

5. Can you have a cat at the Lakeside Village apartment in Easton?

6. What is the phone number for the apartment in Lynn with parking?

7. want a three-bedroom (3 bdrm.) apartment, where could you find one?
(Name at least three towns.)

8. What is the phone number for the Essex Realty Company?

9. Where is the apartment with the highest rent?

10. Where is the apartment with the lowest rent?

11. what is the rent for a one-bedroom (1 bdrm.) apartment in Charlestown?

L2. Whatis the rent for a one-bedroom (1 bdrm.) apartment near Boston University?

Comprehension Skills
Wte thrce more questlons about these ads.




Ask other students to scan the ads for the answerc to your questlons.

BRIGHTON,2 bdrm., lull kitchen, dining area, BURLINGToN, ldeal locale, neighboring mall and EAST B0ST0N,2 bdrm. condo, deck, overlooking
$1,260. Call 876-5522. major routes, large 1 & 2 bdrm. apts. Tennis, pool & harbor & skyline, all new, with laundry, carpefng,
more. Model open Mon.+ri. H, Sat. & Sun. 1G4. and dishwasher. $800 mo. Call Ed 754-U32.
BRIGHToN, Sunny studio, lresh paint, laundry. SIR WINDSOR APTS. 756.U22.
$850. Downtown Real Estate Company.52l-0021. EAST BoSToN, 6 modem rooms, 2nd floor. Call
CAMBRIDGE, 2 bdrm. luxury apt. in new brick
BRIGHToN, Near Boston Univ. Studio. $925; Move building, W carpeting, tile bath, all-electric kit.,
in 9/1. 341-8003. balcony, & assigned prkg. $1,125, with heat. Call
LYNN, Newly painted studio & 2 bdrm. apts. ocean
Bonnie 355-4400 or 626-8181.
views. Rents from $750 with heat, hot water, and
BRIGHT0N, Near tnnsporhtion. Extra large studio.
CAMBRIDGE, Shepard St., large 4 rms.-1 bdrm., new kitchens & baths. 654-9876.
Clean. Good owner. $890 wth heat. Call 741-8800.
large closets, porch. With heat, prkg., no ree.
$1 ,084. 5i1 . 341 -8003. LYNN, Nahant line, steps to ocean, studio. $475,
BRIGHT0N, New,1 bdrm. in house, dishwasher,
with parking. NSP R.E. 954-4121.
garden. $950. Real Eshte Company.452-0667. CANToN,2 bdrm., eat-in kitchen, sunny, garden,
near shops & transportation. $875. May 1. Call
LYNN, Ultra-modern ocean front 1 bdrm. apt.,
BRIGHToN, Cozy 1 bdrm. with new kitchen & Susan 792-5670 or Mrs. Young 265-4147.
including new kitchen & bathrm., carpets, many
bath. Laundry. Parking. Near Boston Univ. $965.
CHARLESToWN, Bunker Hill St. near city pool, 1 extras. $775. 955-8653.
Call 962-5431.
bdrm. with heat. $925. 256-8622, after spm.
BRIGHT0N,3 bdrm. in house, new kitchen, tile LYNN, Steps from beach. Completely new 1 bdrm.
CHELMSFoRD, Lowell line, nr. Rtes 3 & 128. Large apt. $600. Studios $495, with heat. HALL R.E.
bath, lg BR's. $1,395, no heat. Real Estate
2 bdrm. $570 incl. heat, air conditioning.T4'-5420.
Company. 286-31 52. 954-2025.
CHELSEA, Luxury 1 & 2 bdrm. apts. near subway,
BR0CK[oN, oak Park. Many large new apts. deck, with heat. $590-$750. 465-2881. MALDEN, Huxley Estates. Beautirul 1-1/2 bdrm.,
W dishwasher, heat, carpeting, balcony, walk-in new kitchen, air-conditioned, heated, with parking,
closet, pool, suna, clubhouse, tennis court. CoNCORD, 3 bdrm. apt., pool, tennis, near river. pool, walk to subway. No pets please. A\ail. 6/1.
Convenient to public transpt. & sh0p'9. 1 bdrm. $1,450 with heat. 5324591, after 7 pm. 644-2281. i.i[-F 9{, Sun 1-5.
$775,2 bdrms. $835-$980. Equal Housing DoRCHESTER, At Ashmonl. Studios $310. I bdrm.
0pportunity. ESSEX REALW CoMPANY 598-8440. MALDEN, Very clean 4 rooms, I bdrm., $545, no
$43$-$600, with heat $700. 983-4257.
heat. Baldwin R.E. 644-7562.
BR0CKION, Oak Green Apts. near Stoughton. New DoRCHESTER, So. Boston. New 1 & 2 bdrm. apts.
aph. M dishwasher, carpeting, parking & p001. $460-$475. 983-7330. MATTAPAN, Modern 2 bdrm., a/c, $575 no heat.
Studio $710, 1 bdrm. $70, 2 bdrms. $860. Rent 288-5001.
EASToN. Lakeside Village. Unique I & 2 bdrm.
includes heat. Equal Housing opportunity.
spacious townhouses. Just 30 minutes trom
ESSEX REALW 598-8440. NEEDHAM, Modern apts.'l & 2 bdrm. Rents $795
Boston, convenient bus service available.
to $1,125 + heat. Call 453-2986. Monfri $5.
Spectacular sports complex, private backyard.
BR0OKLINE.6 rooms,3 bdrm., new kitchen and
Small pets allowed & owner managed.
bath. Porch, parking. $1,599, no heat. Collins Real NEMoN, Luxury 1 bdrm., $850 with pool, tennis,
Reasonable. 832-1 1 86.
Eshte Company. 776-1 461. parking, heat, near subway. No pets. Rental lee -
& 2 bdrm. condos avail. Pool & tennis $200. For lnfo, 256-5488.
BR0oKLINE VILLAGE, 2 bdrm. in 3-lamily house. courts. Some with garages. Starting at $675 mo.
New kitchen. $825, no heat. Village Real Estate Some include utilities. KINGSLEY PRoPERTIES. NEMoN, Large, sunny 2 rm. apt, new kitchen &
Company. 542-3200. 832-9501. bath. Air conditioned. S425. R.E. 256-9753.

Scanning a Newspaper Ad
,ff, ExERCtSr 5
Scan the ad below to find the answers to these questions. Work fast!
1. Which notebook computer has the lowest price?

2. What is the price of the computer that comes with a 16" flat-panel monitor?
3. What is the name of the computer store?
4. How many different courses can you take at this computer store?
5. Which computers come with printers?
6. What is the price of the OPUS-WORKS package?

Wrlte two more questions about this ad.



Ask other students to scan the ad for the answers to your questions.


Notebook Computer
onty $11949 6oGB Hn
o 2.4 GHz Processor
o 512M8 DDR memory . 2.8 GHz Processor
. DVD-RWDVD-R/CD-RW o 64MB Integrated video
combo drive memory
o L5.4" XGA display o 40GB Ultra DMA HD

BITOSHI desktop package OPUS-WORKS desktop

Thlsmonth ontyt$/lll package
o 512MB DDR memory
save $!$Ql Pay only $11479
a 512M8 DDR memory
o CD-RW drive
High-speed MX440 graphics card
. 16" viewable flat-panel monitor
DVD-RWCD-RW combo drive
o TEXA color printer
TEXA color printer


* Networking development * Power Point
* Website * Troubleshooting

@ data systems international

15O West 1"7th St., San Diego, CA9566l
M-F 9-5, Sat. & Sun. 1O-6 or

Comprehension Skills
Scanning Newspaper Stories
ExERctsE 6
Scan the news artlcle to find the answers
to these questions. Wok fastl
1. How many stores were damaged in the fire?
2. In which store did the fire (b1aze) start?
3. What time did the fire start?
4. Where is the shopping center?

Write two more questions about this news article,


L. *

, ,,ii
Ask other students to scan the article for the answens to your questions. .1 r,:,
.r. ',".J


14 Yonkers Stores
Damaged by Fire
Special to The NewYorkTimes

YONKERS, Nov. 12-A four-

alarm fire damaged 14 stores today
in the Cross County Shopping
Center, the largest shopping cen-
ter in Westchester County.
Fire investigators said the blaze
apparently started in a pile of cdrd-
board cartons at the rear of a shoe
store and spread through a utilities
duct above the 13 other stores. The
fire started at 4;4O p.u. and was de-
clared under control at 6:14 p.rr,r.

The center is on the Cross County

Parkway at the Gov. Thomas
E. DeweyThruway.
Two firefighters were treated at
the scene for minor cuts. Lieut.
John Carey of the Yonkers Arson
Squad said the cause of the fire was
under investigation.

scanning W
to answer these W*tlons. Wotl< faist!
Scan the two news articles on page 57
1. How many passengets and crew members were on the train?

2. What time did the accident happen?

3. Where was the train when it derailed (went off the track)?

4. Where was the train going?

5. Did anyone have to stay in the hospital overnight?

6. What is the name of the senator who visited the crash site?

7. Where has train travel stopped because of the accident?

8. What bridge was the train going across?

Wrlte three more questlons about these artlctes.




Ask other studenb to scan the artlcles for the answers to your questions.

Comprehension Skills
Article 1

Boston-Bound Train Derails, 34 Hurt

ger and mail train en route from Boston, however, were still
Washington, D.C., to Boston. open and in use.
Railroad officials described According to Amtrak offi-
New York, Nov. 23-An Am- the wreck as one of the worst in cials, fifteen crew members and
trak train headed for Boston de- recent memory in this part of seventeen passengers suffered
railed iust south of New York the country, called the North- only minor iniuries. Most were
City yesterday, falling into a east Corridor. The accident treated and released from hos-
muddy marsh and iniuring stopped all train travel between pitals in the area. Two crew
thirty-four people, none of them New York and Newark. The members, however, stayed in
seriously. The train was a passen- tracks to and from New York to the hospital ove

Article 2


Amtrak Derailment Near secaucus lnjures 3s

by Richard L. O'Brien two who were injured seri-
ously. Dozens of other passen-
NEW YORK, Nov. 23-An .gers were badly shaken up in
Amtrak fast-mail train carrying the crash. The two train loco-
108 passengers and crew mem- motives were hurled nose down
bers derailed as it was nearing into the muddy marsh of an
New York at 6:33 on Satur- empty New Jersey meadow.
day. The train was speeding The Hackensack River Bridge Several cars of a ilaailed train heailed to
across the Hackensack River is a swing bridge. It is the type Boston lie in the remote marshes of
Bridge when it left.the track, al- that opens to allow tall boats kcauax, N.1., yesterday.
most hit a train headed in the to pass through. Senator Frank passed through the bridge just
opposite direction, and then Lautenberg, a member of the two hours earlier. It was specu-
fell thirty feet down an em- Transportation Appropriations lated that the bridge may not
bankment into a marsh. Subcommittee in the Senate, have closed completely after
Amtrak announced that no went to the accident scene and the boat went through, and a
one was killed. But thirty-five talked to railroad officials. He gap in the track may have
persons were injured, including was informed that a boat had caused the crash.

Scanning $hffifuE
ry ExeRclse

Scan the news article below to find the answers to these questions. Work fast!
1. How many people died in the typhoon (storm)?

2. Onwhat day did the tyPhoon begin?

3. How many people lost their homes (were homeless)?

4. What is the name of the island that was hit the worst?

5. What is the name of the tYPhoon?

6. How many people are missing?

Write two more questions about this news article.



Ask other students to scan the artlcle for the answers to your questions.

THE NEWYORKTIMES sent to the Visayan region, 300 miles south of

Manila, and more aid was on the waY.
The typhoon hit the region Monday. The
Philippines Sends spokesman said helicopters were rescuing people

Aid for Typhoon stranded by floods that remained chest-deep to-

day in some areas of Panay Island, which ap-
Damage peared to have been hit the worst. Most of the
fatalities and missing were on the island, where
MANILA, Nov. 10 (AP)-The Philippine Air 445,000 people were homeless.
Force ferried medical teams and relief supplies to- The Philippine National Red Cross reported
day to provinces ravaged by Typhoon Agnes. The that 90 percent of the 86,000 houses it Capiz
authorities said 515 people had died in the ty- Province on Panay were destroyed. Many of the
phoon and more than 400 were missing. dead were children who drowned as thirty-foot
An Air Force spokesman said more than 163 waves smashed into coastal villages.
tons of food, medicine, and clothing had been

Comprehension Skills

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