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FUTURE FOR COFFEE, OUR COMMUNITIES AND OUR PLANET our planet water z towards this beld promise partners, supalies, non-profit organiza industry partners, government, farmers and customers. We are proud to partner with global organizations — such as Conservation international land the Worle Wildlife Func ~ te accelerate collective action for Grounded in Sta 15 science-based! by the Sei Starbucks Global leaders from across sustainability Fel. STARBUCKS Got Socklimpact Report 33 Fr2zResuite Starbucks is committed to cuting our climate, water and waste footprints in haf by 2020, progress Broadly to drive progress to ‘across our global operator ‘measurement systems. Please find Staroucks comprehensive environmental data and reporting on page 64. oa raretee partner experience mucns Partner Experience Innovation Center {Launched the Partner Experience Innovation Center reimagine and prove the partner experience. tothe thy become more engged an better connects who Wiig iiag experience Ura CCC Ce aN Ce aa ee ed fee on ge oe a Rene MRS ee nee Re et a ne eco per ee-aie te aun Pe eg eT ee Ree eR ae ne cee Rt Deak Nat Teco ORC ec a eee a Pee cna EE ee Cnc to improve our partners’ experience is founded on a deep commitment to advance inclusion, diversity and equity—and the belief that we are at our Des ara ere Re A en ce FUTURE FOR COFFEE, ‘OUR COMMUNITIES AND OUR PLANET STARBUCKS: Global Environmental & Socal impact Report 45 fiscal 2023 highlights Reducing Single-Use Plastics & Packaging Waste ‘We are committed to achieving 2 50% reduction in waste sent to ancfil rom stores (including packaging ‘hat leaves stores) and direct operations, riven by 2 broader shift towerd a circular economy by 2030, We usable cup for every Starbucks i that our hot cups contain 20% recycled content in FY23. We goal, and have achiovad 30% recycled content in our new, more sustains he success the heliday cups, Starbucks North America has begun a transition toa more sustainable hot cup thats iteweight and uses less plastic in the liner and lss fiber in the cup. ‘Water Investment Fund with WaterEquity In support of our expanded wi This investment will upportimorovements in water accass and quality fr low-income populations in ‘countries across South and Southeast Asia, Sub-Saharan Africa and Latin America through microfinance loans fr the purchase of WASH products and services, ‘S1OM Waste Investment in Closed Loop Circular Services Waste Hauling ‘and atthe Starbucks Support Center in Seattle, Washingron. This plot plan, announced in March, is part of Starbucks expansion of renewable energy and decarbonization projects in the US. Up to 60 DC fast ‘chargers wll be built on the picturesque 150-mile route from Seattle to Denver, along |-90, I-84 and I-70. Report of Independent Accountants “Tote Stakeholders of Starbucks Coffee Company |We have examined the data identified below (he Data) contained within Starbucks Cofee Company's Global Environmental and Social Impact Repor (he Repor) forthe fiscal year ended October 2, 2022 Stabucks Coffee Company's management i responsible fo resenting the Data fr the fiscal year ended ‘October 2, 2022 in accordance with he citera contained in the respective sections ofthe Report indcatad below (the Ceri). Our responsibity isto express an opinion on the Data based on our examination: ‘+ §82% ethical souce coffe purchases as cotsnedin the Ethical Sourcing Performance (C.AF.E Practices) section on age 98 of the Report ‘+ 98,7% eticaly sourced tea purchases as cotanen the Responsible Sourcing for Tea secion on page 42 of ne Report +12 ilonklograns of segegees cocoa beans purchased rom Cala conanes in the Responsible Sourcing fr Cocoa section on page 42 cl the Report, + lvestmentin fame ans sine FY18 of $858 milion es contained inthe Global Farmer Fund. ‘secln on page 4 ofthe Rear. ‘Our exarinaton was conducted in aoordance wih attestation standards established by the Amerian Inst of Ceti Public Accountants. Those standards requre tht we pan and perform the ‘examination to oben reasonable assurance aout whether the Dalai in acoadance withthe Criteria, in allmattlespects. An examinaton ices pefoming procedures to obtain evidence about te Data Those procedures are cescrbed mi more detain the paragraph below. The nature, ting, and extent of the procedures selected depend on ojudament ncn an assessment of the sks of material mistaterent ofthe Data, wheter due to frau oreor. We beeve that he evidence we obtained ‘sufent and approorit o provide reasonable bass for our opinion. ‘Our evidence gathering procedures nuded, among ther actives, the folowing: «Testing the effectiveness ofthe internal epeting system used to colt and compl information on ‘the Data which is induced nthe Report; + Perioming specitc procedures, ona sane bass, to validate the Data, trough communications with Starbucks Coffee Trading Company buying operations in Lausanne, Swizeland, and Corporate headquartersin Seale, Washington; + Infeniewng partner (employees) responsble fr deta colecton and reporting: + Reviewing elvan documentation, incuing corporate polis, management and reparing ‘smuctures; + Perfoming tests, on a sample basis, of documentation and systems used fo cole, analyze and ‘comgile the Data tha is induced inthe Report, and *Confing eran of ne Data to thrc-paty cofimatons and repos, We are required tobe independent of Starbucks Coffee Company and tomeet our othe ethical ‘esponsiies, n accordance win relevant cal requrements eatng to cur examination engagement. In ur opinion, the Data forthe sal year ended October 2, 2022, is presented in accordance wit the Ctra, nell materi respects, STARBUCKS: ‘otl envionment Soclinpect Report $8

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