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Chronological Article
By the Marvel Cinematic Universe Timeline “Captain America
The First Avenger” was the first Super-soldier and the event
took place during World War II in 1945. In 1995 “Captain
Marvel” was a superhero who get her power from an energy
exposure of an explosion when she destroyed a light-speed
engine. After that in 2008 “IRON MAN” took place and he was a
genius/ inventor/ philanthropist/ playboy Tony Stark. After that
“IRON MAN 2” came which introduce fellow Avengers “The
Black Widow” and “War Machine”. Another Superhero in 2011
“Thor” The god of Thunder has been banished to earth from
Asgard by his father Odin. After all these movies the most
popular movie came in 2012 “The Avengers” which is the
culmination of the so-called Phase One of the Marvel Cinematic
Universe. All the main superheroes introduced Iron man,
captain America, Thor, Black Widow, Hulk, and Hawkeye fight
against the combined power of Loki (Thor Brother), Tesseract
(Space Stone and an alien horde invading New York City.
Compare and Contrast Article
Thor and Capital Marvel are both the most powerful
superheroes in Marvel Cinematic Universe. And Both are part of
Avengers. Thor the God of Thunder possesses superhuman
strength, speed, agility, durability, and immunity to most
diseases. Thor’s greatest weapon, and closest ally, is Mjolnir, an
enchanted hammer forged from Uru metal, which has power
over storms and can generate energy blasts known as anti-
force. Thor can travel at speed of sound roughly 770 miles per
hour. Thor is one of the main Avengers who fight with The Mad
titan Thanos. While Capital Marvel AKA Carol Danvers her body
was pushed to the peak of human fitness and modified with the
energy of the Tesseract. Her abilities include flying, improved
strength, stamina, agility, durability, and nearly complete
tolerance to toxins and poisons. Carol also possesses a "seventh
sense," which allows her to see glimpses of the future, although
the ability only seldom appears and has largely gone away.
Capital Marvel travel speeds far exceed Mach 10(2 miles a
second) while in earth’s atmosphere.
Order of Importance Article
In the Marvel Cinematic universe. There are 5 Most powerful
weapons The Infinity Gauntlet, The Tesseract, Stormbreaker,
Mjolnir, The Necrosword, The Ten Rings, and The Darkhold.
The Infinity Gauntlet was a powerful Dwarven-made Uru glove
that was designed to channel the power of all six Infinity
Stones. Stormbreaker is an enchanted axe of Dwarven
manufacture, also made of Uru on Nidavellir with the ability to
summon the Bifrost, and is Thor’s new weapon. Mjolnir is
another and the first and older weapon of Thor. Mjolnir is a
powerful enchanted war hammer forged by the dwarves for
the Asgardian Royal Family. The Necrosword was a very
powerful sword capable of killing Gods in the MCU. It
enhanced the owner’s attributes to a superhuman level and
allowed the owner to teleport to other locations and
dimensions using shadows. The Ten Rings are a set of ten
hung gar iron ring of unknown ancient origin, that provides
the user with a series of mystical power. The Darkhold, AKA
the book of the Damned or the book of sins, is ancient and
evil. It contains powerful dark magic spells and is considered
the most potent record of dark magic.
Sequential Article
Tony arrives at a military outpost in Afghanistan to
demonstrate his company's latest project: the Jericho. After
when Tony in a military Humvee drives across the Afghanistan
desert. Suddenly, the convoy is ambushed by unseen gunmen.
The movement later, the missile lands nearby and explodes. A
small amour of shrapnel penetrates his body and arms and he is
thrown backward. Much later, Tony regains consciousness in a
cave. On his chest is a strange device, crudely connected to a
car battery. The terrorists who captured Tony enter the room.
They want Tony to build them a Jericho missile. Tony refuses it.
Tony begins to draw up plans for a weapon system, an armored
suit powered by the arc rector that he will wear and use to
defeat the terrorists. Working furiously overnight, Tony
completes his project. Tony, his suit now fully powered,
muscles his way through the cave. The guards try to stop him
but he easily deflects their weapon fire and he beats them off
or kills them. Tony turns his suit on the remaining terrorists,
igniting flame-throwers and firing missiles. He destroys their
stockpile of weapons, but some of their larger-caliber
weaponry begins to damage his suit. He uses a rudimentary jet-
pack to launch himself out of the valley.

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