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Women safety is a big concern in India and the most important topic regarding women.

India is a
most famous country all over the world for its great traditions, cultures and societal values where
women are given the respected place of goddess Lakshmi. Indian women are found working in all
fields like banks, school, sports, politics, police and many more however we also cannot ignore the
negative aspect of women place in India.

Every day and every minute some women are getting harassed, molested, assaulted, and
violated at various place all over the country. There a big list of crimes against women in India such
as acid attacks, domestic violence, child abuse, dowry, deaths, honor killings, rape, sexual
harassment, forced prostitution, and many more etc.

In order to improve the condition of woman safety we should aware them about uses of
black pepper spray, all emergency numbers and trained them about self-defense techniques. There
is a list of safety laws such as section 302, 326A, 354A, and 376 in IPC, 1860 and certain acts are also
enforced such as ‘The protection of women from Domestic violence act, 2005’, ‘POSCO act 2012’
etc. for crime against women but frequency of crimes against women are increasing day-by-day
due to lack of awareness about these laws. People like Raja Ram Mohan Roy and Swami
Vivekananda worked relentlessly in past against evil practices like sati and child marriages of

We should not blame the government because women safety is not the only responsibility
of government, it is responsibility of every citizen as Women are complement to men in society.
There is an urgent need to understand and solve this problem of women safety by strict
implementation of policies of existing laws and spreading awareness about these laws so that they
can also grow equally like men in their own country.

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