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Honourable Head master

Honourable Teachers

And all my beloved friends

Assalamualaikum warrokhmatullahi wabarrokatuh

Before I deliver my speech, let us thank to Allah because of the blessing and mercy so
we can gather here in this precious occasion in a good condition. And let me say thank
you for the opportunity given to me.

It doesn't feel like we have been studying for six years in Madani Ekselensia Elementary
School. I still remember the first time I came here I couldn’t do anything. Because of
the patience from the teachers, now I can do many things. We hope that all of your
kindness and service will be rewarded by Allah Aamiin.

To all my friends, graduation is not the end. However, this is a step of the long journey
that we need to take to achieve success in the future. Therefore, let us continue to
fight and study hard so that we can continue our education in junior high school that
we dream of. We also ask prayer for teachers' blessing so that we can continue our
struggle. Thousand apologize to teachers if we did mistakes that may be hurt your
heart since we study here.

This separation is not the end of everything and hopefully we can be met again
someday. I hope the knowledge we have got since studying here is useful for all of us.

I think that’s all from me. If there are mistakes that I made when delivering this speech,
I apologize and thanks for your attention.
Wabilahitaufik walhidayah, Wassalamualaikum Wr. Wb.

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