Rub Kunstgeschichte

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The rub-kunstgeschichte class∗

© Joran Schneyer†

1 Introduction
This LATEX class aims to implement the guidelines on scientific writing of the art
history institute (Kunstgeschichtliches Institut - short: KGI) at Ruhr University
Note, that at this point this is not an official class made by anyone at the
institute but rather a free-time hobby project of me, Joran, who knows LATEX
from studying Electrical Engineering and just wants to help out some friends
studying art history.
You can find the latest releases and the development of this project at GitHub:

2 Usage
To use this class, simply specify it as the document class.2

∗ Thisdocument corresponds to rub-kunstgeschichte v0.1.0, dated 2024-05-26.

† Releasedunder the LaTeX Project Public License v1.3c or later.
1 Guidelines version July 2023

2 You can also find a complete example usage of this class in Appendix B.

A Implementation
A.1 Base class
The rub-kunstgeschichte class is based on the article class. When loading the class
we specify 12pt as the base font size, as required by the guidelines.
1 \LoadClass[12pt]{article}

A.2 Loading packages

Line spacing To achieve 1.5 times line spacing as required by the guidelines,
we simply load the package setspace with the onehalfspacing option.
2 \RequirePackage[onehalfspacing]{setspace}

Margins The guidelines require 2cm top, left and bottom margins as well as a
4cm correction margin on the right side. Furthermore A4 paper is the standard
page size here.
3 \RequirePackage[
4 a4paper,
5 top=2cm,left=2cm,bottom=2cm,right=4cm
6 ]{geometry}

B Example
To further exemplify the use of this class, we create an example .tex file. The full
rub-kunstgeschichte-example.tex and the corresponding rub-kunstgeschichte-example.pdf
are available on GitHub.3
Let’s examine the contents of this example .tex file step by step to highlight
features of this class that were used.
First, the rub-kunstgeschichte class is loaded
7 \documentclass{rub-kunstgeschichte}
and then the information needed to typeset a title is given:
8 \title{Example usage of the \textsf{rub-kunstgeschichte} class}
9 \author{Joran Schneyer}

Naturally, we begin the document environment and typeset the title

10 \begin{document}
11 \maketitle
Next we need some text to show some features. The text in the example itself
will explain the features used.
12 Here is some text.
13 Note, how the typeset text has 12pt font size as specified
14 and there is a 1.5 times line-spacing present.
Finally we end the document environment
15 \end{document}


Change History

General: Initial version ........ 1

Numbers written in italic refer to the page where the corresponding entry is de-
scribed; numbers underlined refer to the code line of the definition; numbers in
roman refer to the code lines where the entry is used.

\author . . . . . . . . . . . 9 \LoadClass . . . . . . . . 1 \RequirePackage . . 2, 3

D M \textsf . . . . . . . . . . . 8
\documentclass . . . . . 7 \maketitle . . . . . . . 11 \title . . . . . . . . . . . . 8

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