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Summary of the little prince

It all starts with the protagonist flying his plane and crashes in the Sahara Desert where he must fix his
plane before water runs out then he met a small person with blonde hair the person asks him to draw
him a sheep after three attempts the protagonist drew a box and said to the prince the sheep is inside
the box the prince was pleased and introduced himself and told the man his life story starting out at a
small planet where he lived there were three volcanos in the planet two active one dormant his job was
to clean the volcanos and remove the weeds on his planet he got tired of the job and decided to look for
a sheep to remove the weed he also had a rose in the planet that he liked but he felt that he was being
used by the rose and decided to explore the universe he went to six planets before earth each with
people who represent the failing of adults such as a drunk who drinks to forget about being drunk or a
geographer that hasn’t even been to places he's documenting the geographer said to the prince to go to
earth the prince went to earth but landed in the Sahara desert at first he thought the planet was
uninhabited but then he met things such as a flower who told him that people don't come around in the
desert or a fox who wants to learn how to tame and a golden snake who told the prince that he could
send him back to his planet the prince agreed because he started to miss the rose and his home and
after that adventure he met the protagonist after a few days of repairing the vehicle the water supply
ran out but before they succumb of thirst they found a well that saved them from perishing in the desert
but before the protagonist could fix the plane the prince said that the golden snake is back and it is here
to fulfill the prince wish to go back home the protagonist fearing the worst decided to stay with the
prince for the rest of the day but after he slept he woke up and the prince was not there to greet him
the protagonist is able to fix the plane and go home and he asked everyone if they saw the prince its left
up to interpretation whether the prince died or went home.


The little prince is a story about adulthood, loneliness, and friendship the story of the little prince and
the pilot is a compelling one for a children book it has many complex topics it maybe has a weird
ridiculous setting, but its story is real for many people like you and me.


The little prince by Antoine De Saint-Expery (1943)

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