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1 Sarah’s first day

Sarah is a new employee, she has entered the office for the first time
and doesn't know where her desk is, then she met Tom, who is a human
resources officer and asked him.

Sarah: Good morning sir, How are you? I’m Sarah, this is my first day working here, I’m
looking for my desk.

Tom: Oh, hi Sarah, I am fine, thankyou and you?

Sarah : I am fine too
Tom ; I’m Tom Horan from Human Resources, you can call me Tom, I’ll give you a tour
through the office today.

Sarah: Nice to meet you Tom!

Tom: Are you nervous for today? We are really happy to have you here, just follow me and
I’ll show you around.

Sarah: I’m a little nervous, but also very excited. I'm looking forward to getting to know my

Tom: They are really nice people, they usually have lunch together and organize pizza
Fridays, I’m sure you’ll love it. Well, this is the Sales section, where the Sales team work.
Right next to it we have the Finances section, and in front you find Human Resources.

Sarah: Ok, I guess, I’ll find you there then.

Tom: Yes, actually, that one over there is my desk, you’re welcome to visit it anytime. And if
you follow me we find the Marketing section and this one right here is your desk, right next to
the window.

Sarah: Wow, it’s an amazing view.

Tom: I know right? You can see the whole city from here. You can leave your belongings
here and I’ll show you the meeting rooms, where your team is gathered right now.

Sarah: Sure, I follow you.

Tom: Ok, so this is meeting room A, which is bigger, so we use it for big meetings. And this is
meeting room B, where teams have their daily meetings throughout the day. Right, it has
been used by Marketing, so I’ll introduce you to them. Are you ready?

Sarah: Yeah, let’s do it.

Tom: Hi everyone, sorry to interrupt but as may know today is Sarah’s first day, she’ll be
working in the Advertising project, she is very creative and has a lot of experience in the
matter, so I’ll let introduce herself now.

Sarah: Thank you Tom. Hi everyone, my name is Sarah Miller, I’m a publicist, I’ve been
working on Marketing for five years now and I’m really excited to be a part of this team. Tom
already told me about pizza Fridays, which makes it even more exciting. I’m looking forward
to getting to know you better and getting to create great things together. Thank you for your

Everyone in the marketing division applauded.

During break time, Sarah met a new co-worker named Linda

Linda :Hello, are you a new employee? What's your name?

Sarah :hey..yes, I am, My name is Sarah, I am from Marketing division, how about you?
Linda : Hai sarah, I am Linda from Finance division
Sarah : Nice to meet you Linda. May I ask something?
Linda : Sure !
Sarah : Where can I get lunch in this office? Is there a canteen here?
Linda : There is no canteen here, you can have lunch in front of or next to the office, there
are lots of food sellers there. Or you can buy it online.
Sarah : Okay, thankyou for your information, would you like to have lunch with me?
Linda : I'm sorry, I already have a lunch appointment with my boyfriend, maybe next time.
Sarah : It’s okay Linda.. See you

2. Updating status for a job

Sarah was entrusted with holding a project to advertise products on

various social media such as Facebook, TikTok, Twitter and Instagram.
Sarah wants to report an update on the project she is working on to her

Sarah : Good Morning Mr. Anderson, How are you?

Mr. Romi : I am doing well Sarah, how about you?
Sarah : I am doing well too. Do you have a minute? I want to report an
update on an Advertising project that I am currently handling.
Mr. Romi : Yes, I have time.. Have a seat please and tell me the
Sarah: Ok sir, The Social Media Promotion Project has reached 90%
completion. We have completed creating advertisements on various
social media such as Facebook, Tiktok, Instagram, and Twitter according
to predetermined targets.
Mr Romi : That’s great, were there any obstacles you faced when
working on this project?
Sarah : Yes, sir, we experienced difficulties finding talent that was
suitable for our product, However, we managed to overcome this by
continuously looking for talent and briefing them well so that it didn't
disrupt the project schedule
Mr Romi : OK, what about the next plan?
Sarah : Next, we will focus on uploading advertising content on social
media such as Facebook, Instagram, Twitter and TikTok, then optimizing
it so that it becomes good content and is seen by many people so that it
is hoped that sales of our products will increase.
Mr. Romi : OK, I hope this project can be completed on time and
according to the targets that have been determined
Sarah : Thank you sir, I will try my best
Mr. Romi ; If there are any more problems, don't hesitate to report to me
Sarah : OK sir, thank you for the instructions

3. Make a Telephone Call

Jay wants to call Mr Haris' office to make an appointment with Mr Haris

to discuss the project

Secretary: Good afternoon, this is Mr. Harris’ office.

Jay: Good afternoon. You must be Camille, the new secretary?

Secretary: Yes, sir. I’m the new secretary.

Jay: My name is Jay Smith. I’m one of your boss’ partner. I would like to
make an appointment with him for a project meeting.

Secretary: Of course, sir. Mr. Harris is available on Monday and

Wednesday for an appointment. Which day would suit you best?

Jay: I would like to meet him on Monday if that’s possible.

Secretary: Very well. Would you like to meet him in the morning or

Jay: Actually, could you make it a lunch appointment? We could talk

about the project during lunch, that would be more efficient.

Secretary: I will have to check with Mr. Harris first but it should be

Jay: That’s okay. Could you contact me again once you have his
approval for the appointment, please?

Secretary: Of course, sir. I will contact you directly once I have his

Jay: Okay, thank you so much, Camille.

Sekretary: You’re welcome, sir. Have a good day.

Jay : Good evening, Jay’s speaking

Secretary: Good evening sir, I’m Cammille, I wanted to let you know that
Mr. Haris can meet you for a project meeting on Monday for lunch time
Jay : okay Cammille, thanks for the information, have a good day

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