G4 Intensive LessonPlan Unit11

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Family and Friends Special Edition Grade 4 Intensive Program– Unit 11

CYLET Flyers Unit 11 Our home (continued)

Reading & Writing, Part 1
Flyers tip
In Part 1 of the Flyers Reading and Writing Test, remind learners to copy the whole option and not add anything
extra. This means including the article if there is one and not adding one if it is not needed.

 Write eight known words on the board, e.g., scarves, a playground, a brush, text messages, shorts, café, map,
homework. Use a variety of singular nouns with articles and plural nouns.
 Say a sentence about one of the words to a child in the class, e.g., These are very long. You can wear them when it’s
cold outside. / This is a place for children to play. You can play on swings and slides here.
 The child should say the correct word from the board.
 Repeat with other children and other sentences. You can play this as a game in teams if you like.
Look and read. Choose the correct words and write them on the lines. There is one example.
 Ask the children to look at the sentences. Explain that they are going to read definitions, find the correct words, and
copy the words onto the lines.
 Ask the children to read the example definition and find and say the correct word.
 Ask the children to read the rest of the sentences and write the correct words. Explain to the children that they must
spell the words correctly. Tell the children to copy the words exactly and not add anything extra.
 Ask the children to compare their answers with a partner and make any necessary changes.
 Check the answers as a class.
1 keys
2 a shelf
3 a comb
4 a cooker
5 a shower
6 envelopes
7 a fridge
8 programmes
9 stamps
10 a blanket
Define it!
 Ask the children to think of five words and write a definition for each word without using the words.
 The children can then exchange definitions and write the words for their partners’ definitions.

Listening, Part 3
Resources and materials
 Track 104
 Ask children around the class to say where different items in the classroom are. Encourage the children to give as
much detail as possible, e.g., Where is my bag? Your bag is on your desk, next to some books.
Flyers tip
In Part 3 of the Flyers Listening Test, teach learners that the item will be mentioned first, then the location. Tell

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Family and Friends Special Edition Grade 4 Intensive Program– Unit 11

learners to look at the pictures on the left while they listen for the item and then look at the pictures on the right
while they listen and choose the correct location.

Where are the things that David’s mum needs for the trip? Listen and write a letter in each box. There is one example.
(Track 104)
 Ask children to look at the pictures. Ask them to say what items they can see in the pictures on the left and what
locations they can see in the pictures on the right.
 Focus attention on the example. Play the first part of the recording (Track 104) while the children look at the example
in their books.
 Tell the children that they should listen, choose the correct location for each item, and then write the correct letter
for each location in the box next to each item, as in the example.
 Play the recording twice for the children to complete the test.
 Check the answers as a class. Ask Where is the (brush)? and invite the children to answer.
brush B, stamps H, soap C, sandwiches E, necklace F, keys D
Transcript 104
David Is everything ready for the trip, Mum, or can I do anything?
Mum Oh, could you help me, David? That’s very kind of you! I’m trying to find just a few things we need. I’ve got a lot in
the suitcase already. I’ve got my comb, but I need my brush. Can you see it in the bedroom anywhere? Oh yes, I
remember, it’s on the shelf next to my bed. Can you get it for me?

Presenter Can you see the letter B? This is an example. Now you listen and write a letter in each box.

David Is there anything else, Mum?

Mum Yes – now, we’ll need to take some sandwiches with us, won’t we? Everyone will be hungry later. I’ve made them
already and I put them in a bag next to the fridge. Can you see them?
David OK, what’s next?
Mum Oh … well we can’t go without the car keys, can we? And I just don’t know where I’ve put them. Can you find them
anywhere? Oh … wait a minute. They’re in the hall on the table next to the telephone. That’s right!
David And what else do we need?
Mum Well, I put some towels and the toothbrushes in the wash bag, but I forgot the soap. Could you get it? It’s in the
bathroom, on the shelf between the toilet and the shower. Thanks David!
David So is that everything now, Mum?
Mum Er, no. I really must take my new necklace. It looks so nice with my evening dress. Now, I know where that is. Just a
minute. Let me think. Yes … It’s on the kitchen table … no, I mean the table in the living room, next to my magazine. Can
you get it for me please, David? There’s a good boy.
David Right. Have we finished yet, Mum? I want to go and play now!
Mum Oh sorry, David. There’s just one last thing! Could you get the stamps for me? They’re on the desk under the window
in my bedroom somewhere … er, next to my diary. I mean … we’ll want to send some postcards to our friends so it’s
always good to have them, isn’t it? Thanks so much, David!
David Here you are, Mum … can I go now?
Mum Thank you. Yes, you can.
Can you remember?
 Ask the children questions about the items in the Listening Test, e.g., Was the brush in the bathroom? Where was the
brush? Was it on the bed?
 Invite children around the class to look at their books and answer with full sentences.
 Alternatively, you could play a memory game in two teams, asking questions for children from each team in turn to
answer with their books closed and awarding one point for each correct answer.

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Family and Friends Special Edition Grade 4 Intensive Program– Unit 11

Worksheet: Speaking
Resources and materials
 Scissors
1 Cut out the activity.
 Ask children to work in pairs and tell them to cut out one copy of the speaking activity.
 Each child should take one half of the activity and close their books so that they cannot see the other half.
2 Play the game.
 Draw a stick figure boy and a stick figure girl on the board. Draw two speech bubbles. In the boy’s speech bubble,
write Where’s the soap? In the girl’s bubble, write It’s on the shelf above the bed.
 Point to the pictures and read out the exchange. Ask children to repeat the question and answer in chorus.
 Explain that the children will ask their partner about the items below their picture to find out where each item is in
the room. They should listen to their partners’ answers and draw the items in the correct places in their picture.
 Act out a few example exchanges with the children, and then allow them to continue the activity in pairs.
 When the children have completed the activity, they should compare their pictures to check their answers.

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Family and Friends Special Edition Grade 4 Intensive Program– Unit 11

CYLET Flyers Unit 11 Going to town

 Places in a town
 Identifying places in a town
 Matching words to pictures
 Present simple
 airport, ambulance, bicycle, bridge, castle, chemist’s, factory, fire engine, hill, hotel, museum, police station, post
office, railway station, restaurant, sky, taxi, traffic, university
Flyers practice
 Vocabulary review
 Play a game to warm the class up and review household items.
 Divide the class into teams. Address children from each team in turn. Say Tell me something you can find in the
 Encourage children to respond with full sentences, e.g., You can find a fridge in the kitchen. Award one point for each
correct sentence.
 You can let children continue playing in their teams if you like.
 Point to the picture of Harry and Holly and ask children to read out the speech bubbles.
 Tell the children that they are going to think about places in a town in this lesson. Ask children around the class to say
what places you can find in a town.
1 Find the places on the map and number the words.
 Ask children to look at the picture and say which places and things they can see.
 Point to a few of the numbered places and ask the children to say the words. (What’s number 1?)
 Show the children the list of places and explain that they need to look at the map and write the correct numbers.
 Allow the children time to complete the activity in their books. Then check answers by encouraging children around
the class to make sentences about each place, e.g., The airport is number 1.
1 airport
2 sky
3 hotel
4 ambulance
5 police station
6 forest
7 hills
8 castle
9 museum
10 bridge
11 university
12 railway station
13 post office

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Family and Friends Special Edition Grade 4 Intensive Program– Unit 11

14 chemist’s
15 traffic
16 bicycle
17 restaurant
18 fire engine
19 fire station
20 factory
21 taxi
Memory game
 Tell the children to look at the map in Exercise 1 for one minute and then close their books.
 Divide the class into teams. Ask questions to children from each team in turn. Say What’s number (12)? The children
should try to remember the map and say the correct place.
 Alternatively, you can invite children from each team in turn to ask questions to another team.
 Award one point for each correct answer. If children can’t answer, or if they answer incorrectly, the question can pass
to another team for a bonus point.
Flyers tip
Personalizing language will help learners in the Flyers Speaking Test. Make sure that learners are comfortable talking
about different aspects of their lives (family, friends, home, school, their town, their hobbies, etc.).

In my town
 Ask children around the class to talk about what places there are in their town. Ask them to say what you can find,
buy, or see in each place, how often they go to each place, and what places they like or don’t like visiting.
 If you have time, you can ask the children to draw their own maps, showing places in their town (or an imaginary
town), and then tell the class about the places on their maps.

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Family and Friends Special Edition Grade 4 Intensive Program– Unit 11

CYLET Flyers Reading and speaking

 Places in a town
 Reading and identifying locations
 Giving directions
 Making suggestions
 Present simple
 Imperatives
 could (for suggestions)
 Prepositions of place
 Prepositions of movement
 across, corner, front, get to, left, next, over, past, right
Flyers practice
 Reading and Writing, Part 2
 Speaking (all parts)
 Play a game of Bingo to warm the class up and review the words from the previous lesson.
 Tell the children to write eight of the words from the previous lesson in their notebooks.
 Call out the words from page 245 in random order. Make a list of the words you have already called out.
 If a child has a word you call out in their notebooks, they can cross that word out. The first child to cross out all their
words wins the game.
 Direct the children to different places on the map on page 245. Say You’re at the train station. Walk up the road. Go
past the museum and you’ll get to …. Encourage the children to follow your directions and say the correct place (the
police station).
 Ask children questions about places on the map. Say What’s (opposite) the (park)? Encourage children to look at the
map and find the correct place (the restaurant).
Flyers tip
In the Flyers Reading Test Part 2, learners need to read the sentences very carefully because only one aspect of a
sentence might be incorrect, while the rest of the sentence is true. Teach learners to think about every part of a
sentence before deciding whether it is true or false.

1 Read. Look at the map on page 245 and write yes or no.
 Look at the example. Point to the map on page 245 and read out the example sentence. Ask the children to say
whether the sentence is correct (yes) or not (no).
 Show the class the example answer.
 Tell the children to look at the map, read the sentences, decide whether each sentence is true or false, and then write
yes or no.
 Allow the children time to complete the activity.
 Check answers by reading out the sentences and asking children around the class to say yes or no.
 Ask children around the class to correct the false sentences.
1 no

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Family and Friends Special Edition Grade 4 Intensive Program– Unit 11

2 yes
3 no
4 no
5 yes
6 yes
7 no
8 yes
Five questions
 Ask the children to write five questions about the map on page 245, e.g., What’s opposite the restaurant? Where is
the traffic?
 Divide the class into teams. Children from each team in turn ask one of their questions for the other teams to answer.
The children can look at the picture and answer, or try to answer from memory.
 Award one point for each correct answer.
2 Where could Holly buy these things? Look at the map on page 245 and make suggestions.
 Point to the pictures and ask the children to say the correct words.
 Point to the picture of the grammar character and read out the speech bubble. Make sure the children understand
the distinction between making a statement and making a suggestion.
 Ask Where could Holly buy (soap)? Encourage children to respond with full sentences, e.g., She could buy soap at the
 Allow the children time to make suggestions in pairs, and then invite children around the class to make their
suggestions to the class.
She could buy soap at the chemist’s / shopping centre.
She could buy stamps at the post office.
She could buy a book at the bookshop.
She could buy a sandwich and water at the restaurant / hotel.
She could buy fruit at the supermarket.
She could buy a brush and comb at the chemist’s.
She could buy envelopes at the post office.
She could buy a necklace at the jeweller’s.
She could buy shorts and tights at the shopping centre.
She could buy a ticket at the train station.

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Family and Friends Special Edition Grade 4 Intensive Program– Unit 11

CYLET Flyers Conversation

 Shopping
 Understanding and acting out a story
 Matching sentences to pictures
 Making requests
 Giving instructions
 Present simple
 Imperatives
 can / could / will for requests
 fetch, forget, later, money, remember, shorts, will
Flyers practice
 Reading and Writing (all parts)
 Speaking (all parts)
Resources and Materials
 Track 105
 Divide the class into teams. Tell the children to think about the different places in a town.
 Ask questions to children from each team in turn. Say Where can I buy (a book)? Encourage the children to respond
with full sentences, e.g., You could buy a book at the bookshop.
 Award one point for each correct sentence. The team with the most points wins.
 Write the following sentences on the board: Can I borrow your pen? Could you help me? Will you go to the shop for
me? Remember to buy milk. Don’t forget to buy a ticket.
 Read out the sentences and ask the children to say whether each sentence is a request or an instruction. Ask the
children to say which words we can use to make a request (can / could / will). Explain that we use questions to make
requests, but we use imperatives to give instructions.
1 Listen and read. Then act. (Track 105)
 Ask children to look at the picture. Ask Who’s this? Where are they? How does he/she feel? about the people in the
 Play the recording (Track 105) for the children to listen and follow the conversation in their books.
 Play the recording again, pausing after each line for the children to listen and repeat, first chorally, then individually.
 Ask children to find sentences in the conversation that are making requests or giving instructions. Invite children to
read out the sentences.
 Ask the questions Who wants to go to town? Who doesn’t want to go to town? to the class. Ask the children to justify
their answers, e.g., Harry and Holly want to go to town. They look excited in the picture. William doesn’t want to go to
town. He doesn’t look happy in the picture.
 Divide the class into groups of four and allow the children time to practice acting out the conversation.
 Invite groups of children to act out the conversation for the class.
Memory game
 Tell the class to look at the story for one minute and try to remember the lines.
 Tell the class to close their books.

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Family and Friends Special Edition Grade 4 Intensive Program– Unit 11

 Put the class into groups and divide each group into two teams.
 Ask a child from Team A to say the first line. Ask a child from Team B to say the second line, and so on.
 If a child can’t remember the next line, play passes to the other team. Tell the teams to award one point for each
correct line.
2 Match the words with the pictures.
 Ask children to read out the sentences in the speech bubbles and say whether each sentence is a request or an
 Point to the pictures and ask the children to say what they can see and what they think is happening in each picture.
 Tell the children to read the sentences and match them to the pictures. Move around the classroom as the children
complete the activity and help if necessary.
 Invite children around the class to read out the sentences and say the letters for the matching pictures.
Flyers tip
In Part 4 of the Flyers Speaking Test, learners will be expected to answer questions related to themselves. Make sure
you give your students plenty of practice in asking and answering questions about their lives.

3 Ask and answer these questions with a friend.

 Show the class the prompts. Ask children around the class to say the complete questions.
 Tell the children to work in pairs and ask and answer the questions.
 Move around the class as the children ask and answer. Help if necessary.
 Invite pairs of children to ask and answer questions in front of the class.
 As an extension, ask children around the class questions about their partner, e.g., How often does (your partner) go to
town? How does he/she travel to town?

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Family and Friends Special Edition Grade 4 Intensive Program– Unit 11

CYLET Flyers Listening & speaking

 Shopping
 Getting around town
 Listening to number pictures in the correct order
 Describing a map / route
 Listening and ticking or crossing the correct pictures
 Review of all structures learned so far
 Review of vocabulary studied so far
Flyers practice
 Listening, Parts 3 and 4
 Speaking (all parts)
Resources and Materials
 Tracks 106-107
 Play a game to warm the class up and review the places in a town.
 Divide the class into two teams. Write words on the board, e.g., soap, book, jeans, brush, CD. Ask children from each
team in turn to make sentences using the words, e.g., You could buy soap at the chemist’s.
 Award one point for each correct sentence. The team with the most points wins.
 Ask the children to look at the pictures in Exercise 1 and say what you can buy or do in each place.
1 Listen and number the places the children need to go. (Track 106)
 Tell the children that they need to listen to the recording and number the places in the correct order.
 Play the first part of the recording (Track 106) for the children to listen and look at the example. Then play the rest of
the recording for the children to complete the activity.
from left to right: 3, 7, 10, 1, 8, 6, 4, 5, 2, 9
Transcript 106
Mum Now then, William, I’m very busy today so will you go to town with Holly and Harry?
William Oh Mum ... no!
Mum Yes, William and listen carefully. This is what I want you all to do. You just need to get on the bus at the bus stop
round the corner from the house. There’s a bus in 10 minutes. Now the bus goes straight on past the park and then it
turns left at the top of the road. It goes left past the market and there’s a bus stop just outside the shopping centre. That’s
where you need to get off. Do you understand, William?
William Yes Mum ... get off at the bus stop.
Mum Hmm...yes.
Mum Now, first will you go into the shopping centre, please? I want you to change the shorts we bought last week for
Harry Oh, but Mum, I really like them.
Mum I know you do, Harry, but you need bigger ones. So do that please.

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Harry & William All right Mum!

Mum Now then, go back and walk through the market. And when you’re there, get Holly some new tights for school. You
need them, don’t you Holly?
Holly Do I Mum?
Mum Yes, you do! Your old ones are terrible. But be careful won’t you? The traffic’s very bad near there.
William Don’t worry, Mum.
Mum Now then ... at the end of the market turn right and there’s a little shop opposite the supermarket. They sell
watches and necklaces, things like that. Do you know the place I mean?
William Yes, Mum, I think so.
Mum Good. Well my necklace was broken. And they’re repairing it for me there. So can you get it for me? You remember
that for me, Harry!
Harry OK, Mum.
Mum Well, don’t forget because I really do want to wear it for the party.
Mum Oh yes, and then I want you to get some soap. Go into the chemist’s ...
William Is that next to the bookshop, Mum?
Mum That’s right, William! Well, they’ve got some lovely lemon soap there. It’s a present for Grandma – she’s eighty soon,
you know! And I need a new brush and comb for Emma.
Mum Now you need to pick up the cake for Grandma’s birthday. Can you collect it from the cake shop please? It’s just
next to the chemist’s.
William Yes, Mum.
Mum And be careful with it! Please don’t drop it!
William OK Mum!
Mum Now ... the post office is next to the cake shop so I’d like you to post these three letters please. And Holly, will you
buy some stamps for me? And I need white envelopes too. Just get them all at the post office when you post the letters.
William Anything else, Mum?
Mum Er ... yes, actually.
William Oh Mum!
Mum Well, I need a train ticket. Go to the end of the road and turn right. Then go past the playground and the railway
station is just there. I want to go and fetch Grandma for her birthday, so could you buy a train ticket for me please?
Holly Oh, the playground’s very near the railway station, Mum. Can William take us there to play, please?
Mum Sorry Holly. There isn’t time! Now, from the railway station walk up the road and turn right when you get to the
museum. Walk along the road and you’ll see the police station.
Harry Oh, I really want to go to the museum and see the dinosaurs, Mum. Can we do that when we’ve got everything?
Mum No, not today Harry. There really isn’t time.
Harry Oh Mum!
Mum No Harry! Now listen! When you’ve done everything I’ll come and collect you from the car park behind the police
station, at about 4.30. I don’t want you to get the bus home with that cake!
William OK Mum. Right, we’re going now. See you!
Mum Oh and William, don’t forget the shopping list!
2 Look at the map on page 244. Can you remember where the children went? Draw a line.
 Ask children to look at the map on page 245 and think about the route the children took through the town. Tell them
to look at their answers to Exercise 1 to help them remember the route.
 Allow the children time to draw a line on the map showing the children’s route through town.
 Invite children around the class to talk about the children’s route through town.
3 Draw a map from your house to your school. Tell your friend about your map.
 Allow the children time to work individually to draw a map showing the route from their house to their school.
 They describe their routes in pairs.

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 Invite children to describe their route or their partner’s route to school.

Flyers tip
In Part 4 of the Flyers Listening Test, learners will need to be able to identify distractors. Teach children to listen
carefully and identify whether a statement is negative or affirmative in order to choose the correct answers.

4 Holly is talking to her mum. What did the children do? What didn’t they do? Listen and tick () or cross (X) the boxes.
(Track 107)
 Ask the children to look at the pictures and say what they can see. Explain that the children did some of the things
Mum asked them to, but not all of them.
 Play the first part of the recording (Track 107) for the children to listen and look at the example.
 Play the rest of the recording for the children to complete the activity in their books. Check answers by asking
questions about each item, e.g., Did the children get the cake for Grandma’s birthday?
 Read out the question at the bottom of the page. Elicit the answer from the class. Play the recording again for the
children to listen for the answer if necessary.
10 
William bought a computer game.
Transcript 107
Mum OK Holly. Tell me about your shopping trip! Did you have a good time?
Holly It was OK, Mum, but I wanted to go to the playground, and ...
Mum Yes ... but did you remember to do everything?
Holly I think so ...
Mum Did you get the cake for Grandma’s birthday?
Holly Yes we did ... and it’s really pretty! Look!
Mum Oh yes ... it’s lovely! Well done! And did you change Harry’s shorts?
Holly Yes ... but we didn’t get my tights from the market. They were horrible, and they were too big!
Mum Oh Holly! Well, did you post the letters for me?
Holly Yes Mum, Harry did that.
Mum Good, and you got the stamps?
Holly Yes Mum, but they only had brown envelopes so we didn’t get them.
Mum Oh dear!
Holly But we did get the brush and comb for Emma ... they were very cheap, actually!
Mum Well, I hope they’re OK. And the soap? Did you buy that?
Holly No Mum ... they didn’t have any lemon soap. And, Mum, we couldn’t collect the necklace because the man said it
wasn’t ready.
Mum Oh no! But you got my train ticket for me?
Holly Er, well ... no. William found a computer game ... and he really liked it so he decided to get it. He said you wouldn’t
mind. And then we didn’t have enough money for the train ticket. And so ...
Mum Oh no! Well I do mind! I’ll have to go to town myself now! And I’m so busy today! Oh dear!
Holly Sorry Mum!

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Family and Friends Special Edition Grade 4 Intensive Program– Unit 11

CYLET Flyers Words

 Vocabulary and spelling focus
 Find words beginning with s
 Completing a word puzzle
 How long
Flyers practice
 The Words section will help to prepare learners for all parts of the Flyers test by reviewing and consolidating
vocabulary and practicing spelling
Resources and materials
 Word halves
 Ask the children to work in pairs.
 Tell them to look at the map on page 244.
 Ask one child from each pair to ask the other directions for from one place on the map to another, e.g., How do you
get from the shopping centre to the museum? The other child describes the route.
 When children have described the route, ask them to change roles and repeat the activity.
 Play a spelling game with the class.
 Invite children around the class to say words from the unit for other children in the class to spell orally.
 You can play this as a game in teams if you like.
1 Look at this picture. Find things beginning with the letter “s” and write a list.
 Ask children to look at the picture and say what things they can see.
 Tell the children to look at the picture and write a list of as many things beginning with “s” as they can. Tell them to
time how long it takes to find all the “s” words they can.
 The children can then compare lists with a partner and see who has the most words.
 Ask children around the class how many words they found and how long it took to find them.
 Tell the children to write their answers to the questions in their books.
shop, sandwiches, spider, sofa, stamps, sand, sea, sun,
shells, skating, skates, snow, skiing, skis, sledge, snowman,
snowball, shoes, socks, shelves, scarves, sweaters, sheep,
snake, shirts, skirts, shelf, soap, starfish, sailing boat,
shorts, stairs, sweets
Word race
 Ask children to say what other words they can think of beginning with “s.” Write their answers on the board.
 Divide the class into teams.
 Ask children from each team in turn to say three words beginning with a certain letter, e.g., Tell me three words
beginning with “d.” If the child can think of three words, they win a point for their team. If they can’t think of three
words, you can pass the turn to the other team for a bonus point.
2 Write the words in the boxes and find the name of a shop.
 Point to each of the pictures and ask the children to say and spell the words.
 Show the class how the example word has been written in the first line of the puzzle. Explain that each of the words

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should be written across the puzzle, and then the mystery word will appear in the shaded boxes running down the
 Allow the children time to complete the puzzle in their books. Move around the classroom as the children work and
help if necessary.
 Call out numbers from the puzzle for the children to say the answers.
1 bookshop
2 bus
3 airport
4 university
5 traffic
6 museum
7 ambulance
8 factory
9 sky
10 chemist’s
11 hotel
The secret word is ”supermarket.”
Slow spelling
 Divide the class into teams.
 Ask children from each team in turn to come to the board and start writing a word from the unit on the board for
their team. The other children in the team should try to guess the word as quickly as possible and then spell the
 If the rest of the team guess the word before it is completed and spell it correctly, they win two points. If they guess
the word but spell it incorrectly, you can ask another team to spell the word for a bonus point.

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Family and Friends Special Edition Grade 4 Intensive Program– Unit 11

CYLET Flyers Mini-test

Reading & Writing, Part 4
 Ask the children to tell you what places you can find in a town and what you can see / do in each place.
Flyers tip
Remind learners that in Part 4 of the Flyers Reading and Writing Test, they need to read the text surrounding the
blank to be able to complete it correctly.

Read the story. Choose a word from the box. Write the correct words next to numbers 1–5. There is one example.
 Tell the children to look at the example. Read out the text up to the word caught. Ask the class to look at the words
below the text and find the word caught. Show the class how the word caught has been chosen from the box and
written on the line as an example.
 Tell the class to read the text and then choose the word from the box that fits in each blank (1–5). Explain that there
are three words in the box that they won’t need to use.
 Tell the children to cross out the words in the box as they use them. Remind them to copy the words exactly and to
check their spelling when they have finished writing the words.
 Allow the children time to complete the test in their books.
 Check answers by asking children around the class to say, then spell, the words.
 If you like, you can ask children around the class to read out sentences from the text.
 Ask children to say which title they think best fits the story and why.
1 buy
2 bought
3 lovely
4 expensive
5 unhappy
Best title: A day in town
My shopping trip
 Ask the children to write a short text about a shopping trip they had recently.
 Tell them to leave five missing words in their paragraph and to write the missing words under their text (with three
extra words if you like).
 The children can then exchange texts with their partner and complete each others’ texts.

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Family and Friends Special Edition Grade 4 Intensive Program– Unit 11

Grammar: Past times

 There was / There were
 Past time expressions
 Places and objects in town: tree, cars, buses, park, bus stop, museum, computer, train station, tram, cinema, post
 Write on the board My town ten years ago and ask children to talk in pairs about how the town was different from
 Write There was….. / There were….. and There wasn’t…… / There weren’t….. Elicit some ideas to finish the sentences,
e.g., There was a park / There were some stores / There wasn’t a supermarket / There weren’t any bridges.
There was, there were / Was there…? Were there…?
 Look together at the pictures in the grammar box. Ask the children if they used any of the sentences about their own
 Ask individual children to read out the sentences in the picture boxes.
 Look at the grammar box and read out the grammar rules together.
 Ask the children to close their books and see if they can remember the rules.
1 Look at the table about a town in England. True or false? Write T or F.
 Ask the children to look at the boxes in pairs and talk about the information, e.g., In 1958, there were two train
station. There were some trams. There weren’t any cinemas.
 Ask children to look at the sentences under the boxes and decide if they are true or false.
 Give them time to complete the activity.
 Invite individual children to come to the board and write the answers.
2 Look at the table in Exercise 1. Write sentences about the town in the past using there was a, there were, there wasn’t
a and there weren’t any.
 Ask children to look again at the tables and use the sentence stems to write sentences. Remind them to be careful to
copy the information from the correct table.
 Give children time to write the sentences individually.
 Invite some children to write their answers on the board.
 Check the sentences on the board together.
1 In 1958, there were three parks.
2 In 2008, there was one bus station.
3 In 2008, there were two parks.
4 In 1958, there weren’t any cinemas.
5 In 2008, there was one cinema.
6 In 1958, there were two train stations.
7 In 2008, there weren’t any trams.
8 In 1958, there were trams.
9 In 1958, there was one bus station.
3 Write questions and short answers using the table on page 252.

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Family and Friends Special Edition Grade 4 Intensive Program– Unit 11

 Write the example sentence stems on the board and elicit the answers. Remind children they will have to look back at
the table to give the correct response to the questions.
 Give children time to complete the activity writing both questions and responses.
 Ask children to work in pairs, taking turns to read out the questions and giving the responses.
 Invite children to read the questions and responses in front of the class and check the answers.
1 In 2008, was there a cinema? Yes, there was.
2 In 1958, were there three train stations? No, there weren’t.
3 In 1958, were there two cinemas? No, there weren’t.
4 In 1958, were there any trams? Yes, there were.
5 In 2008, was there a bus station? Yes, there was.
6 In 2008, were there three parks? No, there weren’t.
7 In 2008, were there two parks? Yes, there were.
8 In 1958, were there two bus stations? No, there weren’t.
Past time expressions
 Read through the grammar box together.
 Ask children to close their books and tell their partner about past time expressions.
4 Last week was ‘Help your neighbour’ week. Look at Charlie’s busy diary. Today is Friday. Are the sentences true or
false? Write T or F.
 Ask children to look at the box and read through the jobs Charlie did. Highlight that today is Friday so all the jobs took
place in the past.
 Ask children to work in pairs to ask and answer questions about Charlie’s week, e.g., What did Charlie do on
Wednesday afternoon? On Wednesday afternoon, Charlie carried Mrs. Smith’s shopping.
 Tell children to read through the sentences and mark them as T (true) or F (false).
 Go through the answers with the class.
5 Look at Charlie’s diary in Exercise 4. Complete the sentences using past time expressions.
 Look at the example together and ask children to complete the exercise individually.
 Allow children to check their answers in pairs.
 Call on individual children to read out the completed sentences.
1 Monday
2 On / Last
3 On / Last
4 Yesterday / On Thursday
5 Tuesday
6 Yesterday / On Thursday
7 Wednesday
8 On / Last
Information grid
 Ask children to draw a grid like the one in Exercise 4.
 Tell them to complete the grid with their own ideas. The ideas should be things they can do to help others.
 When they have completed their grid, ask them to work in pairs and ask and answer questions about what they did

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Family and Friends Special Edition Grade 4 Intensive Program– Unit 11

last week.
 Monitor the activity and help where needed.

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Family and Friends Special Edition Grade 4 Intensive Program– Unit 11

TOEFL Primary Reading

1 Look at the pictures and the table. Circle A, B, or C.
2 Read the email and answer the questions. Circle A, B, or C.
3 Read Long’s diary and answer the questions. Circle A, B, or C.
10 A

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Family and Friends Special Edition Grade 4 Intensive Program– Unit 11

Worksheet: Extra writing

Resources and materials
 Colored pencils
1 How many can you find? Look and write.
 Ask children to look at the picture in pairs and talk about what they can see. Remind them that the picture is from
yesterday afternoon, so they should use the past tense to talk about it.
 Highlight the questions and give them time to complete the answers individually.
 Go through the answers together.
1 2 / There were two trolleys.
2 3 / There were three planes.
3 2 / There were two buses.
4 2 / There were two taxis.
5 2 / There were two helicopters.
6 2 / There were two cars.
7 2 / There were two motorcycles.
8 5 / There were five bikes.
2 Look again and correct the sentences.
 Read the example sentence and elicit the response.
 Ask children to complete the sentences.
 Invite children to come to the board and write their answers. Then go through the answers with the class.
1 There wasn’t a teacher in the middle of the road. There was a police officer.
2 There wasn’t a farmer at the top of a ladder. There was a fire fighter.
3 There wasn’t a trolley between two taxis. There was a bus.
Where were you yesterday afternoon? Write a sentence and draw.
 Ask children to draw a picture and write a sentence about where they were yesterday afternoon.
 Put the children into small groups to show their picture and talk about it.
 Ask a few children to share their pictures with the class.
Children’s own ideas

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Family and Friends Special Edition Grade 4 Intensive Program– Unit 11

Unit 11 test
Testing and evaluation
There is a test at the end of each unit that covers the core vocabulary and grammar content presented. Each test
contains vocabulary activities and grammar activities.

Administering a test
Testing is an important part of the teaching/learning process. Students can become anxious about tests, so it is
important to create a calm and supportive environment. Before giving a test, have a quick warm-up session on the
language to be covered in the test. Explain the scoring system to the class so that they feel responsible for their own
learning process. All the Unit tests in American Family and Friends Special Edition Grade 4 have a total of 15 points.

Grading for Unit tests is as follows:

14-15 Excellent
11-13 Very good
7-10 Good
4-6 Satisfactory
0-3 Needs further work
1 Write  or X.
Answers /5
1  (example)
2 Underline the correct words.
Answers /4
1 at the top of (example)
2 between
3 in the middle of
4 inside
5 along
3 Circle.
Answers /6
1 were (example)
2 any
3 was
4 wasn’t an
5 weren’t any
6 weren’t
7 were

Total /15

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