Ch1 Development Objective 1

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Q1 Which one of the following is the most important attribute while comparing the level of
development of various countries?
(a) Population
(b) Social status of the people
(c) Political status
(d) Per capita income

Q2 Which of the following is most likely to be a development goal for landless rural
(a) Higher support prices for their crops
(b) They should be able to settle their children abroad
(c) Raised wages
(d) None of these

Q3 Per capita income is:

(a) income per person
(b) income per family
(c) income per earning person
(d) income per month

Q4 Which one of the following statements defines ‘Literacy Rate’?

(a) Total literate population divided by total population
(b) Total literate population divided by literate population
(c) Proportion of illiterate population in the 18 and above age group.
(d) It measures the proportion of literate proportion in the 7 years and above age group.

Q5 The developmental goal for a girl from a rich family is:

(a) to get more days of work
(b) to get as much freedom as her brother gets
(c) to get electricity
(d) to get better wages

Q6 Which one of the following states has the highest Human Development Index (HDI)?
(a) Kerala
(b) Punjab
(c) Uttar Pradesh
(d) West Bengal

Q7 Kerala has low Infant Mortality Rate because:

(a) it has good climatic condition
(b) it has adequate infrastructure
(c) it has adequate provision of basic health and educational facilities
(d) it has poor net attendance ratio

Q8 The total number of children attending school as a percentage of total number of

children in the same age group is called

(a) net attendance ratio (b) literacy rate (c) gross enrolment ratio (d) level of education

Q9 IMR stands for

(a) Infant Mortality Ratio (b) Indian Mortality Ratio (c) International Mortality Ratio (d)
none of these

Q10 The per-capita income of different countries is counted in which currency?

(a) Rupees

(b) Pounds

(c) US Dollars

(d) Canadian Dollars

Q11 Among Haryana, Kerala and Bihar, the lowest per- capita income state is Bihar.
It shows that

(a) Bihar has high standard of living

(b) People are earning less in Kerala

(c) Maharashtra has more number of rich people

(d) On an average, people in Bihar have low income

Q12 Among Haryana, Kerala and Bihar, the lowest per- capita income state is Bihar.
It shows that

(a) Bihar has high standard of living

(b) People are earning less in Kerala

(c) Maharashtra has more number of rich people

(d) On an average, people in Bihar have low income

Q13 What will be the top priority in the developmental goal of jobless youth?
(a) More employment opportunities
(b) More days of work and better wages
(c) Metal roads for transportation
(d) Establishment of a high school

Q14 What is the full form of PDS?

(a) Public Distribution System
(b) Public Development System
(c) Public Division System
(d) Public discussion System

Q15 What is BMI and how is it calculated

Q16 Who publishes the World Development Report

Q17 What is HDI and who publishes the report of HDI

Q18 Which of the following neighbouring countries has better performance in terms of
human development than India?
A. Bangladesh
B. Sri Lanka
C. Nepal
D. Pakistan

Q19 Countries with ______________ per capita income are called as Rich Countries
Q20 Countries with ________________ per capita income is recognized as Low income


For comparing countries, their income is considered to be one of the most
important attributes. Countries with higher income are more developed than
others with less income. This is based on the understanding that more
income means more of all things that human beings need. Whatever people
like, and should have, they will be able to get with greater income. So,
greater income itself is considered to be one important goal. However, for
comparison between countries, total income is not such an useful measure.
Since, countries have different populations, comparing total income will not
tell us what an average person is likely to earn. Are people in one country
better off than others in a different country? Hence, we compare the average
income which is the total income of the country divided by its total
population. The average income is also called per capita income. In World
Development Report brought out by the World Bank, this criterion is used in
classifying countries as rich countries and low-income countries.

Countries with per capita income of US$ 49,300 per annum and above in
2019, are called high income or rich countries and those with per capita
income of US$ 2500 or less are called low-income countries. India comes in
the category of low middle income countries because its per capita income
in 2019 was just US$ 6700 per annum

Q1 What is per capita Income???


the total income of the country divided by its total population. The average
income is also called per capita income

Q2 Which organization publishes the World Development Report??? And India

falls under which category???


World Development Reports, brought out by the World Bank, this criterion is
used in classifying countries
India comes in the category of low middle income countries because its per
capita income in 2019 was just US$ 6700 per annum

Q3 What is the problem with the Average Income???


While average income is useful for comparison it does not tell us how this
income is distributed among people it hides the disparity so it is not
considered to be the best method as it tells only quantative aspects

“Recent evidence suggests that the groundwater is under serious threat of
overuse in many parts of the country. About 300 districts have reported a
water level decline of over 4 meters during the past 20 years. Nearly one-
third of the country is overusing their groundwater reserves. In another 25
years, 60 per cent of the country would be doing the same if the present way
of using this resource continues. Groundwater overuse is particularly found
in the agriculturally prosperous regions of Punjab and Western U.P., hard
rock plateau areas of central and south India, some coastal areas and the
rapidly growing urban settlements.

Q1 Why groundwater is overused?


Due to the large scale population and consequent greater demands of water

Q2 Where is the maximum ground water overuse found


The maximum overuse of ground water is found in the agriculturally

prosperous region of Punjab and Western UP, plateau area of Central and
South India

Q3 Can there be development without overuse?

Yes development can be achieved without the overuse of groundwater and it
is is possible through the Sustainable Development which works on the
principle of judicious use of resources

Table 1 above gives the per capita income of Haryana, Kerala and Bihar for
2018–19 we find that of the three, Haryana has the highest per capita income
and Bihar is at the bottom. This means that on an average, a person in
Haryana earned Rs 2, 36,147 in one year whereas, on an average, a person in
Bihar earned only around Rs 40,982. So, if per capita income were to be used
as the measure of development, Haryana will be considered the most
developed and Bihar the least developed state of the three.

The first column of the table 2 shows that in Kerala, out of 1000 children
born, 7 died before completing one year of age but in Haryana the proportion
of children dying within one year of birth was 30, which is nearly three times
more than that of Kerala. On the other hand, the per capita income of
Haryana is more than that of Kerala as shown in Table 1

Just think of how dear you are to your parents, think of how everyone is so
happy when a child is born. Next, note the year to which this data pertains. It
is 2018. So we are not talking of old times; it is 70 years after independence
when our metro cities are full of high rise buildings and shopping malls The
problem does not end with Infant Mortality Rate. The last column of table 2
shows that about half of the children aged 14-15 in Bihar are not attending
school beyond Class 8. This means that if you went to school in Bihar nearly
half of your elementary class friends would be missing. Those who could
have been in school are not there


Q1Why Kerala has low infant mortality rate

Ans Kerala has a low Infant Mortality Rate because it has adequate provision
of basic health and educational facilities Public Distribution System (PDS)
functions well and health and nutritional status of people of such states is
certainly likely to be better

Q2 What do you understand by infant mortality rate?


Infant Mortality Rate (IMR) is a crucial demographic indicator that

measures the number of deaths of infants under one year of age per
1,000 live births in a given population and time period

Q3 What percentage of students are not able to attend schools in



The percentage of students who are not able to attend the schools are

Total percentage of students attending school is 43%

So percentage of students not attending school are

100%-43% = 53%


The table gives an estimate of reserves of crude oil (column1). More

important, it also tells us for how many years the stock of crude oil will last if
people continue to extract it at the present rate. The reserves would last
only 50 years more. This is for the world as a whole. However, different
countries face different situations. Countries like India depend on importing
oil from abroad because they do not have enough stocks of their own. If
prices of oil increase this becomes a burden for everyone. There are
countries like USA which have low reserves and hence want to secure oil
through military or economic power. The question of sustainability of
development raises many fundamentally new issues about the nature and
process of development

Q1 Is crude oil essential for the development process in a country? Discuss

Ans Yes, crude oil is essential for our development process in a country
because of the following reasons

i) Most of the industries and factory depend on crude oil

ii) Crude oil is required is required in the transportation System and for
making diesel, petrol
Q2 India has to import crude oil. What problems do you anticipate for the
country looking at the above situation?

Ans Yes India depend on importing oil from abroad because they do not have
enough stocks of their own

Problems are as follows

a) Environmental Problems :- Extreme use of such resources such as crude

oil contributes to pollution and climate change

b) Inflation in the country :- If the prices increases in the international world

it will increase the the transportation cost which can further increase
inflation and put pressure on Economy

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