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@ [aap 2\ oon Qe wh opectwial Studies <9 & 4 Xewrs ® FoA Safety veview 0 olays O chacals shobes—-o F 05 QyW/DA Review 9 1 Years ~~ O ie otek aohudkies =P phase 4 | . phase 2 ul phase 3 MW —— “TViwme Courde eS Ae olevelopmes of ned Area AN Ge WAS) pls cH S2P oo gi) nct\\n 3 \ ae eS I (gir lercanoter Fletg old, ak Br a qavy SOS ee ae Sources of newly’ F Oo te Nel @ @ vesults of wreny Years 4 eek : neouheat vem Planks « @ by accident. ee? IP) te,o00 Kraul plascts- BiAudd: chegrad:s ; ; @ Senisuthekic obrug. ee —_» a i Meo de: Rell x biolegic drags oo reecional ac ibaies .O theryendis Pens a \meune therapies @ Vvaeenes- CS oS ee KSewrceS of estvarehs» urine of pregnank anes. * KSymclnctic chextGls— ovel cahucepives > > 2) xLissne Culhwes go « JmumpssinPluen2a Vo ceive s \ wey ae Plaids of eli ek wevuroella (aermean viens les) vs emibige. oAuck enbyjo * \ Smal\BX Vaccines go OT eae Vom, 78 JA oe ee amp H poliomyelitis VacomeSab Venak monkey fPssue ¥ Smallpox Vacdines@B skin of \oovine Calves + —? 4 Se I oe - plier abillty B cells to produ Hig p Oe cae protets. Sarees Stet D insWly > De od-in alfa err ee | @ Kleferen Deakins RB vactlne beat shy \982, hs es erie oe ce bhn\ 2 LU\ de ene see Wore ea o aa ee ee Ss Cx 5 rnalenk aotel production se hu oT \in bo SS parr sgh (GE _/° ability cell te prtace antibody aye Os Cage e & Se Wher gals « Div gt ee el mAb @ was [rwnaab) aah 51M Co, rele ods slasd ale Sober x trons lads Vejectiondlrus th ldo > AQ : ; @' Wann gene Nrermpse — lel, orf eg dee as Ear dex bp LBP By oe Kai we +dys yes we Leo 600 \ Sree JP o ee JeneS \y \wmans BY? 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