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Republic of the Philippines

Regional Office No. 3
City of San Fernando, Pampanga


TO : All Supervising Auditors (SAs)

All Audit Team Leaders (ATLs)
All Audit Team Members
Local Government Units of this Region


Regional Director
SUBJECT : Specific Audit Instructions (SAI) for the conduct of audit of Sanggunian
Kabataan (SK) Funds in CY 2024
DATE : April 08, 2024

In accordance with the General Audit Instructions (GAI) and Supplemental GAI dated October
09, 2023 and March 19, 2024, respectively, regarding the audit of the Sangguniang Kabataan (SK)
Funds, all concerned are enjoined to observe the herein instructions to ensure uniformity and
consistency in audit methodology and audit actions.

1. Audit of SK Funds

As mentioned in the GAI dated October 09, 2023, only those SKs with separate bank
accounts will be subjected to a separate audit. The audit shall cover the period from the date the
SK bank accounts were opened until December 31, 2023.

Moreover, the audit of SKs shall be synchronized with the cyclical audit of Barangays.
Therefore, only those SKs whose Barangays are scheduled to be audited this year shall undergo

The SK Audit Report shall consist of the following:

1. Transmittal Letter
2. Annual Statement of Receipts and Payments (ASRP)
3. Report of Inventory of Donated Property and Equipment (RIDPE)
4. Report of Inventory of Purchased Property and Equipment (RIPPE)
5. Statement of Comparison of Budget and Actual Amounts (SCBAA)
6. Notes to Financial Statements (NFS)
7. Summary of Audit Observations and Recommendations (SAOR), which shall be
presented in a matrix form, composing of the following elements:

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a. Reference (i.e. AOM No.);
b. Audit Observations;
c. Audit Recommendations;
d. Management Comments; and
e. Auditor’s Rejoinder
8. Status of Implementation of Prior Year’s Audit Recommendations (SIPYAR), if

The SK Audit Report is to be transmitted by the Audit Team Leader, through the
Supervising Auditor concerned, to the SK Chairperson on or before October 31, 2024.

2. Application of Materiality

Pursuant to COA Resolution No. 2019-0161 dated June 25, 2019, and in order to foster
compliance with pertinent ISSAIs, the Audit Groups/Audit Teams (AGs/ATs) shall compute
materiality thresholds to be used for planning and execution phases.

Using the Annual Statement of Receipts and Payments (ASRP), the AGs/ATs shall
compute the overall planning materiality and testing thresholds to identify high-value items for
the adoption of sampling scheme.

3. Sampling Methodology

The application of the sampling methodology to be used by the AGs/ATs shall follow the
guidelines prescribed in COA Resolution No. 2021-013 dated June 24, 2021. The recommended
methods for sample selection are the Test Audit Day Scheme (TADS) in the audit of Official
Receipts (ORs) and the Random Sampling in the audit of disbursements, where applicable. The
appropriate sampling working papers shall be prepared by the ATs.

4. Audit Thrust/Foci

The conduct of audit for SK Funds as of December 31, 2023 shall cover the audit thrust
areas identified in the GAI, as presented hereunder with specific audit procedures:

Audit Thrust Areas Audit Instructions Audit Procedures

Balances of SK Determine if all SK funds SK Funds
Fund, as of have been transferred by the
December 31, 2023 Barangay in accordance with 1. Obtain the approved annual budget of the
Section 20(a) of R.A. No. Barangay including appropriation ordinance or
10742, which states that resolution, then identify the specific portion or
10% of the general fund of line item in the budget that represents the
the barangay shall be set allocation for the SK funds.
aside for the SK.
2. Calculate 10% of the total Barangay budget to
Determine the accuracy of determine the expected amount allotted for the

Guidelines in Determining and Using Materiality Thresholds in Financial Audit
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Audit Thrust Areas Audit Instructions Audit Procedures
the Specific Purpose Fund SK funds.
balance by reviewing and
analyzing the transactions 3. Compare the calculated 10% allocation with
recorded in the Registry of the actual amount allotted for the SK funds in
Specific Purpose Fund, the Barangay’s approved annual budget, then
Commitments, Payments note variances, if any.
and Balances (RSPFCPB).
4. Obtain Register of Cash Receipts, Deposits and
Other Related Financial Transactions (RCRD).

5. Secure copies of official receipts, deposit slips

and bank statements then compare it with the
recorded amounts in the RCRD to ensure its

6. Check the 'Subsidy from Barangay' column of

RCRD to verify if the Barangay has deposited
the 10% SK Funds accruing for the year.

7. Also obtain the Register of Cash in Bank and

Other Related Financial Transactions (RCB).

8. Check the reliability of RCB by comparing its

deposits and withdrawal columns with bank

9. Verify if the 10% SK Funds directly deposited

by Barangay are also recorded in RCB.


10. Obtain the Registry of Specific Purpose Fund,

Commitments, Payments, and Balances
(RSPFCPB) for MOOE and Capital Outlay,
and reconcile it with RCRD, especially
regarding the ‘With Specific Purpose’ column,
to verify if all collections with specific
purposes are recorded in RSPFCPB.

11. Secure copies of SK Resolutions, then verify if

all funds received with specific purposes are
supported by SK Resolutions.

12. Verify if Commitments and Payments recorded

in RSPFCPB are supported by Disbursement
Vouchers (DVs), purchase orders (POs),

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Audit Thrust Areas Audit Instructions Audit Procedures
contracts, delivery receipts (DRs) and/or other
required supporting documents.

13. Summarize all deficiencies/observations noted

and prepare/issue AOM, if necessary.

Approved Annual Determine consistency of the CBYDP

Budget programs, activities and
projects (PAPs) between the 1. Obtain the CBYDP then check whether the
Comprehensive Barangay PAPs in CBYDP are aligned with Sections 20a
Youth Development Plan and 20c of the IRR of RA 10742 which provide
(CBYDP) and Annual that the SK funds shall be utilized for youth
Barangay Youth Investment development and empowerment purposes.
Program (ABYIP)
2. Also obtain the ABYIP then assess if PAPs of
Determine the correctness of ABYIP are aligned with CBYDP.
amounts presented in the
Statement of Comparison of 3. Secure a copy of Approved Annual Budget,
Budget and Actual Amounts together with any Supplemental Budget, if
(SCBAA) by reviewing the available, and then check whether it has
ABYIP and analyzing the corresponding SK Resolutions.
Registry of Budget,
Commitments, Payments 4. Verify whether the Approved Annual Budget is
and Balances anchored with ABYIP.


5. Obtain the Registry of Budget, Commitments,

Payments, and Balances (RBCPB) for MOOE
and Capital Outlay (CO), then check if the
budgets presented in RBCPB match the
Approved Annual Budget.

6. Verify if all Commitments and Payments

recorded in RBCPB-MOOE & CO are
supported by Disbursement Vouchers, Purchase
Orders, Contracts and/or other required
supporting documents.

7. Obtain quarterly Summary of Budget,

Commitments, Payments and Balances
(SBCPB) then tally it with RBCPB-MOOE &

8. Likewise, compute the aggregate balances of 1st

to 4th quarter SBCPB then tally it with the

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Audit Thrust Areas Audit Instructions Audit Procedures
balances presented in Statement of Comparison
of Budget and Actual Amounts (SCBAA).

9. Summarize all deficiencies/observations noted

and prepare/issue AOM, if necessary.

Cash Review the correctness of ASRP

the amounts presented in the
Annual Statement of 1. Obtain RCRD and RCB.
Receipts and Payments
(ASRP) by cross-referencing 2. Secure copies of official receipts, deposit slips
with the Register of Cash in and bank statements then compare it with the
Bank and Other Related recorded amounts in the RCRD to ensure its
Financial Transactions reliability. (Note: same procedure with SK Fund
(RCB), and Register of Cash Balances audit thrust area)
Receipts, Deposits and Other
Related Financial 3. Compare the disbursement vouchers and bank
Transactions (RCRD) statements with the recorded amounts in the
RCB, then note discrepancies, if any.
Verify Bank Reconciliation
Statements 4. After verifying the correctness of recorded
amounts, compare the quarterly totals of
Review the compliance with ‘Breakdown of Receipts/Direct Deposits’
COA Circular No. 97-002 column of RCRD with the ‘Receipt’ portion of
dated February 10, 1997 on Quarterly Statement of Receipts and Payments
the Granting and Liquidation (QSRP) and quarterly totals of ‘Breakdown of
of Cash Advances Withdrawals/Payments’ column of RCB with
the ‘Payment’ portion of QSRP then note any

5. Compute the aggregate balances of 1st to 4th

quarters of QSRP then compare them with the
balances of ASRP to identify any discrepancies.

Bank Reconciliation Statements (BRS)

6. Verify the BRS and note the following:

a. Unadjusted reconciling items
b. Unusual items/balances that should be
c. Undocumented reconciling items.

Cash Advances

7. From ‘Advances’ column of RCB, vouch cash

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Audit Thrust Areas Audit Instructions Audit Procedures
advances granted to SK Treasurer and Officials,
and its corresponding liquidations to the
supporting documents to verify:
a. whether the posted amounts are correct and
supported with complete and proper
documentation; and
b. the mathematical accuracy of the

8. Verify if the cash advances were liquidated

within the period prescribed under COA
Circular No. 97-002 dated February 10, 1997.

9. If the balances of the unliquidated

accountabilities are substantial inquire the
causes of accumulation of outstanding cash
advances and/or non-liquidation thereof.
Determine the measures taken by management
to address the reasons for non-liquidations then
enforce liquidations thereof.

10. Summarize all deficiencies/observations noted

and prepare/issue AOM, if necessary.

Property and Verify the details of the

Equipment property and equipment 1. Obtain RIPPE as of December 31, 2023 then
presented in the Report on compare the quantity of PPE with the property
Inventory of Donated and equipment card (PEC) maintained by the
Property and Equipment SK Treasurer.
(RIDPE) and Report on
Inventory of Purchased 2. For purchased property, plant and equipment
Property and Equipment (PPE), verify their corresponding disbursement
(RIPPE) vouchers (DVs) along with supporting
documents particularly inspection and
Confirm with new SK acceptance report (IAR), delivery receipts and
Officials if these properties sales invoice.
and equipment were
properly turned over 3. Likewise, obtain RIDPE then check if the
donated PPEs have corresponding SK
Determine the existence of Resolutions.
these properties and
equipment by conducting a 4. Verify if the SK Treasurer maintains Registry
physical inventory of Donated Property and Equipment (RDPE)
with quantities tallied with RIDPE, and copies
Require the new SK of Acknowledgement Receipt for Donated
Officials to submit new Property and Equipment/Supplies and

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Audit Thrust Areas Audit Instructions Audit Procedures
Property Acknowledgement Materials (ARDPE/SM).
Receipts (PARs)
5. Also, verify if the SK Treasurer maintains
copies of Property Acknowledgement Receipt
(PAR) for PPEs in RIPPE and RIPDE. Check
if the new PARs were issued to newly elected
SK Officials.

6. Obtain a copy of CY 2023 Final Inventory and

Turnover of SK Properties, Financial Records,
Documents (PFRDs) and Money
Accountabilities as required under DILG
Memorandum Circular No. 2023-047 dated
March 21, 2023 to check if the PPEs presented
in RIPPE and RIPDE were properly turned
over to the newly elected SK Officials.

7. Conduct validation to establish the existence

and ownership of the PPEs giving priority to
high value items.

8. Summarize all deficiencies/observations noted

and prepare/issue AOM, if necessary.

Payables/Liability Require the SK Treasurer to Unpaid Commitments

submit a list of unpaid
commitments for goods, 1. Obtain Registry of Budget, Commitments,
services and infrastructure Payments and Balances (RBCPB) and Registry
projects and photocopies of of Specific Purpose Funds, Commitments,
procurement documents and Payments and Balances (RSPFCPB) –
delivery receipts Maintenance and Other Operating Expenses
(MOOE) and Capital Outlay (CO).
Review the Register of Cash
in Bank and Other Related 2. Verify if Commitments and Payments recorded
Financial Transactions in RSPFCPB are supported by Disbursement
(RCB) to determine the Vouchers (DVs), purchase orders (POs),
correctness of unremitted contracts, delivery receipts (DRs) and/or other
taxes presented in the Notes required supporting documents. (note: this audit
to Financial Statements. procedure was also mentioned in SK Fund
Balances audit thrust area)

3. Compare the list of unpaid commitments

obtained from SK Treasurer with the amounts
of unpaid commitments shown in RBCPB and
RSPFCPB then note any discrepancies.

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Audit Thrust Areas Audit Instructions Audit Procedures
4. Based on RBCPB and RSPFCPB, ascertain
whether the amounts of unpaid commitments at
the year's end match those reported in the Notes
to Financial Statements.

Unremitted Taxes

5. With RCB, compute the accuracy of amount of

taxes withheld from the suppliers/payees for
the purchase of goods and services.

6. Verify the payment and remittance of

withholding taxes reported in RCB by cross-
referencing the corresponding DVs and
supporting documents.

7. Determine the amount of unremitted taxes at

year-end as reported in RCB, then compare it
with the amount presented in the Notes to FS.

8. Summarize all deficiencies/observations noted

and prepare/issue AOM, if necessary.

Financial Ensure the completeness of

transactions the submission of financial 1. Obtain Report of Accountability for
transaction documents by Accountable Forms (RAAF) then compare the
cross-referencing with the issued official receipts (ORs) with RCRD and
Register of Cash in Bank the issued checks with RCB.
and Other Related Financial
Transactions (RCB) and the 2. Determine whether all issued official receipts
Register of Cash Receipts, (ORs) with corresponding validated deposit
Deposits and Other Related slips (VDS), and all issued checks with
Financial Transactions corresponding disbursement vouchers (DVs)
(RCRD). and supporting documents, were submitted by
the SK Treasurer for audit.
Ensure that the financial
transactions are properly 3. To ensure the accuracy of ‘Receipt’ column of
authorized and covered with RAAF, send a confirmation letter to the
appropriation. Municipal Treasurer regarding the official
receipt booklets purchased by the SK Treasurer,
Ensure that the financial and to the Authorized Government Depository
transactions are supported Bank of SK regarding the check booklets also
with complete purchased by the SK Treasurer. Upon receiving
documentation. the confirmation replies, compare them with
the official receipts and checks shown in the
‘Receipt’ column of RAAF.

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Audit Thrust Areas Audit Instructions Audit Procedures

Properly Authorized and Covered with


4. Verify whether the disbursement vouchers

(DVs) and their supporting documents were
properly signed by the SK Officials.
Specifically, check if the Budget Monitoring
Officer (BMO) signed the ‘Availability of
Funds’ portion of the DVs, Purchase Orders
(POs), or Contracts.

5. Ensure that the DVs, POs and/or Contracts

signed by BMO were properly recorded in the
Registry of Budget, Commitments, Payments
and Balances (RBCPB) and the Registry of
Specific Purpose Fund, Commitments,
Payments and Balances (RSPFCPB). Check if
the expenditures and/or purchases were
incurred within the Approved Budget.

Furthermore, the audit thrust areas listed below, along with the audit instructions outlined
in the GAI, require verification to ensure compliance with applicable laws, rules, and regulations.

Audit Thrust Areas Audit Instructions with Applicable Laws, Rules and Regulations
Procurement Verify whether the SK has constituted a Bids and Awards Committee
(BAC) in accordance with GPPB Circular 07-2019 dated July 17,

Also, assess whether the procurements adhere to the SK Annual

Procurement Plan and if the procurement method employed complies
with the stipulations of Republic Act No. 9184 and its Implementing
Rules and Regulations (IRR)

SK Programs Evaluate whether programs/projects/activities (PPAs) comply with

Item 3.5 of the Basic Standards and Policies outlined in HFTSK.

Notes to Financial Check the full disclosure in accordance with Financial Reporting under
Statements the Cash Basis of Accounting of International Public Sector
Accounting Standards, and Volume II, 2017 Edition of Handbook of
International Public Sector Accounting Pronouncements of the
International Federation of Accountants

5. Follow-up of Implementation of Audit Recommendations

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The AG/ATs shall require the submission of an Agency Action Plan and Status of
Implementation (AAPSI) indicating the status of implementation of audit recommendations
stated in the SAOR. The AAPSI shall be validated and Action Plan Monitoring Tool (APMT)
shall be prepared by the Audit Teams to be submitted to the Supervising Auditor concerned on or
before December 20, 2024, for further validation.

6. Quality Control Review

The ATLs are responsible for the initial review of the working papers prepared by the
ATMs, namely: results of evaluation and validation of controls over identified risks, substantive
work reducing residual audit risks to acceptable levels, supporting documents for the audit report,
and other working papers.

7. Audit Documentation and Archiving of Working Papers

The AG/AT’s working papers should be properly titled, dated, signed by the preparer and
reviewer, and clearly referenced and cross-referenced to supporting evidence/documents using
the standard tickmarks developed for that purpose. To prove that the audit responded to the
assessed risks of material misstatements, audit procedures actually performed are summarized on
the main audit working paper. Deviations to the planned audit procedures (in terms of the nature,
extent and timing of audit procedures) must be documented through an Audit Memorandum,
revision/updated of the particular Audit Program and fully explained with the Supervising
Auditor acknowledging acceptability of the changes done upon signing of the working papers as

The Audit Teams Leaders (ATLs) are primarily responsible for the timely assembly of the
final audit file in accordance with Section A21 of International Standard on Auditing (ISA) 230.
Accordingly, all ATLs are required to assemble the audit documentation in an audit file and
complete the administrative process of assembling the final audit file within 60 days from the
transmittal of the SAOR.

An audit file may be in physical or electronic form containing the records that comprise the
audit documentation for a specific audit engagement, classified as follows: a) Current Audit File
(CAF) – containing working papers relating to a single audit engagement; and b) Permanent
Audit File (PAF) – a set of records that serves as an ongoing reference for successive audit.

For strict compliance.

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