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03/05/2024, 08:49 Honesty


Estimated time: 1hr

To get 70% you would need min 7/10

Please note that as part of this prework you will need to install an app, which is best done on a computer web
browser rather than mobile, we recommend you do this prework on a computer.


Full name *

Raghvendran Gurumurthy

Registered email id:

(Please use the same email id that you logged in with previously, for our
systems to match submissions automatically) *


What have been your learnings/reflections/experiences since the Clarity

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03/05/2024, 08:49 Honesty


Foremost it was an eyeopener on how I should have approached the pre-work. As I explained via
email to G & K, giving the pre-work multiple shots was great at first but proved to be
I thought the "repartees" were fantastic to watch, lot of observations about myself and how I would
have approached the questions and the many options I would have gone through before I had a
"momental" epiphany. As much as I wish I was diligent enough to get picked, the entire piece gave
me the space to think about the questions and segue into the breakout session. It seemed to my
audience that I had a lot of clarity, when in reality I had to eliminate a bunch of options to narrow
down to what I would "be able to" ;)
I can go at length, but I think it helped me understand the purpose of the pre-work, take listening
more seriously and helped set the context of what to expect from myself.

Stillwater definition of Honesty

Honestly looking at the situation as it is, allows us to make better decisions

Communicating with Honesty makes it more likely that people will connect with us, trust us,
and be inspired by us.

But what is Honesty?

The video explains the Stillwater definition of the word.


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03/05/2024, 08:49 Honesty

Honesty is important according to the video because

It allows us to take stock of the situation so we can respond appropriately without

over-reacting or underreacting

We won't feel guilty

People will always believe us

We don't have to try to remember what we said to whom

It is the best policy



Reality is: (1 Point)

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03/05/2024, 08:49 Honesty

things outside our control

hard to accept

something we have to accept

There are no 'have to's in the program. If we accept reality we are more likely to make
better decisions, that are grounded in reality. But the disadvantage is that accepting real‐
ity may lead to cognitive discomfort if the reality conflicts heavily with our existing be‐
liefs. We always have a choice and there are no 'have to's. However we believe that the
advantages of accepting reality outweigh the disadvantages.

money corrupts people

different for everybody based on their belief systems

The best response to reality is: (1 Point)

create it

deny it

change it

fight it

accept it

The only two worlds that exist according the Stillwater video on Reality are:
(1 Point)

The way the world is now and the way it could have been

The way the world is and the way the world should be

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03/05/2024, 08:49 Honesty

This world and the world hereafter

The way the world is now and the way you want it to be in the future

Earth and Mars

What, if anything, do you feel you need to accept or let go of, so you can be
free to move forward in your life?

I need to accept that I am largely self-centered

I need to accept that I prefer procrastinating over action

Choosing your interpretations

Choosing interpretations

Which phrase is a statement of Reality (1 Point)

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03/05/2024, 08:49 Honesty

William Shakespeare was a great author

Professional basketball players are tall

The running time for the movie Groundhog day is 1hr 41mins

Development is the most important priority for India at the moment

The universe is incredibly big


If it is 40 degrees centigrade outside then is saying 'It is a hot day' a

statement of reality? (1 Point)




Interpretations are not (1 Point)


Helpful or unhelpful

Generated by our belief systems

Right or wrong


If Supriya's boss asks her 'can you work on this assignment over the
weekend?' and her interpretation of it is 'he is forcing me to compromise my
work life balance', her belief is... (1 Point)

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03/05/2024, 08:49 Honesty

Bosses are terrible

If someone in authority makes a request of you, then they make it harder for you to
exercise your free choice

Work is boring

The weekend is meant for family time

There would be no negative consequences to saying no if she used the Yes No Yes


When we believe that our interpretations are reality (1 Point)

It can lead to misunderstanding in communication

We might not see options that might be available to us

We can end up giving people prescriptive advice instead of offering suggestions

We can end up thinking that our point of view is the only correct way to see things and
anyone who sees it differently must be wrong

All of the above


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03/05/2024, 08:49 Honesty



The best way to respond to a strong emotion is: (1 Point)

Suppress it

Express it

Listen to it

Control it

Think logically


If I am constantly feeling guilty for not spending as much time with my

parents as I would like then: (1 Point)

I am a bad son/daughter

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03/05/2024, 08:49 Honesty

I feel I am not making decisions consistent with one of my values in life

I should apologize

I should not feel so bad because in order to succeed in your career in today's world you
have to work very hard

I should not take things so lightly

Stillwater Notion app installation


How happy are you with the results you are producing at work? *

0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10

Just about to get They're writing

sacked biographies about me


How happy are you with your long term career path, your level of learning,
meaningfulness of your work? *

0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10

I'm a rat in a rat race Ikigai Nirvana


How happy are you with the quantity and quality of your significant
relationships? *

0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10

It's complicated Perfecto!

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03/05/2024, 08:49 Honesty


How happy are you with your health? *

0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10

Crawled out of the Olympic athlete

coffin to type this


How happy are you with your me time - fun, hobbies, relaxation, etc? *

0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10

I take my laptop to I don't go to parties,

the toilet they just happen
around me


How happy are you with your financial health? *

0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10

I'm selling my Elon Musk asks me

kidneys so I can buy for loans


What's working in your life?

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03/05/2024, 08:49 Honesty

Awareness about improving mental and physical wellbeing, and actually taking steps towards both.
I am in a job where the potential for impact is high. My experiences doing a lot of different things
has given me a better outlook. I am a good dog parent


What's missing in your life?

S.M.A.R.T Goals
Ability to have intimate relationships


If you had to give a score (out of 100) for how your life is going at this
moment what score would you give it?

A score of 100 means that every area of your life is exactly the way you
want it to be going forward.
A score of 0 means that nothing in your life is the way you want it to be
A score of 50 means that half the things in your life are on track and half the
things are not.

In the live sessions, the trainers will refer to this as your 'Game of Life

It is completely self-assessed and subjective, based on your own standards

and is not comparable to the scores that other people would give to their
own lives since of course, we all have completely different standards. *



Did you have breakout rooms in your previous live session *


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03/05/2024, 08:49 Honesty


This section is only applicable if you had breakout rooms in

your previous session

Breakout rooms can be very challenging environments since they activate a lot of our primal

- the fear of not being respected (I might say something dumb)

- the fear of not being liked (people might think I'm being too intrusive)
- the fear of uncertainty (am I doing it right?)
- the fear of disappointment (this is so uncomfortable and hard.. is it worth it?)


What were the behaviours you noticed yourself displaying in the breakout
room exercises?

(both effective and ineffective)

I wanted to go first!
I noticed a high level of clarity in communicating my responses to the questions G had given. While
I was not being 100% honest as these responses were tailored in the course of the session, after
striking out a bunch of options. I also felt good when there was validation from the gang, and I felt
there was a sense of direction, if not clarity!


What leadership behaviours would you like to commit to yourself to

practicing with your team mates in the next breakout room exercise?

Go first, get my hands dirty.

Honesty, ahem, is the best policy (haven't heard that phrase in a long while!)
Listen without reacting
Work towards the objective with focus on time and results

Final check

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03/05/2024, 08:49 Honesty

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