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(Two Hours)
Summative Assessment 1
Paper Pattern
GRADE: IX Max. Marks: 100

Answers to this Paper must be written on the paper provided separately.

You will not be allowed to write during the first 15 minutes.
This time is to be spent in reading the Question Paper.
The time given at the head of this Paper is the time allowed for writing the
Attempt all questions from Section I and any four questions from Section II.
The intended marks for questions or parts of questions, are given in brackets [].

SECTION A (40 Marks)

Attempt all questions from this Section.
Question 1
Choose the correct answer and write the correct option: [20]
(Do not copy the questions. Write the correct answers only)

(i) The ecological role and space that an organism fills in an ecosystem
is called:
a. Ecological Niche
b. Exotic Species
c. Extinction
d. Ecological succession
(ii) It is a general term used to refer to prevention of injury, decay and
waste or loss of any resource:
a. Gene bank
b. In-situ conservation
c. Ex-Situ conservation
d. Conservation
(iii) Which one is an introduced species in India?
a. Vilayati Babul
b. Kangaroo of Australia
c. Dodo bird
d. Sea Otters
(iv) Full form of MVP:
a. Maximum viable period
b. Maximum Viable population
c. Minimum Viable population
d. Monthly viable population
(v) Conservation of animals in specialized environment away from their
natural habitat is:
a. Captive breeding
b. In-situ conservation
c. Ex- Situ conservation
d. Biodiversity
(vi) The corals are made up of tiny sea creatures called:
a. Polyps
b. Hydra
c. Snail
d. Octopus
(vii) The burning of solid waste is not recommended because:
a. It causes several environmental issues.
b. It is very costly.
c. It requires modern technologies.
d. It requires a lot of space.
(viii) The rule of 3Rs to get rid of waste, does not include:
a. Reduce
b. Reuse
c. Recycle
d. Regeneration
(ix) Which is the most favoured option in waste management?
a. Disposal
b. Recycling
c. Energy recovery
d. Prevention
(x) Migration of people from rural areas to urban areas in search of jobs
and better living conditions is called:
a. Industrialization
b. Migration
c. Urbanization
d. Refugee
(xi) The rule of 3Rs to get rid of waste, does not include:
a. Reduce
b. Regeneration
c. Reuse
d. Recycle
(xii) Process of burning of non-biodegradable solid waste is called:
a. Incineration
b. Composting
c. Segregation
d. Sanitary landfill
(xiii) Which of the following an artificial ecosystem:
a. Pond
b. Forest
c. Gardens
d. Grassland
(xiv) Ecosystem is the self-regulatory and self-sustaining structural and
functional unit of:
a. Atmosphere
b. Biome
c. Biosphere
d. Community
(xv) Which of the following has maximum share in E-Waste?
a. Telephone waste
b. Computer waste
c. Medical waste
d. Solar waste
(xvi) Silent valley movement was a protest against building of dam on
which river?
a. Narmada River
b. Kunthipuz River
c. Ganga River
d. Yamuna River
(xvii) The oxides of sulphur and nitrogen mix with the water vapour in the
atmosphere and causes:
a. Fog
b. Acid rain
c. Hail
d. None of the above
(xviii) Fog that is mixed and polluted with smoke:
a. Pollution
b. Smog
c. Acid rain
d. Destruction
(xix) People who leave their homeland to avoid the atrocities of wars
a. Slums
b. Urbanization
c. Refugees
d. Community
(xx) The matter formed by dead organic matter
a. Detritus
b. Saprophytes
c. Autotrophs
d. None of the above

Question 2
(i) What is the main aim of Project Tiger and when was it launched? [2]
(ii) State any two problems of Urban poverty. [2]
(iii) What is Wildlife Management? (State any three points.) [3]
(iv) Give any three reasons to conserve wildlife. [3]

Question 3
(i) What is poverty? Give two causes of poverty. [2]
(ii) What are extinct species? Give examples. [2]
(iii) Write about any three efforts that could be taken to save the forests. [3]
(iv) What are corals? How are corals important to man? [3]

SECTION B (60 Marks)

Attempt any four questions from this section.
Question 4
(i) Give a comparison between National Park and Biosphere Reserve. [5]

(ii) “Construction of large dams incurs a heavy cost on ecology of the area” [5]
(iii) Enumerate the advantages of automation. [5]
Question 5
(i) Look at the picture and name the stage of forest. Explain this stage. [5]

(ii) Explain ecotype giving an example? [5]

(iii) Define Land Use and give four reasons for changing land use patterns. [5]

Question 6
(i) Give any five advantages of captive breeding. [5]
(ii) State five impacts of extinction of species. [5]
(iii) Explain the role of a keystone species in ecology with the help of the [5]
example of sea otters.

Question 7
(i) Observe the picture shown below and answer the questions that follow: [5]

(a) Identify the movement depicted in the picture.

(b) Name any two leaders of the movement.
(c) Write a short note on the movement and its outcome.
(ii) Explain the organisational chart of an ecosystem. [5]
(iii) What do we mean by Human Resource? Give three ways by which [5]
Human resource can be motivated.

Question 8
(i) Why do we need to conserve wildlife? [5]
(ii) The picture shown below is of a biosphere reserve. Observe the same [5]
and answer the questions that follow:

(a) Label the parts A, B and C and explain.

(iii) Explain the stages of succession in a forest. [5]

Question 9
(i) Deserts are harsh ecosystems. What are the adaptations seen in [5]
organisms of this ecosystem that help them to survive?
(ii) How is biodiversity important to human beings? [5]
(iii) What initiatives would you take to spread awareness about conservation [5]
of resources?

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