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CHARACTERIZED OF COMMUNICATION: writing or speaking that the sender may have and cause

dynamic- constantly changing that can change overtime difficulty

continuous - on going exchange
adaptive - it is adjusted to the changes that occur in its 2. Problem in transmitting the message
physical and psychological environment 3. Problem in receiving the message
systematic - it involves components
transactional - every communication is a unique * Physical distraction - difficulty of hearing, poor eye sight
combination of people. that could cause hindrance in understanding the message.
* Lack of concentration - the receiver may not have capacity
intrapersonal communication - talking to self
interpersonal communication - talking to a person 4. Problems in understanding the message
*Dyadic communication - 2-person communication such as * Different cultural background
telephone, job interview and doctor and patient * Different interpretation of words
conversation * Different emotional reaction
*Small group communication - consists of three to six
person such as committee meeting, buzz session and brain WHAT MAKES COMMUNICATION NECESSARY
storming activity. Communication serves as vehicle in building relationship. -
Public communication - conveying information to a large An individual does not live alone
audience Communication works in improving working environment -
a. Speaker - audience communication Business processes cannot be simply done without
- talking to a large number of people who are problems.
gathered for some occasion Communication assists in fostering strong team - strong
b. Mass communication - whereby media organization team cannot be formed when members of a group do not
produce and transmit message to large public work independently
Communication helps find appropriate solutions to
MODELS OF COMMUNICATION problems - The key of the solution of many problems is
1. Transmission model - Consider as a one directional communication
exchange Communication builds greater respect
2. Interaction Model - A process in which communicators
change roles as sender and receiver and produce meaning PRINCIPLES THAT GUIDE UNDERSTANDING OF
by exchanging message COMMUNICATION
3. Transaction model - explain communication as a way of
1. Communication is transactional
creating realities based on our social, relational and cultural
2. Communication has content and relational dimensions
3. Communication can be intentional or unintentional
Social context - declared rules or undeclared norms 4. Communication is irreversible
Relational context - Involves erstwhile socialization and type 5. Communication is unrepeatable
of association we have forged with other people.
Ethical communication - ethics from Greek word "Ethos"
Cultural context - consist of an individual's self-concept and
which can pertain to customs and habits
self-perception in relation to nationality, ethnicity, religion,
social class, race, gender, and sexual orientation ETHICAL STANDARDS OF COMMUNICATION
Nonverbal communication 1. Truthfulness and honesty - refraining from lying,
* Paralanguage * Tactile language cheating, stealing and deception
* Action language * Space/ distance 2. Integrity - Maintaining a consistency of beliefs and action
* Sign language * Time 3. Fairness - Achieving the right balance of interest
* Object language * Silence 4. Respect - Showing regard or consideration for others and
their ideas
5. Responsibility - being accountable for one's action and
1. Problem in developing the message what one says.
* Indecision about the message content - Sender has too
much information on the subject
* Lack of familiarity with the situation on the receiver
* Emotional Conflicts - message has to be delivered that
would cause emotional disturbance to the receiver
* Difficulty in expressing ideas - due to lack of experience in

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