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1. What is the purpose of a philosophy of education?

A) To complicate educational theories B) To confuse students and educators C) To identify and clarify beliefs and values in education D) To discourage critical
thinking in the classroom

2. How does philosophy relate to education?

A) Philosophy has no impact on education B) Education is the dynamic side of philosophy C) Philosophy hinders the progress of education D) Education has no
need for philosophical principles

3. What is the primary focus of axiology in philosophy?

A) Investigating principles of reality B) Exploring the nature of knowledge C) Examining the fundamental nature of being D) Exploring values, ethics, and

4. What does epistemology primarily concern itself with in philosophy?

A) Investigating principles of reality B) Exploring values and ethics C) Examining the nature of knowledge and justified belief D) Focusing on the study of art
and beauty

5. According to the viewpoint of John Dewey, how does he describe the relationship between philosophy and education?

A) Philosophy is the application of educational principles B) Philosophy is the product of education C) Philosophy is the theory of education in its most general
phase D) Philosophy is unrelated to the field of education

6. He believed that man did not create knowledge but discovered it.

A. Aristotle B. Plato C. Socrates

7.This philosophy emphasizes that “reality, knowledge, and value exist independent of the human mind”.

A. Realism B. Pragmatism C. Idealism

8. He linked pragmatism to evolution by explaining that “human beings are creatures who have to adapt to one another and to their environment”.

A. Kant B. Dewey C. Aristotle

9. It is a practical, matter of fact way of approaching or assessing situations or of solving problems.

A. Idealism B. Realism C. Pragmatism

10. It is a school of philosophy stating that ideas and knowledge are the only true reality.

A. Idealism B. Pragmatism C. Realism

11. Eastern Philosophy of education that Focus on Shiksha as a value based worthwhile learning.

A. Buddhism B. Confucianism C. Hinduism D. Saracen

12. _______philosophy of education is deeply rooted in the teachings of Laozi and Zhuangzi, emphasizing harmony with the Tao (the Way) and natural spontaneity.

A. Taoism B.Christian C. Saracen D .Hinduism

13.Education system in Hindu, where students lived with their guru (teacher) in an ashram or hermitage.

A. Gurakula System B. Garakula System C.Gurokula System D. Gurukula System

14. Eastern Philosophy of Education that is deeply rooted in the teachings of Gautama Buddha.

A. Buddhism philosophy B. Taoist philosophy C.Gautama Education D. Saracen Philosophy

15. What philosophy of education is based on the teachings of Jesus Christ and the principles found in the Bible.

A. Confucianism philosophy B. Buddha education C. Christian philosophy D. Saracen Philosophy

16.Does not mean that students shall be accepting cultural practices and beliefs without question.
A. Freedom B. Tolerance C. Striving for Diversity D. Emotions

17. The acceptance of the differing views of other people and the fairness towards the people who holds these different views. Bringing different views leads to better
problem solving. In tolerance it is purely the acceptance of the different views, ideas, perspectives from the values individual.

A. Creativity B. Emotion C. Tolerance D. Freedom

18. Considerable autonomy is given to both teachers (localizing activities in the classroom) and students (in terms of their decision making.

A. Tolerance B. Creativity C. Freedom D. Striving for Diversity

19. The ability to use imagination to develop new and original ideas or things. We need to develop new ideas to be innovative as future educators because that the
students learn something from their teacher.

A. Emotions B. Striving for Diversity C. Creativity D. Freedom

20. Expressing a strong feeling directly towards a specific object which is accompanied by physiological and behavioural changes in the body. This has the substantial
influence in the cognitive process on the behavioural of the students. Ex: happy, angry, mad and a lot more

A. Striving for Diversity B. Tolerance C. Emotions D. Freedom

21. It is the belief that schools should teach ideas that are everlasting.

A. Essentialism B. Perennialism C. Existentialism D. Progressivism

22. It is the idea that education comes from experience.

A. Progressivism B. Social Reconstructionism C. Essentialism D. Existentialism

23. It is an educational philosophy that views schools as tools to solve social problems.

A. Social Reconstructionism B. Essentialism C. Progressivism D. Existentialism

24. It instill stude nts with essentials of academic knowledge and enacting a back-to-basic approach.

A. Progressivism B. Social Reconstructionism C. Essentialism D. Existentialism

25. Who proposed Essentialism?

A. Robert Hutchins B. Jean Paul Sartre C. John Dewey D. William Bagley

26. This principle emphasizes the importance of providing regular and timely feedback to students on their learning progress, and using various forms of assessment to
measure and evaluate learning outcomes.

A. Feedback and Assessment B. Student- Centered Learning C. Learning Environment

27. This principle emphasizes the importance of designing and delivering education that is focused on the needs and interests of the students.

A. Active Learning B.Diversity and inclusion C.Student – Centered Learning

28. This principle emphasizes the importance of valuing and respecting diversity in all its forms, and creating inclusive learning environments that accommodate the
needs of all learners.

A. Active Learning B. Diversity and Inclusion C. Collaboration

29. This principle encourages students to actively participate in the learning process, engaging with the content, and applying their knowledge through activities such as
discussions, problem-solving, and group work.

A. Collaboration B. Active Learning C. Feedback and Assessment

30. This principle emphasizes the importance of collaboration and teamwork among students, as well as between students and instructors.

A. Collaboration B. Student- Centered Learning C. Active Learning

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