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Revision Term 3

Name : ------------------------------
Class: ------------------------------
1-Put these units of time in order from the shortest to the longest.
Year month minute second hour week day

Shortest ------ -------- -------- --------- ------- ------- -------- longest

The shortest unit is …………….

The longest unit is ………………

2- Draw a line to match the units of time that are the same.
1 year 1 month 1 week 1 hour

60 minutes 7 days 12 months About 4 weeks

1-Saturday -----------------------Monday
3-Wednesday ,Thursday,------------------
4-Friday, ------------------- ,Sunday
5-Saturday, Sunday,--------------------------
6-Tuesday, Wednesday,--------------------

3- -----------------
4- -----------------
5- -----------------
7- -----------------
9- September
10- -----------------
11- -----------------

1- The month after July? ---------------
2- The month before October? ---------------
3- The month between March and May? -----------
4- How many minutes in 1 hour? --------------------
5- How many hours in 1 day? -------------------------
6- How many days in 1 week? -------------------------
7- How many weeks in 1 month? --------------------
8- How many months in 1 year? --------------------
Answer the questions according to the calendar:


1-Write the circled dates in words and numbers

----------------------------------------------------------- ---------------------------
----------------------------------------------------------- ---------------------------
----------------------------------------------------------- ---------------------------
2- Which day of the week is 31/3/2022?
3- Which day of the week is 6/3/2022?
4- How many days are in this month?
5-How many Sundays are in March?
Answer the questions according to the calendar:
[Type a quote from the document or the summary

1- Colour
a- 5TH May in Red
b- 22nd May in Green
c- 3rd May in blue
d- 24th May in Yellow
2- Which month is shown above?
3- Which day of the week is the first day of the month?
4- How many Mondays are in May?
5- What is the month before this month?
6- What is the month after this month?
-What is the date? (Write the long and the short dates):
Draw the hands on the Clock Face
What time is it?
Complete the shapes:
Draw a line of symmetry for each shape:

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