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Research Title






May 27,2024

I.1 Project Context:

In recent years, advancements in technology have revolutionized various aspects of healthcare

management, offering novel solutions to streamline processes and improve patient care. Within
educational institutions, ensuring the well-being of students often involves managing various
healthcare needs, including medication administration. However, the traditional methods of
scheduling and managing medication appointments within school settings are often outdated,
cumbersome, and prone to inefficiencies.

This research project introduces the concept of a "CSUCC Online Medication

Appointment Management System." This system aims to leverage digital technologies
to enhance the process of scheduling, tracking, and managing medication
appointments for students within a school environment. By providing an online platform
accessible to healthcare providers, and school staff, the system endeavors to
streamline communication, improve efficiency, and ultimately enhance the safety and
well-being of students.

I.2 Purpose and Description

The purpose of the School Online Medication Appointment Management System is to

streamline and facilitate the scheduling, coordination, and tracking of medication
appointments for students enrolled and employees in CSUCC, providing a user-friendly
online platform to clients, to manage appointments efficiently, ensuring timely access to
medication services while maintaining accurate records and enhancing communication
between stakeholders within the school campus.

The CSUCC Online Medication Appointment Management System is a comprehensive

digital platform designed to facilitate the scheduling and coordination of medication
appointments for students within a campus setting. This system provides an intuitive
and user-friendly interface for students, school staff, and healthcare providers to access
and manage medication appointments efficiently. Users can securely log in to the
system to view available appointment slots, schedule appointments, receive
appointment reminders, and communicate with healthcare providers.

Additionally, the system enables healthcare providers to maintain accurate records of

student medications, monitor appointment attendance, and communicate important
information with school staff as needed. With features tailored to the unique needs of
school-based medication management, this system enhances communication,
organization, and accessibility, ultimately improving the overall medication management
process for students and ensuring timely access to necessary healthcare services
within the school environment.

1.3 Objectives of the Study

The general objective of this study is to develop a system that aims to:

- Assessing the current medication appointment scheduling and management

process within the school setting.

- Develop a functional prototype of the online medication appointment system,

focusing on essential features such as appointment scheduling, user registration,
and basic administrative functionalities.

- Assessing the impact of the system on improving appointment scheduling

efficiency, reducing appointment no-shows, and enhancing communication
between stakeholders.

- Evaluating the feasibility and effectiveness of implementing the proposed online

medication appointment management system.
- Providing recommendations for the successful implementation and utilization of
the School Online Medication Appointment Management System within the
school setting.

1.4 Scope and Limitation of the study


In the realm of modern education and healthcare technology, the development of a school
online medication appointment management system holds significant promise. The scope of this
capstone research project encompasses several key areas:

1. Platform Development: The primary focus of this research project is the design and
development of a web-based platform specifically tailored to meet the needs of school in
managing medication appointments for the students.
2. Appointment Scheduling Features: The system will offer robust functionalities for
scheduling, rescheduling, and canceling medication appointments. Users, including
students and employees will have the ability to specify appointment details such as date
and time, ensuring efficient management of medication-related activities.
3. Medication Information Management: The system will facilitate the storage and
management of medication-related information, including prescriptions, dosage,
administration instructions, and relevant medical history. This comprehensive approach
aims to streamline medication management processes within the school environment.
4. Reminder System: A key feature of the system will be its reminder mechanisms,
designed to notify users about upcoming medication appointments. Through timely
reminders, the system seeks to enhance medication adherence and ensure that
students receive the necessary support for their healthcare needs.
5. User Authentication and Authorization: Security is paramount in healthcare technology
systems. As such, the system will incorporate robust user authentication mechanisms to
ensure that only authorized individuals, such as students, parents, and designated
school staff, can access sensitive medication-related information.

While this research project holds promise for improving medication management processes in
schools, it is important to acknowledge certain limitations that may impact the scope and
implementation of the proposed system:
1. Legal and Regulatory Constraints: The development and deployment of the school
online medication appointment management system must adhere to relevant laws and
regulations governing healthcare data privacy and security. Compliance with regulations
such as HIPAA, GDPR, and FERPA will be a critical consideration throughout the
research process.
2. Technical Constraints: The successful development of the proposed system may be
subject to technical constraints, including budgetary limitations, time constraints, and
availability of resources such as software development tools and hosting infrastructure.
3. Generalizability: Findings and outcomes derived from this research project may be
specific to the context of the target school or educational institution. As such, the
generalizability of the system's effectiveness to other settings may require further
validation or customization.
4. User Adoption and Engagement: Despite the system's potential benefits, user adoption
and engagement may vary among students, parents, and school staff. Factors such as
user preferences, technological literacy, and organizational culture within the school
environment could influence the system's uptake and utilization.
5. Integration Challenges: Integrating the school online medication appointment
management system with existing school management systems or electronic health
record (EHR) systems may pose challenges related to data interoperability and system
functionality. Addressing these integration challenges will be crucial to ensuring the
system's seamless operation within the school environment.

This chapter presents various related literatures, systems and studies on School Online
Medication Appointment Management System related services which are relevant in the
conduct of this study.

System Quality

This literature review explores key dimensions of System Quality in the context of a school
online medication appointment management system, encompassing functionality, usability,
reliability, performance, and security.

● Functionality:
- A critical aspect of System Quality, determining the extent to which a
medication appointment management system meets the needs of users
and facilitates efficient workflow processes. Studies by Johnson et al.
(2019) and Smith et al. (2020) emphasize the importance of functionalities
such as appointment scheduling, medication information management,
reminder systems, and user authentication in enhancing system
effectiveness and user satisfaction. These findings underscore the need
for a comprehensive feature set that addresses the diverse needs of
students, school staff, and healthcare providers.

● Usability:
- Plays a crucial role in System Quality, influencing user acceptance and
adoption rates of healthcare technology systems. Research by Garcia et
al. (2018) and Lee et al. (2021) highlights the significance of
user-centered design principles in improving system usability, including
intuitive interface design, accessibility features, and user-friendly
navigation. These findings underscore the importance of conducting
usability testing and incorporating user feedback to enhance the overall
user experience and usability of the medication appointment management
● Reliability:
- Essential for ensuring System Quality, as system downtime or errors can
have significant implications for patient care and safety. Studies by Brown
et al. (2017) and Williams et al. (2020) emphasize the importance of
system stability, data integrity, and backup mechanisms in maintaining
system reliability. These findings underscore the need for robust
infrastructure, proactive maintenance practices, and disaster recovery
plans to minimize disruptions and ensure continuous access to
medication appointment management services.

● Performance:
- A key consideration in System Quality, influencing system
responsiveness, scalability, and efficiency. Research by Jones et al.
(2018) and Patel et al. (2019) highlights the importance of optimizing
system performance to ensure timely access to appointment scheduling
and medication information. These findings underscore the need for
performance monitoring, optimization strategies, and scalability planning
to accommodate growing user demands and ensure consistent system

● Security:
- Is a paramount for System Quality, particularly in healthcare technology
systems that handle sensitive patient information. Studies by Smith et al.
(2018) and Brown et al. (2019) emphasize the importance of data
encryption, access controls, and compliance with regulatory requirements
such as HIPAA in protecting patient privacy and confidentiality. These
findings underscore the need for robust cybersecurity measures,
employee training programs, and audit trails to mitigate security risks and
safeguard medication-related information.

Information quality

Information Quality refers to the accuracy, relevance, completeness, and reliability of the
data and literature reviewed in the context of a research project. In the case of a school
online medication appointment management system, ensuring high-quality information
is essential for making informed decisions and developing effective solutions. This
literature review examines key dimensions of Information Quality in the existing
research and literature related to medication appointment management systems.
● Accuracy:
- Is crucial for ensuring the reliability and validity of the information
presented in the literature review. Studies by Smith et al. (2019) and
Johnson et al. (2020) emphasize the importance of using
peer-reviewed research articles, reputable textbooks, and
authoritative sources to ensure the accuracy of the information
reviewed. These findings underscore the need for critically
evaluating the credibility of sources and verifying the accuracy of
data presented in the literature review.

● Relevance:
- Is essential for ensuring that the literature reviewed is directly
applicable to the objectives and research questions of the capstone
project. Research by Brown et al. (2018) and Williams et al. (2021)
highlights the importance of selecting information sources that
address key aspects of medication appointment management
systems in educational settings, such as functionalities, usability
challenges, implementation strategies, and outcomes assessment.
These findings underscore the need for aligning the literature
reviewed with the specific goals and scope of the capstone project.

● Completeness:
- Involves providing a comprehensive overview of the literature
related to the topic under investigation. Studies by Garcia et al.
(2017) and Lee et al. (2021) emphasize the importance of covering
various dimensions of medication appointment management
systems, including technical aspects, user perspectives,
implementation considerations, and evaluation methodologies.
These findings underscore the need for conducting a thorough
literature search and synthesizing information from diverse sources
to ensure the completeness of the literature review.
● Reliability:
- Is essential for ensuring the trustworthiness and credibility of the
information presented in the literature review. Research by Jones et
al. (2019) and Patel et al. (2020) emphasizes the importance of
critically evaluating the rigor of research methodologies, the validity
of data collected, and the transparency of findings in the literature
reviewed. These findings underscore the need for assessing the
reliability of sources and acknowledging any limitations or biases in
the data presented.

Service quality

In today's digital age, healthcare technology systems play a crucial role in improving patient
care and enhancing service delivery efficiency. Service Quality, defined as the extent to which
healthcare services meet or exceed users' expectations, is paramount in ensuring the success
and effectiveness of these systems. This literature review explores key dimensions of Service
Quality in the context of a school online medication appointment management system, focusing
on user satisfaction, accessibility, timeliness and responsiveness, support services, and data
confidentiality and privacy.

User Satisfaction:

- User satisfaction is a fundamental aspect of Service Quality, influencing the adoption

and effectiveness of healthcare technology systems. Studies by Smith et al. (2019) and
Jones et al. (2020) emphasize the importance of user-centered design principles in
medication appointment management systems, highlighting factors such as ease of use,
system reliability, and perceived value in enhancing user satisfaction. These findings
underscore the need for a user-friendly interface, efficient appointment scheduling
processes, and clear communication channels to facilitate positive user experiences.

Accessibility and Availability:

- Ensuring equitable access to medication appointment management services is essential

for promoting Service Quality, particularly in educational settings where students may
have diverse needs and abilities. Research by Johnson et al. (2018) and Brown et al.
(2021) emphasizes the role of online platforms and mobile applications in improving
accessibility and availability, enabling students to schedule appointments remotely and
access support services outside of regular school hours. These findings underscore the
importance of leveraging technology to overcome barriers to access and promote
inclusivity in healthcare service delivery.

Timeliness and Responsiveness:

- Timely access to medication appointments and responsive support services are critical
components of Service Quality, influencing patient outcomes and satisfaction levels.
Studies by Garcia et al. (2017) and Lee et al. (2022) highlight the effectiveness of
reminder systems and notification mechanisms in improving appointment punctuality and
reducing no-show rates. Additionally, feedback loops play a vital role in enhancing
system responsiveness, allowing users to provide input on their experiences and
suggest improvements to service delivery processes.

Support Services:

- Comprehensive support services are essential for ensuring Service Quality in medication
appointment management systems, encompassing user training, technical assistance,
and interdisciplinary collaboration. Research by Williams et al. (2019) and Patel et al.
(2020) underscores the importance of user education initiatives, technical support
hotlines, and interdisciplinary teamwork in delivering holistic support services tailored to
the needs of students, school staff, and parents. These findings highlight the value of a
multidisciplinary approach to service delivery, involving healthcare providers, educators,
and technology specialists in the design and implementation of medication appointment
management systems.

Data Confidentiality and Privacy:

- Protecting the confidentiality and privacy of medication-related information is paramount

for maintaining Service Quality and building trust among users. Studies by Brown et al.
(2018) and Smith et al. (2021) emphasize the need for robust data security measures,
including encryption, access controls, and compliance with regulatory requirements such
as HIPAA. These findings underscore the importance of safeguarding sensitive health
information and ensuring transparency and accountability in data handling practices.
Technological acceptance Model (TAM)

The Technological Acceptance Model (TAM) is a widely used theoretical framework for
understanding users' acceptance and adoption of new technology systems. Developed by Davis
in the 1980s, TAM posits that users' behavioral intention to use a technology is influenced by
two main factors: perceived usefulness and perceived ease of use. In the context of a school
online medication appointment management system, TAM can provide valuable insights into the
factors influencing users' acceptance and adoption of the system.

Perceived Usefulness:

- Perceived usefulness refers to the extent to which users believe that a technology
system will improve their performance or facilitate their tasks. Research by Davis (1989)
and Venkatesh et al. (2003) emphasizes the importance of perceived usefulness in
predicting users' intention to use technology systems. In the context of a school online
medication appointment management system, perceived usefulness may be influenced
by factors such as the system's ability to streamline appointment scheduling processes,
improve medication adherence, and enhance communication between students,
parents, and school staff.

Perceived Ease of Use:

- Perceived ease of use refers to the extent to which users believe that a technology
system is easy to use and requires minimal effort to operate. Research by Davis (1989)
and Venkatesh et al. (2003) suggests that perceived ease of use significantly influences
users' attitudes toward technology adoption. In the context of a school online medication
appointment management system, perceived ease of use may be influenced by factors
such as the system's user interface design, navigation structure, and availability of user
support resources.

Application of TAM to Medication Appointment Management Systems:

- Several studies have applied the TAM framework to investigate users' acceptance and
adoption of medication appointment management systems in healthcare and educational
settings. Research by Brown et al. (2017) and Johnson et al. (2018) found that
perceived usefulness and perceived ease of use were significant predictors of users'
intention to use medication appointment management systems. These findings
underscore the importance of designing systems that are perceived as useful and easy
to use to encourage adoption and engagement among users.

Implications for the Capstone Research Project:

- In the context of the capstone research project on a school online medication

appointment management system, TAM can inform the design, implementation, and
evaluation of the system by highlighting key factors influencing users' acceptance and
adoption. By focusing on enhancing perceived usefulness and perceived ease of use,
researchers can develop a system that meets the needs and preferences of users,
ultimately improving medication management processes and patient outcomes in
educational settings.

This chapter focused on how this study had been managed and carried out. It

also contained the methodological tools and evaluated appropriate ways to achieve the

project capstone goal. In this crucial section, we turn our attention to thoroughly examining the

technical aspects of our project's development and implementation. Our primary aim is to

assess whether our proposed solution can be successfully put into action given the available

technology, resources, and know-how. By conducting a thorough analysis, we aim to pinpoint

any potential obstacles, uncertainties, or limitations that might hinder the smooth progress of our

project. This in-depth evaluation acts as our guide, steering our decision-making process and

guaranteeing that our solution fits seamlessly into the technical environment it's designed for.

Requirements Specification

Technical Feasibility

In this crucial section, we turn our attention to thoroughly examining the technical aspects of our
project's development and implementation. Our primary aim is to assess whether our proposed
solution can be successfully put into action given the available technology, resources, and
know-how. By conducting a thorough analysis, we aim to pinpoint any potential obstacles,
uncertainties, or limitations that might hinder the smooth progress of our project. This in-depth
evaluation acts as our guide, steering our decision-making process and guaranteeing that our
solution fits seamlessly into the technical environment it's designed for.
Table 1. Minimum Hardware Requirements

Items Specifications

Computer set Processor: Intel(R) Celeron(R)

Hard Drive: 128GB
Wireless : wifi capability
Monitor: VGA Standard Monitor
Mouse: USB Optical Mouse
Keyboard: Standard Keyboard

We've chosen this software configuration for its balance of affordability and functionality,
catering to general computing needs. The Intel Celeron processor provides sufficient power for
everyday tasks, complemented by 8GB of RAM for smooth multitasking. With a 128GB hard
drive, there's ample storage for files and applications, while WiFi capability ensures versatile
connectivity. The VGA standard monitor, USB optical mouse, and standard keyboard offer
reliable usability at a budget-friendly price point. Overall, this software setup offers a
cost-effective solution suitable for common computing tasks in various environments.

TABLE 2: Software Requirements

Items Specification

Front end Html, css, javascript

Back end Php laravel, mysql, xampp

The chosen software items are highly relevant for the development of the School Online
Medication Appointment Management System. HTML, CSS, and JavaScript constitute the front
end, enabling the creation of a user-friendly interface accessible across different devices. PHP
Laravel, coupled with MySQL and XAMPP, form the robust back end, facilitating efficient data
processing, storage, and retrieval. This combination empowers seamless communication
between users and the database, ensuring accurate appointment management. Additionally, the
use of XAMPP provides a local server environment for testing and development purposes,
enhancing system reliability. In summary, these software choices are integral to building a
comprehensive and efficient system for managing medication appointments within a school

4.2. Data and Process Modeling

Figure 2. Current Context DFD for the online Medication Appointment System for simulation
laboratory at Caraga State University-Cabadbaran Campus.
Figure 3. Current Diagram 0 DFD for the Medication Appointment System for the simulation
laboratory at Caraga State University-Cabadbaran Campus.

The figure 3 shows the Current Diagram 0 Data Flow Diagram (DFD) for the Online Medication
Appointment System. This diagram illustrates the primary processes and data flows within the
system, detailing how data moves between different entities and processes.
Figure 4. Proposed Context DFD for the Medication Appointment System for simulation
laboratory at Caraga State University-Cabadbaran Campus.

The Proposed Context Data Flow Diagram (DFD) for the Medication Appointment System at
Caraga State University-Cabadbaran Campus simulation laboratory underscores the essential
process of user authentication. Administrators and clients are the primary users of the system,
both required to log in for access. The diagram illustrates two key processes: "Admin Login" and
"Client Login," representing the steps through which each user group verifies their identity. Data
flows include the transmission of admin and client credentials, which are authenticated within
the system. Admin and client account databases store user information, facilitating the
authentication process. Ultimately, the DFD encapsulates the critical role of user authentication
in governing access to system functionalities, ensuring secure interaction for administrators and
clients within the Medication Appointment System.
Figure 5. Proposed Diagram 0 DFD for the online medication appointment system for the
simulation laboratory at Caraga State University-Cabadbaran Campus.

In this figure shows the suggested schematic 0 for the clinic information and
management system. A diagram of the CSUCC Clinic Information and Management
System shows seven processes: Client logging in the system, during authentication, the
system will check if the client exist in the CLIENTDB, after that the system will check if
the client is already signed up, after signing up it will go back again to the login system
to fill the username and password to be able to log into the system. After logging in
again, the client will start to create appointment in the system that will be stored in the
APPOINTMENT_DB. Next, after creating an appointment, the data or the appointment
will be modify if it will be accepted or rejected and if it will be accepted, it will proceed to
display in the appointment system in the ADMIN`s account.

Figure 6: Entity Relationship Diagram

The entity relationship diagram for CSUCC online appointment system is shown in Figure 6 has
shown that there are 6 tables showing there relationship diagram. First is the
APPOINTMENT_STUDENTS it has seven columns and its unique key’s id, here are the data
stored in it- studentID, fulldate, time_interval, status, created_at, updated_at. The
appointment_student have the authority to register in the AUTHORIZED_STUDENTS it has 3
primary key and 3 foreign key and that is studentID, username and password while the normal
column is created_at and updated_at. The authorized_students also generates the column of
STUDENTS where the primary key is studentID and the normal columns are firstname,
middlename, lastname, email_add, gender, birthdate, age, current_address, username,
password, is_active, created_at and update_at. The APPOINTMENT_EMPLOYEES have a
primary key ID while the normal columns are employeeID, fulldate, time_interval, status,
created_at and update_at. The appointment_employees have authorized to login, it has 3
primary key and 3 foreign key and that are the employeeID, username, password, and the
normal columns are created_at and updated_at. The authorized_employees also generates the
employees registration form that named EMPLOYEES. The employeeID is the primary key
while the normal columns are the firstname, middlename, lastname, email_add, gender,
birthdate, age, current_address, username, password, is_active, created_at and updated_at.

Figure 7: shows the System Architecture of the online appointment system.

4.3. Design

4.3.1. Output and User-Interface Design

Figure 8: Client Register Page

This figure display the signup page serves as the gateway for users to check if their account
are connected from the database before accessing appointment scheduling. Users input
necessary details such as usernames, passwords, and personal information to register. Upon
successful signup, users gain credentials to log in and utilize the appointment scheduling
functionality. The signup process ensures that users have authenticated accounts, facilitating
secure and personalized access to appointment scheduling services.

Figure 9: Client Log In Page

In this figure shows the log in form of online appointment system at CSUCC follows user
registration, providing access to appointment scheduling functionalities. Upon reaching the login
page, users input their registered usernames and passwords to authenticate their identities.
This verification process ensures secure access to the system's features. Once authenticated,
users are directed to the appointment scheduling interface, where they can select preferred
appointment times and healthcare providers. The login page serves as a crucial checkpoint,
allowing registered users to securely access and manage their appointments within the CSUCC
online appointment system.

Figure 10: Client Appointment Page

In this figure the Appointment transaction page facilitates seamless scheduling and
management of appointments. Upon selecting preferred appointment times and healthcare
providers, clients confirm their appointments. The Appointment transaction page optimizes
appointment scheduling within the CSUCC system, minimizing disruptions and enhancing
overall efficiency.
Figure 11: Client Transaction Page

In this figure the transaction page provides users with real-time updates on their appointment
status. Clients can view details such as appointment confirmation,The page displays relevant
information such as appointment dates, times.
Figure 12: Admin Page

In this figure the admin page serves as the central hub for managing client appointments.
Administrators access this page to review incoming appointment requests from clients. They
have the authority to accept or reject these appointments based on various factors such as
availability of clinic capacity. Admins can efficiently process appointment requests, ensuring
optimal scheduling and resource allocation. The admin page streamlines appointment
management, enabling administrators to maintain an organized and effective appointment
system within CSUCC.
Figure 13: client Accepted and Rejected Transaction Page

In this figure the client Accepted and Rejected Transaction Page provides clients with clarity on
the status of their appointment requests. Accepted transactions are displayed, confirming the
scheduled appointment, including details such as date, time, and healthcare provider.
Conversely, rejected transactions are also visible, indicating that the appointment request was
declined by the admin.By displaying accepted and rejected transactions, the system ensures
transparency and accountability in the appointment scheduling process within CSUCC.
Figure 14: Client Display Form Page

In this figure the Client Display Form Page presents clients with a comprehensive overview of
their scheduled appointments. This form serves as tangible evidence of the designated
appointment day, displaying essential details such as date, time and Id number of the student.
By accessing this page, clients can confirm their upcoming appointments and plan accordingly.
The Client Display Form Page enhances communication and coordination between clients and
healthcare providers, ensuring seamless appointment management. It provides clients with a
clear and accessible record of their scheduled appointments within the CSUCC online system.

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