Bca 5 Sem Computer Graphics 97678 Dec 2022

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Roll No. 97678 BCA 5th Semester Examination — December, 2022 COMPUTER GRAPHICS Paper: BCA-302 Time : Three hours } rine {text Mark 90 ore ansring te quo, ca sa tt ay oe eles shu exe a tax tr sip he cone on eee nee omplint in ts eda eerie Note: Question No. 1 is compulsory. Attempt four ‘questions by selecting one question from each Unit. All questions carry equal marks. Be wats andom sas aytom? () Whot ie meant by coordinate stems ‘transformation ? ms (6) Whatis 20 viewing tansormaton? (2) What is interactive computer graphics 2 State its relevance. (e)_ What are viewing coordinates ?Hlustrate © Whats quadric surface ? 97678-4,2001P-2y0.0)22) P.T.O, https:/Anww.mdustudy.com (8) What is 30 she, ring? (©) Why Brosenhann tine algorithm is preserved over BDA tine agarinon ? Bronte unit = 2 (@)_ What do you mean by flood-fill algorithon ? What 48 ts relevance ? strate 6 () What steps are required to plot a line whose slope is between 0 and 20? using Breserham’s method ? Indicate which raster locations would be chosen by Bresenhar's algorithm when sean-converting a line from screen coordinate (2, 5) to screen coordinate (6, 10}, hilps:fiwmwmdustudy.com 10 Explain the following + (@) Ellipse Algorithey ) > 8 () Plasma Displays a unr. 4, (0) What is Cyrusbeck Line Clipping algorithm ? Dlustrate through a suitable example 7 (b) Find the normalization transformation that maps. 2 window whose lower left comer is at (2, 3) and upper right corner is at (7,20) onto 9 6) A viewport that isthe entire normalized device sereen and 6) A viewport tnat has lower left comer at ©, 0) and upper right corner (i, ¥). 97678-42001 30-822) (2) https:/Amww.mdustudy.com CB) eopain the ftlowing (9) 2D Shearing Transformation, ® (©) Sotherand:Hodgeman Polygon clipping algorithm 8 unr = 6. (a) What are polygon-rendering methods ? Which method is most popula? Justty your answer 8 (©) What are Bezier surfaces ? How are these represented ? Tilustrate théir relevance in Brephics e Explain the folowing (@) Hermite Curve 8 (©) thuination Modes 8 unrr=iv 8. (9) What is general projection transform ? Howe ia it aigratcan? Taste 8 (b) Whats meant by viewing pipeline? Muses 8 @ Prplan the folowing (4) 3D Composite Tansformatons 8 (©) 3D Reflection 8 aroreazoogr-aya-snee) (3) https:vuw.mdustudy.com

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