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RI NO 97679 BCA 5th Semester (New) Examination - November, 2019 DATA COMMUNICATION ANO NETWORKING Paper: BCA-303 ime Three Hours), Bun acing Hh usin, rons ld eee Hat ay Fiz Bn supplied the corset and complete question paper. No complain in is regard, xl be entrain fer examination, Note; Attempt five questions in al, selecting ome question from each Unit, Question No. 1 is compulsory. Al questions cary equal mas 1. Explain the following 6 (0) Frame Relay (b) Digital carseraystemn (©) Network interpol cards (2) Intemetworking, 97679 42504-340-9K10) PTO. 2, Explain TCP/IP reference model in detail with proper diagram. 6 3, Beplain the following 16 (Connection oriented and connectionless services (8) Peer to Peer model unr 4. Explain the following. 16 (Representing Data as Analog Signals (ay Kepresenting Lata as Uigital Signals 5, Describe the following. 16 () Data Enc Tecnsques (i) Communication Satellites unr — 6. Explain in detail about siding window protocols. 16 vroresecoiayasyis) (2) 7. Explain the folowing @ For (i) Gateways (oy Swatenes unr 0. be te Ruling ad expla te following () Shortest Path Routing 3) Flooding 9. Explain the following (Symmetric Key Algorithms (i) Public Key Algorithms srareesoe sHe0) w

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