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Atkins Diet (10 to 15 g of carbs)

Breakfast: (around 3-4g of carbs)

2 whole eggs omelette with 3 slices of yellow cheese+ ½ red pepper

100g smoked salmon + ½ avocado +2 tablespoons creamy cheese+ black pepper

1 egg+ 1 sausage+ ½ grilled tomato

3 slices of ham+ 3 slices of yellow cheese (each 1+1 can be rolled together)

Snack: (around 1-2g of carbs)

½ Avocado
30 g cube cheese
1 slice ham wrapped with 1 cheese slice
Salad of Radishes with feta and Mint:
2 Big Radishes+ ½ cup of feta cheese+ Mint+ Olive oil+ lemon+ salt+ black pepper
Caprese Salad recipe:
5 cherry tomatoes+ 60g Mozarella cheese+ 1 tablespoon chopped Basil (pesto) on the top+
Balsamic vinegar+ olive oil+ salt+ black pepper

Lunch: (around 2-3 g of carbs):

Crab and avocado salad ( ½ avocado)
2 Chicken legs+ 30g grated cheese + chopped red pepper
1 tuna in oil+ ½ red pepper
2 Chicken/Meat burgers+ green salad
Greek Salad:
5 olives+ baby spinach+ ½ avocado+ ½ onion+ ½ cup feta cheese
100g salmon +100 g baby spinach+ 5 cherry tomatoes

Snack: (around 1-2g carbs)

See above
Dinner: (around 3-4 g of carbs)
3 wraps of ham and cheese:
Each one includes 1 slice of ham+ 1 slice of cheese+ 1 teaspoon creamy cheese+ slice of pickles
2 Chicken/Meat burgers+ green salad
100g salmon + ¾ cup of grilled cauliflower
Any choice of the breakfast
Fruits to avoid in Atkins diet:

 Apples
 Oranges
 Bananas
 Grapes
 Peaches
 Kiwis

Fruits allowed to have in moderation:

 Strawberries
 Berries
 Tomatoes
 Avocado

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