BSC - Elect

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 While a potential difference is applied across a conductor, electrical charge

flows through it and electrical current is the measure of the quantity of the
electrical charge flowing through the conductor per unit time.


 There are equal number of electrons and protons in an atom. Hence, atom
is in general electrically neutral. As the protons in the central nucleus are
positive in charge and electrons orbiting the nucleus, are negative in
charge, there will be an attraction force acts between the electrons and
 In an atom various electrons arrange themselves in different orbiting shells
situated at different distances from the nucleus.
 The electrons which move from atom to atom in random manner are called
free elections.
 When a voltage is applied across a conductor, due to presence of electric
field, the free electrons start drifting to a particular direction according the
direction of voltage and electric field.
 This phenomenon causes current in the conductor. The movement of
electrons, means movement of negative charge and rate of this charge
transfer with respect to time is known as current.


 Potential difference is the work done per unit charge to move a charge
between the negative and the positive terminal of the battery. When the
battery is in use, or the circuit is closed, a small portion of the emf is spent
in overcoming the internal resistance of the battery. This energy per unit
charge is called potential difference.
 If ‘ℰ’ is the emf of the battery used in the circuit and ‘r’ is the internal
resistance of the specific battery and the external resistance of the circuit is
‘R’ in a circuit of ‘I’ current then; ℰ = Ir + IR. Here, ℰ – Ir is regarded as the
potential difference between the terminals of the battery which is also
known as the terminal voltage and is represented by the symbol ‘V’ (volt).

 The statement of Ohm’s law is simple, and it says that whenever a potential
difference or voltage is applied across a resistor of a closed circuit, current
starts flowing through it.
 This current is directly proportional to the voltage applied if temperature
and all other factors remain constant. Thus we can mathematically express
it as:

 This particular equation essentially presents the statement of this law

where I is the current through the resistor, measured in Ampere (Ampere,
or amps), when the electric potential difference V is applied across the
resistor in unit of volt, and ohm(Ω) is the unit of measure for the resistance
of the resistor R.
 It’s important to note that the resistance R is the property of the conductor
and theoretically has no dependence on the voltage applied, or on the flow
of current.
 The value of R changes only if the conditions (like temperature, diameter
length etc.) of the material are changed by any means.


Wheatstone bridge is a device which is used to measure the electrical resistance

by comparison method. Basically an electrical circuit, Wheatstone bridge is used
to measure resistance of an unknown resistor by passing current through it.

 The three known resistances of the parallel branches are already known.
The current is allowed to pass through the circuit. When the current passes
through the galvanometer, the three resistances are adjusted is such a
manner that the galvanometer reading shows zero. The same process can
also be carried out by varying the resistance of only one the resistor.
 Now suppose there are 4 resistors R1, R2, R3 and Ru. Ru is the resistor
whose resistance is to be found and R2 is the only adjustable resistor. The
arrangement is as shown in the figure. R1 and R2 are on one leg and R3 and
Rx are on the other leg. Now if is the ratio of resistances of known path,
R2/R1 is equal to the unknown path Ru/R3, then the reading at the
galvanometer located at the center will show zero. This is done by varying
the resistance of R2.
 At the point the current in galvanometer is zero; the resistances of all the
three known resistors are noted. The resistance of the fourth unknown
resistance can be found out by the formula
R2/R1 = Ru/R3 Or Ru = R3. (R2/R1)


 Wheatstone bridge is widely used for measuring small resistances and

therefore it is used in applications such as strain gauges and resistance
thermometer. Mostly a part of electrical measurement circuits,
Wheatstone bridge is an integral part of low temperature alarms.
 For e.g., a thermistor resistance is measured by placing the thermistor in
place of the unknown resistance in the method described above. The
resistance of the thermistor changes as the temperature it is exposed to
 The temperature and resistance of the thermistor are inversely
proportional to each other. This means that if the temperature of the
thermistor increases, its resistance decreases. The difference in
temperature between the two legs is reflected across the bridge to which
an alarm is attached. The temperature difference activates the alarm.
Wheatstone Bridge Example No1

The following unbalanced Wheatstone Bridge is constructed. Calculate the output

voltage across points C and D and the value of resistor R4 required to balance the
bridge circuit.

For the second series arm, ADB

The value of resistor, R4 required to balance the bridge is given as:


 Static electricity is an imbalance of electric charges within or on the surface

of a material. The charge remains until it is able to move away by means of
an electric current or electrical discharge.
Description of static electricity

 Static electricity is the accumulation of electrical charges on the surface of a

material, usually an insulator or non-conductor of electricity. It is called
"static" because there is no current flowing, as there is in alternating
current (AC) or direct current (DC) electricity.
 Typically, two materials are involved in static electricity, with one having an
excess of electrons or negative (−) charges on its surface and the other
material having an excess of positive (+) electrical charges. Atoms near the
surface of a material that have lost one or more electrons will have a
positive (+) electrical charge.
Negative (-) charges collect on PCV pipe surface

 If one of the materials is an electrical conductor that is grounded, its

charges will drain off immediately, leaving the other material still charged.
Cause of static electricity

 Static electricity is usually caused when certain materials are rubbed

against each other—like wool on plastic or the soles of your shoes on the
carpet. It is also caused when materials are pressed against each other and
pulled apart.
 The process causes electrons to be pulled from the surface of one material
and relocated on the surface of the other material. It is called the
triboelectric effect or triboelectric charging.
 The material that loses electrons ends up with an excess of positive (+)
charges. The material that gains electrons ends up an excess of negative (−)
charges on its surface.
Effects Of Static Electricity

 Static electricity can cause materials to attract or repel each other. It can
also cause a spark to jump from one material to another.

 Rub a balloon on a wool sweater. The balloon collects negative electrical

charges on its surface and the wool collects positive charges. You can then
stick the balloon to the wall, which does not have an excess of either
charge. The balloon will also stick to the wool, although the charges may
jump back to the original material in a short time.
 You can also run a comb through your hair to charge the comb with static
electricity. The comb can then be used to attract neutral pieces of tissue.

 Comb your hair on a dry day or after using a hair drier. The plastic comb
collects negative charges from the hair, causing the hair to have an excess
of positive charges. Since like charges repel, the hair strand will tend to
push away from each other, causing the "flyaway hair" effect.

 If there are enough positive (+) electrical charges on one object or material
and enough negative (−) charges on the surface of the other object the
attraction between the charges may be great enough to cause electrons to
jump the air gap between the objects.
 Once a few electrons start to move across the gap, they heat up the air,
such that more and more will jump across the gap. This heats the air even
more. It all happens very fast, and the air gets so hot that it glows for a
short time. That is a spark.
 The same thing happens with lightning, except on a much larger scale, with
higher voltages and current.


 Electromagnetism is produced when an electrical current flows through a

simple conductor such as a piece of wire or cable. A small magnetic field is
created around the conductor with the direction of this magnetic field with
regards to its “North” and “South” poles being determined by the direction
of the current flowing through the conductor.
 Therefore, it is necessary to establish a relationship between current
flowing in the conductor and the resultant magnetic field produced by this
current flow and thereby defining the definite relationship that exists
between Electricity and Magnetism in the form of Electromagnetism.
 When an electrical current flows through a conductor a circular
electromagnetic field is generated around it. The direction of rotation of
this magnetic field is governed by the direction of the current flowing
through the conductor with the corresponding magnetic field produced
being stronger near to the centre of the current carrying conductor and
weaker farther away from it as shown below.

Magnetic Field around a Conductor


Procedure for Battery Start

 Go to the emergency generator room and find the panel for emergency
 Put the switch on the test mode from automatic mode. The generator will
start automatically but will not come on load.
 Check voltage and frequency in the meter.
 Keep the generator running for 10-15 min and check the exhaust temp and
other parameters.
 Check the sump level.
 For stopping the generator, put the switch in manual and then stop the

Procedure for Hydraulic Start

 Out the switch in manual mode as stated above and check the pressure
gauge for sufficient oil pressure.
 Open the valve from accumulator to generator.
 Push the spring loaded valve and the generator should start.
 Check voltage and frequency.
 Keep the generator running for 10-15 min and check the exhaust temp and
other parameters.
 Check the sump level
 For stopping, use the manual stop button from the panel.
 After stopping the generator, pressurize the hydraulic accumulator to
desired pressure.
 Close the valve from accumulator to generator.

Procedure for Automatic Start

 For automatic start, we know that there is a breaker which connects
Emergency Switch Board (ESB) and Main switch Board (MSB); and there is
also an interlock provided due to which the emergency generator and Main
power of the ship cannot be supplied together.
 Therefore, we simulate by opening the breaker from the tie line, which can
be done from the MSB or the ESB panel.
 After opening the breaker, the emergency generator starts automatically
with the help of batteries and will supply essential power to machinery and
pumps connected to ESB.
 For stopping the generator, the breaker is closed again and due to the
interlock the generator becomes off load.
 Now again put the switch to manual mode to stop the generator.
 Press stop and the generator will stop.PP

 The Navigational lights are in pairs and only one lamp is in use and the
other is kept as stand-by. When the lamp in use is blown, an audible alarm
is activated and a visual indication of the faulty lamp is given on the
navigation lighting panel in the wheel house.
 The duty officer will acknowledge the alarm and change over to stand-by
lamp. In some ships, 24volts from the emergency battery is connected to
the navigation lights through invertors during black out. In most of the
ships, emergency supply to the navigation panel is given from emergency
switch board.
 The Navigation Lights Panel is fitted in wheel house. The navigation lamps
are of special incandescent lamps of 65/ 60 watt power, coiled coil,
vibration proof, special cap size P-28s. The Forward mast, Main mast, Stern
 Light and both Fwd. and Aft Anchor lights are of “WHITE” in colour. The
Starboard light is “GREEN” and Port light is “RED”.

 Emergency generator on ship provides power in case the main generators

of the ship fails and creates a “dead or blackout condition”.
 According to general requirement, at least two modes of starting an
emergency generator should be available.
 The two modes should be – battery start and hydraulic or pneumatic start.
 The port State control (PSC) might detain a ship or provide some time to
correct any kind of deficiency found if the second mode of starting is not
 In case of the failure of the main power generation system on the ship, an
emergency power system or a standby system is also present.
 The emergency power supply ensures that the essential machinery and
system continues to operate the ship.
 Emergency power can be supplied by batteries or an emergency generator
or even both systems can be used.
 Rating of the emergency power supply should be made in such a way that it
provides supply to the essential systems of the ship such as:
 Steering gear system
 Fire Pump
 Watertight doors.
 Ships navigation lights and emergency lights.
 Communication and alarm system.
 Main air compressor
 Bilge pump
 Sprinkler pump, etc.

10) Maintenance of Emergency Batteries:

1) Weekly check density of electrolyte using hydrometer
2) Keep batteries on trickle charge always
3) Once in 3 months discharge the batteries completely and recharge to full
4) Daily check room atmosphere for any electrolyte leaks
5) Weekly check all battery terminals for tightness
6) Weekly coat all battery terminals and also the electrical joints with
petroleum jelly
7) Ensure battery room is kept clean
8) Ensure unobstructed access to the batteries
9) Maintain a battery log to record results.
10) Carry out weekly and monthly inspections

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