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In a Clothes Shop

Task 1. Watch the video, then find the English equivalents to the following phrases:

 Очень мило с твоей стороны!

 Я могу Вам помочь?
 Какого размера эта рубашка?
 Где я могу её померить?
 Примерочные вон там.
 Сколько она стоит?
 Они очень вежливые.
 Я слышу шум от машин.
Task 2. Fill in the gaps with an appropriate word or a phrase:
changing room traffic try on medium discount change
1. -How much is for this denim jacket?
-It’s 40 euros with the ________________.
-Here’s 50.
-Thank you. Here’s your 10 __________.
2. -Emma, I can’t hear you, it’s very noisy over there.
-Sorry, that’s the _____________. I’ll call you back in 15 minutes, OK?
3. -Well, these jeans are too tight, do you have some other pair in a bigger size?
-What size are these jeans?
-It’s small.
-OK, I’ll look for a __________ size.
-Thank you.
4. -Wow, this blouse is absolutely fantastic! Where can I ______ it ____?
-The _________________ is just around the corner.

Task 3. Discuss the questions.

 Do you enjoy shopping for clothes? How often do you go shopping?
 How can you describe your clothes style?
 Do you/your family members shop online? What are the pluses and minuses of online shopping?

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