Islamic Studies Revision Guide For The End of The Year Exam Y7

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Islamic Studies Revision Guide for the end

of the year exam

Rationale for the End of Year Islamic Studies Assessment

This Islamic Studies Revision Guide is designed to assist students in preparing

for their End of Year assessment, scheduled for Tuesday 4th June
The guide covers key topics, practice questions, and essential vocabulary
necessary for success in the assessment.

The assessment will cover several important topics that are essential for a
comprehensive understanding of Islamic teachings:

1. The Right Way (Surah al Mulk 1-14): This section delves into the verses of Surah al
Mulk (1-14), emphasizing the importance of understanding the message conveyed
within these verses.
2. Selecting Friends in Islam: Here, students will explore the significance of choosing
companions in accordance with Islamic teachings, understanding the impact of
friendships on one's faith and character.
3. The Congregational Prayer: This topic focuses on the importance of congregational
prayer in Islam, its method, and the etiquettes associated with it.
4. Musbuq Prayer: This covers the concept and practice of Musbuq prayer, providing
students with a thorough understanding of its importance and how it is performed.

Note to Students:
To excel in the upcoming exam, students are advised to study the provided
revision sheets thoroughly. Understanding Surat Almulk 1-14, the foundation of
selection friends in Islam, the rules related to the congregational prayer, and
Musbuq prayer will be essential for success in the assessment. Additionally,
practicing the provided example questions will help reinforce their understanding
and prepare them for the exam.
:First Lesson: The Right Way (Surah al Mulk 1-14)
1- Explain the meanings of the Quranic terms
1-Why "the Exalted in Might" was mentioned before "the Forgiving" in the verse?
To prove the greatness of Allah that He possesses all the kingdom of the whole universe, but He has
the great attribute of forgiving & He forgives our mistakes.
2-How do I benefit from this verse in my dealings with people?
We have to forgive people even if we have the authority on them. Forgiving is a great virtue.
3-What does Surah Mulk teach us?
Surah Al-Mulk teaches us that Allah created everything in the heavens and the earth. It tells us to
think about the amazing things in nature, like the stars and the mountains, which show Allah's power.
The Surah reminds us that Allah will judge everyone fairly on the Day of Judgment. If we do good
deeds and believe in Allah, we'll be rewarded with Paradise. But if we do bad things, we might be
punished. So, we should always try to do good and ask Allah for forgiveness
4- List 5 things you are grateful about( opened answers )

5-Choose the correct answer :

1. Al Mulk means....

a) The palace b) The heavens

c) The earth d) The kingdom

2. Surah Al Mulk has____________verses.

a) 29 b)13
c) 30 d) 33
3. What are the other names of Surah Al Mulk?

a) Al Munjiah b) Al Mani'ah
c) Tabarak d) All the Above
4. Why do you think that Prophet Muhammad (PBUH) advised us to read this surah everyday.

a) It will save us from the punishment of grave b) A& C

c) It saves us from the Shaytaan d) It helps us to stay away from doing bad deeds

5. Surah Al Mulk was revealed in the city of ___________

a) Madinah After migration b) Makkah after migration

c) Madinah before migration d) Makkah before migration

Second Lesson : Selecting Friends in Islam

“The similitude of a good friend and that of a bad friend is that of the owner of
musk and of the one blowing the bellows. The owner of musk would either offer
you some free of charge, or you would buy it from him, or you smell its
pleasant fragrance; as for the one who blows the bellows ( i.e., the blacksmith),
he either burns your clothes or you smell a repugnant smell.”
[Narrated by Al-Bukhari and Muslim]

1-What are the effects of having good friends and bad friends

Good friends Bad friends

v By having good friend you learn v By having a bad friend you learn
something good . something bad .
v A good friend always makes you stay v A bad friend always leads you to the evil .
away from evil . A bad friend is always False, Dishonest and
v A good friend is always True, Honest and Unfaithful
Faithfull .

2-Choose the correct answer:

1-What are the traits you would like to see in your friend?
a) Wearing good clothes
b) Dishonest
c) Beautiful
d) Trustworthy and truth worthy
2. What are the qualities you would not like in your friend
a) Loyal
b) Good listener
c) Spills you Secrets
d) Kindful

3. What is the meaning of ‫?المسك‬

a) Blacksmith
b) A perfume that extracted from flowers
c) Bad smell
d) perfume that extracted from deer
4. What is the meaning of ‫?الصالح‬
a) Bad friend
b) The jealous one
c) The good one
d) Trader
5. How do you choose your friend in Islam
a) The disbelievers
b) Who remind you of Allah
c) Who is listening the evil one

put true or False

(false)Do toxic friends guide us to the right path?
(True) A good friend is good for you in all respects,because he has all traits of virtue
(True )Good friends are loyal and accept you for who you are during the good and bad times
(false)Friendship is not important to our mental health
(false)A good friend has no self-control and doesn't care about telling your secrets to others
Third lesson
**Summary of Congregational Prayer:**

The congregational prayer, or Salah, is a fundamental practice in Islam where Muslims come
together to pray in congregation. It is performed in the mosque, led by an Imam. This prayer is highly
recommended and carries numerous virtues in Islam. It fosters unity, brotherhood, and spiritual
growth within the Muslim community. The congregation follows the Imam's movements in prayer,
including bowing, prostration, and recitation of verses from the Quran. Participating in congregational
prayer earns greater rewards than praying individually. It's a means of strengthening one's faith and
connection with Allah, as well as seeking His guidance and mercy.

**True/False Questions:**

1. True/False: Congregational prayer is not important in Islam.

- False

2. True/False: The congregational prayer is led by a Mufti.

- False

3. True/False: The congregational prayer fosters unity and brotherhood among Muslims.
- True
**Multiple Choice Questions:**

4. Who leads the congregational prayer?

- a) Mufti
- b) Imam
- c) Sheikh
- d) Scholar
- Correct Answer: b) Imam

5. Where is the congregational prayer performed?

- a) Home
- b) Mosque
- c) School
- d) Park
- Correct Answer: b) Mosque

**Open Answer Question:**

6. Explain why congregational prayer is important in Islam and what benefits it brings to the Muslim

Lesson 4 Coming Late to Congregational Prayer:**

**Summary of Coming Late to Congregational Prayer:**

Prayer is a fundamental aspect of Islam, and joining congregational prayer late has its rules. The
Prophet Muhammad (peace be upon him) emphasized the importance of prayer and warned against
neglecting it. Islam is built on five pillars, including prayer, which is obligatory at fixed times. There
are different types of followers in prayer, such as the Mudrak (who joins from the beginning), the
Masbuq (who joins late), and the Lahiq (who joins but misses some rak'ahs due to various reasons).

When a Masbuq joins the congregation late, they complete the remaining prayer with the Imam. After
the Imam finishes the prayer, the Masbuq stands up to complete the missed rak'ah(s) independently,
following specific steps.
**True/False Questions:**
1. True/False: According to the hadith, prayer is the cornerstone of Islam.
2. True/False: Masbuq is the follower who joins the congregation from the beginning and stays with
the Imam throughout the prayer.

3. True/False: Lahiq is the follower who joins the congregation late and completes the prayer
independently after the Imam.
**Multiple Choice Questions:**
4. What is the name of the follower who joins the congregation late?
- a) Mudrak
- b) Masbuq
- c) Lahiq
- d) Munafiq
5. What should a Masbuq do after the Imam finishes the prayer?
- a) Leave the mosque
- b) Stay seated until the next prayer
- c) Stand up and complete the missed rak'ah(s) independently
- d) Ask the Imam to repeat the prayer
**Open Answer Question:**
6. Describe the steps a Masbuq should follow to complete the missed rak'ah(s) after the Imam
finishes the congregational prayer.

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