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Call for Land Restoration for Climate Resilience in Uganda

Challenge 1
About 97% of Uganda’s land area suffers from some form of human-induced land degradation
Ministry of Water & Env., 2022). This results in soil erosion and declining soil fertility,
deforestation, pollution of land, water and air resources, loss of biodiversity and over-

harvesting of forests, fisheries and water resources .

Challenge 2
Droughts in Uganda are becoming more frequent and more severe; with the western,
northern, and north-eastern regions experiencing more frequent and longer-lasting
droughts than seen historically (IGAD, 2010). In addition, shift in rainy seasons
(September-November) and (March-May) and short or prolonged dry seasons in some
regions distorts growing seasons; confusing farmers on deciding on timing for planting

What needs to be done? By who?

1. NEMA, Local Governments and other development actors should promote local eco-
friendly solutions to promote soil & land management that can as well build / strengthen
resilience of communities and the ecosystems on which they depend
2. Development actors should scale up community – driven efforts to restore forests and
tree cover by natural regeneration or by plantations or by agroforestry in order to keep
pace with the annual loss of forest cover and loss of individual trees.
3. Government should address the increasing cases of land evictions and grabbing
contributing to land tenure insecurity that has led to land conflicts, reduced sustainable
land management efforts, agricultural productivity;; increased food insecurity

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