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Mary’s School Afzalgarh (Bijnor)

Assignment Work (Class X)

1. English I
Write the format of all writing section ( letters , emails, notices) along with two
examples for each .

Write from practise paper 1-15 any one argumative composition, any one narrative
composition, any one descriptive, any one story telling and any one picture


* Use A4 plane sheet .

*Spiral binding is mandatory.
*Students have to collect photographs related to the assignment and paste it.
*The first page must have logo along with subject name, student name, and teacher

2. English II
Roll no. Topic
1-37 Julius Caesar
Page no:11
*Date of composition
*Portrayed of character
*Dramatic Irony
1-9 Poetry
Poem (Haunted House)
*About the poet
*About the poem
*Critical Appreciation
10-18 Poem (The gloves and the lion)
Headings will be same as mentioned above
19-27 Poem (When great trees fall)
Headings will be same as mentioned above
28-37 Poem (A considerable spec)
Heading will be same as mentioned above
Short Stories
1-9 Story (With the photographer)
*About the author
*About the story
*Critical Appreciation

10-18 Story ( The elevator)

About the author
*About the story
*Critical Appreciation
19-27 Story ( The girl who can)
About the author
*About the story
*Critical Appreciation
28-37 Story ( The pedestrian)
About the author
*About the story
*Critical Appreciation
3. Hindi
लेखक एवं • प्रेमचंद
कवव परिचय • जयशंकि प्रसाद
• ससयािाम शिण गप्ु त
• िामधािी ससंह ददनकि
• सूययकांत त्रिपाठी
• सुभद्रा कुमािी चौहान
• महादे वी वमाय
• िववंद्रनाथ टै गोि
• सवेश्वि दयाल सक्सेना
• मन्नू भण्डािी

दोहे Every student has to write 10 dohas with their appropriate meaning.
चचि लेखन Any 3 from Hindi grammar book and paste the pictures also.
जीवन परिचय
कव्य सौंदयय
ननबंध Write accordingly as it was informed by the subject teacher


*Use one sided lining papers.

*Students have to paste pictures according to the topics .

4. Mathematics
Roll No Topic
1, 7, 13, • Comparative newspaper coverage of different items.
19, 25, • Quadratic Equations and methods of solving quadratic
31, 37 equations.
2, 8, 14, • Survey of various types of Bank accounts, rates of interest
20, 26, offered.
32 • Ratio and proportion and rules of proportionality.
3, 9, 15, • Planning a home budget.
21, 27, • Trigonometry and height and distance.
4, 10, • Conduct a survey in your locality to study the mode of
16, 22, conveyance / Price of various essential commodities /
28, 34 favourite sports. Represent the data using a bar graph /
histogram and estimate the mode.
• Matrices and its types with all additive and multiplicative
properties (upto 2×2 matrices only)
5, 11, • To use a newspaper to study and report on shares and
17, 23, dividends.
29, 35 • Remainder theorem and factorisation theorem with
6, 12, • Goods and Services tax.
18, 24, • Co-ordinate geometry and straight line.
30, 36


* Students have to prepare separate file for each of the two topics.

*Use one sided papers.

*Students are advised to paste the appropriate pictures, graphs, sketches, news paper
cutting and diagrams related to the topics.

*If students are writing about any mathematician in their topic, they have to paste the
photo of the mathematician with it.
5. Physics
Roll no Topics
1,3,5,7,9 *Chapter 3
2,4,6,8,10 *Chapter:4
Refraction of light at plane surface
*Chapter 5
Refraction of light through lenses

11,13,15,17,19 *Chapter 3
12,14,16,18,20 *Chapter 10
*Chapter 12
Modern Physics
21,23,25,27,29 *Chapter 8
Current electricity
22,24,26,28,30 *Chapter 10
*Chapter 12
Modern Physics
31,33,35,37 *Chapter 8
Current electricity
*Chapter 9
Household circuits
32,34,36 *Chapter 10
Chapter 12
Modern Physics


*Use A4 plane sheet or one sided sheet .

*Students are advised to collect the pictures and paste according to the topics
6. Chemistry
Roll no Topics
1,14, 27 Chapter 1
2, 15, 28 Chapter 2
3, 16, 29 Chapter 3
4, 17, 30 Chapter 4
5, 18, 31 Chapter 5
6, 19, 32 Chapter 6
7, 20, 33 Chapter 7
8, 21, 34 Chapter 8
9, 22, 35 Chapter 9
10, 23, 36 Chapter 10
11, 24, 37 Chapter 11
12, 25 Chapter 12
13, 26 Chapter 13


*Students have to paste the pictures related to the topics.

*Use A4 plane sheet and do spiral binding.

* Make one inch margin and from all three side leave 0.5 cm gap/space.
7. Biology
Roll no Topics
1-5 The Circulatory System
6-10 The Nervous System
11-15 Sense Organs
16-20 The Endoceine System
21-25 Human Population and Evolution
26-30 Transpiration
31-37 Photosynthesis
8. History/Civics
Roll no Topics
1-7 *Write political, economic and Social causes of the first war of
*Union Parliament (Civics)
8-14 *Indian National Congress..(History)
*Lok sabha and Rajya sabha. (Civics)

15-21 *Contribution of Trio-lal , Bal – Pal. (History)

*Power and function of President. (Civics)
22-29 *Causes and Consequences of the first world war. (History)
*Power and function of Cabinet. (Civics)
30-37 *Najis dictatorship in Germany. ( History)
*Jurisdiction and power of supreme court. ( Civics)


* Use A4 plane sheet .

*Paste the pictures according to the given topics.

9. Geography
Roll no. Topic
4, 5, 7, 9, Location, Extent and Physical features of India
10, 22 Position and Extent of India.
° Latitude and Longitudes: Tropic of Cancer,
Standard Meridian (82° 30’E).
• The physical features of India – mountains,
Plateaus, plains, rivers and deserts
1, 2, 3, 6 Climate of India
Distribution of Temperature, Rainfall, winds in
Summer and Winter and factors affecting the
climate of the area. Monsoon and its mechanism.
Seasons –March to May – Summer; June to
September – Monsoon; October to November -
Retreating Monsoon. December to February –
8, 11, 12, Natural Vegetation of India
13 • Importance of forests.
• Types of vegetation (tropical evergreen,
Tropical deciduous, tropical desert, littoral and
Mountain), distribution and correlation with
Their environment.
• Forest conservation.
14, 15, Water Resources of India
16, 17 • Sources (Surface water and ground water).
• Need for conservation and conservation
Practices (Rain water harvesting and its
• Irrigation: Importance and methods.
25, 27, Transport
28, 29, 30 Importance and Modes – Roadways, Railways,
Airways and Waterways –- Advantages and
18, 19, Agriculture
20, 21 • Indian Agriculture – importance, problems
and reforms.
• Types of farming in India: subsistence and
commercial: shifting, intensive, extensive,
plantation and mixed.
• Agricultural seasons (rabi, kharif, zayad).
• Climatic conditions, soil requirements,
methods of cultivation, processing and
distribution of the following crops:
- rice, wheat, millets and pulses.
- sugarcane, oilseeds (groundnut, mustard
and soya bean).
- cotton, jute, tea and coffee.
23, 24, 26 Manufacturing Industries of India
Importance and classification
• Agro based Industry – Sugar, Textile (Cotton
And Silk).
• Mineral based Industry – Iron & Steel (TISCO,
Bhilai, Rourkela, Vishakhapatnam) Petro
Chemical and Electronics.
31, 32, 33 Soil Resources of India
• Types of soil (alluvial, black, red and laterite)
distribution, composition and characteristics
such as colour, texture, minerals and crops
• Soil Erosion – causes, prevention and
34, 35, Waste Management
36, 37 • Impact of waste accumulation – spoilage of
Landscape, pollution, health hazards, effect on
Terrestrial, aquatic (fresh water and marine) life.
• Need for waste management.
• Methods of safe disposal – segregation, dumping
And composting.
• Need and methods for reducing, reusing and recycling waste
1- All students are strictly supposed to do the assignment according to given roll
2. Support your assignment with needed diagrams and mapping.
10. Computer
Dear students, As you have prepared file in class 9th same only you have to prepare along
with variable table and comments. Write neat and clean syntax of program should be clear
and correct.

List of Programs-:

1. A prime number is said to be 'Twisted Prime', if the new number obtained after reversing
the digits is also a prime number. Write a program to accept a number and check whether
the number is 'Twisted Prime' or not.

Sample Input: 167

Sample Output: 761

167 is a 'Twisted Prime'.

2. Using a switch statement, write a menu driven program to:

(a) generate and display the first 10 terms of the Fibonacci series

0, 1, 1, 2, 3, 5

The first two Fibonacci numbers are 0 and 1, and each subsequent number is the sum of
the previous two.

(b) find the sum of the digits of an integer that is input by the user.

Sample Input: 15390

Sample Output: Sum of the digits = 18

For an incorrect choice, an appropriate error message should be displayed.

3. Define a class called 'Mobike' with the following specifications:

Data Members Purpose

int bno To store the bike number

int phno To store the phone number of the customer

String name To store the name of the customer

int days To store the number of days the bike is taken on rent

int charge To calculate and store the rental charge

Member Methods Purpose

void input() To input and store the details of the customer

void compute() To compute the rental charge

void display() To display the details in the given format

The rent for a mobike is charged on the following basis:

Days Charge

For first five days ₹500 per day

For next five days ₹400 per day

Rest of the days ₹200 per day


Bike No. Phone No. Name No. of days Charge

xxxxxxx xxxxxxxx xxxx xxx xxxxxx

4. Define a class Telephone having the following description:

Class name : Telephone

Data Members Purpose

int prv, pre to store the previous and present meter readings

int call to store the calls made (i.e. pre - prv)

String name to store name of the consumer

double amt to store the amount

double total to store the total amount to be paid

Member functions Purpose

void input() Stores the previous reading, present reading and name of the consumer

void cal() Calculates the amount and total amount to be paid

void display() Displays the name of the consumer, calls made, amount and total amount to
be paid

Write a program to compute the monthly bill to be paid according to the given conditions
and display the output as per the given format.

Calls made Rate

Up to 100 calls No charge

For the next 100 calls 90 paise per call

For the next 200 calls 80 paise per call

More than 400 calls 70 paise per call

However, every consumer has to pay ₹180 per month as monthly rent for availing the


Name of the customer Calls made Amount to be paid

.................... .......... .................

.................... .......... ................

5. Design a class name ShowRoom with the following description:

Instance variables / Data members:

String name — To store the name of the customer

long mobno — To store the mobile number of the customer

double cost — To store the cost of the items purchased

double dis — To store the discount amount

double amount — To store the amount to be paid after discount

Member methods:

ShowRoom() — default constructor to initialize data members

void input() — To input customer name, mobile number, cost

void calculate() — To calculate discount on the cost of purchased items, based on

following criteria
Cost Discount (in percentage)

Less than or equal to ₹10000 5%

More than ₹10000 and less than or equal to ₹20000 10%

More than ₹20000 and less than or equal to ₹35000 15%

More than ₹35000 20%

void display() — To display customer name, mobile number, amount to be paid after

Write a main method to create an object of the class and call the above member methods.

6. To print the sum of the following:

a. s= 1/2+3/4+5/6+....n terms by using function series(double)

b. s=x/1+x/3+x/5+x/7+....+x/n by using function series (double, double)

Using user's choice.

7. Define a class named FruitJuice with the following description:

Data Members Purpose

int product_code stores the product code number

String flavour stores the flavour of the juice (e.g., orange, apple, etc.)

String pack_type stores the type of packaging (e.g., tera-pack, PET bottle, etc.)

int pack_size stores package size (e.g., 200 mL, 400 mL, etc.)

int product_price stores the price of the product

Member Methods Purpose

FruitJuice() constructor to initialize integer data members to 0 and string data members
to ""

void input() to input and store the product code, flavour, pack type, pack size and
product price

void discount() to reduce the product price by 10

void display() to display the product code, flavour, pack type, pack size and product price.
8. Using the switch statement, write a menu driven program for the following:

(a) To print the Floyd's triangle:

2 3

4 5 6

7 8 9 10

11 12 13 14 15

(b) To display the following pattern:




For an incorrect option, an appropriate error message should be displayed.

9. Write a program to input a number and check whether the number is an automorphic
number or not.

An automorphic number is a number whose square "ends" in the same digits as the
number itself.

e.g. 52 = 25, 62 = 36, 762 = 5776

10. Define a class with the following specifications

Class name : employee

Member variables

eno : employee number

ename : name of the employee

age : age of the employee

basic : basic salary (Declare the variables using appropriate data types)
Member methods

void accept( ) : accept the details using scanner class

void calculate( ) : to calculate the net salary as per the given specifications

net = basic + hra + da - pf

hra = 18.5% of basic

da = 17.45% of basic

pf = 8.10% of basic

if the age of the employee is above 50 he/she gets an additional allowance of ₹5000

void print( ) : to print the details as per the following format

eno ename age basic net

void main( ) : to create an object of the class and invoke the methods

11. Write a program to accept a list of 20 integers. Sort the first 10 numbers in ascending
order and next the 10 numbers in descending order by using 'Bubble Sort' technique.
Finally, print the complete list of integers.

12. A double dimensional array is defined as N[4][4] to store numbers. Write a program to
find the sum of all even numbers and product of all odd numbers of the elements stored in
Double Dimensional Array (DDA).

Sample Input:

12 10 15 17

30 11 32 71

17 14 29 31

41 33 40 51

Sample Output:

Sum of all even numbers: ……….

Product of all odd numbers: ……….

13. Write a program in Java to accept a name(Containing three words) and Display only the
initials (i.e., first letter of each word).

Sample Output: L K A

14. Write a program in Java to enter a String/Sentence and display the longest word and the
length of the longest word present in the String.


Sample Output: The longest word: FOOTBALL: The length of the word: 8

15. Write a program in Java to enter a sentence. Display the words which are only


Sample Output: MOM


16. Write a program in Java to accept a String from the user. Pass the String to a method
Display(String str) which displays the consonants present in the String.

Sample Input: computer

Sample Output:

17. Write a program to display all the numbers between 100 and 200 which don't contain
zeros at any position.

For example: 111, 112, 113, ……. , 199

18. Write a program by using a class with the following specifications:

Class name — Factorial

Data members — private int n

Member functions:

void input() — to input a number

void fact() — to find and print the factorial of the number

Use a main function to create an object and call member methods of the class.

19. Define a class Triplet with the following specifications:

Class name — Triplet

Data Members — int a, int b, int c

Member Methods:

void getdata() — to accept three numbers

void findprint() — to check and display whether the numbers are Pythagorean Triplets or

20. Write a program using a method called area() to compute area of the following:

(a) Area of circle = (22/7) * r * r

(b) Area of square= side * side

(c) Area of rectangle = length * breadth

Display the menu to display the area as per the user's choice.
11. Socially Useful Productive Work (SUPW)
Clay painting, beautiful hangings, pot painting , clay statue, things made from waste
materials, jute thread items, photoframes, sketches and embroidery items .

12. Moral Science (M. Sc.)

Question:– What are ethical values ? How do these help in character formation ?

List some important ethical values that help in character formation ( at least 350 words)

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