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Part I: Answer the following question neatly and to the point

1. ISO 9000 and 1400 are generic in nature and are not product quality label cannot be
guarantee for specific product quality acceptance. Discuss your argument for the above
statement (3pts).
2. Discuss the basic requirements to be awarded by Ethiopian quality award (EQA)
assessment model of EQA (3pts).
3. Assume you are assigned as a quality manager in ETAB soap factory in which products
are manufactured with different machines(X, Y and Z) with different experience workers
assigned to each machine. You need to inspect quality standards of products produced in
the volume of 20,000, 25,000 and 27,000 pieces of soaps respectively with machine X, Y
and Z with Monday to Friday working days.
a. Discuss points you need to consider in order to determine acceptable samples
b. Probable risks you need to minimize during sampling procedures (3pts).
c. Advantages of acceptable sampling (3pts).
4. One of the basic quality management system implementation results is compromising
cost of compliance and cost of non-compliances in a given system of manufacturing or
service industries.
a. Discuss cost of compliances and non-compliances (2.5pts).
b. Methodology of balancing the above two conflicting costs (2.5pts).
c. Steps in quality management system implementation (2.5pts).
d. Motivation of QMS implementation (2.5pts).
Part II: show all the necessary steps accordingly

1. A manufacturing company with X products and n sample size inspected and 3% of the
batch were defective and acceptance criteria of the quality control room leas 15% of the
time should be accepted. The same sample size n will lead to acceptance of bad batch
10% defective 15% of the time. Based on the above sample size, defective items,
probability accepting good batch and worse batch data.
a. Develop OC- curve of the manufacturing system (4pts).
b. Develop OC- curves with different chance of accepting a lot and proportion of
defective items in a lot (4pts).
2. A series-parallel system, drawn below consisting of 9 elements with reliability R1 = R2 =
0.9; R3 = R4 = R5 = 0.8 and R6 = R7 = R8 = R9 = 0.7. Calculate the overall reliability of
the system (5pts).

3. A production manager at Addis tire manufacturing plant has inspected the number of
defective tires in ten random samples with fifteen observations each. Following are the
number of defective tires found in each sample. Construct a three-sigma control chart (z
= 3) (6pts).
Sample no. 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10
Number of defective tires 3 2 1 2 1 3 3 2 1 2

4. Three sewing machines at garment industry are being evaluated for their capability:
sewing machine Standard Deviation
A 0.05
B 0.1
C 0.2

If specifications are set as 20 ± 0.4

a. Specification width (2pts).

b. Process width (2pts).

c. CP, of the machines (2pts).

d. Determine which of the machines are capable of producing within specifications (2pts).

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