NTA NET December 2018 Psychology Paper Part 1

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6/25/22, 9:16 AM NTA NET December 2018 Psychology Paper Part 1 with Solutions and Explanations- Examrace

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📣 Paper 3 has been removed from NET from 2018 (Notification [https://www.examrace.com/NTA-UGC-
NET/NTA-UGC-NET-Updates/NEWS-UGC-NET-Exam-Changes-2018.htm])- now paper 2 and 3 syllabus is
included in paper 2. Practice both paper 2 and 3 from past papers.

NTA NET December 2018 Psychology Paper Part 1 with Solutions and

Detailed solutions to these questions are available at doorsteptutor. com


Q-1 Agoraphobias

1. Usually onset during early adulthood

2. Are dominantly found amongst women

3. Can onset at any age but mostly during early childhood

4. Are dominantly prevalent amongst men

5. Share more kinship with panic disorders than phobic disorders

Choose the correct answer from the code given below:


1. (iii) , (iv) and (v)

2. (i) , (iv) and (v)

3. (i) , (iii) and (v)

4. (i) , (ii) and (v)

Q-2 Perceptual process consists of many things:

1. Perceptual learning

2. Motives and needs

3. Personality types

4. Perceptual cognitive styles

Choose the correct answer from the code given below:


1. (i) , (iii) and (iv)

2. (ii) , (iii) and (iv)

3. (i) , (ii) and (iii)

4. (i) , (ii) and (iv)

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Q-3 Match List I with List II and choose the correct answer using the code given below:

List I List II

1. Mental The impact of past experience on present problem solving through better
models alternative

Heuristics Knowledge structures that guide our interactions with objects and events around

Availability Mental rules of thumb that permit us to make decisions and judgments in a rapid
heuristics manner

Mental set A cognitive rule of thumb in which the probability of various events is judged on
the basis of low quickly them come to mind

Table of Match List I- With List II- And Select the Correct Answer


1. (a) - (ii) , (b) - (iii) , (c) - (i) , (d) - (iv)

2. (a) - (iii) , (b) - (iv) , (c) - (i) , (d) - (ii)

3. (a) - (i) , (b) - (ii) , (c) - (iii) , (d) - (iv)

4. (a) - (ii) , (b) - (iii) , (c) - (iv) , (d) - (i)

Q-4 which of the following are correct for latent learning?

1. Latent learning is not translated into performance

2. Latent learning remains dormant for a considerable length of time

3. Reinforcement is not important for Latent learning

4. Latent learning is complete in one trial

Choose the correct answer from the code given below:


1. (ii) and (iii)

2. (i) , (ii) and (iii)

3. (i) and (ii)

4. (i) , (ii) , (iii) and (iv)

Q-5 Match List I with List II and choose the correct answer using the code given below:

List I (Function of Perception) List II (Perceptual issue)

1. Attention What does that thing characterize?

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Localization What is that thing?

Recognition Where is something?

Abstraction Is there something?

Table of Match List I- Function of Perception with List II- Percepetion Issue


1. (a) - (ii) , (b) - (i) , (c) - (iii) , (d) - (iv)

2. (a) - (ii) , (b) - (iii) , (c) - (i) , (d) - (iv)

3. (a) - (iv) , (b) - (iii) , (c) - (i) , (d) - (ii)

4. (a) - (iv) , (b) - (iii) , (c) - (ii) , (d) - (i)

Q-6 Match List I with List II and choose the correct answer using the code given below:

List I (concept) List II (description)

1. Cerebral Hereditary condition in which the brain՚s nerve cells break down to affect
Palsy physical movements, emotions and cognitive abilities

Phenylketonuria Group of disorders that affect muscle movement

Down Rate genetic condition that causes amino acids to build up in the body

Huntington՚s Most common genetic cause of intellectual disability


Table of Match List I- Concept with List II- Description


1. (a) - (ii) , (b) - (i) , (c) - (iv) , (d) - (iii)

2. (a) - (i) , (b) - (iii) , (c) - (iv) , (d) - (ii)

3. (a) - (ii) , (b) - (iii) , (c) - (iv) , (d) - (i)

4. (a) - (iii) , (b) - (ii) , (c) - (iv) , (d) - (i)

Q-7 Which of the following neurotransmitters is/are found throughout the central nervous system?


2. Glycine

3. Dopamine

4. Serotonin

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Choose the correct answer from the code given below:


1. (i) and (iii)

2. Only (i)

3. (ii) , (iii) and (iv)

4. (iii) and (iv)

Q-8 A person who tries to increase compliance by including an individual to agree first to small request is
using the technique known as


1. Foot-in-the door technique

2. Door-in-the-face technique

3. Elaboration technique

4. Low-ball technique

Q-9 Arrange in sequence the stages of personality development according to Rollo May.






Q-10 Match list I with List II and select the correct answer using the code given below:

List I List II
(Part of Nervous System) (Response)

1. Sympathetic nervous system calmness

Parasympathetic nervous system Emergency reactions

Pituitary gland Arousal

Somatic nervous system ACTH

Table of Match List I- Part of Nervous Systems with List II- Response

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1. (a) - (ii) , (b) - (iii) , (c) - (iv) , (d) - (i)

2. (a) - (iv) , (b) - (ii) , (c) - (iii) , (d) - (i)

3. (a) - (iii) , (b) - (i) , (c) - (iv) , (d) - (ii)

4. (a) - (i) , (b) - (iii) , (c) - (ii) , (d) - (iv)

Q-11 What is a toddler experiencing who is occupied with pointing at things and asking what they are?


1. An overactive Language Acquisition Device (LAD)

2. Prelinguistic vocables

3. The naming explosion

4. Multilinguistic awareness

Q-12 Which of the following are associated with haptics memory?

1. Sensory memory

2. Related with touch stimuli

3. Parietal lobe

4. It involves cutaneous and kinesthetics


1. (i) , (ii) and (iii)

2. (i) and (ii)

3. (i) , (ii) , (iii) and (iv)

4. (i) , (iii) and (iv)

Q-13 Match list I with List II and select the correct answer using the code given below:

List I List II

1. Electromyography Procedure for measuring muscular tension

Electroculography Technique for recording eye movements

Plethysmography Technique for measuring volume of blood in a particular part of the body

Stereotactic surgery Technique in which devices are precisely positioned in the depth of brain

Table of Match List I- With List II- And Select the Correct Answer


1. (a) - (iii) , (b) - (ii) , (c) - (i) , (d) - (iv)

2. (a) - (i) , (b) - (ii) , (c) - (iii) , (d) - (iv)

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3. (a) - (i) , (b) - (ii) , (c) - (iv) , (d) - (iii)

4. (a) - (ii) , (b) - (iii) , (c) - (i) , (d) - (iv)

Q-14 People with high need achievement usually tend to

1. Be persistent in their work

2. Like to achieve the feedback on how they are doing

3. Raise their levels of aspiration in a more realistic way

4. Work even if they have no control on the situation

5. Dislike working on moderately challenging situations/tasks that promise success.

Choose the correct answer from the code given below:


1. (i) , (ii) and (iii) are correct; (iv) and (v) are wrong

2. (i) and (ii) are correct; (iii) , (iv) and (v) are wrong

3. (ii) , (iii) and (v) are correct; (i) and (iv) are wrong

4. (i) , (iii) and (v) are correct; (ii) and (iv) are wrong

Q-15 Motivating potential score comprises of several factors which is determined by

1. Skill variety

2. Intelligence

3. Task identity and task significance

4. Autonomy and feedback

Choose the correct answer from the code given below:


1. (i) , (ii) and (iii)

2. (i) , (iii) and (iv)

3. (ii) , (iii) and (iv)

4. (i) , (ii) and (iv)

Q-16 Which of the following are true about attribution?

1. Internal attributions ascribe the causes of behaviour to personal dispositions and traits.

2. Internal attributions ascribe the causes of behaviour to individual abilities and feelings.

3. External attributions ascribe the causes of behaviours to situational demands.

4. External attributions are always unstable.

5. Internal attributions are always stable.

Choose the correct answer from the code given below:

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1. (i) and (iii) are correct; (ii) , (iv) and (v) are incorrect

2. (i) , (ii) and (iii) are correct; (iv) and (v) are incorrect

3. (iv) and (v) are correct; (i) , (ii) and (iii) are incorrect

4. (i) and (ii) are correct; (iii) , (iv) and (v) are incorrect

Q-17 Given below are two statements, one labelled as Assertion (A) and the other labelled as Reason (R) .
Read the statements and choose the correct answer using the code given below:

Assertion (A) : Through meager in number, but women in india have also started avoiding having children.

Reason (R) : Women decide not to have a baby because the sum of negative and positive valence of having
a baby is lower than the sum of valences for pursuing a career.


1. Both (A) and (R) are true, but (R) is not the correct explanation of (A) .

2. (A) is false, but (R) is true.

3. (A) is true, but (R) is false.

4. Both (A) and (R) are true, but (R) is the correct explanation of (A) .

Q-18 Which of the following are correct for Pollyanna principle?

1. Pleasant items are processed more efficiently than unpleasant ones.

2. Pleasant items are processed more accurately than unpleasant ones.

3. Pleasant items are retained for a longer period than unpleasant ones.

4. Pleasant items are retained for a shorter period than unpleasant ones.

Choose the correct answer from the code given below:


1. (iii) and (iv)

2. (i) , (ii) and (iv)

3. (i) and (ii)

4. (i) , (ii) and (iii)

Q-19 Match list I with List II and select the correct answer using the code given below:

List I List II
(Style) (Description)

1. Directive Makes decision participatively and gives latitude to subordinates in carrying

autocrat out their job

Directive Makes decision unilaterally and gives subordinates latitude in carrying out
democrat their work

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Permissive Making decisions participatively by close supervision of subordinates


Permissive Making decisions unilaterally, but closely supervising of subordibates


Table of Match List I- Style with List II- Description


1. (a) - (iv) , (b) - (iii) , (c) - (ii) , (d) - (i)

2. (a) - (i) , (b) - (ii) , (c) - (iii) , (d) - (iv)

3. (a) - (ii) , (b) - (i) , (c) - (iii) , (d) - (iv)

4. (a) - (ii) , (b) - (iii) , (c) - (iv) , (d) - (i)

Q-20 Guilford initially started his work on SOI extending Thurstone՚s theory of primary abilities but later
on diverged on the grounds.

1. Obtained factors were not primary (independent) rather related to each other.

2. Thurstone՚s factor analysis was mainly oriented to get simple structure.

3. It was found difficult to name the abilities/factors found in data.

4. Like Thurstone՚s, Guilford found second-order and higher-order factors.

Choose the correct answer from the code given below:


1. (iii) and (iv)

2. (ii) , (iii) and (iv)

3. (i) , (ii) and (iii)

4. (i) and (ii)

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