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NGUYỄN THANH HƯƠNG Thời gian làm bài: 60 phút, không kể thời gian phát đề

(Đề thi gồm 4 trang)

Họ và tên thí sinh: ..................................................................... Số báo danh: ................................

Question 1: ______ my mother’s encouragement, I wouldn’t have made such a daring decision.
A. Until B. In spite C. But for D. Providing
Question 2: The cinema is no longer as popular as it was in the 1930's and 1940's, but it is still an
important ______ of entertainment.
A. status B. source C. origin D. prospect
Question 3: In no circumstances ______ on campus.
A. should smoking be allowed B. should allow smoking
C. smoking should be allowed D. we should allow smoking
Question 4: He _____ us but he was short of money at that time.
A. might help B. would help
C. can help D.could have helped
Question 5: Michael looked deeply hurt and surprised when _____.
A. scolding B. scolded C. having scolded D. to scold
Question 6: Long ago, women were _____ to vote in political elections.
A. prevented B. banned C. forbidden D. stopped
Question 7: Regular exercise and good diet will bring _____ fitness and health.
A. about B. from C. to D. up
Question 8: She had ________ in the sun all afternoon.
A. lay B. laid C. lied D. lain
Question 9: It came as a _______ surprise to me when she married him.
A. comprehensive B. complete C. full D. entire
Question 10: The shop assistant said he would check to see if he had any more copies of the book in
A. surplus B. supply C. stock D. store
Question 11: In his absence, I would like to thank all concerned on my brother’s ________.
A. behalf B. part C. business D. interest
Question 12: The woman’s clothes gave no ________to her origin.
A. sign B. signal C. clue D. hint
Question 13: People convicted of murder in Britain are no longer ________to death.
A. sent B. punished C. judged D. sentenced
Question 14: Get him to sign before he has second ________.
A. plans B. thoughts C. intentions D. ideas
Question 15: I’m so tired that I can’t take ________ what you are saying.
A. in B. up C. out D. on
Question 16: Don’t start the next page ________ you have finished that last test questions.
A. when B. while C. until D. since
Question 17: I’m really sleepy today. I wish I ________ Bob to the airport late last night.
A. weren’t taking C. didn’t have to take
B. hadn’t had to take D. didn’t take
Question 18: She should have been here but she’s ________a terrible cough.
A. gone down with C. come for
B. gone through with D. come up again
Question 19: Global warming has progressed ________ glaciers everywhere are shrinking.
A. too much that C. to such an extent that
B. enough to cause D. so great an extent that
Question 20: Frankly I’d rather you ________anything about it for the time being.
A. do B. didn’t do C. don’t D. didn’t
Question 21: There’s no point in telephoning him. He’s certain ________by now.
A. to leave B. to have left C. left D. having left
Question 22: ________ he got top marks at high school, he never went to university.
A. Despite B. Although C. Meanwhile D. Nevertheless
Question 23: It’s about time you________ your homework, Mary.
A. must do B. did C. do D. will do
Question 24: If people drove more carefully, there________ so many accidents on the road.
A. would not be C. wouldn’t have been
B. will not be D. aren’t
Question 25: Tom said that he his motorbike the day before.
A. had lost B. lost C. has lost D. lose
Question 26: The carefully nurtured gardens with a wide ______ of flowers and fruit trees have added
elegance to this place and made it a major tourist attraction.
A. variety B. amount C. species D. number
Question 27: Visitors to the local museum are mostly attracted by ______ rocking chair.
A. an old wooden European beautiful B. a beautiful old European wooden
C. an old beautiful wooden European D. a wooden old beautiful European
Question 28: We’ve already bought the house but won’t ______ it until May, when the present
occupants have moved out.
A. take possession of B. catch sight of C. keep track of D. gain recognition of
Question 29: Jessica looks very tired. She ______ have stayed up late to finish her assignment last
A. would B. should C. will D. must
Question 30: ______, she continued to carry out her duties.
A. Although in poor health B. Although she is in good health
C. Despite her good health D. No matter how poor her health
Question 31: When Jack me, I_ a letter.
A. phoned/ has been writing C. phoned/ was writing
B. has phoned/ was writing D. was phoning/ wrote
Question 32: He jumped into the river with ________ clothes on.
A. all his B. his whole C. the whole D. his all
Question 33: ________ exhibitions are like huge market places for the sale of goods, and these are
often called trade fairs.
A. Most B. A great many C. A great deal of D. Many of
Question 34: Not until late 1960s________ on the moon.
A. that Americans walked C. when did Americans walk
B. did Americans walk D. when Americans walked
Question 35: “Would you like to go to the movies tomorrow?” - “Sure. By then I ________ my
A. will finish C. will have finished
B. finished D. have finish
Question 36: There are about 50 for each vacancy.
A. competitors B. attendants C. applicants D. interviewers
Question 37: The company fell deeper and deeper into the and then went bankrupt.
A. black B. green C. yellow D. red
Question 38: Tim: Do you work full time at the supermarket?
Mary: No, only when they need extra staff.
A. on and off C. by and by
B. in and out D. up and down
Question 39: Many trains have been cancelled and long ________ are expected.
A. distance C. timetable
B. postponements D. delays
Question 40: After the enormous dinner he had to ________ his belt.
A. broaden B. enlarge C. widen D. loosen
Question 41: She had changed so much that ________ anyone recognised her.
A. almost B. not C. hardly D. nearly
Question 42:: We all agree that she is _____ student in our class.
A. the cleverest B. a more clever C. cleverest D. most clever
Question 43: Standing on the tip of the cape, _____.
A. people have seen a lighthouse far away B. a lighthouse can see from the distance
C. we can see the lighthouse in the distance D. lies a lighthouse in the middle of the sea
Question 44: The boat was sailing north when a terrible storm _____.
A. broke B. would break C. had broken D. was breaking
Question 45: _____ John Kennedy was elected president, he was the youngest American President
A. Before B. As long as C. When D. While
Question 46: Only one of our gifted students _____ to participate in the final competition.
A. has been chosen B. have been chosen C. were choosing D. chosen
Question 47: The pool should not be made so deep _____ small children can be safe there.
A. so as to B. though C. if D. so that
Question 48: I am sorry I have no time at present to _____ detail of our plan.
A. bring in B. come in C. take into D. go into
Question 49: As a millionaire who liked to show off her wealth, Mrs. Smith paid _____ we asked.
A. four time much as B. four time much than
C. four times as much as D. four time as many as
Question 50: The Lake District, _____ was made a national park in 1951, attracts a large number of
tourists every year.
A. that B. what C. where D. which

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