Assignment of Among Us

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Assignment of Among us

Among us was so much fun that I spent more than one hour when I was in high school with my
friends every night. The main reason for my passion for playing this game is because of another
party game called Werewolf Kill. The only memory I have about the school outing now is playing
the Werewolf Kill with my classmates on the bus. In my opinion, Among us is more like an upgraded
version of Werewolf Kill by adding more tasks, enhancing mobility, and simplifying the procedure
of the game.

I can still remember the first time I played it, and I didn’t even know the rules of how to control the
character since the game only had the English version, and my English grade was really sucked that
I didn’t even know the meaning of each button. I used the joystick to move and follow others with
no specific intention as a crewmate owing to my friends’ “survive suggestion.” Unfortunately, all
the other crewmates accused me as the imposter since I had done nothing but follow them. Then I
got kicked out of the spaceship. The second time I tried to follow the tasks signs on the map and
finish my job step by step. There were a few tasks that I failed so many times on, like swiping the
ID card in the Admin, and I tried for almost two minutes by swiping it repeatedly. At first, I thought
it was a bug or something wrong with the smartphone, and then I knew it was a problem with my
speed in swiping it. When I was on my way to do the last task in the electrical, the door was locked
suddenly after I entered the room; I had just got killed by an imposter with no omen.

When I watched a YouTuber play this game, I learned amounts of strategies in playing this game
like how to distinguish if a player is a crewmate or an imposter. There is unique animation when we
are doing some tasks like clearing the asteroid, the cannon will really shoot the cannonball out, and
the rubbish on the spaceship will be thrown out if a crewmate does this task. If there is no unique
animation after a “crewmate” has done these particular tasks, that means the imposter is trying to
deceive us.

Some tricks for imposters are also introduced in the video. If there is a crewmate checking the
camera,the red light will light up from time to time. Oppositely, it will remain grey which is the
original status. If the crewmate is checking the camera in the security room, you can lock the door
of the room and sneak into it by using the vents, then kill the crewmate silently. Then use the vent
again to escape.
All the tasks in Among us is really simple and do not require the players to think and challenge
themselves. Players just need to click the button for cleaning, connecting and downloading, then
wait for its completeness. The long tasks may require players to do the same job in different places
with different forms, yet the principle of the procedure is quite similar. Finishing the task is also one
objective for the crewmates in Among us, but it’s not necessary. If the players can find the imposter
before completing all the tasks, they can also win the game. Most of the time, the imposter will
commit sabotage, like breaking the power supply and the lock the door, which will slow down the
progress bar of the completeness of all the tasks. At the same time, the imposter can also take the
advantage of the chaos in the ship to kill other crewmates.

Owing to its easiness of playing, almost everyone can play this game if they know how to use a
smartphone or a laptop. The procedure of the game is not complicated at all since all the buttons on-
screen show their function of it. The player just needs to use the stick to move and use the “Use” as
the interactive button to do the tasks. There are some other instruments that can be identified as
resources that can be used, like monitors, which allow crewmates to check through the camera. For
the imposter, they can do more through the buttons like “kill” or “sabotage.” The main objective for
them is to slow up the progress of tasks and kill all the crewmates before they make progress to a
hundred percent, which is also the conflict between them. For the voting part, players can just
communicate through the system with the information they have, and imposters can also use
deceptions to accuse crewmates and let us kick off innocent people. It is much more convenient than
the Werewolf kill’s “ritual.”

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