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TIME: 3 Hours Maximum Marks: 80

General Instructions:

1. The question paper comprises Six Sections – A, B, C, D, E and F. There are 37 questions in
the Question paper. All questions are compulsory.

2. Section A – Question Number 1 to 20 are MCQs of 1 mark each.

3. Section B – Question Number 21 to 24 are Very Short Answer Type Questions, carrying 2
marks each. Answer to each question should not exceed 40 words.

4. Section C -Question Number 25to 29 are Short Answer Type Questions, carrying 3 marks
each. Answer to each question should not exceed 60 words.

5. Section D – Question Number 30 to 33 are Long Answer Type Questions, carrying 5 marks
each. Answer to each question should not exceed 120 words.

6. Section E - Question Number 34 to 36 are Case Based Questions with three sub questions
and are of 4 marks each. Answer to each question should not exceed 100 words.

7. Section F – Question Number 37 is map based, carrying 5 marks with two parts, 37a from
History (2 marks) and 37b from Geography (3 marks).

8. There is no overall choice in the question paper. However, an internal choice has been
provided in few questions. Only one of the choices in such questions have to be attempted.

9. In addition to this, separate instructions are given with each section and question, wherever
NOTE: There is a reading time of 15 minutes.

MCQS (1X20 = 20)

1 Author of the influential pamphlet “What is the third Estate” was: 1

a) Mirabeau
b) Abbe Sieyes
c) Jean-Paul Marat
d) Olympe de Gouges

2 Arrange the following in correct chronological order: 1

I. Convention abolished monarchy and declared France a republic

II. Commander of the Bastille killed and the prisoners released
III. Napoleon Bonaparte defeated in the Battle of Waterloo
IV. Louis XVI of the Bourbon family of kings ascended the throne of France

a) I, IV, II, III

b) II, IV, I, III
c) IV, II, I, III
d) IV, III, I, II

3 Identify the picture given below: 1

a) Workers on strike after Bloody Sunday

b) Meeting of the pro Tsarists in the Winter palace
c) The Petrograd Soviet meeting in the Duma
d) Soldiers refusing to be part of the First World War

4 Match the following: 1

A. Jungvolk 1. The highest post in the cabinet of ministers in Germany
B. Chancellor 2.The name of German Parliament
C. Gestapo 3. Nazi youth groups for children below 14 years of age
D. Reichstag 4. Secret state police of Nazi Germany

a) A2 B3 C4 D1
b) A3 B4 C1 D2
c) A2 B4 C1 D3
d) A3 B1 C4 D2

5 Which of the following states does not share international border with Nepal? 1
a) Uttarakhand
b) Bihar
c) Himachal Pradesh
d) Sikkim

6 Which of the following statements are correct with regard to the Western Ghats? 1

I. Western Ghats are continuous ranges with 900 – 1100 metres of elevation
II. Shevroy and Javadi Hills are located to the southeast of the Western Ghats
III. The height of Western Ghats progressively increases from north and south
IV. The Western Ghats cause orographic rain by facing the rain bearing moist


a) Statement II is correct
b) Statements I and II are correct
c) Statements III and IV are correct
d) Statements I, II and IV are correct

7 Which of the following statements about the population of India is incorrect? 1

I. Bihar is the least densely populated state of India

II. Maharashtra is the most populous state of India
III. Almost half of India’s Population lives in just five states
IV. As per census survey 2011, India has 17.5% of the world’s population


a) Only Statement II
b) Statements I and II
c) Statements III and IV
d) Statements I, II and IV

8 Which of these is not a good argument in favour of democracy? 1

a) People feel free and equal in a democracy

b) Democracies resolve conflict in a better way
c) Democratic government is more accountable
d) Democracies are more prosperous than others

9 Find out the most appropriate explanation of the given cartoon: 1

a) Human rights violation in Zimbabwe
b) Military rule in Pakistan
c) No access of information in China
d) Use of excessive armed vehicles in Mexico

10 Which of these is not a valid reason for arguing that there is a lesser possibility 1
of famine in a democratic country?
a) Opposition parties can draw attention to hunger and starvation
b) Free press can report suffering from famine in different parts of the country
c) Government fears its defeat in the next elections
d) People are free to believe in and practise any religion

11 There are two statements marked as Assertion and Reason. Read the statements 1
and choose the correct options.
Assertion (A): All countries that have constitutions are democratic.
Reason (R): All countries that are democratic will have constitutions.

a) Both A and R are true and R is the correct explanation of A

b) Both A and R are true and R is not the correct explanation of A
c) A is false but R is true
d) A is true but R is false

12 Identify the fair electoral practice/s among the following: 1

A. A minister flags off a new train in his constituency a week before the polling
B. A candidate promises that she will get a new train for her constituency if she is

a) Only statement A is correct
b) Neither statement A nor B is correct
c) Both statements A and B are correct
d) Statement A is incorrect and B is correct

13 Which of the following statements about the judiciary is incorrect? 1

a) Every law passed by the Parliament needs approval of the Supreme Court
b) Judiciary can strike down a law if it goes against the spirit of the Constitution
c) Judiciary is independent of both the Legislature and the Executive
d) Any citizen can approach the courts if their rights are violated

14 Children from the age of five were employed in the iron ore mines in the Hospet, 1
Sandur and the Ikal areas in Karnataka. (Courtesy: News Report March 2005)

Which Fundamental Right is being violated in the above case?

a) Right against Exploitation

b) Right to Freedom
c) Right to Constitutional Remedies
d) Right to Equality

15 Name the Fundamental Right of the people that is being denied in the given 1

In 1999, P. Sainath wrote a series of news reports in The Hindu. He travelled to

various parts of the country and found that in many places Dalits were not
allowed to use common handpump or if they did, the handpump was washed to
purify it.

a) Right to Freedom
b) Right to Equality
c) Right to protect one’s culture
d) Right to privacy

16 Study the given table and answer the following question: 1

Source: Census of India, Office of Registrar General, India, 2021

In which year did India witness the highest literacy rates?

a) 2001
b) 2011
c) 2017
d) 2018

17 Which of the following pair/s is/are correctly matched? 1

I. Primary Sector – Making of Jaggery

II. Secondary Sector – Working in a tea stall
III. Tertiary Sector – Working as a Bank manager
IV. Non market Activity – Maid cleaning a house


a) Only III
b) Both I and II
c) Both III and IV
d) I, II, III and IV

18 Who among the following are considered poor? 1

I. Shaista goes to a private school and cricket coaching centre

II. Suresh is sick but unable to afford healthcare services
III. Dilpreet lives in a jhuggi where clean drinking water is scarce
IV. Joseph eats in a fancy restaurant every now and then


a) I and II
b) II and III
c) III and IV
d) I and IV

19 Why are the poverty alleviation programmes not successful in India? 1

I. Lack of proper implementation

II. A lot of overlapping of schemes
III. Do not reach the deserving poor
IV. A lot of ministers are involved


a) I and IV
b) Only II
c) Only III
d) I, II and III
20 Identify the new dimension to food security added by Dr. Amartya Sen: 1

a) Availability
b) Accessibility
c) Affordability
d) Adaptability


21 “Distribution of population is highly uneven in India”.Validate your answer with 2

any two reasons.

22 Describe any two reforms introduced by the Robespierre’s government in 2

Explain the “Subsistence Crisis” that occurred frequently during the Old Regime
in France.

23 “The apartheid system was particularly oppressive for the blacks.” Provide 2
examples in support of the given statement.

24 What is an EVM? Explain its working. 2


25 Explain the role played by the middle class in creating a platform for the French 3

26 “The prisoners in Guantanamo Bay were tortured by the US military.” In light of 3

the given statement explain the role of the US government towards the prisoners’
Analyse the reasons behind massacre of the Albanians by the Serbs in Kosovo.

27 “The pressure and wind conditions over India are unique”. Elucidate the 3

28 Do you believe that green revolution has made India self-sufficient in food 3
grains? Provide arguments in support of your answer.

29 Illustrate the role of cooperatives in eliminating food insecurity in India. 3


30 a) “The German economy was the worst hit by the economic crisis of 1929.” 5
Justify the statement with valid reasons.
b) “Men and women were not treated equally under Hitler’s regime.” Analyse the
role of women in Nazi Germany in light of the given statement.

31 a) Describe the characteristic features of the Himalayan Mountains. 5

b) “ The land of India displays great physical variation”. Justify the statement.

32 a) Describe the impact of implementation of the Mandal Commission’s 5

b) Why does the political executive have more power than the non-political

33 a) Elucidate the poverty trend across the world. 5

b) Examine the role that social exclusion and vulnerability play in perpetuating


34 Read the extract given below and answer the questions that follow: 4

The French Revolution opened up the possibility of creating a dramatic change in

the way in which society was structured. Before the eighteenth century society
was broadly divided into estates and orders and it was the aristocracy and church
which controlled economic and social power. Suddenly, after the revolution, it
seemed possible to change this. In many parts of the world including Europe and
Asia, new ideas about individual rights and who controlled social power began to
be discussed.
Not everyone in Europe, however, wanted a complete transformation of society.
Responses varied from those who accepted that some change was necessary but
wished for a gradual shift, to those who wanted to restructure society radically.
Some were ‘conservatives’, others were ‘liberals’ or ‘radicals’.

34.1 What do you understand by “suffragette movement”? (1)

34.2 How were the conservatives different from the liberals and radicals? (1)
34.3 Distinguish between the ideologies of the liberals and radicals. (2)

35 Read the excerpt given and answer the following questions: 4

The drainage system of India is mainly controlled by the broad relief features of
the subcontinent. Apart from originating from the two major physiographic
regions of India, the Himalayan and the Peninsular rivers are different from each
other in many ways. Most of the Himalayan rivers are perennial in nature. They
have cut through the mountains making gorges. The Himalayan rivers have long
courses from their source to the sea. They perform an intensive erosional activity
in their upper courses from their source to the sea. They perform an intensive
erosional activity in their upper courses and carry huge loads of silt and sand. In
the middle and lower courses, these rivers form meanders, oxbow lakes, and
many other depositional features in their flood plains. They also have well-
developed deltas.

35.1 Name two major Himalayan rivers of India. ( .5+.5)

35.2 What does the term perennial mean? (1)
35.3 Mention any two significant differences between Himalayan and Peninsular
rivers. (2)

36 Read the source and answer the questions: 4

Sakal’s mother Sheela looked after the domestic chores, children and helped her
husband Buta in the field. Sakal’s brother, Jeetu, and sister, Seetu, spend their
time playing and roaming. In case of India we have unemployment in rural and
urban areas. However, the nature of unemployment differs in rural and urban
areas. In case of rural areas, there is seasonal and disguised unemployment.
Urban areas have mostly educated unemployment.
In case of India, statistically, the unemployment rate is low. A large number of
people represented with low income and productivity are counted as employed.
They appear to work throughout the year but in terms of their potential and
income, it is not adequate for them. The work that they are pursuing seems forced
upon them. They may therefore want other work of their choice. Poor people
cannot afford to sit idle. They tend to engage in any activity irrespective of its
earning potential. Their earning keeps them on a bare subsistence level.
Agriculture, is the most labour absorbing sector of the economy. In the secondary
sector, small scale manufacturing is the most labour absorbing. In case of the
tertiary sector, various new services are now appearing.

36.1 Why cannot Jeetu and Seetu be called unemployed? (1)

36.2 Define unemployment. (1)
36.3 Explain division of labour between men and women in a family. (2)


37 a Two places A and B have been marked on the given outline political map of the
World. Identify them and write their correct names on the map. (1+1=2)

A. Allied Power
B. Axis Power
37 b On the outline Political map of India locate and label any three of the following
with suitable symbols. (1+1+1=3)
a) Bhutan
b) Malabar Coast
c) An area receiving rainfall more than 400 cm.
d) The state having highest density of population

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