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City International School

Steam Project
Topic: advanced Bin
The Advanced Collection team

Name: -------------------------------------- Date: -----------------------------------

Class: --------------------------------------- Due Date: -----------------------------
How we will make our project?

1 We will get our cardboard and cut it into long 3 equal pieces.
2 Then, we will stick them together in all directions, but not on the top.
3 On the under part of the cardboard, we will make three tiny holes that could
fit the straws we got.
4 We will make the under base of the cardboard.
To make the under base we will do the same as we did in the top base.
5 We will put the Ultra sensor in the right place and the buzzer.
6 When any one put his garage in it the Ultra sensor will sense them and find
out if it’s plastic, metal or paper.
7 Once the Ultra sensor senses them, the buzzer will make a sound to let us
Know if it came down or not.
8 To make sure it worked well; we will open it and find if the Ultra sensor
sensed them correctly or not.
9 We will take the garbage and maybe we will recycle them.
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