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Bonku Babu’s friend


“Look, if someone from a different planet does come to earth, I can assure you
that he will not come to this God-forsaken place.”

1) According to Sripati Babu,why will aliens not land in their village?

A) According to Sripati Babu, aliens will not land in their village because it was a
God-forsaken place. He felt aliens were not fools but ‘sahibs’ who will land in
some western country, where all the ‘sahibs’ live

It could speak 14000 languages.

2) Describe Bonku Babu’s changed entry and exit to their adda after meeting Ang.
What truth did he want to share with his friends?

A) Bonku Babu entered their adda like a small hurricane in the form of a short,dark
man, throwing everyone into a stunned silence. He then burst into a loud and a
hearty laugh for a minute. It was a laugh which no one had heard before, not even
Bonku Babu himself.

When he finished his speech, he made his exit, walking out with a bounce and a
whistle, his eyes sparkling and his head held high.

The truth that he wanted to share was that an Ang had arrived from planet Craneus
and landed on the pond in Ponch Ghosh’s bamboo grove and he had a long chat
with Ang and that it was very friendly.

3) In what ways was Bonku Babu unique? How did the meeting with Ang change

A) Bonku Babu was unique because Ang had come from some unknown planet,
and spoken to him. There were billions and billions of people in the world and only
he got a chance to have this wonderful experience. A simple teacher of geography
and Bengali in the Kankurgachhi Village Primary School had this wonderful
This meeting with Ang gave him confidence to stand up against all those who
mocked and taunted him.

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