MAY, 2018 Wolaita Sodo, Ethiopia

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MAY, 2018





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First of all, I thanks and express my heart full, glorious to almighty God, for his
unlimited assistance from my child hood to present day of success. Secondly, I have
deepest thanks to my advisor Mr.Eshetu Tasfaye who guide, encourages and gives
valuable advice and moralized me without any rejection in this research.I am also
deeply express thanks to my family who help me financial and moral through out of
my educational life until today. I am also great full thanks to my informants and office
administrator of Meta Robi District particularly, the administrator of cultural and
tourism bureau for their whole hearted cooperation and information. Lastly, I thanks
to my class students: Tilaye Gizachow, Bariso Roba,Getu Daliyu, Yirga Mokenen, and
Kalicha Kulule, who give additional advice in ways of research work.
This paper tries to present briefly a history of Meta Robi district to 1991 means, until
the end of Derg regime. This paper is organized in three chapters. The first chapter
provides the historical background of study area. The second chapter contain a history
of Meta Robi district to 1991. The third chapter contain development of social
services and facilities in Meta Robi district. There is critical shortage of written source
about the district. But, I tried to write by collecting different oral informations and
other unpublished
and published source.
Table Contents
Contents Page
Chapter One................................................................................................
1 Introduction..............................................................................................
1.1 Historical Background of Study Area....................................................
1.2 The Origin of Oromo people...................................................................
1.3 The Economic Activities of the study Area...........................................
End Notes.......................................................................................................
Chapter Two..................................................................................................
2 A History of Meta Robi District to 1991.....................................................
2.1Geographical Background of the District.................................................
2.2 Demographic Pattern of Meta Robi District.............................................
2.3 Meta Robi District between 1941-1974....................................................
2.4 Meta Robi During the Derg Regime 1974-1991.........................................
2.5 Early economic activity of Meta Robi District............................................
2.5.1 Agriculture................................................................................................
2.5.2 Trade.......................................................................................................
2.5.3 Cottage Industries.................................................................................
2.6 The Socio-economic history of the District during imperial period....
2.7 Economic history of the district during Derg Regime........................
2.8 Economy of Meta Robi District post 1991..........................................
2.9 Trade activities of Meta Robi District..................................................
End Notes....................................................................................................
Chapter Three............................................................................................
3 Development of Social Service And Facilities In Meta Robi District...
3.1 Education..............................................................................................
3.2 Health centre......................................................................................
3.3 Transportation...................................................................................
3.4 Power Supply....................................................................................
3.5 Religious Institutions.......................................................................
3.5.1 Orthodox Christianity.....................................................................
3.5.2Protestant Christianity......................................................................
3.6 Voluntary Institution...........................................................................
End Notes..................................................................................................
List of Informant.....................................................................................

1 Introduction
1.1 Historical background of the study Area
West shew a (Oromic Shawalixaa) is one of the zones of the Oromia Region in
Ethiopia. This zone. takes its name from the former province of Shewa. West Shewa
is bordered on the south by south west Shewa zone and southern nations nationalities
and peozple of region, on the south west by Jimma, on the west by East Welega, on
the north west by Horo Guduru Welaga, on north by Amahara Region, on the north
East by north Shewa, on the east by Oromia special zone surrounding Addis Ababa
(Finffinne). The capital of the zone is Ambo.1

In the west Shewa zone there are seventeen districts and two town administrations.
These are: Abuna Gendeberet Woreda, Ada'a Berga Woreda, Ambo zonia Woreda,
Bako Tibe woreda, Chaliya Woreda, Dano Woreda, Dendi Woreda, Ejere (sometime
Addis Alem). Elfata Woreda, Gendeberet Woreda, Jaldu Woreda, Meta Robi Woreda,
Medakegn Woreda, Nano (Shewa Woreda, Dire Enchini Woreda, Enchini Woreda,
Take Kutaye Woreda, and Ginchi and Ambo town Administration.2

1.2 The Origin of Oromo people

According to oral tradition, the two major confederancies, the Borana and Barentu
Oromo had lived together at Haro Wolabu before the great population movement. As
oral traditions, the original homeland of the Borana and Barentu is believed to around
Tulu Wolabu. The original homeland of the Borana and Barentu situated west of the
small town of Bider near Madda Wolabu which is in the present day Bale
administrative zone.3 Great population growth that had bought overcrowding
and intense competition or conflict over the control of resource appeared to play
major role to cause the great population movement of the sixteenth and seventeenth

Meta Robi clan one of the Oromo clan, who are settled in the present day Meta Robi
District and as well as settled in the eastern Hararghe. The Meta Oromo divided in to
Eight sub groups Those are, Bacho, Gerasu, Amuma, Subba, Illu, Uruu, Kuyyu, and
One of the traditional administration system of Oromo in general and meta people in
particular was the gada system. Gada system was the earliest and could be a good
example for the present administration. It was also one which highly developed socio-
political, religious, social and economic lifes of the Oromo for along period of time.6

Gada system is the law of the people which they protect the territories, mentioned and
keep their economy and administrative by themselves and elected one, who
administer the society based on seeragadaa (gada laws). like other parts of the Oromo
society, the gada system of Meta Oromo constitutes five grades. Those are Birmaji,
Horata, Robale, Bichille, and Dull. As it was in other Oromo groups, the male Oromo
of Meta Robi administered gada class, which succeed each other every eight years in
providing military, political and social for the society.7

Another traditional system of administration of Meta Robi society in particular and

Oromo in general was jaarsummaa, which used solve the problem of the society.
Jaarsummaa is a local mechanisms of dispute settlement among Meta peoples. This
jaarsummaa also known as "jaarsaaraara" the term Jaarsa Araara literally mean
elder and reconciliation respectively. Thus jaarsaaraara refers to reconciliation
through elders. Any person who plays the role of mediators at given araara
proceeding in jaarsa regardless of his age.8

Jaarsummaa system mainly characterised by the presence of a natural third party,

who mediates between the disputants. The role of third party as mediators varies in
degree from case to case and the natural of relationship of person in the dispute;
whena a disputing partis have no serious in negotiating through face to face
discussion. According to Meta Robi Oromo society the jaarsummaa held in open air
under a big tree convenient place. Elders usually begins their deliberation with a
prayer in which they ask the creator (waaqa) to be part of the proceeding.9
Before the introduction of Christianity and Islam, the Oromo practiced their own
religion, which they a belief in a mono theistic, one supreme deity, known as

According to Gada system, Waaqa can loosely be translated in to English word

"God". Waaqa for the Oromo is the creator of the universe, source of order and
justice. The belief of such power full creator is called Waaqeffanna. Waaqeffanna is
the religion of Oromo people. It is the monotheistic religion that emanates from and
based on belief in the supreme Being of waqaa. To belief in Waaqa means to be loyal
to his laws, acknowledge his wisdom as a creator and source of all life. Waaqeffanna
is there for, a system of faith believing in Waaqatokkicha (one God) by considering
him as a source of life.11

However, the Oromo believed that despite the in accessibility of waaqa, rituals and
prayers provide a path of communication though which the power of divinity can flow
in to human world. There are also small divinities called Ayyaana, each clan (lammi)
has its own Ayyaana. The former may be called Ayyaanaxinna (small Ayyaana) and
the later can be called Ayyaana guddaa (big Ayyaana).12

Ayyaana is the intermediary between human being and Waaqa. According to tradition
of Oromo in general and the people of Meta Robi in particular, all created things in
universe have their own Ayyaana. The Ayyaana is attached to individual Qalluu and
speaks through his mouth during possession (when he tells something to the people).
Both Qalluu and Ayyaana are in separable.13

In Meta Oromo, Qalluu serve as intermediary between Waaqa and Ayyaana (sprit).
According to oral tradition, the role of Qallu is similar to the role of bishop in
Christian world and Imam in the Muslim world. The term "Qalluu" mainly used for
female. He or she is expected to respect traditional taboos (safuu) and ritual
Observance and follow the truth and void sin.14

1.3 Economic Activities of the study Area

The economy of Ethiopia is based on agriculture of large even it there are other
economy activities. The people of the area were highly dependent on the substance
agriculture because agriculture is the backbone of their economy. The national and
regional dominant sector to economy agriculture is constrained by age-old production
practice and structural problems. Although 85% of the national population work force
is engaged in agriculture, the country has not been able to feed its citizen. For
thousand of years, we have been using the some poor cultivation system due to
limitation capacity of our farmers and farming practice. Beside agriculture the people
of the area also participate on different activities like livestock and trade production. 15

Agriculture is the main stay for the majority of the population in the area and its
provides the largest share for livelihood of the population. Mixed farming is a
common practice in the area involving dominantly crop production and livestock
rearing though both are carried out at private live in a traditional way.16

Livestock production is another supporting economic activity in the area. Animal like
cattles, donkey, mules, and horses are indispensable for substance. Livestock play
greater role in the economy of the area almost the entire urban population was
involved in some ways with animal has binary who role included the prevision of
draft, food, cash, transportation, fuel and especially in pastoral areas social prestige.17

Trade is the basis for the survival of the town.Here, as any where else in Ethiopian
empire and true to any market centre. Trade was very important in the emerge growth
of th town. In Ethiopia empire commerce was used to be conducted in to main ways.
First the local trade which was be found at every village great or small where trade
was carried on between local people of various occupations like farmers. Craft's men
and other. Trade in this case was conducted over short distance second, caravans trade
which conducted by organized traders who found a clearly designed trade rate. The
people of the town and its surrounding area also participated in both long distance
trade and local trade.18

Eend notes for chapter one

Fayisa Fixa. seenaa Metta Roobi (History of Meta Robi Woreda). Addis
Informant: Ato Fayisa Fixa
Meta Robi District cultural and tourism bureau 2007.
Asmeron largesse, Gada: An indigenous African political system, (London,the
Informants: Dida Muleta and Tafera Guluma
Aseba Abebe" Indigenous mechanism for prevention and Resolution of conflict, The
experience of Oromo in Ethiopia,2001,Addi Ababa, Ethiopia, p. 24
Jemjem Undessa and Dadacha Gololcha, The Gada Democratic pluralism with a
particular reference to Gujji socia-economic cultural and political legal system.
(Addis Ababa, press, 2011), p. 27
Informants: Gudeta Bakalo and Imana Sarbessa
Deneke Danna, Introduction to Economic history of Ethiopia, Addis Ababa, 2010,

2 A History of Meta Robi District to 1991
After the expansion of MenelikII, Meta Robi people was ruled by some Balabat.
Those were Bulto Sufe, kolobo Gada, Huriso Bedada, Huriso Muleta, Buzinesh
Elema, Gurmu Negase, and Abebe Kolu. They were appointed by the king. These
local leaders (Balabat) administered the area based on their own administrative limits.
For instance, Gurmu Negase ruled the area today what we called part of
sandafabonaya up to Bakojelisa kebele. On the other hand, Bulto Sufe administered
western part of Meta Robi including Dulla Dungugi and also Baressa Dulla, Buzinesh
administered northern part of this Woreda including Shino town, Huriso Muleta ruled
Warke Walessu up to laga Robi (Robi River), Generally, Kolobo Gada was
administered the whole over of Woreda in the center of Shino town.1

2.1 Geographical Background of the District

Meta Robi is one of the seventeen districts located in west Shewa zone of Oromia
Regional state. The district is located north east 153km away from Ambo, which is the
capital town of the zone. The distance from Addis Ababa (Finfinne), to Meta Robi is
116km. Meta Robi district is bordered on south by Ejere Woreda, on south west by
Jaldu Woreda, on north west by Gindeberet, on the north by Muger River (which
separates from the north Shewa zone), on east by Ada,a Berga. The main town in the
district is Shino. The district is found at 9'19'6" north latitude and 38'09'60" easting or
The topography situation of the Woreda is mainly flat plains with hill at the edge of
Northern and western parts. The altitude of the Woreda is average about 1680 meters
above sea level. In terms of climate Meta Robi Woreda is belongs to three climate
zone. These are Dega (temperate), wayna Dega subtropical), Qolla (tropical). The
highest mean season temperature of the Woreda occurs from December to February
(winter season) while the lowest is Observed during Autumn. that means, September
to November. May is the hottest while October is the coldest month of the year.3

The Woreda has two rainy season summer and spring, (June, July,August) is the main
rainy season while spring (March,April,may) is small rainy season of the Woreda. In
terms of wind is not available in the Woreda, The information obtained from the
Community elders and tell observation. should that wind belies from east to west
direction.The main annual temperature of district approximately annual average
230c .The main annual rainfall of the area is about 600mm. the diversified climate ha
enabled the Meta Robi to produce different crop like teff, maize, sorghum, barley
wheat, pepper and others to breed a variety of livestock such as cattle, equines, sheep,
goat, and others.4

2.2 Demographic pattern of Meta Robi District

According to the 2007 national census reported the a total population for this Woreda
of 140.627, of whom 69.664 were men and 70.963 were women 4.027 or 2.86% of
the population were urban dwellers. The majority of the in habitats said they practiced
Ethiopia Orthodox Christianity, with 62.35% of the population reporting they
observed this belief. while 27.49% of the population were protestant, and 9.76%
practiced traditional beliefs. Afaan Oromo is spoken a first language by 97.8 percent
and the Amahara 2.33 percent. and All other ethnic groups made up 0.66 percent of
the population.5

2.3 Historical foundation of Meta Robi District

During the time of pre-foundation of Shino town of Meta Robi district,the
surrounding areas more of forest land and owned by Oromo person called Kebede
Buzinesh, particularly around Shino town. But during the time of MenelikII, Ras
Gobena Dachi was sent to the area by a command of Ras MMekonnin to take land
from Kebede Buzinesh, to submit his land. After that, the sons of Kebede Buzinesh
disagreed and the conflict was opened, and they fought against the soldiers of Gobena
and killed them. The place where fighting took place was the border of land owned by
Kebede Buzinesh, whose sons killed the soldiers. Another popular person of the area
was called Kolobo Gada assigned by government. 6

Meta Robi district was established during the reign of Haile Sillassie. In 1941 Kolobo
Gada was the first administered who assigned by Haile Sillassie to govern the whole
area of Meta Robi Woreda.7

According to the information obtained from elders people, the name of Meta Robi
come from two words. That is Meta and Robi. The world Meta is derived from name
of Oromo clan who settled in this Woreda known as Meta clan. And also the world
Robi is derived from the name of river what we called Laga Robi (Robi River), which
divided this Woreda in to south and north. 8

2.4 Meta Robi District between 1941-1974

The fascist ruled of Ethiopia ended in 1941 whith much greater opposition and
resistance from the mass and from different patriotic group in addition to the external
support from British and other countries.9

After liberation the infrastructure development introduced by Italian for urban

development helped the Ethiopia government to pave the way based on the new plan.
In 1942 Haile Sillassie issued a decree for new administration system of the country
dividing into provinces, sub-provinces and district up to local level. In order to have
personnel for the new bureaucracy there were a high demand of literate society. This
encouraged the opening of school in province and Woreda towns.10
The first school of government was opened in 1964 and was named Garbi Bulto
primary school. The people of town in this district and surrounding began to send
their children's to school. In the post of liberation period there for Shino town of
district and surrounding area showed some degree of growth relatively better than the
earlier period, due to some reforms laid out by government of Haile Sillassie after his
return from exile.11

2.5 Meta Robi During the Deg Regime 1974-1991

ln the late 1960,s and 1970,s the political situation in the Ethiopia was full of tension.
As a result of the opposition to the old regime, the obsolete rule of Haile Sillassie
finally ended and the military junta (Derg) come to power. The Derg rule was
characterized by Claus and disorder. The country suffered from civil wars.12

There were many and social and economic changes during the Derg period under the
socialist ideology. The town got at that time a number of socio-economic services and

In this periods, there were number of building which more or less shaped the standard
of town like house construction for social services like health centre administrative
offices, school, government houses and etc. In Shino Meta Robi district, there was
one health centre during the Darg regime which give services to the community of
town and surrounding rural kebeles.14

The Derg policy of education was systematic one and modern than that of the former
regime relatively "Gomaossa" and Masarat Timirt" (was literary), this education
policy of the Derg aimed at education all non-illiterate population may schools were
built in the rural area. In general, Meta Robi district during Derg regime saw several
The nationalized of extra houses come under kebele administration, nevertheless, the
peasants were abandoned to construct residential houses in the town the town dwellers
were also unable to have more than one house. As part of its socialist policy,the Derg
formed all over the country different associations. Among these Meta Robi district we
over association was the most effective which disintegrated after.1991.16

2.6 Eerly Economic Activities of Meta Robi District

2.6.1 Agriculture
Agriculture is the backbone of Ethiopia economy and its an old economic activity of
Meta Robi district. Because of the favourable climatic condition, the populations of
the district are mainly engaged in agricultural activities. These agriculture activities
divided in to crop production and rearing animals.17

In Meta Robi district, crop production is one of the dominant economic activity. The
crop produced in the district are teff, wheat, barley, false banana, (Inset) and pea. false
banana is a stable food among the in habitats of the high lands in Meta Robi district.
From this Corp production teff is a dominant as compared to other crops, from
westShewa zone, the people of Meta Robi Woreda are the second in runk next to
Ada'a Berga Woreda in the production of teff. Because the climatic condition and soil
has enabled the farmers Tom produce teff.18

The other agricultural activities are rearing of animals which contribute for the
economy of country in general and Meta Robi district in particular. The domestic
animals in the Meta Robi district include; cattle, goat, sheep, mules, donkey, horse
and hen. Those livestock's provide the society, as a source of income, transportation
and as source of food and farming activity. However, as the elders told me, in early
period the people of Meta Robi district have many castles. But, because of the lack of
grass lands the people began to minimize the number of catles.19

2.6.2 Trade
Trade is the other type of economic activity wich contributed income to the district.
According to my informants, the population of Meta Robi district has a commercial
relationship with neighbouring ereas like Inchini, Muger, Holota town.20

During 19th century the main exchange system was based on barter system
(exchange of good with goods). However, merchants of the American area exported
teff, barley, and wheat to Addis Ababa and import clothes, shoes and fabricated
materials to the district for the people.21

2.6.3 Cottage Industries

In Meta Robi district there are different type of cottage industries like blacksmith,
basketry carpenter, pottery and other hand craft work.22

This type of Economic activities contributed a lot of income for the society who
engaged in it. These group of society who engaged on the work were given different
names by the people of locality such as: shamane (waving groups), Tumtu
(blacksmith) gogaa dugduu or faki (tanners) . Because of the low awareness of the
society. Traditionally, the people have no equal altitude with society.23

2.7 The Socio-economic history of the district during the imperial period.
Agriculture is the base for the economy of the area, That accounts about 96% of the
population comprised the substance type and rural farming community, which is fully
dependent on the sector. The majority people of these area were small marginal land
holders. The Meta Robi Woreda has a total number of 45 peasant association living on
35.851.12 hectare after land. The land used for perennial crop is 6.100 hectare, for
annual 20.85 hectare is used. for grazing 3.012 hectare of land issued. Mon nude
forest land cover 2.429 hectare. Damaged Arable land covers 16.39 hectare. Damaged
non Arable land is 464.13 hectare, for others 2.35 hectare of land. Total erea of land is
35.851..13 hectare.24
The area characterized by an agro-ecological zone. That is Midland (Wayne Dega)
ranging from 1,700-7,900m. The Meta Robi district receivers seasonal rainfall amount
ranging between 800 and 1200m annually but ascetic rainfall is the main pre game of
this Woreda.25

All most all of the district experiences mixed economic activity but leavely depends
on farming. For instance, teff, wheat, barely, sorghum, are the main productive crops
in this area, (specially teff and nug are leading cashcrops. The other small scale
cashcrops are potatoes,tomatoes, sugar cane and others.26

The different forms of taxation system were available in the Meta Robi Woreda. It
was hierarchically reached to entered court to the "Abba lafa" (village official),
peasant taxed in kind and amount. Tribute taxed and paid in two forms, like labour
service and in kind.27

In terms of tenancy in Meta Robi Woreda, the majority of in habitat lost their land
right, because of the land was property of the government. The peasants who live on
"Gaber land" church " Balabat land had no claimed on the land. They worked the land
and paid the tax tribute in kind and amount. The feudal system of the land was paved
the way for explosive and oppressive nature of regime. This nature of the official was
aggravated the peasant opposition were very active. As a result of mass movement
was started in 1940. In Kuyyu Gici and Qalamaa peasant association, opposition was
started and led by hero Garbi Bulto , Wale Bulto,Leggasaa wagii. The opposition and
referral of transition system was resulted with great revolution of 1974.28

2.8 Economic history of the district during Derg Regime

After downfall of Haile SillassieI regime in Ethiopia provisional military government
was changed the economic system of the country from market oriented to command
economic system. This change also occurred in Meta Robi district.29
The major changes were abolition of private ownership of the land rural and urban
areas, major enterprise in manufacturing, Industries, banking and insurances.
Agricultural policy based on state and cooperative forms, peasant resettlement and
villegization program.30

From 1974 on wards, landless tenants of the Meta Robi district had got the land on the
base of land proclamation in March 1974. Many cadres of the government trained
mass people to increase method of production and the supply of soil fertilities
distribution the Woreda by the government subsides.31

In 1980, the area introduced agricultural folic beside on the state and cooperative
farming. The first Kebele which expands policy was sandafaBonaya. There were 74
peasant formed on association on known as" yesandafa Bonaya Gabareoch
Amirachoch hibrat sira mahiber". The comparing aimed with to increase productivity
and land us system; to teach uneducated people; to establish and support the
administrative committee, government policy introduction, support technical skills to
the kebele administrations, and to educate the program and aim of socialism

Many of Meta Robi peasants improved their production and applied sold fertilizers
which subsidies the government. In 1984, the Meta Robi Woreda introduced and other
established new policy which was cooperative farming system. It was supported by
Ada,a Berga agricultural development unit. This trend was transformed to other
kebele and the whole of woreda in 1976. some disadvantages of the result they lost
their property cumulated for long period.33

Unbalanced distribution of wealth and uneducated poor peasants were on the end of
their Administers, lack of social facilities for their production, and lack of market
centres which were some of obstacles of peoples who had faced. In 1985, the new
program which villegization program has been implemented and many peasants were
retested and resettletin a new region.34

The any solution to this problem was the peasants prefer changing their original
settlement. In the program, the peasants were agitated to get suitable land and modern
life also facility of infrastructure. But the reality to opposite; the peasant were
encountered many problems. lack of pure water and sanitation ; lack of shelter and
daily earning; lack of infrastructure mail road, electricity and telecommunication were
the among many things.35

This intern resulted on the frailerof some land farming system like cooperative
farming system lastly the regime itself was challenged in 1991. comparatively in this
regime economic advancement construction of infrastructure in the Woreda was under
taken. But their
satisfaction level was very low. Other problems were not controlled by the
government like recurrent amine composedly military service war angred the mass.
The final resulted was down fall of the regime.36

2.9 The Economy of Meta Robi District post 1991

The downfall of the Derg in 1991 came with new of in agricultural sector land is
constitutionally granted as a property of the state and public as it is common property
of the nation nationalities and people of Ethiopia under the constitution of FDRE
(federal democratic republic of Ethiopia). The most important user of land are the
peasants entitled to land without payment and not to be displaced and alienated from
the land on the context of woreda agricultural office introduce new effective efficient
agricultural extension program.37

This program established in all kebeles of Woreda with technical skill advisors and
agricultural extent on experts. The long term goal of the program is, to train the
peasant to enhance productivity improve the land system. In addition improve and
advance the knowledge of use of specialized seed fertilizers, improve expand and
advance the use of irrigation system facilitate the provision of agricultural inputs. 38

As the result of the Meta Robi Woreda agricultural production was improved model
farmers increased and model merchants grew in number. Because of the infrastructure
connected town to rural kebeles and production centres. Currently, the government
established ambitions take for the agriculture sector focused on; enhancing
productivity and production of small scale farming and land holders.39

The use of chemical fertilizer and improve seeds provided to encourage the adaption
modern intensive agricultural practices. The development of agriculture is highly
advanced by the policy that permitting investors to engage in agriculture of Meta Robi
continued to grow. In the field of production of the Woreda produced a variety cereals,
potato, sugarcane. Teff, sorghum, wheat were the most important field crops and the
chief element in the diet of Meta Robi District.40

2.10 Trade activities of Meta Robi District

Trade can be defining as on activity of exchange goods and service or activity of
buying and selling. The people of Meta Robi trade centres is founde dduring the 19th
century for the political and military reasons. In those are trade activity was highly
conducted. Why the town is strategic and encompass difference ethnic and tribal
group. This created opportunities the people to exchange of production, experience
and other inter connection among the people.41

The trade activity of the Woreda was mainly related to agricultural products. The main
trade centre of district which was established in the time of Italian invasion in 1937.
Teff, wheat, bean, sorghum has been the main trade items. Teff was produced and
supplied from Minare, Ilu Danisa and Kuyyu Gici. In recent time with growing of
agricultural production lied vegetable, oil seeds, were the main cash crops of the Meta
Robi district.42
The occupation of the Italians was also a positive impact on trade activity of Meta
Robi people. The construction of high way from Addis Ababa to Shino and Minare,
modern building, business enterprise, church and shop accelerated the growth of the
Shino and Minare towns.43

Electricity in the Woreda was expanded in 2002, the urban trade facility and other
contributes for the growth of economy of Meta Robi district. In Meta Robi people the
main trade items were mostly produced in rural areas in small farming. Because of the
advancement of investment farming system was not advanced. The main trade items
was exchange in the area was teff, wheat, sorghum, sugarcane. potato, tomato and
other fruit like avocado, orange, banana, etc. Merchants of the trade were mainly from
surrounding Woreda, like Adaa Berga and local merchants. Teff, wheat, and few fruit
items were transported to national and regional market.44

The new economic system or privatization and market economy was promoted and
facilitated the production and supply of new and availability cash crops and other
goods which were produced in mechanized and modernized agricultural extent on
program to growth or cultivate like Teff and wheat processing machine.45
End note for chapter two
Informant: Ato Fayisa Jima
Fayisa Fixa seenaa Metta Roobi (History of Meta Robi Woreda) Addis Ababa 2007,
Informant: Ato Abbaba Naga'o
National census report ,2007
Meta Robi district cultural and tourism bureau 2007
Zeneb connsu, Urban Development planning 2010, ( Addis Ababa University) press,
1991, p.8-11
Informant: Ato Abdeta Kebeba
Informant: Fayisa Fixa
BahruZewde A History of modern Ethiopia; 1855-1991 (London, Addis Ababa
Ethiopia), p. 192
Informant: Kebeda Kasaye
Meta Robi District Agricultural office,2007
Meta Robi District Agricultural annual report to Ambo zone, 2007
Informant: Ato Imana Sarbessa
Daneke Dana, Introduction to economic History of History of Ethiopia, Addis
Ababa, 2010, p.132
Meta Robi Woreda agricultural and rural development office report, file number, 12
Informant: Gudeta Tura
Informant: Tesfaye Fayisa
Meta Robi Woreda agricultural and rural office report (1973)
Informant: Wake Gurmu
West Shewa zone finance and economic development coordination main department
1995, p.20
Meta Robi finance and economic development office report (1998)
Informant: Wolana Degu
Informant: Mengistu Zalaka
Muse Mohammed, Sub-Regional of Atlas in Western Oromia (A.A). First edition,
2004, p. 10-17
Informant Ayele Banti
BahruZewde, A history of Modern Ethiopia. 1855-1991, Addis Ababa University.
2nd edition. (2002), p.82
Informant: Ato Hailu Buta
Informant: Ato Dida Negassa
Informant: Ato Gazu Badada
Meta Robi Woreda agriculture and rural office report (1998).
3.1 Education
Education in Ethiopia has been dominated by Ethiopian Orthodox church for many
centuries, until secular education was adapted in early 1990.s prior to 1974, Ethiopia
had estimated illiteracy rate well above 90% and compared poorly with the rest of
Africa.In 1974 revolutions emphasis placed on increasing literacy on rural areas.1

The first public (modern) school to provide a western style education was emperor
MenelikII, which was opened in October 1908 under the guidance of Hanna Salib and
a number of Coptic teachers. during the reign of Haile Sillassie, there were two
institutions of higher education: Haile SillassieI university of Asmara. with the
beginning of Ethiopia Revolution in 1974, the name of university was changed to
Addis Ababa university.2

The beginning of education in Meta Robi District was mainly associated with
Ethiopia Orthodox church. Education was given by priest''yeqesTimirt'' means the
priest education. However, in 1964 the first secular education was opened in Shino
town of Meta Robi District. Even though the school was opened the people of Meta
Robi District was did not get full service from this school. The reason why during this
time society not get equal education services, the people who get educational service
only royal family members. The other reasons people did not get services was the
school was installed far the other rural areas and it was opened in the Shino town of
Meta Robi District. Because of this, the people did not see nd their children to the
school. But,solve this problem the people and government tray to open many school
in rural areas. Especially, during the Derg reign many elementary school were opened
in rural areas. for instance, Minare elementary school was opened was in 1974, Deleta
elementary school opened in 1978. (G.C). The present Meta Robi has 23 elementary
schools, three high school, two preparatory and one collages, technical training
professional (BLTO). However, we have many problems of education sector in the
district include building, lack of teachers, lack of educational budget, lack of
educational qualities are the problem of Meta Robi District educational sectors. 3
3.2 Health centre
Health centre every crucial social service that every community needs. This is for the
facts that health and production citizen contribute a lot to the social and economic
developments of country. Accordingly, healthy centre is one of the main social
services in Meta Robi District However,the before that the practiced health services
were not professional. Because of lack health centre, he give medicine for the people
of area. After the first government health centre was opened. many private clinics was
opened to solve the problem of society, especially Shino town.4

In Meta Robi District there are many dominant diseases which affect negatively both
productive and non-productive part of the society. for instance, the very killer disease
include Malaria and HIV/AIDS are the dominant diseases in both rural and urban
areas.Therefore, in Meta Robi District there are top ten diseases which examined in
health institution of district. Those are
malaria,typhoid,pneumonia,tonsils,gastritis,skin infection,a cut gastrointestinal,eye
disease,intestinal parasites. Regarding to the woreda has only three health centres that
are located" Shino, Mandeela and Minare towns. That are serving the town in habitat
and also the whole of rural areas.The problem of this sector, The medical service
given in the Woreda was unsatisfactory. There is no enough bedroom, drug
professional ereas and other inputs. In such reason many people of the Woreda go to
Muger, Inchini, Holota, and Addis Ababa for medical treatment.5
3.3 Transportation
Among the four means of transportation,those are Water transportation Air
transportation, Rail transportation, Road transportation, Meta Robi District used
mainly only road transport system. There is only one high way.which connect Minare
and Shino town with both Holota and Addis Ababa city, located at the western part of
woreda. This high way constructed during the Italian invasion. It cover 151KM from
Addis Ababa to Meta Robi District. It was still asphalted.6

This high road was the first road through which the car and merchant come to Shino
and Minare towns from Addis Ababa and other towns. when we see the road system
of the woreda, it is very poor and not asphalted even it was not grayed. mean while
the municipality of the town designed and constructed small high way to facilitate the
international transportation network in 1990. The people most of the time used to
move from place to place within the woreda on foot. On other hand means of
transportation such as Mule, Horse is common in the rural areas of the district.7
3.4 Power Supply
Electricity no doubt, is one of the most important urban facilities which is basic in
towns development. After the foundation of the town the absence of electricity light
was some of major problem of each town of the woreda. for instance, Shino town had
no electricity for aboutabout 40 years. in recent time, in 2001 and 2002 new electricity
introduced to the town from Birate and Finchawa power a stations.8

3.5 Religious Institutions

According to oral sources, there are three religion's in Meta Robi District. Those
religions are Orthodox, Protestant and Islam. From these religions the dominant one is
Orthodox Christianity, followed by Protestant Christianity and Islam.9
3.5.1 Orthodox Christianity
Christianity began in Ethiopia when the two Syrian Christians (frumentius and
Aedissas) come from Aksum and started to tell to people abaut Jesus Christ and
christian faith. Frumenitius and Aedissas influenced king Izana,who ruled Aksum in
the early part of fourth centuries, and successfully converted him to Christianity, he
officially declared Christianity as the main faith of the kingdom in 341A.D and
ordered Frumentius to go to Alexandria where he was a concentrated bishop under the
name of Abbasalama by the patriarch of Alexandria in 346A.D. Frumenitius
(Abbasalama) the returne to Ethiopia church.10

Shewa ruled had a great desire and aspiration to expand Christianity and construction
of church which were destroyed during Ahmed Gragn wars. According to oral
traditions obtained from local elders, Orthodox Christianity religion is the dominant
religion in Meta Robi District. The settlement of MenelikII army under Ras mokonnin
around gara Shino (present day of Shino town) was the main reason for the
introduction of Christianity. The first Orthodox church funded in Meta Robi District
was St.Kidanemirat church around 18 80,s.11

Orthodox churches were founded in different kebeles of Meta Robi District for
instance, St,Gabriel church is found in Harodada kebele. and also St,Mikael church in
Minare town and many church are faund in difference kebeles.12

3.5.2 Protestant Christianity

The other from of Christianity existing in Ethiopia is Protestantism. This religion
arrived recently to Ethiopia, having been brought in through missionaries as early as
the 19th century, though it did not gain a large following until the end of 20th century.
Protestant missionaries were from the three major groups groups (Mekane Jesus,
Sudan missionaries and Mennonite Mission) focused most of their work in the sauth
and western regions of the country.13

According to 2006 national reported, the number of people Meta Robi District who
followed this religion was around 1400(3.8). initially, from this district the first place
which practice this religion was mainly Shino town. According to my informants, this
religion was come to this district around 1996G.C. At that time community did not
want this religion. My informant Ato HailuDiriba said that person who fellows this
religion was hate by the community, because he/she wanted to change the people to
this religion. Additionally, they said that the person who fellows this religion become
out of the voluntary institution like iddir. But, as time passed the process of
Protestantism began to expand in to different kebeles of the district. The church of
protestant religion, which is found in the district, were QaleHiwot church found in
Shino town,Mekane Jesus church in Minare town and MuluWangelchurch Wichita
found in Meta Robi Tatesa kebele and this church also found in Minare town.14
3.5.3 lslam
Islam was introduced to Ethiopia in 615A.D.When the followers of prophet
Mohammed, including his wife sought to refuge Aksum. The kingdom of Aksum
welcomed them, respected their religion and offered them protection. They later
settled in Negash, east of Tigray, which become the foundation and one of the most
important places for Islamic faith of Ethiopia.15

Additionally, Islam spread to the east and south east of the country. In 1878,Yohannis
IV established Borumeda council in Wallo north of despise in order to Settle the
doctrinal dispute which had disturb the church for long period. This leads non-
Christians religion followers like Islam, Judaism and traditional religion were ordered
to join the national church of the Christianity. Those who opposed the proclamation
treat badly for a long period from their village and properties. All officials of the state
became either to accept baptism or voluntary leave a job.16

However, in case of Meta Robi District there is no much such kind of activities. The
people who followed this religion were very small in number. According to 1994
national census reported from the total population of community 0.89% were
Muslims. In the district there is only one Mosque which is found in the present day of
Shino town. This Mosque was established in 1978.17
3.6 Voluntary Institution
The Oromo society in the district practiced various types of Social iworking that help
them in multi-direction. The Meta Robi district has long experience of voluntary
association generally termed as Iddir, Equb, Daboo, and Mahber.18
Iddir is a social organization for cooperation in with people commonly practiced in
and during problems occurs such as'\, death accident they help each other.Accordingly
According to my informants, in Meta Robi district there are three types of Iddirs.The
first Iddir is laga(river) Iddir, is an association whose membership is on house hold
basis and territorially determined, It concerned with only burial ceremonies of the
death members within a given territorial boundaries (within a given group, the sub-
kebeles of the district). This Iddir have different names like Kidanemihratiddi,
Mariamiddir and etc. It is mainly depend up on saint day. Each Iddir has around 400

The second form type of Iddir known as Golobe. Membership to Golobe is on

individual basis regardless of territorial limitation, every adult person around has a
Golobe. women also had their own separate Golobe. Golobe is mainly focus on social
problems and mutual aids. The other type of Iddir is line age association
(iddirilammi), membership in such association is determined on the basis of descent.
A group of agents (male lineage ancestors) organized an association for the purpose of
mutual support in the time of hardship. This Iddir is depending up on number that
lineage association. Women, also could be a member in line age associations of their
father line.20
Equb is also the other type of voluntary institution in which members of the society
play and earned once weekly,monthly and rotates over all members respectively. They
used Equb as important as a modern bank for saving purpose.21
Daboo is also the other form of voluntary institution in the Meta Robi district where
by an individual request for help after preparing all necessary foods and traditional
beverage. They helped in construction of traditional house on agricultural field and
others. The Meta Robi community have a very good habit of working together and for
helping each other from the beginning to this days.22

The fourth type of voluntary association is known as Mahber. Mahber is a voluntary

institution in Meta Robi district mainly related to religious, particularly Orthodox
Christian religion. A people meet each other monthly once in the saint days.23

End note for chapter three

Bahru Zewde, A History of Ethiopia 1855-1991 :(Addis Ababa university press)
Meta Robi District educational offices; informant Suyume Worku
Meta Robi District health offices; Tafera Dinkessa
Meta Robi District Urban and rural development office.2007
Informant: Ato Assaffa Begna.
Meta Robi District Administration office.
Informant: Ato Basha Kasaye
Spence Trimangam, Islam in Ethiopia. (Oxford: Oxford University press,1965)p.38,
Bahru Zewde, Ashort History of Ethiopia(Addis Ababa University press,1998)p.34-35
Informant: Gudeta Bakalo and Regatu Robi
World book encyclopedia (----Vol.16).p.230
Informant: Bekele Guluma; population and housing census of Ethiopia, 2007
Spence Trimangam,Islam in Ethiopia: (Oxford:Oxford University press, 1965)p.122
Population housing census of Ethiopia; Result from Oromia Region
Vol.1.part,Archive Nov.15,2009,p. 121
Informants: Imana Dabesa and Nuguse Alemu
Informants: Gudeta Bakalo and Tafera Ajema
Meta Robi District was one of the seventeen Woredas west Shewa zone in Oromia
regional state. It was established as a district in 19 41 during the reign of Haile
Sillassie, Kolobo Gada was the first administrator who assigned by Haile Sillassie to
governer Woreda.

In Meta Robi District the dominant ethnic groups were mainly Oromo followed by
Amahara and other different ethnic groups of Ethiopia.

Agriculture is the dominant economic activity of the district followed by trade and
rearing of animals. There are also different social services like education health centre
and road transportation is the main in the district.
A. Published Material
Asmeron largesse. Gada: three Approaches to the study of African society, New York,
free press. p. 22-24
Baharu Zawude, History of modern Ethiopia 1855-1991, Addis Ababa
University,second edition, 2002, p. 82
Daneke Danna, Introduction to economic history of Ethiopia, Addis Ababa
University, 2019, p. 20
Fayisa Fixa, seenaa Metta Roobi (History of Meta Robi Woreda), Addis Ababa, 2007,
p. 3-5
Jemjem Undessa,20011, The Gada Democratic pluralism, Addis Ababa.
Muse Mohammed, Sub-Regional of Atlas in Western Oromia, Addis Ababa. First
Edition, 2004, p. 10-17

B. Unpublished Material
Meta Robi Agricultural and Rural Office Report, (1973, 1980)
Meta Robi Woreda Cultural and Tourism Bureau, 2007
Meta Robi Woreda Finance Economic Development office Report (1998)
National Census Report, (2007)

List of Informants
No Name Ag Sex Date of place of Remark
e interview interview
1 Ato Ababa 40 M July Shino town Farmer he is knowledge
Naga,o 18/2009 man about history of
2 Ato Assaffa 55 M July Shino History teacherin in Shino
Begna 22/2009 high school
3 Ato Ayele 70 M July Minare He is the elder of Minare
Banti 28/2009 town, He is knowledge
about general history of
4 Basha 57 M August Minare Priest of Minare Orthodox
kasaye 3/2009 church
5 Dida Muleta 80 M August Shino He was the elder
6 Dida 47 M July Minare trader of Minare town
Negassa 7/2009
7 Fayisa Fixa 55 M July MandeEla History teacher in Shino
11/2009 high school and also
knowledgeable man about
all history of woreda
8 Fayisa Jima 57 M August Minare He as a good memories
5/2009 about the origin of Meta
clan of Oromo
9 Gazu 35 M August Minare Electron in Minare, he give
Badada 15/2009 information about
10 Gudeta 60 M August Mande Ela He was collector of Iddir
Bakalo 12/2009
11 Gudeta Tura 35 M July Shino Current administrator of
6/2009 Woreda
12 Hailu Buta 45 M August Mande Ela Trader, he give best
16/2009 information about trade
13 Kebeda 50 M July Minare administrator of Minare
Kasaye 18/2009 town
14 Mengistu 60 M July Minare Teacher of Minare school
Zalaka 14/2009
15 Suyume 61 M August Shino current administrator of
Worku 23/2009 Meta Robi
educational Bureau
16 Tefara 57 M August Mande Ela He was famous elder
Ajema 26/2009
17 Tasfaye 25 M July Minare He was service in Minare
Fayisa 29/2009 health office
18 Womena 70 M July Minare Teacher of Minare school
Degu 27/2009

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