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Đề: Nowadays, most people in cities live in large apartment blocks.

Discuss the
advantages and disadvantages of this type of accommodation.

Give reasons for your answer and include any relevant examples from your own
knowledge or experience.Write at least 250 words.
Bài làm
Nowadays, with the development of the society, most people choose to live in large
apartments instead of motels or small houses. This type of accommodation has some
advantages and disadvantages which affect people's lives.
In the positive side, we can see some benefits of living in large apartment blocks. First,
we can get the best security. For examples, we need an id card or face id to check in or
check out of the apartment buildings. Moreover, there are always security guards in the
building and parking garage for your means of transportation that you won't be afraid of
theft. Second, we can have many good services and the best facilities. There will be a lot
of shops, grocery stores, supermarkets,... around where we live, so we can buy everything
we want in just a few minutes.
In the negative side, it also has some drawbacks. First, with large apartment, the cost for
it will be expensive. In order to pay for living here, people need to work hard to make
more money. Working without rest will affect people's health and cause some diseases
such as: headache, backache, heart diseases, etc. Second, the most inconvenient thing is
waiting for the lift. Thinking that, if we stay in high floors, we will need about 15 - 20
minutes to get to the ground in the ealy morning . It may probadly make us late for work.
In conclusion, life in large apartments has more advantages over disadvantages. Choosing
live in this type of accommodation will become popular in the near future.


Contained in the bar chart provided is data pertaining to the information of boys and girls
in different in different leisure activities.
In general, entertainment and relaxation are one of the neccessary needs of human daily
life because it contributes to improving quality of life and work productivity. Also,the
boys engage in a higher number of included leisure activities than the girls, with higher
participation levels in all activities except shopping and reading.
On one hand, watching TV is the most popular activity for children with 82% of the boys
and 79% of the girl surveyed having been involved. The least popular activity overall is
reading, because it has the lowest participation rate among the boys and girls, at around
10% and 15% respectively.
On the other hand, the boys show the favourite for playing video games, which was
enjoyed by 71% of them. and playing sports, which was participated in by 45% of them.
The percentage of girls in these leisure activities is lower than the percentage of the boys.
However, the percentage of girl in shopping is higher than the percentage of the boys.

Some think that governments should tax unhealthy foods to encourage people to eat
healthier. To what extent do you agree or disagree?
Nowadays , some people believe that unhealthy food should be taxed by government to
promote healthy eating habits.. In my opinion, I partially agree with this idea and I think
it will be more effective if it is combined with other measures.

it is reasonable why taxing on unhealthy food is neccessary. Firstly, regular using fast
food leads to a lot of medical complications in people. Because fast food may be cheaper
than healthy food, some people choose it for their daily meal. This eating habit causes
many diseases to people. (Mình chỉ đang nói tới bệnh tật nhiều (medical complication)
chứ không có nói về tốn tiền chữa bệnh). Secondly, taxing on unhealthy food will be an
effective lesson to educate people about unhealthy food. This is especially important for
young people because they are less aware of health problems that can cause bad habits on
eating unhealthy food. Besides, television shoul broadcast some progammes which
relates to healthy practices. This can support lessons about the ingredients of different
food products and other sides of healthy lifestyle.

Nevertheless, taxing on unhealthy food will put pressure and burden on people's income.
Moreover, taxing unhealthy food will make life harder for poor people. They can't make
enough money to buy something too expensive like healthy food. They only need full
stomachto continue doing their jobs. Besides, they have to work for a long day. The result
is that they don't have time to cook some nutritious and balanced meals, so they must rely
on fast food to live and feed their family. Therefore, taxing on unhealthy food may
blocking their life.

In conclusion, not only imposing higher taxes on unhealthy food can be a good solution
to reduce people buying it, but also the education for children about good eating habits is
very neccessary. Besides, television shoul broadcast some progammes which relates to
healthy practices. This can support lessons about the ingredients of different food
products and other sides of healthy lifestyle
The chart below shows the amount of money spent on fast food each week in
The line chart compares the amount of money spent on fast food each week in Lakeville
from 2000 to 2020.
Overall, the chart shows the decrease trend of the amount of money spent on pizza.
Another face, it also shows the increase trend of hamburger and fried chicken. Moreover,
the fried chicken has the highest spending at the end of the period.
It is clear from the graph that pizza is the most popular food in 2000, which had an
consumption of 500 dollars spending per week. Especially, these numbers rose
significantly over the next ten yearsand reaching a peak at 780 dollars in 2010. However,
come the next ten years, the amount of money spent on pizza fell dramatically. It became
the food with lowest amount of money spent in 2020.
Another side, spending on hamburger started from 300 dollars compared to 150 dollars
for fried chicken in 2000. However, there are some changes in 2010. The amount of
money spent on hamburger continued to increase to 500 dollars, but for fried chicken it
decreased to 210 dollars. Nevertheless, both of them are upward trend. The amount on
money spent on fried chiken rose significantly from 210 dollars to 700 dollars, which is
the highest amount of money in 2020. Besides, there was also a fall in spending on
hamburgers to 380 dollars in 2015, but this figure increased slightly to 450 dollars in

Many people today increasingly use social media for various purposes such as
communicating with others, finding news and shopping.
What problems are associated with the increased use of social media? What
measures can be taken to tackle them?
Give reasons for your answer and include any relevant examples from your own
knowledge or experience.

Bài làm

With the development of society, people are increasingly developing and being connected
to many advanced devices and social media that help them understand more about the
world around them. However, overuse of social media will lead to many harmful
problems and we must find out measures to tackle those problems.

There are some problems that we can easily realize. Firstly, people are so much addicted
to the social media which can effect on their physical and psychological health. For
instance, students nowadays are addicted to online games and they play all day and night.
They can even play without eating and sleeping. That not only affects the students
themselves but also their parent's anxiety. Secondly, not all information on social media
is true and positive. Fake news is everywhere on it. Thinking that how messy the world
will be if people read wrong information day by day. For example, the covid has gone,
but if someone says a false information that covid is coming back. It will lead to a lot of
issues especially lack of food and goods because people have to buy a lot of things for
reserve. Besides, more serious things will lead to inflation.

To deal with those problems we should have some intelligent solutions. Every parents
need to manage their childen's social media usage time. Furthermore, it is necessary to
limit the items that your child is allowed to view and get them into the habit of relying
less on social networks. Especially, not only children but also adults should know how to
select appropriate information to view. Besides, government and schools should educate
people on how to evaluate news and showing right information on national television
station or prestige newspaper.

In conclusion, for the problems mentioned above, my opinion is that the positive effects
that social media has on our communication are outweighed by disadvantages, but we
need to try to change to social media development is getting better and better.

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