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Hello, my name is Buse (My surname is Şahan. Not Şahin.

People often forget

my surname.). I’m 13 years old (I’ll be 14 in November). I’m a student of
Karabağlar Nevvar Salih İşgören High School. I am from İzmir. I was born in
İzmir-Yeşilyurt, at 02 November 2008. I have got an elder brother, his name is
Volkan and he is 26. My dad… His name is Talip. My dad is 47 years old and my
mom is 1 year younger than my dad, her name is Sibel.

I have got a Brown eyes. My hair looks like black but I have got a Dark Brown
hair. I don’t have a big nose but it is don’t small, my nose is normal. I’m not a
tall girl but I’m not short, I’m 165 cm.

I’m a little stubborn because I think my thoughts are true but I can change my
mind. My ex teachers thinks I’m a hardworking student because I love studying
but sometimes it can be boring. When I was bored, I get up from my table. I like
to study when I do this.

I’m fond of playing chess, playing volleyball, listen to music and playing the
musical instrument. We have 3 prizes for winning chess tournaments with my
team from my old school (We are city winner in playing chess.)… I’m crazy
about reading books! I think books are different world and when I read a book,
I’m living at that World! I hope, I can write my book in my future. That’s all,

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