Dbms Queries

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Write sql query for following consider table

1) insert one row into the table
___ INSERT INTO EMP VALUES (1, 10, 'John', 1000, 'Manager', '2020-08-01', '1996-05-20',
'New York');

2) save the data


3) undo the insertion of second row


4) insert two rowsinto the table

____ INSERT INTO EMP VALUES (2, 10, 'Mark', 2000, 'Manager', '2020-09-01', '1995-04-
19', 'New York'), (3, 10, 'Max', 1500, 'Coordinator', '2020-10-01', '1992-03-18', 'New York');

5) create savepoint s1.

____ SAVEPOINT s1;

6) insert one row into the table

___ INSERT INTO EMP VALUES (4, 10, 'Lilly', 1300, 'Analyst', '2020-11-01', '1991-02-17',
'New York');

7) undo upto savepoint s1.


Write sql query for following consider table

1) display employees name and number in an increasing order of salary.
____SELECT empno,ename,salary FROM EMP ORDER BY salary ASC;
2) display employees name and employee number dept wise.
____ SELECT empno,ename,deptno FROM EMP ORDER BY deptno;
3)display total salary of all employees.
___ SELECT SUM(salary) FROM EMP;

3) display number of employees deptwise.

____ SELECT deptno,COUNT(empno) FROM EMP GROUP BY deptno;

4) display employee name having experience more than 3 years.

___SELECT ename FROM EMP WHERE DATEDIFF(CURDATE(),joiningdate) > 1095;

5) display employee name starting with "S" and working in deptno 1002.
_____ SELECT ename FROM EMP WHERE ename LIKE "S%" AND deptno=1002;

Write sql query for following consider table

1) display employee name having experience more than 10 years.
____SELECT ename FROM EMP WHERE YEAR(CURDATE()) - YEAR(joiningdate) > 10;

2) display age of employees


3) display average salary of all employee.

______ SELECT AVG(salary) FROM EMP;
4) display name of employee who earned highest salary.
____ SELECT ename FROM EMP WHERE salary = (SELECT MAX(salary) FROM EMP);

Write sql query for following consider table

1) create table EMP(empno,deptname,ename,salary,designation,joining_date).
____ CREATE TABLE EMP(empno INT, deptname VARCHAR(50), ename
VARCHAR(50), salary INT, designation VARCHAR(50), joining_date DATE);
2) display names of employee whose name start with alphabet "A".
______ SELECT ename FROM EMP WHERE ename LIKE 'A%'
3) display names of employee who joined before '1/1/2000'.
_______ SELECT ename FROM EMP WHERE joining_date < '2000-01-01';

4) increase the salary of employees by 20% who joined after '1/1/2005'.

______UPDATE EMP SET salary=salary+(salary*20/100) where joining_date<’2005-01-01’;

Write sql query for following consider table stud(rollno,name,sub1,sub2,sub3).

1) display name of student wo got minimum marks in sub1.
_____ SELECT name FROM stud WHERE sub1 = (SELECT MIN(sub1) FROM stud);

2) display the names of the student who obtained highest marks in sub3.
_____SELECT name FROM stud WHERE sub3 = (SELECT MAX(sub3) FROM stud);

3) display number of students failed in sub2

_____SELECT COUNT(*) FROM stud WHERE sub2 < 40;
4) find total marks of sub1 of all student.
_____ SELECT SUM(sub1) FROM stud;

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