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LAL KITAB LEARNING 1) Pakka Ghar Pakka Ghar is nothing but the concept of natural signification of houses.

Sun (Surya) Lagna (1st house) Moon (Chandra) 4th house Mars (Mangal) 3rd n 8th house Mercury (Budh) 7th house Jupiter (Guru) 2nd,5th,9th,11th house Venus (Shukr) 7th house Saturn (Shani) 8th,10th house Rahu 12th house Ketu 6th house 2) Friends and Foes of Planets : Planet Friends SURYA Guru, Mangal, Chandra CHANDRA MANGAL Budh GURU SHUKR SHANI Surya, Budh Surya, Chandra, Guru Surya, Shukr, Rahu Surya, Chandra, Mangal Shani, Budh, Ketu Budh, Shukr, Rahu

Enemies Shukr, Shani, Rahu, Ketu Rahu, Ketu Budh, Ketu Chandra Shukr, Budh Surya, Chandra, Rahu Surya, Chandra, Mangal

3) EQUIVALENT PLANETS: Apart from friendship or enmity of planets there is also a concept of equivalent planets. The planets so grouped are supposed to be equal in strength. Planets Individually Equal To Planets Budh Surya Shukr, Shani, Guru, Mangal Chandra Shukr, Shani, Rahu Mangal Shani, Ketu, Mangal, Guru Budh Rahu, Ketu, Shani Guru Mangal, Guru Shukr Ketu, Guru Shani Guru, Chandra Rahu Guru, Shani, Budh, Surya Ketu (Budh - Surya) or (Rahu - Mangal) are posited in one sign together Budh or Rahu would always be quiet. Chandra and Surya when posited in any sign with Rahu and Ketu respectively will be less powerful. 4) Artificial Planets (Banavati Grah) : Kitab has the concept that a group of two planets are equivalent to planet noted against each. Budh Sun Shukr, Shani, Guru, Mangal Moon Shukr, Shani, Rahu Mangal Shani, Ketu, Mangal, Guru Budh Rahu, Kruetu, Shani Guru Mangal, Guru Shukr Ketu, Guru Shani

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Guru, Chandra Guru, Shani, Budh ,Surya

Rahu Ketu

5): Sin and Sinful Planets Often there is reference of Paap (Sin) and Paapi (Sinful) planets in Lal Kitab. From Paap or sin is meant Rahu and Ketu from Paapi grahas the reference is to three planets namely Rahu, Ketu and Saturn. Also some astrologers consider Mars is included with them. If any other planet is sitting with any of these planet then the sitting planet also become a paapi planet. 6) Kayam Graha or Established Planet : If a planet reside in a house then it becomes the lord of the same house. The planet which can give his results freely and without hindrance is called an established planet. In other words no enemy planet should occupy his houses of lordship, exaltation, debility and of his signification. He should also not be a saathi planet or comrade and he should have no aspect of any planet. 7) Dharmi Grahas or Righteous Planets : Saturn, Rahu and Ketu are known as Paapi Planets but they also sometimes become the Dharmi or righteous planets. Rahu and Ketu become righteous in the 4th house or anywhere in the chart with Moon. Similarly Saturn becomes righteous when posited in 11th house or anywhere in the chart with Jupiter. By becoming righteous they do not give good results or become benefices. They shall not simply afflict the house or the planet. They become neutral. They on their part will not promote or cause any bad effects. 8) Muqabla ke Graha or Matching Planets : This is a enormous thing in Lal Kitab. Each planet has his own friends who behave in a friendly way. Sometimes one of such planets may occupy the house of lordship or the Pakka Ghar of his friendly planet and that planet does not occupy any such house of the former. In such a case the two planets, although friends may not remain the true friends. The behavior of the former will be suspected. He may at times spoil the results of his friendly planets. The planet shall be known as matching planets. Sun and Mars are friends. If Mars occupies the Lagna and Sun does not occupy such house of mars, Mars behavior under such circumstances may or may not be friendly to Sun. Mars would be called a matching planet to Sun. Both can harm each other. 9) Khana number 8, Lk-1942 __ ___ __ __ ___, ___ __ __ ____ __. __ _ _ __ ___ ___, _ ___ __ ____ __. Ghara 8v hai mauta nimn, magala bada h lete hai. Graha nara me se k' 8ve, mauta al h lete hai. 8th is consider the house of death, Mars Badh (negative) is significance for death. Male planets placed in this house averts the death. Jupiter, Mars, Sun are male planets if posited here either alone or in any combination will avoid death to take place. (We can observe that in varshphal if these planets come in 8th, death will not occur in that particular year) ____ _!__ __ "___ __, ___ "_# $_ ____ __. __ _%__ _& "_# __ _"_, _'_-)*'_ ____ __. Agal his's ghara pahal t, 8v pha bh ht hai. Bada sutara k pha h apan, nc-mc ht hai. The chest portion is 1st and 8th is dorsum (back) of the body. Many ups & downs like a camal's dorsum. The dorsum is signified by Mars Badh (negative) except spinal cord which is Ketu. Direction is South, Charcoal, faithful to wife. Fat which is not digested, impurity of blood, acidity due to white flour. 4_- ___ __ 5_6_ ____, ___% '_,_ ___ __. 7_ __ __ _'_ 8___, '__"__ $_ ___ __.

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ani-magala k jhaga_ ht, ktu cje mand h. Chata makna s nce utare, crap' bh mand h. In the fight of Mars & Saturn, the things of Ketu will be destroyed or subdued. The fall of ceiling in the house and bad conditioning of bed is seen. __ ___ ,_ ___ "_ 9__, :-; $_ 9 _ ___ __. <: =___ __ _-_ __ __#_, +____ /___ ____ __. Ghara 8v jaba bad p ve, 2-6 bh milat hai. 12 Khvha h dra h baih, phaisal isak lete hai. If 8th turns malefic than the mixing effect of 2nd, 6th (due to aspect) is simultaneously considered. 12th though is at distance (may be enemy planet there) but final results is seen from it ___ __ __ __ __ ___, ___ ,_____ __. >_ _____ __ _ _.7_, 4_, ___ ?_ '_@ __. Magala bada hai saba se mand, mand jd mantara hai. ka akel hara dama acch, ani, magala y candra hai. Mars Negative is very bad as it indicate magic spell and be-charm. [page 75, LK-1952] Alone Saturn, Mars or Moon give benefic result in this house. But if any two or three together than they will produce malefic result or death. __ << __ _%_?_ __ ____, _ __ ____ ____ __. __ << _& '_,_ ,_ 9__, 7_ ____ __ ____ _ Ghara 11 he duniy ke andara, 8 k bhara ginate hai. Ghara 11 k cje j ve, chata gir h lete hai. The entry to world is 11th and exit is 8th. If the thing of 11th is bought than fall of roof is consider. When in varshphal (yearly chart) planet in 11th come in 11H or 8th, than that year things related to 11th planet(s) should not be purchased to prevent health and financial loss. ___ __ "__ ?_ _-A __ 7_ "_, _%A '____ __ ___A__ __, 9_4_ 4_4_ ,_ _$_ ' __, 1_ ____ ____ __. Mnha k pn y ddha h chata para, budha cnd se bndhate hai, ta jaba kabh camake, khatama kahn ginate hai. Water of rain or milk at the rooftop, embankment of mercury is done by silver. The bright dazzling red color (mars negative) dress of the girl (mercury) causes end of 8H. [From pg 76, LK-1952] Mercury alone is always bad in 8th and Mars alone also many times bad in 8th but when both mars and mercury are together in 8th than they will act as benefic unless and until Saturn is not in 2nd. Else mars will be mars negative. 4_, ___ B_ '___ ____, ___ $_ /___ __#_ __. +_ ____ __ __ ___ __, 8_ ____ _ ____ __. ani, magala aura candara eve, kah bh isake baihe h. Phala vaise h ghara 8ve ke, usa eve me hte hai. The position and status of Saturn, Mars & Moon in the horoscope will say the results of 8th. Special aspects rules of 8th : 1) Sun, Jupiter or Moon either alone or in any combination sits in 8t , than the aspect of 8th will not go to 2nd reversely nor to 12th forwardly. The effect will be limited to 8th only. (?___ ,___ ,__ ).[pg. 75-76, LK1952] 2) The malefic effect of 8th will reach to its roots to 4th through 2nd, but if 2nd is empty, than maleficence will be limited to 8th. 3) If in 11H planet is enemy to planet in 8H, than effect of reverse aspect to 2H will be absent and confine to 8H only. Relationship of 8H with 3H: __#_ ___ __ ,_ __ __,_ , _ ___ __ ____ __ ["_, 75, lk-52] Baih k' graha jaba taka tje, mauta al h ginate hai. When there is any planet in 3H than death is averted.

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"3 ___ ___ "_ <: " 8E__ 8___ , ___ 1__ _ ____ __ ["_, 65, Lk52] "3 Mand kne pagaif 12" umd usak, asara khn 8 karat hai. Here Idiom is used . The results of planets in 3H will be good or bad will be seen from 8H 10)Residential Houses: a) No temple with idols should be constructed even for individual worship in a residential house.However, keeping drawings or photos of dietes on paper is not prohibited. This is highly inauspicious for the natives born with GURU in 7th. b) If there is a small dark room at the end of the house, where there is no passage for air or light, the same should be left as it is and no attempt should be made to facilitate natural light through opening windows etc. in that room; otherwise misfortunes will strike the residents. c) Places where ornaments or money is kept secretly must not be left empty. If there is nothing to be kept, please put some dry fruits there. d) There must necessarily be some uncemented place in a house. But if it is not feasible, the articles related to SHUKR must be installed & established therein. 11) Safe Delivery & Longevity of Children a) Worship of Lord GANESHA is highly auspicious for children & property. b) For safe delivery of children, a milk pot filled with milk & a sugar pot filled with sugar must be touched by the delivering mother and kept at some different place. After the delivery, both the pots should be offered to some temple & should not be brought back from there. Good effects will multiply if the quality of the pots is good. c) If ones children do not survive, the native must distribute salty preparations in place of sweets, to celebrate the birth of the child. 12) Alms and Charity: a) Digging of wells and providing drinking water facilities for the public is strictly prohibited for those with CHANDRA in 6th. Any violation of the above would invite utter destruction & extreme poverty. b) Building of Dharamshalas, Sarais or inns is strictly prohibited for those having Shani in 8th. c) Shani in Lagna & Guru in 5th cause death of children one after the other, if copper coins are given in charity. d) Guru in 10th & Chandra in 4th cause false allegations & critical legal proceedings against the native if he builds temples or gurudwaras. e) Financial aid to widows & scholarships to poor children are strictly prohibited for those having SHUKR in 9th house. f) Grave consequences would follow if a native with CHANDRA in 12th opens schools for free education, or offers food to religious saints & Jogins. g) Anyone having GURU in 7th must not offer clothes to anyone in charity. h) Donation in the morning & evening hours by persons having Surya in 7th or 8th house will produce highly harmful and poisonous effects. 13)Adoption:

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The younger brother should never go for adoption of children of elder brother. At the same time he should also not arrange the free marriage of the daughter of his elder brother. These practices would certainly lead to disastrous results. 14) Selection of Bridegroom (Dulha): a) Shani in 11th makes native desert his wife & children in young age. Whereas Shani in boys 2nd house proves inauspicious for the brides family. b) Budh & Rahu combining in 3rd,8th,9th or 12th of the groom is also inauspicious for the brides family. c) Shukr & Ketu together in Lagna make the native impotent. d) The groom is likely to be of bad sexual habits & may destroy his wealth in that, if the planetary positions are as follows: Surya in 6th & Mangal in 10th with the afflicted 12th house. Chandra in Lagna & Guru in 11th. Guru & Shukr in 10th. 15) Remedies Applicable to All: a) Sweet loaves of bread, specially baked in Tandoor, should be offered to animals every month for warding off sickness, quarrels & other troubles, caused by Mangal Negative in the horoscope. b) Place a pot of water under the head side of the bed at night & pour it on a tree or plant in the morning. c) Taking meals in the kitchen is a strong safeguard against the mischiefs of Rahu. d) From ones own meal a Chapati or a piece of it must be offered to cows, crows & dogs for all-round well being & prosperity. e) Native having a malefic planet, especially Shani in 8th, when 2nd is empty, must not visit temples or other places of worship. Rather he should bow his head from outside. Similarly, if planets occupying 6th,8th & 12th are inimical to each other & 2nd is empty, the native must avoid visiting temples & other places of worship. f) Living in Joint Family has been suggested as a powerful remedial measure & if for some reason this is not possible, native should sleep on the bed sheet which was used by his father. In other cases, native should take blessings of parents & elders etc as an amulet against the evil. 16) Surya as 5H Lord, Budh as 3H & 6H Lord, Guru as 9H Lord & Shani as 10H Lord are directly or indirectly in some form or other are KARAKAS of father & his property. But Guru-Surya, Guru-Budh or Guru-Shani occupy any house jointly carry no relevance to the knowledge about father or fathers property at all. Even Budh-Surya, Budh-Shani or Surya-Shani also sitting together behave in the same manner. 17) If 2 or more inimical planets are occupying a single house, they will not behave as enemies .But it does not mean that they do not affect the influences or each other and show their own results of being in that house independently i.e. their conjunction does not affect their individual results. 18) Friendly planets together occupying a house become extremely friendly & help each other in producing good and auspicious results. 19) 7th is regarded as PUKKA GHAR of Budh. If Budh is placed in 7th, even the powerful planets like Surya, Mangal, Guru & Shani occupying a KENDRA, 2nd or 11th can not affect the health of the native adversely. 20) If a female planet is placed in any house with Shani & both are being aspected by any other planet, then the aspecting planet will become afflicted & affect adversely the persons & relatives of such aspecting planet as KARAKAS.

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21) In general, all planets in their PAKKA GHAR, own house (SWA-GRAHI) or exalted house (UCCH) Give good results. A planet in Inimical House (SHATRU-GRAH) or in Debilition House (NEECH) gives bad results. If a planet is not placed in his PUKKA Ghar & the same is occupied by a planet inimical to such planet, then that planet will destroy the good results of the house in which he stands placed. 22) While examining a horoscope, 1st,7th,8th & 11th must ne examined together as they are mutually interested. Planets in Ascendant (LAGNA) is treated as the Ruler & one in 7th acts as his Minister. Planet in 8th is the eye of the ruler. Planet in 11th is the rulers foot. More planets in 7th than 1st shows that the Ruler does not have required control over his ministers. If the planets in 11th are Inimical to the planets in the 1st, then they will not obey the command of the Ruler i.e. the results of the 11th will be adversely affected. Planets of the 8th (EYES) guide the planets of 7th (MINISTER) & control their actions & effects. If the planets in 1st & 8th are friendly then the planets in 7th cannot play any mischief. Mangal in 7th is considered highly conducive for gaining large property. But if Budh is in LAGNA, it will destroy the properties. It will be destroyed because of the foolishness of the native, because here Budh being in 1st is the KARAKA of the native. At the same time, if Budh is in 8th, it will again destroy the properties, but here the reasons for destination wrol.ill be unknown and invisible, because the active elements in 8th are always secretive & mysterious in nature over which the native has no control. If planets of 1st and 11th are friendly, theyll control the planets of 7th. If they are inimical, the results will be bad. Planets of 1st aspect planets of 7th. If they are mutually inimical, then the bad results accrue because of the foolishness & unworthiness of the native. Planets of 8th aspect planets of 2nd & thereby affect their results. 23) 2nd, 6th, 8th, 12th & 11th must also be examined simultaneously as follows : a) Planets in 8th aspect 2nd & thereby affect results of 2nd house. Effects of the aspect of the 8th over 2nd is are affected by the planets of 11th-favourably if friends & unfavorably if inimical. b) Planets of 2nd aspect 6th and affect its results. Planets of 6th & 8th have secret relations with each other, because of which they also affect planets of 2nd (+++). c) 12th also affects the 2nd (+++). If there are evil planets in 6th & 8th (because of their secret/implied conjunction) their evil power increases 10 times. d) If planets in 12th & 8th are inimical, the native should not visit temples & other places of worship. 27) 3rd, 11th, 5th,9th & 10th must also be examined simultaneously as follows : a) If there is any planet in 3rd, it will start showing its results after the birth of the younger brother. If the 9th & 5th are occupied by Shani, Rahu or Ketu then the unfavorable changes start coming up in natives life just after the birth of the child. b) If there are good planets in 9th & there are no planets in 2nd, the native remain deprived of all benefits. c)If there are no planets in 4th, or it is occupied by Rahu, Ketu or Shani, then the good results of the 10th will not be received by the native. If 10th & 2nd are empty, the good results of the 4th will go waste. d) If 3rd & 9th are bad, 5th will also prove bad e) If 9th is occupied by Surya or Chandra, 5th will give good results. f) If 9th is occupied by Surya or Chandra, then Rahu or Ketu in the 5th will neither affect the issues of the native or the native himself adversaly. g) If Rahu or Ketu are placed in 5th & if there are inimical planets in 8th then strokes of misfortune will hit the native through 11th. Relatives indicated by planets in 5th & 8th will also be affected. In this situation earnings of the native will also be affected very adversely. If 2nd is empty, nothing will be able to save the native. Now the planets of 10th & 5th will also turn to be malefic whatever their natural character be. 28) Manglik=

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When Mangal is in 1st, 4th , 7th, 8th & 12th house. Purn Manglik= When from Moon also Mangal is in 1st, 4th, 7th, 8th or 12th house. Lal Kitab, 1952: 1) Effort can be made to remove any problems/obstacles arising in life of a person but the whole destiny cant be changed. Only effort can be made to create a barrier between native & enemies/obstacles/problems so that they cant harm the native but you cant eliminate or destroy the enemies/obstacles/problems. 2) Using your own hand or kundli is not a good idea to initially learn this art. 3) Since there are too many details in the Lal Kitab hence only those has been mentioned that carry importance to be discussed. 3) According to Vedic Astrology : If Rahu is in 1st, Ketu will be in 7th. Also Budh will be before or after Surya or will closely follow Surya. But here while making a VARSHPHAL, Rahu-Ketu can come closer or in a Kundli/Varshphal made from hand they can even be together. Similarly, Surya-Budh can be far apart if all planets are free at their place & their place, movement is not bounded & all planets are of equal powers. 4) Budh Akl, Band mutthi, Guru ko gaanth lagane wala Guru Lekha, Aakash aur paataal ka swami. 5) Both phalanges & palm has been divided into 12 parts and mounts has been divided into 9 parts, hence only we call 9 Nidhi (Eternal Power) & 12 Siddhi (Human Courage) as base of this knowledge. 6) The higher & better the mounts on the palm, the better theyll be able to stop the bad & good effects of each other.


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Tarjani 2

12 Aasman

3 Jamane 1 4 10 5 Anamika 6 Paataal Mutthi ke Ander: Tarjani 2nd house Anamika 5th house Kanisthka 8th house Madhyma 11th house 7 8


9 Kendra

Kanisthka Janm Kundli no. 1st-7th-4th-10th Aasman 12th house Paataal 6th house 3 Jamaane 3rd house Kundli Kendra 9th house

8) Like from the time of birth of a native, we can predict his situations, same way a devil born or a house built at that same time will also not be free from the planetary movements. 9) There is no surety of lines of a 12yr child. Similarly, after 18yr no major line changes, but the branches on that can change. 10) Natives paternal elder & younger UNCLE (Chacha-Taya) or Maternal Uncle (Mama), Maternal Unclein-law (Mausa) all are considered to be brothers born at the same time. 11) Many persons coming together to a single place from different countries/regions will not have the same fate though their Lagnas can be same after adding/deducting time in their birth time according to their time zone. 12) Tarjani (Index Finger) Guru, Ruling (Hukumat) Anamika (Ring Finger) Surya, Earning by Personality/Courage Kanisthka (Little Finger) Budh, Earning by Talent Madhyma (Middle Finger) Shani, Sadness/Away from world/Vairagya (hence taken in last since comes after Social Life) 13) Between Tarjani (Index) & Madhyma (Middle) 11th house Thumb 2nd house Heart Line 4th house Head Line 7th house Shani Headquarter Intersection of 7th, 4th, 8th, 9th, 12th & 11th house 14) Planet Name Guru Surya Chandra Shukr Mangal Naek Mangal Bad Budh English Name Jupiter Sun Moon, Luna Venus Mars Mars Mercury Planet Colour Yellow (Peela) Dark Copper (Surkh Tamba), Grey (Khaki) White Milk White Curd Blood Red Blood Red Green Banavati Grah Surya-Shukr Budh-Shkr Surya, Guru not together Rahu-Ketu Surya-Budh Surya-Shani Guru-Rahu

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Shani Shani Rahu Rahu Ketu Ketu

Saturn Saturn Rahu Rahu Ketu Ketu

Black Black Blue Blue Chitkabra, Black-White Chitkabra, Black-White

Shukr-Guru=Ketu nature Budh-Mangal=Rahu nature Mangal-Shani=Ucch Surya-Shani=Neech Shukr-Shani=Ucch Chandra-Shani=Neech

15) Shukr Stri(Wife), Gai(Cow), Lakshmi(Money) & Mitti(Dust) 16) Guru, Surya, Mangal Nar Grah/Male Planets Shani, Rahu, Ketu Paapi Grah Shukr(Lakshmi), Chandra (Maata) Stri Grah/Female Planets Rahu, Ketu Paap Grah Budh All planets move due to it. When Rahu or Ketu meets Shani in any way then Shani becomes Paapi Grah 17) Rahu & Ketu has not been given any definite place on palm. One has caught native from head and other from the leg. And he (Ketu, who is Lord of Good) has got place with Budh in Paataal (6th house) And he (Rahu, who is Lord of Bad) has got place with Guru in Aasmaan (12th house) And both are sitting in the effect of whole Universe (effect of Guru-Budh) & hence are called Paap Grah. 17) Pakka Ghar Guru Surya Chandra Shukr Mangal Naek Mangal Bad Budh Naek Budh Bad Shani Shani Rahu Ketu Naek Ketu Bad During the Day First part Second part Full Moon Night No Moon Night Full Afternoon Full Afternoon 4 pm evening 4 pm evening Whole black night Black day Full Evening (Pakki Shaam) Early Morning Early Morning During the Week Thursday Sunday Monday Friday Tuesday Tuesday Wednesday Wednesday Saturday Saturday Thursday Sunday Morning Sunday Morning

18) Ketu 2 hours before sunrise Guru 2 hours after sunrise Surya 8am-10am Chandra 10am-11am Shukr 10am-3pm Mangal 11am-1pm Budh 4pm-6pm Shani After sunset when even a single star rises Rahu After sunset but till star doesnt rises. 19) Planet Guru Surya Equal Planet Rahu, Ketu, Shani Budh with Surya Friend Planet Surya, Mangal, Chandra Guru, Mangal, Chandra Enemy Planet Shukr, Budh Shukr, Shani, Rahu RahuEclipse KetuMedium

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Shukr, Shani, Mangal, Surya, Budh Guru Shukr Mangal, Guru Shani, Budh, Ketu Mangal Shukr, Shani, Rahu Surya, Chandra, Guru Budh with Mangal Budh Shani, Mangal, Ketu, Surya, Shukr, Rahu Guru Shani Ketu, Guru Budh, Shukr, Rahu Rahu Guru, Chandra Budh, Shani, Ketu Will be medium with them Ketu Guru, Shani, Budh, Shukr, Rahu Surya Will be medium with them Chandra & Shukr are equal but Chandra does enmity with Shani. Chandra & Budh are friend but Chandra does enmity with Budh. With Rahu, Guru will be quiet but wont be any less. But if in 2nd there is Rahu under control of Guru.

KetuEclipse RahuMedium Surya, Chandra, Rahu Budh, Ketu Chandra Surya, Chandra, Mangal Surya, Shukr, Mangal

Chandra, Mangal

or Guru, then Rahu will be

Enemies Budh Guru Chandra Budh But if in house 2nd & 4th, there is Budh or Chandra or Budh-Guru or Chandra and Budh not together, will help each other for financial gains instead of enmity. 20) Enmity Party: ShaniSuryaShukrGuruBudhChandraKetuMangal (Bad)Rahu

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