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A Research Study Presented to the Faculty of

Basic Education Department

Senior High School

Pagadian Capitol College Inc.

In Partial Fulfillment of the Requirements in

Practical Research – 2 for Grade 12

Humanities and Social Sciences (HUMSS)

Tashmer D. Balimbingan

Glydine M. Cabigas

Reden Kier C. Dabon

Safraida A. Dading

Ann Marione C. Eltagon

Mark V. Maggay

May 2024


The researcher would like to express our deep sincere gratitude to all those who

contributed to the completion of this research on factors affecting the Public Speaking

Skills among Senior High School students. Special thanks to our research teacher for

providing us invaluable guidance and the knowledge she imparts unto us it was a great

privilege and honor to work and study under her guidance. and to the participants full

cooperation, which has made the research study achieve its smooth completion enriched

this study. I also acknowledge the support of our parents' deep consideration for the

finances and undying support and friends throughout this research journey.


The research paper is dedicated to the parents of the researchers, Merly Eltagon, Li-

wayway Eltagon, Junifer Blanco, Ronald C. Dabon, Cherrynie C. Dabon, Safra A. Dading,

Aida A. Ali, Winniefred J. Maggay, Lisbeth V. Maggay, Joel D. Cabigas, An-An M. Cab-

igas, and Rohama Balimbingan who gives their extreme support by providing the research-

ers the resources needed in the making of this study. Moreover, the researchers dedicate

this research paper to the teachers, Mrs. Richelle Ann Tagaytay and Mrs. Rona Mae U.

Albano who behind in making this research possible through guiding the researchers to

complete this study. The researchers would also like to dedicate this study to the Senior

High School Students of Pagadian Capitol College who may need help to be aware of the

factors affecting public speaking and who help us in making this research happen. This

study is dedicated to the school president, Mr. Santiago B. Tagumpay and school principal,

Ms. Shiela May De Jesus who gives opportunity to the researchers to nurture and cooper-

ation to accomplish this study. Lastly, the researchers dedicated the whole study to the

almighty God who gave the researchers strength, knowledge, wisdom, protection and will

to continue in finishing this study.


Table of Contents

Title Page ………………………………………………………………………………… i

Acknowledgement ……….…………...…………………………………………………. ii
Dedication ……………………...……………………………………………………….. iii
Table of Contents ……………………………………………………………………..….iv
List of Figures……………………………………………………………..…………..…..v
Chapter 1 ..............................................................................................................................1
Introduction ..……………………………………………………………………...…1
Background of the Study ..............................................................................................1
Conceptual Framework.................................................................................................4
Statement of the Problem .............................................................................................5
Significance of the Study ..............................................................................................6
Definition of Terms ......................................................................................................7
Chapter 2 ..............................................................................................................................8
Research Methods ........................................................................................................8
Research Design ...........................................................................................................8
Research Environment ..................................................................................................8
Research Participants ....................................................................................................9
Sampling Techniques ...................................................................................................9
Research Instruments ..................................................................................................10
Data Gathering Techniques ........................................................................................10
Statistical Treatment ...................................................................................................11
Ethical Considerations ...............................................................................................12
References ..........................................................................................................................13
Appendix A ........................................................................................................................15
Appendix B………………………………………………………………………...…….16

List of Figures

Table Number Title Page

Figure No. 1 Schematic Diagram 4

Table No. 1 Respondent of the Study 9

Table No. 2 Scale, Mean Score, and Interpretation 10

Chapter 1


Background of the Study

Roger Love once said, "All speaking is public speaking, whether to one person or a

thousand." Public speaking is a valuable tool for forging connections between individuals.

It is a skill people use daily, no matter their profession. Good communication skills are

essential for everyone to possess. (Pontillas & Talaue, 2021). Practical public speaking

skills, whether presenting reports or recitations, are essential for professionals and students.

The speaker must possess in-depth knowledge of the subject matter and be engaging in

their delivery. The audience is the primary recipient of the message, so it is crucial to ensure

they can receive and interpret it.

The most fundamental way of communicating with others is through speech, requiring

the speaker to be clear, concise, and relevant to their audience. (Tajik & Noor, 2022). When

the content is explicit, learners need to be able to communicate effectively when they have

a clear understanding. (Kiruthiga & Christopher, 2022). Students' speaking skills have been

affected by affective and cognitive factors such as shyness about speaking the English

language, the fear of making mistakes, the lack of self-confidence, and the anxiety students

feel when speaking (Licaros et al., 2022).

At the end in Advance speaking, students can speak English fluently consist correct

grammar, vocabulary mastery, comprehension in every conversation, fluency, and off

course pronunciation too (Prayuda, 2021). Speaking skills are the human ability to process

and deliver information directly to other people orally in daily life and social interaction
(Prayuda, 2021). However, due to the factors affecting the public speaking skills, most

students experienced lack of self-confidence, communication apprehension, and struggle

with time management.

Public speaking is a skill that needs to be learned; it is not something people are born

with. Therefore, public speaking is a learned skill that requires practicing and rehearsing

before presentations to perform well. Students must have enough time to prepare their

speech to deliver effectively (Leong & Ahmadi, 2017). When it comes to public speaking,

ample preparation time is crucial for students needing more confidence and experience.

(Tuan & Mai, 2015). Furthermore, a lack of self-confidence is a common explanation for

fear of public speaking since many students are meek and tend to feel uncomfortable

speaking in front of people (Raja, 2017). The audience's perception of a speaker is impacted

by their lack of self-confidence when addressing a crowd.

Developing practical communication skills, especially in public speaking, requires

self-confidence as a crucial aspect. (Nadiah et al., 2019). In oral presentations, students

perform better academically and communicate more effectively when they possess stronger

self-confidence (Salim, 2015). Therefore, developing self-confidence is essential when

speaking in public. Speaking in front of an audience can enhance people's communication

skills in various situations, such as conversations, school debates, business meetings, and

job interviews (Pratama, 2017).

Communication apprehension is another issue affecting students' ability to speak in

front of groups of people. Senior high school students often struggle with participating in

oral communication activities due to their fear of speaking in front of others (Ramos et al.,

2022). Many people feel anxious and nervous about public speaking or communicating in
front of an audience. (Rombalski, 2021). Learners must engage with the subject to build

understanding effectively. Researchers aim to examine how students' lack of self-

confidence, communication apprehension and lack of preparation affected their ability to

speak in front of an audience.

The researchers found that many studies on the factors affecting students' public

speaking skills paid attention to students' English fluency. When students cannot

comprehend every word uttered by the lecturer, they tend to become anxious, believing

that their peers have better English fluency (Vicontie et al., 2021). Due to their difficulties

speaking English, some students need more motivation to speak in front of the class

(Suryani et al., 2020). In line with the preceding explanation, the researchers were

motivated to carry out this study since public speaking is essential for the general welfare

of society, particularly for students' future employment in any field they choose. Students

need to identify and overcome obstacles that make public speaking challenging to establish

meaningful connections with their audience.

Conceptual Framework

Independent variable Dependent variable


• Lack of self-confidence Public Speaking Skills among

• Communication Senior High School Students
• Lack of time preparation

Figure 1. Schematic Diagram of the Study

The study presented in Figure 1 aims to analyze two variables that affect public

speaking skills among senior high school students. These variables are lack of self-

confidence, communication apprehension, and preparation time. They are depicted as

independent variables in the diagram as they are the primary cause of the issue. The

dependent variable, on the other hand, is public speaking skills among senior high school

Statement of the Problem

The study aims to determine the factors affecting the public speaking skills of Pagadian

Capitol College senior high school students.

1. What factors affect senior high school students’ public speaking skills in terms of?

1.1 Communication apprehension

1.2 Lack of self-confidence

1.3 Lack of time preparation

2. How these factors on the public speaking skills affect senior high school students?

3. Is there any significant relationship between the affecting factors and the public

speaking skills among senior high school students?


Hypotheses in this context serve as a starting point for exploring and unraveling the

various elements that may contribute to the development or hindrance of these crucial

skills. A research hypothesis on factors affecting public speaking skills among senior high

school students could be framed as a statement proposing a relationship between certain


Ho: There is no significant relationship between the affecting factors and the public

speaking skills among senior high school students.

H1: There is a significant relationship between the affecting factors and the public

speaking skills among senior high school students.

Significance of the Study

The importance of the Research investigation into the factors that influence Senior

High School students’ public speaking skills at Pagadian Capitol College Inc. encompasses

several crucial aspects, including:

Senior High School Students. This study’s outcomes will benefit Senior High School

students by evaluating their public speaking abilities, identifying the factors impacting their

performance, and fostering self-assurance in their public speaking.

Teachers. The findings from this research can assist teachers in offering valuable

advice and motivation on different approaches to address issues hindering students’ public

speaking competence at various stages.

School Administration. The results of this study will provide insight into the factors

influencing high school students’ speech delivery capabilities, making it possible for

schools to implement measures that enhance these skills.

Researchers. This study allows researchers to advance innovative ideas, hypotheses,

discoveries, and arguments while sharing details about relevant subjects with others

publicly. Additionally, researching literature reviews or conducting experiments is a

knowledge base for future investigations.

Future Researchers. The data collected during this research could guide subsequent

studies aimed at further exploring related topics concerning public speaking among SHS

Definition of Terms

To gain a comprehensive understanding of this study, the researchers operationally defined

and give the actual definition of the key terms to establish clarity and precision in the


Communication Apprehension. It is defined as the anxiety or nervousness experienced

by senior high school students when engaging in public speaking activities.

Communication apprehension is a feeling of fear to communicate.

Lack of Time Preparation. Defined as the insufficient time dedicated by senior high

school students to prepare for public speaking engagements, quantified by the number of

hours spent in practice and research relative to the recommended preparation time. Time is

what we measure in minutes, hours, days, and years. Preparation is the process of getting

something ready for use or a particular purpose or making arrangements for something.

Lack of Self-Confidence. Defined as the degree of belief in senior high school students'

abilities to effectively communicate in public. This refers to something that is lacking or is

needed confidence in oneself and in one’s powers and abilities to speak in front of a large

number of people.

Public Speaking Skills. Defined as the proficiency and overall presentation abilities

demonstrated by senior high school students during public speaking events. This term is

used in the study as a variable. The ability to effectively communicate ideas, information,

or messages to an audience. This includes skills such as articulation, vocal modulation,

body language, and the capacity to engage and connect with listeners.
Chapter 2

Research Method

This chapter covers the research design, research environment, research instrument,

sampling techniques, data gathering procedure, statistical treatment of data, and ethical


Research Design

The researcher used a quantitative method to get the data and a correlational research

design to analyze the relationship between affecting factors and the public speaking skills

among senior high school students (Illyin et al., 2019). The quantitative method was chosen

because this research intends to see what affective factors are in terms of lack of self-

confidence, communication apprehension and lack of time preparation and how these

affect speaking ability among senior high school students. The purpose of correlational

research is to determine the relationship among two or more variables (Creswell, 2012).

Research Environment

This study will be conducted at Pagadian Capitol College High School Department

located at Barangay Tuburan, Pagadian City, respectively under the president of the

institution, and the principal of the high school department.

The location for this study’s subject, which is being conducted at Pagadian Capitol

College, is suitable. As the researchers observe there are still a lot of senior high school

students in this institution who are afraid of doing public speaking. Since Pagadian Capitol

College, Inc. exposes students to public speaking more frequently and produces more
public speakers and as a result, the researchers believe that it is the ideal research

environment for this study.

Research Participants

Sixty (50) senior high school students in grades 11 and 12 from Pagadian Capitol

College Inc.’s STEM, ABM, and HUMSS strands will be randomly chosen as study

participants from a larger population of 163. Making generalizations from a sample to a

wider population can be made easier with the help of random sampling. When employing

this sampling strategy, researchers need to keep the study’s objectives in mind to ensure

that suitable participants are selected and engaged effectively.

Table 1. Respondents of the Study

Respondent No. of respondents

Grade-11 HUMSS/ABM 17

Grade-11 STEM 17

Grade-12 STEM 16

Total 50

Sampling Techniques

For research studies, the respondents are selected randomly from a sample. One

standard method used for this purpose is random sampling, which involves picking a

sample from the population to make generalizations easier (Shadish et al., 2002). To

effectively choose and engage eligible individuals, researchers must be aware of the study’s

objectives when using this sampling technique. This awareness ensures that the selected

sample is representative of the population under study, allowing for meaningful

generalizations. The alignment of sampling methods with research goals enhances the

validity and reliability of the study, as the chosen respondents are more likely to provide

insights relevant to the specific objectives outlined by the researchers.

Research Instrument

The primary tool the researchers will use to get information from the study’s identified

respondents is a survey checklist. The researchers used an adopted research questionnaire

that discusses the factors affecting public speaking skills. The questionnaire was adopted

from Viwattanabuchong, S. (2018) entitled: A Survey of Factors That Cause Public

Speaking Anxiety for EFL Learners. Allen et al., (2021) entitled: The Effect of Speaking

Anxiety on Students Performance in Speech Class. Palmes, R (2023) Factors Affecting

Students’ Speaking Performance deals with the need for more self-confidence,

communication apprehension, and lack of time preparation that the student encounters

when giving a public speech.

To investigate the factors that affect the development of public speaking skills among

senior high school students, researchers used the likert scale in table no. 2 for

communication apprehension, lack of self-confidence, and lack of time preparation, and

the table no. 3 the public speaking skills of the students, the researchers provide another

set of tables for different interpretation.

Table 2. Scale, Mean Scores, and Interpretation

Scale Mean Scores Category Response Interpretation

4 3.26-4.00 Strongly agree Strongly Affect

3 2.51-3.25 Agree Slightly Affect

2 1.76-2.50 Disagree Does not affect

1 1.00-1.75 Strongly disagree Strongly does not


Table. 3 Scale, Mean scores, and Interpretation

Scale Mean Scores Category Response Interpretation

4 3.26-4.00 Strongly agree Very high

3 2.51-3.25 Agree High

2 1.76-2.50 Disagree Low

1 1.00-1.75 Strongly disagree Very low

Data Gathering Techniques

Before starting the research, researchers will send a letter to the principal of the

Pagadian Capitol College High School Department asking for permission to conduct the

study. Once the permission letter is approved and signed by the research adviser, teacher

and the principal, the researchers will start gathering data. To ensure accurate survey results,

we will use the actual number of respondents to create a checklist for students to complete

and analyze the findings

Data Analysis Procedure

The survey checklist will be analyzed quantitatively using descriptive statistics to

identify the effects, factors that affect the public speaking skills of senior high school

students and the public speaking skills of senior high school students. The activities that

the researcher will conduct are the distribution of a survey checklist, then verifying the

conclusion of the data, and analyzing what are factors that affect students’ public speaking

skills, how these factors affect their public speaking skills, and the significant relationship

among affecting factors and the public speaking skills among senior high school students.

Statistical Treatment

The data collected from the study participants will be analyzed using the following

statistical methods.

Descriptive statistics will be used to summarize and describe the main features of a

datasets, such as its central tendency, variability, and distribution. These methods provide

an overview of the data and help identify patterns and relationships.

𝑤𝑚 = ∑ ⬚ 𝑛

Formula of mean:

𝑤 = weight

𝑓 = frequency

∑ = summation

n = number of respondents

𝑤𝑚 = weighted mean
To investigate if there is a significant association between the public speaking skills of

senior high school students and the influencing factors such as lack of self-confidence,

communication anxiety, and lack of preparation time, we will use the Pearson r correlation


𝑛𝛴𝑥𝑦 − 𝛴𝑥𝛴𝑦
√𝑛(𝛴𝑥 2 ) − (𝛴𝑥)2 ][𝑛(𝛴𝑦 2 ) − (𝛴𝑦 2 )]

Where r= Pearson r

n= number of respondents 𝛴𝑦= sum of all y value

𝛴𝑥𝑦= sum of all xy value (𝛴𝑥 2 )= sum of all x2 value

𝛴𝑥= sum of all x value (𝛴𝑦 2 )= sum of all y2 value

Ethical Consideration

A study should be ethical in every manner before it is conducted. The research

participants will be fully informed about the goals, risks, and advantages of the study before

the survey.

The researchers abide these ethical considerations through maintaining integrity and

trust in their research study by following these principles like legality, respect, objective,

honesty, and confidentiality. Researchers ensures that before conducting the survey,

researchers will be given an authorization signed by the school principal.

Legality. Researchers ensure that requesting authorization from those in charge of the

school’s property will be done in writing, in a letter written to the principal of office and

signed by the principal.

Respect. The right to make independent decisions, fair and respectful treatment

throughout the study, and the freedom to leave the study at any moment are all examples
of how researchers will uphold the dignity of research participants. The possible

advantages of the research respondents will be taken seriously by the researchers.

Objective. The researchers in this study gave priority to reporting and refrained from

incorporating their personal biases and opinions.

Honesty. Researchers who have been insured do an honest job of reporting all data,

results, methods, and processes.

Confidentiality. Research respondents will be kept confidential and only accessed by

authorized individuals involved in this study.

Chapter 3

Results and Discussion

This chapter presents the data gathered, the statistical analysis results, and the

interpretation of findings on the factors that affect public speaking skills among senior high

school students at Pagadian Capitol College Inc.

These are presented in tables following the sequence of communication

apprehension, lack of self-confidence, and lack of time preparation, the effects of these

factors affecting the public speaking skills, and the public speaking skills regarding the

factors affecting public speaking skills among senior high students. The analysis and

interpretation of data is carried out in one phase, based on the results of the research survey

checklist and dealing with a quantitative analysis of data.

Category no. 1 What factors affect senior high school students public speaking skills in

terms of communication apprehension, lack of self-confidence, and lack of time


The development of effective public speaking skills among senior high school students

is influenced by various factors, including communication apprehension, lack of self-

confidence, and lack of time for preparation. These factors intertwine to shape students’

abilities to communicate confidently and articulately in public settings.

Table 3. Factors affecting public speaking skills in terms of communication apprehension

No. Indicators Mean SD Interpretation

My hands shake and some of my body feels Strongly
1 3.28 0.39
very tense when I am giving a speech. Affect
I feel unmotivated to share my thoughts Slightly
2 2.78 0.33
with my classmates or teacher. Affect
I get nervous and confused when I speak in Slightly
3 2.86 0.34
front of the class. Affect
I tremble when I know that I am going to Slightly
4 3.16 0.37
be called on in class. Affect
I feel anxious during a speech, such as
Does not
5 shyness, nervousness, and lack of eye- 2.9 0.33
Overall 2.996 0.352
Scale: 3.26-4.0(Strongly Affect);2.51-3.25 (Slightly Affect);1.76-2.50(Does not
affect);1.00-1.75 (Strongly does not affect)
Communication apprehension reflects an overall weighted mean of 2.996, with a

standard deviation of 0.352, interpreted as slightly affect. The indicator posted with the

highest mean is indicator 1 (My hands shake and some of my body feels very tense when

I am giving a speech.) at 3.28, with a standard deviation of 0.39, interpreted as strongly

affect. Meanwhile, the indicator posted with the lowest mean is indicator 5 (I feel anxious

during a speech, such as shyness, nervousness, and lack of eye contact.) at 2.9, with a

standard deviation of 0.33, interpreted as does not affect.

Table 4. Factors affecting the public speaking skills in terms of lack of self-confidence

No Indicators Mean SD Interpretation

I get nervous or anxious when speaking in Strongly
1 3.28 0.39
public. Affect
I do avoid eye contact while Slightly
2 2.78 0.33
communicating with others. Affect
I lack motivation when I speak before an Slightly
3 2.86 0.34
audience. Affect
I frequently worry about social judgment Slightly
4 3.16 0.37
and evaluation during public speaking. Affect
I feel ashamed when I have to answer the Does not
5 2.84 0.33
question voluntarily in class. affect
Overall 2.984 0.352
Scale: 3.26-4.0 (Strongly Affect);2.51-3.25 (Slightly Affect);1.76-2.50(Does not a
affect);1.00-1.75 (Slightly does not affect)

Lack of self-confidence reflects an overall weighted mean of 2.984, with a standard

deviation of 0.352, interpreted as slightly affect. The indicator posted with the highest mean

is indicator 1 (I get nervous or anxious when speaking in public.) at 3.28, with a standard

deviation of 0.39, interpreted as strongly affect. Meanwhile, the indicator posted with the

lowest mean is indicator 5 (I lack motivation when I speak before an audience.) at 2.84,

with a standard deviation of 0.3, interpreted as does not affect.

Table 5. Factors affecting the public speaking skills in terms of lack of time preparation

No. Indicators Mean SD Interpretation

I start to panic when I have to speak in Slightly
1 3.12 0.36
front of the class without much preparation. Affect
Whenever my teacher calls me off guard
2 for recitation, I can’t think of the answer 2.74 0.32
I have given enough time to express my Slightly
3 2.86 0.33
answer in recitation or reporting. Affect
I get nervous when the lecturer ask me Slightly
4 3.16 0.37
questions which I haven’t prepared before. Affect
I have limited time to perform in a Slightly
5 2.84 0.33
speaking performance Affect
Overall 2.944 0.342
Scale: 3.26-4.0 (Strongly Affect);2.51-3.25 (Slightly Affect);1.76-2.50(Does not

affect);1.00-1.75 (Strongly does not affect)

Lack of time preparation reflects an overall weighted mean of 2.944, with a standard

deviation of 0.342, interpreted as slightly affect. The indicator posted with the highest mean

is indicator 4 (I get nervous when the lecturer asks me question I haven't prepared before.)

at 3.16, with a standard deviation of 0.37, interpreted as slightly affect. Meanwhile, the

indicator posted with the lowest mean is indicator 2 (Whenever my teacher calls me off

guard for recitation, I cannot think of the answer immediately.) at 2.74, with a standard

deviation of 0.32, interpreted as slightly affect.

Category no. 2 How do these factors on the public speaking skills affect senior high school


Understanding the impact of various factors on the public speaking skills of senior

high school students is crucial for their personal and academic development. From

confidence levels to preparation techniques, these factors shape not only their ability to

communicate effectively but also their overall growth as individuals.

Table 6. The effects of factors affecting the public speaking skills

No. Indicators Mean SD Interpretation

I encounter difficulties maintaining a Slightly
1 2.74 0.32
smooth flow of speech. Affect
I have received feedback regarding Slightly
2 2.64 0.32
grammar errors in my speeches. Affect
I have received feedback about unclear Slightly
3 2.54 0.31
pronunciation during presentations. Affect
Overall 2.64 0.32
Scale: 3.26-4.0 (Strongly Affect);2.51-3.25 (Slightly Affect);1.76-2.50(Does not

affect);1.00-1.75 (Strongly does not affect)

The effects of factors affecting public speaking skills reflect an overall weighted mean

of 2.64, with a standard deviation of 0.32, which is interpreted as slightly affect. The

indicator posted with the highest mean is indicator 1 (I encounter difficulties maintaining

a smooth flow of speech) at 2.74, with a standard deviation of 0.32, interpreted as slightly

affect. Meanwhile, the indicator posted with the lowest mean is indicator 3 (I Have received

feedback about unclear pronunciation during presentations.) at 2.54, with a standard

deviation of 0.31, interpreted as slightly affect.

Table 7. Public Speaking Skills

No. Indicators Mean SD Interpretation

1 I can deliver my speech confidently. 2.72 0.32 High

I push my efforts in order to deliver my

2 2.96 0.34 High
speech better.
I can find some strategies for delivering my
3 2.84 0.33 High
I can gain the benefits of using the
4 strategies that I find in delivering my 2.84 0.33 High
I can maintain my speech within the given
5 2.42 0.32 Low
Overall 2.76 0.33 High
Scale: 3.26-4.0 (Very high);2.51-3.25 (High);1.76-2.50(Low);1.00-1.75 (Very Low)

Public speaking skills reflect an overall weighted mean of 2.76, with a standard

deviation of 0.33, interpreted as high. The indicator posted with the highest mean is

indicator 2 (I push my efforts to deliver my speech better.) at 2.96, with a standard deviation

of 0.34, interpreted as high. Meanwhile, the indicator posted with the lowest mean is

indicator 5 (I can maintain my speech within the given time.) at 2.42, with a standard

deviation of 0.32, interpreted as low.

The summary of the 3 indicators of factors affecting the public speaking skills of

senior high school students is presented in Table 8.

No. Indicators Mean SD Interpretation

1 Communication apprehension 2.996 0.352 Slightly Affect

2 Lack of self-confidence 2.984 0.352 Slightly Affect

3 Lack of time preparation 2.994 0.342 Slightly Affect

Overall 2.97 0.35 Slightly Affect
Table 8. Factors affecting the public speaking skills of senior high school students

The Factors Affecting Public Speaking Skills reflect an overall weighted mean of

2.97, with a standard deviation of 0.35, interpreted as slightly affect. The indicator with the

highest mean is Item 1 (communication apprehension) at 2.996, with a standard deviation

of 0.352, interpreted as slightly affect. Meanwhile, the indicator with the lowest mean is

Item 3 (lack of time preparation) at 2.944, with a standard deviation of 0.342, interpreted

as slightly affect.

Category no. 3 Is there any significant relationship between the affecting factors and the

public speaking skills of senior high school students?

Hypothesis testing of Relationship between the affecting factors in terms of

communication apprehension, lack of self-confidence, and lack of time preparation and the

public speaking skills of senior high school students. The significance of the relationship

between the affecting factors in terms of communication apprehension, lack of self-

confidence, and lack of time preparation and public speaking skills among senior high

school students is presented in Table 9.

Variables. Pearson r Interpretation t-computed t-tabular Interpretation

Communication Negligible
-0.08 20.007 2.012 Significant
apprehension Correlation

Lack of self- Low
-0.38 19.766 2.012 Significant
confidence correlation

Lack of time Negligible
-0.29 20.551 2.012 Significant
preparation correlation

Overall -0.25 20.108 2.012 Significant

Table 9. Relationship between Affecting factors in terms of communication apprehension,

lack of self-confidence, and lack of time preparation.

Correlation is significant at the 0.05 level (2-tailed).

Pearson “r” Scale: 0 – ± 0.30 = Negligible Correlation *N = 50

± 0.31 – ± 0.50 = Low Correlation
± 0.51 – ± 0.70 = Moderate Correlation
± 0.71 – ± 0.90 = High Correlation
± 0.91 – ±1.00 = Very High Correlation
Table 9 revealed the result in determining the correlation between the affecting

factors in terms of communication apprehension, lack of self-confidence, lack of time

preparation, and public speaking skills among senior high school students. The Pearson r-

value was -0.25, which indicates that the affecting factors and the public speaking skills of

senior high school students have a negligible correlation. This means that the public

speaking skills of senior high school students differ in communication apprehension, lack

of self-confidence, and lack of time preparation. On the other hand, it is t-computed > t-

tabular, which shows a significant relationship between the affecting factors and the public

speaking skills of senior high school students. Thus, the null hypothesis is rejected, and the

alternative hypothesis is accepted, stating that there is a significant relationship between

the affecting factors and the public speaking skills of senior high school students.
Chapter 4

Summary of Findings, Conclusion, and Recommendations

This chapter presents the summary of the findings, the conclusion, and the

recommendations based on the study's results. By considering these factors and

implementing targeted interventions, Senior High School Students, Teachers, School

Administration, and Future Researchers.

Summary of findings

1. What factors affect senior high school students public speaking skills in terms of

communication apprehension, lack of self-confidence, and lack of time preparation.

The factors affecting the public speaking skills among senior high school students

in terms of communication apprehension, lack of self-confidence, and lack of time

preparation reveal an overall weighted mean of 3.00, indicating an effect on public

speaking skills. Communication apprehension is the highest contributing factor, while lack

of time preparation is the least significant factor.

The findings suggest that communication apprehension significantly affects the

public speaking skills of senior high school students. However, factors such as lack of time

preparation also play a role, but to a lesser degree. Understanding and addressing these

factors could improve students' public speaking skills.

2. How do these factors on the public speaking skills affect senior high school students?

The research study investigated the effects of three main factors: lack of self-

confidence, communication apprehension, and lack of time preparation. The overall

weighted mean for the affects of these factors on public speaking skills was 2.64,

interpreted as affect. Among the indicators, difficulty maintaining a smooth flow of speech

was identified as the most significant challenge, with a mean of 2.74. On the other hand,

receiving feedback about unclear pronunciation during presentations was the least reported

issue, with a mean of 2.54.

The findings suggest that the identified factors affect the public speaking skills of

senior high school students at Pagadian Capitol College. Lack of self-confidence,

communication apprehension, and lack of time for preparation collectively contribute to

the challenges students face in developing practical public speaking abilities. While some

indicators, such as maintaining a smooth flow of speech, appear to be more prevalent issues,

others, like unclear pronunciation, receive comparatively less attention.

3. Is there any significant relationship between the affecting factors and the public speaking

skills among senior high school students?

The research investigated the factors affecting public speaking skills among senior

high school students at Pagadian Capitol College. It found a negligible correlation between

the affecting factors (communication apprehension, lack of self-confidence, lack of time

preparation) and public speaking skills, with a Pearson r-value of -0.25. However, it
identified a significant relationship between these factors and public speaking skills, as

evidenced by a t-computed value more significant than the t-tabular value.

Despite the negligible correlation, the study's findings suggest that factors such as

communication apprehension, lack of self-confidence, and lack of time preparation impact

the public speaking skills of senior high school students. This indicates that while these

factors may not directly correlate, they still play a significant role in shaping students' skills

in public speaking.


In conclusion, the research study on the factors affecting the public speaking skills

among senior high school students at Pagadian Capitol College indicates that it

significantly affects the students' public speaking skills, particularly in terms of

communication apprehension. While communication apprehension emerged as the primary

affecting factor, lack of self-confidence and time preparation also contribute to the

challenges students face in developing practical public speaking abilities. Despite a

negligible correlation between these factors and public speaking skills, the study

underscores their significant relationship, suggesting that addressing these factors could

enhance students' public speaking skills. Understanding the nuances of these challenges

and implementing targeted interventions tailored to alleviate communication apprehension,

boost self-confidence, and support time management could ultimately empower students

to become more proficient public speakers.


Based on the findings, the researcher endorses the following recommendations that

senior high school students of Pagadian Capitol College Inc. should consider adopting the

following specific recommendations that are provided;

To the teachers provide ample opportunities for students to practice and receive

constructive feedback on their public speaking abilities, encourage a supportive and

inclusive classroom environment where students feel comfortable expressing themselves

and taking risks in public speaking activities, and regular practice and exposure to public

speaking opportunities to build confidence and proficiency in this skill.

To the Institution Incorporate time management skills into the curriculum to help

students better prepare for presentations and speeches.

To the elementary teachers offer individualized support or motivate students

struggling with specific aspects of public speaking, such as pronunciation or maintaining a

smooth flow of speech.

To the students practice regularly, manage nervousness, prepare thoroughly, and

persist and reflect. Keep practicing and reflecting on your progress. Celebrate your

successes and learn from any setbacks to continuously improve your public speaking skills.

To the future researchers, consider expanding the scope of the study by including a

larger population sample from diverse backgrounds to ensure the findings are more

representative. Additionally, investigating the correlation between language proficiency

and public speaking skills could provide valuable insights into how linguistic abilities

impact the overall public speaking proficiency.

By addressing these recommendations, educational institutions can effectively support

students in overcoming public speaking barriers and cultivating essential communication

skills for their future academic and professional endeavors.



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Appendix A

Ms. Shiela May de Jesus
School Principal
Pagadian Capitol College Inc.
Tuburan District, Pagadian City


As the researcher we are writing to request permission to conduct a study inside

Pagadian Capitol College Inc. regarding our research study entitled Factors Affecting
Public Speaking Skill among Senior High School Students. The data collected will be
used solely for academic purposes and will be kept confidential.
We kindly request your approval to proceed with the study and would be grateful for
any assistance or guidance you can provide in this matter.
Thank you for considering our request. We look forward to your favorable response.


Recommending Approval:
Rona Mae Albano
Research Adviser

Richelle Ann Tagaytay

Research Teacher

Approved by:
Shiela May de Jesus
School Principal

Appendix B



This survey is confidential. It is voluntary, and you can stop at any moment; no information

is gathered that might be used to identify you.

Grade level: _______________
Strand: ____________
Instruction: Complete the questionnaire below by putting a check (✓) mark that represents

your opinion using the scale provided.

Legend: 4 – Strongly Agree 3 – Agree 2 – Disagree 1 – Strongly Disagree

PLEASE NOTE: Answer the questionnaire with all honesty.

Table 3. Communication Apprehension

Question SD D A SA
1 2 3 4
1. My hands shake and some of my body feels very tense
when I am giving a speech.
2. I feel unmotivated to share my thoughts with my
classmates or teacher.
3. I get nervous and confused when I speak in front of the
4. I tremble when I know that I am going to be called on in
5. I feel anxious during a speech, such as shyness,
nervousness, and lack of eye-contact.

Total No. of response


Shadish, W. R., Cook, T. D., & Campbell, D. T. (2002). Experimental and Quasi-Experimental Designs for
Generalized Causal Inference — Northwestern Scholars.

Allen et al., ( 2021 ) entitled: The Effect of Speaking Anxiety on Students Performance in Speech Class.

Table 4. Lack of Self-confidence

Questions SD D A SA
1 2 3 4
1. I get nervous or anxious when speaking in public.

2. I do avoid eye contact while communicating with others.

3. I lack motivation when I speak before an audience.

4. I frequently worry about social judgment and evaluation

during public speaking.

5. I feel ashamed when I have to answer the question

voluntarily in class.

Total No. of response

Viwattanabuchong, S. (2018) entitled :A Survey Of Factors That Cause Public Speaking Anxiety For EFL

Table 5. Lack of Time Preparation

1 2 3 4
1. I start to panic when I have to speak in front of the class
without much preparation.
2. Whenever my teacher calls me off guard for recitation,
I can’t think of the answer immediately.
3. I have given enough time to express my answer in
recitation or reporting.
4. I get nervous when the lecturer ask me questions which
I haven’t prepared before.
5. I have limited time to perform in a speaking
Total No. of response
Palmes, R (2023) Factors Affecting Students Speaking Performance.’_SPEAKIN

Table no. 6 The effects of factors affecting the public speaking skills

Questions SD D A SA
1 2 3 4
1. I encounter difficulties maintaining a smooth delivery of
2. I Have received feedback regarding grammar errors in
my speeches.
3. I Have received feedback about unclear pronunciation
during presentations.
Total No. of response

Table no. 7 Public Speaking Skills

Questions SD D A SA
1 2 3 4
1. I can deliver my speech confidently.

2. I push my efforts in order to deliver my speech better.

3. I can find some strategies for delivering my speech.

4. I can gain the benefits of using the strategies that I find in

delivering my speech.

5. I can maintain my speech within the given time.

Total No. of response

Verified by:

Rona Mae Albano


Reia Erika Dumandan

Panel member

Jonas Rey Ebarle

Panel member

Lynde Joy Limot

Panel member

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