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Issue No: - 01 Amendment No: - 00 Page No: 1 of 3
Issue Date: - 22.05.2024 Amendment Date: - 00

Procedure for Training of Personnel - SMASPL/HYD/MSP/03

To describe the procedure for competency, training needs of analysts identified and training provided to
staff in SMASPL Hyderabad.
Applicable to all SMASPL Hyderabad involved in carrying the activities in the laboratory.

The overall responsibility lies with Quality Manager and Technical Manager and individual analyst.

At SMASPL Hyderabad all the laboratory staff signed an agreement to impartiality and confidentiality and
➢ follow the roles and responsibilities and perform the analysis without any bias.

4.1 Competency Requirements:

At SMASPL Hyderabad each laboratory designation has a competency requirement i.e., for Quality
Manager, Technical Manager, Analyst and based on the requirement for education, qualification, training,
technical knowledge, skills, and experience. (Ref: SMASPL/HYD/6.2/01)
4.2 Selection of the personnel:
a. SMASPL Hyderabad performs the recruitment of job vacancies in the organization through HR consultancy
services. SMASPL receives the application from the HR consultancy services and eligible candidates for
the position, verifies their testimonials of their qualification, relevant experience, trainings and conducts
the written test and personal interview to the candidates by technical manager & CEO. Based on their
performance in the written test and personal interview, the candidates are shortlisted and selected as per
company norms.

SMASPL performs the background verification of the certificates provided by the selected candidate for
the authenticity of the documents provided.

SMASPL issues appointment letters for the shortlisted candidates clearly indicating the terms and
conditions of the employment.

SMASPL accepts the joining letter from the candidate towards the acknowledgment of acceptance of the
appointment letter.

Prepared by Reviewed by Approved by

Name M Swarna D Madhavi M Mahendar
Designation Quality Manager Technical Manager CEO
Sign & Date


Issue No: - 01 Amendment No: - 00 Page No: 2 of 3
Issue Date: - 22.05.2024 Amendment Date: - 00

4.3 Training of the personnel:

4.3.1 Responsibility for the Training of the personnel:
Quality Manager and Technical Manager are overall responsible for conducting the training of the

4.3.2 Training Need identification:

At SMASPL Hyderabad Quality Manager and Technical Manager identify the training needs of the
personnel related to the functional area of the trainee and issues a related SOP or training handouts and
training record. Training needs are identified based on the trainee job description, laboratory activities and
also based on the SMASPL Hyderabad and customer requirements. The trainee is allowed to read the SOPs
thoroughly. The trainees are allowed to write the training records related to the trainings conducted.

4.3.3 Training Process

➢ During the on-job training, the trainee is assigned with functional SOPs and training is conducted on the
SOPs, various analytical techniques, working principles, instrumentation, troubleshooting etc.
➢ Trainer gives the oral training and practical demonstration of analytical test and operation of equipment to
ensure that the trainee understands the concept of the technique.
SMASPL Hyderabad has a training plan for conducting training to all the personnel of the laboratory.

Training plan is prepared by Quality Manager in consultation with the Technical Manager.

➢ At SMASPL Hyderabad internal trainings are planned and conducted by Technical Manager.
Criteria for successful completion of training is acquiring ≥ 70 % marks during evaluation or sample result
➢ within acceptance criteria for allotted pretested sample. The acceptance criteria are as per the internal
quality control plan acceptance criteria of the tested samples. (Ref: IQC Plan – SMASPL/HYD/7.7/02).
During evaluation, if the criteria is not met, Technical Manager or Quality Manager plans refreshment

training on the same topic to ensure competency among the personnel.

4.4 Training Effectiveness and Training Evaluation:

To verify the effectiveness of the training performed, Technical Manager in consultation with Quality
Manager perform the training evaluation on the topics covered during the training. Training evaluation is

performed through questionnaires, allotment of pretested sample to the trainee. The trainee is allowed to
answer all the questions in the questionnaire and/or and allowed to do the analysis of pretested sample.
Criteria for successful completion of training is acquiring ≥ 70 % marks during evaluation or sample result

within acceptance criteria for allotted pretested sample.

Prepared by Reviewed by Approved by

Name M Swarna D Madhavi M Mahendar
Designation Quality Manager Technical Manager CEO
Sign & Date


Issue No: - 01 Amendment No: - 00 Page No: 3 of 3
Issue Date: - 22.05.2024 Amendment Date: - 00

4.5 Authorization of personnel:

SMASPL Hyderabad upon successful training and evaluation authorizes specific to perform task. i.e., to
➢ perform specific test or to operate specific equipment or to perform a specific activity.
SMASPL Hyderabad authorized Quality Manager for the implementation of the laboratory management
➢ system. Technical Manager is authorized for the method verification. Technical manager is authorized for
the review and authorization of the test results.
SMASPL Hyderabad issues the job authorizations to the individual personnel to perform a specific task.

The job authorizations are prepared and issued by Quality Manager & Head of the laboratory.

Technical Manager are authorized for the following activities in the laboratory;
➢ a. Verification of Standard Test Methods and APHA followed at SMASPL.
b. analysis of test results, report, review, and authorization of results.

4.6 Current Job Descriptions:

Analyst communicates the job descriptions to all the personnel. The job descriptions cover the roles and
➢ responsibilities of the personnel. (Ex: To perform a particular test or to operate a particular equipment, Job
Authorization & description – SMASPL/HYD/6.2/03)
4.7 Supervision & Monitoring competence of personnel:
At SMASPL Hyderabad individual competency of the Analyst is monitored by the technical manager

through the performance in the training evaluations, performance in the PT/ILC and IQC activities.

➢ Concerned analyst undergo refreshment training if the competency is not fulfilled during the supervision.
Reference Records:

Competency Requirements – SMASPL/HYD/6.2/01

Training Plan – SMASPL/HYD/6.2/02
Job Authorization & description – SMASPL/HYD/6.2/03
Training attendance & feedback form – SMASPL/HYD/6.2/04
Appointment letter – SMASPL/HYD/6.2/05
Joining letter – SMASPL/HYD/6.2/06

Prepared by Reviewed by Approved by

Name M Swarna D Madhavi M Mahendar
Designation Quality Manager Technical Manager CEO
Sign & Date

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